aa3000 |
BBC A3000 |
acorn/aa310.cpp |
aa3010 |
Acorn A3010 |
acorn/aa310.cpp |
aa3010_de |
Acorn A3010 (German) |
acorn/aa310.cpp |
aa3020 |
Acorn A3020 |
acorn/aa310.cpp |
aa305 |
Archimedes 305 |
acorn/aa310.cpp |
aa310 |
Archimedes 310 |
acorn/aa310.cpp |
aa4 |
Acorn A4 |
acorn/aa310.cpp |
aa4000 |
Acorn A4000 |
acorn/aa310.cpp |
aa4101 |
Archimedes 410/1 |
acorn/aa310.cpp |
aa4201 |
Archimedes 420/1 |
acorn/aa310.cpp |
aa440 |
Archimedes 440 |
acorn/aa310.cpp |
aa4401 |
Archimedes 440/1 |
acorn/aa310.cpp |
aa5000 |
Acorn A5000 |
acorn/aa310.cpp |
aa5000a |
Acorn A5000 Alpha |
acorn/aa310.cpp |
aa540 |
Archimedes 540 |
acorn/aa310.cpp |
aa680 |
Acorn A680 UNIX Evaluation System |
acorn/aa310.cpp |
adonis |
Adonis (0200751V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
adonisa |
Adonis (0100751V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
adonisce |
Adonis - Cash Express (0201005V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
adonisu |
Adonis (BHG1508, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
alchemst |
Alchemist (01J02046, Venezuela) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
am4 |
Acorn M4 |
acorn/aa310.cpp |
ar140 |
Acorn R140 |
acorn/aa310.cpp |
ar225 |
Acorn R225 |
acorn/aa310.cpp |
ar260 |
Acorn R260 |
acorn/aa310.cpp |
aristmk5 |
MKV Set/Clear Chips (US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
baddog |
Bad Dog Poker (0200428V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
blackpnt |
Black Panther (0200818V, Victoria) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
blackpntu |
Black Panther (FHG0949-01, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
bootsctn |
Boot Scootin' (0100812V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
bootsctnu |
Boot Scootin' (AHG1547, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
bootsctnua |
Boot Scootin' (AHG1433, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
bootsctnub |
Boot Scootin' (GHG1012-02, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
bootsctnuc |
Boot Scootin' (GHG1012-01, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
bootsctnud |
Boot Scootin' (GHG1008-03, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
bparty |
Bachelorette Party (BHG1248, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
bpartya |
Bachelorette Party (BHG1579, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
bpartyb |
Bachelorette Party (BHG1247, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
bumblbug |
Bumble Bugs (0200510V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
bumblbugq |
Bumble Bugs (0200456V, Queensland) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
bumblbugu |
Bumble Bugs (CHG0479-03, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
bumblbugua |
Bumble Bugs (CHG0479-02, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
bumblbugub |
Bumble Bugs (CHG0479-99, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
buttdeli |
Butterfly Delight (0200143V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
canrose |
Canyon Rose (AHG1463, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
cashcat |
Cash Cat (0100676V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
cashcata |
Cash Cat (0100557V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
cashcatnz |
Cash Cat (0300863V, New Zealand) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
cashcham |
Cash Chameleon (0100438V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
cashchama |
Cash Chameleon (0200437V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
cashchamnz |
Cash Chameleon (0300781V, New Zealand) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
cashchamu |
Cash Chameleon (DHG4078-99, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
cashcra5 |
Cash Crop (0300467V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
cashcra5a |
Cash Crop (0300447V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
chariotc |
Chariot Challenge (0100787V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
chariotcpe |
Chariot Challenge (04J00714, Peru) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
chariotcu |
Chariot Challenge (RHG0635-02, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
checkma5 |
Checkmate (01J00681, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
chickna5 |
Chicken (0100351V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
chickna5q |
Chicken (0200530V, Queensland) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
chickna5u |
Chicken (RHG0730-03, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
chickna5ua |
Chicken (RHG0730-99, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
chickna5v |
Chicken (01J01886, Venezuela) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
coralrc2 |
Coral Riches II (0100919V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
cuckoo |
Cuckoo (0200753V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
cuckoou |
Cuckoo (CHG1195, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
diamdest |
Diamond Destiny (AHG1533, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
diamdove |
Diamond Dove (0101018V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
dimtouch |
Diamond Touch (0400433V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
dmdfever |
Diamond Fever (0200302V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
dolphntr |
Dolphin Treasure (0200424V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
dolphntra |
Dolphin Treasure (0100424V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
dolphntrb |
Dolphin Treasure (0100388V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
dolphntrce |
Dolphin Treasure - Cash Express (AHG1607, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
dolphntrcea |
Dolphin Treasure - Cash Express (AHG1606, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
dolphntrceb |
Dolphin Treasure - Cash Express (AHG1519, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
dolphntrq |
Dolphin Treasure (0101250V, Queensland) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
dolphntru |
Dolphin Treasure (FHG4076-02, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
dolphntrua |
Dolphin Treasure (FHG4077-02, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
dreamwv |
Dream Weaver (0200586V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
drgneye |
Dragon's Eye (0100521V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
dstbloom |
Desert Bloom (0300111V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
dstblooma |
Desert Bloom (0200111V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
dynajack |
Dynamite Jack (01J00081, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
dynajacku |
Dynamite Jack (CHG1562, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
eforsta5 |
Enchanted Forest (0400122V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
eforsta5u |
Enchanted Forest (JHG0415-03, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
eforsta5ua |
Enchanted Forest (JHG0415-99, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
eforstce |
Enchanted Forest - Cash Express (AHG1615, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
eforstcea |
Enchanted Forest - Cash Express (CHG1536, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
eldorda5 |
El Dorado (0100652V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
ertictac |
Erotictac/Tactic |
acorn/ertictac.cpp |
ertictaca |
Erotictac/Tactic (ver 01) |
acorn/ertictac.cpp |
ertictacb |
Erotictac/Tactic (set 2) |
acorn/ertictac.cpp |
fastfort |
Fast Fortune (0100651V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
fortellr |
Fortune Teller (01J00131, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
fortfvr |
Fortune Fever (BHG1566, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
gamblra5 |
The Gambler (EHG0916-02, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
geisha |
Geisha (0101153V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
geishanz |
Geisha (0101408V, New Zealand) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
genmagi |
Genie Magic (0200894V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
glizrdce |
Green Lizard - Cash Express (AHG1623, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
gnomeatw |
Gnome Around The World (0100767V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
goldenra |
Golden Ra (0101164V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
goldpyr |
Golden Pyramids (0100878V, ASP) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
goldpyru |
Golden Pyramids (AHG1206-99, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
goldpyrua |
Golden Pyramids (AHG1205-03, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
honeypot |
Honey Pot (03J00241, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
honktonk |
Honky Tonk (BHG1455, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
hrtthrob |
Heart Throb (01J02866, Venezuela) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
incasun |
Inca Sun (0100872V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
incasunnz |
Inca Sun (0101108V, New Zealand) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
incasunsp |
Inca Sun (0100872V, NSW/ACT, Show Program) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
incasunu |
Inca Sun (DHG1577, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
incasunua |
Inca Sun (CHG1458, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
incasunv |
Inca Sun (01J01946, Venezuela) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
indrema5 |
Indian Dreaming (0100845V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
indrema5q |
Indian Dreaming (0101340V, Queensland) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
indrema5v |
Indian Dreaming (02J01856, Venezuela) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
jkrpkra5 |
Joker Poker (0301477V, New Zealand) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
jumpbean |
Jumping Beans (0100161V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
jumpjoey |
Jumpin' Joeys (0100383V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
jumpjoeyu |
Jumpin' Joeys (DHG4735-02, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
jungjuic |
Jungle Juice (0200240V, ASP) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
kgalah |
King Galah (0200536V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
kgalaha |
King Galah (0100536V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
kgalahce |
King Galah - Cash Express (AHG1625, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
kgbirda5 |
K.G. Bird (0200024V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
kingsran |
King's Ransom (0301689V, New Zealand) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
koalamnt |
Koala Mint (CHG1573, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
kookabuk |
Kooka Bucks (0100677V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
kyhaton |
Keep Your Hat On (BHG1204, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
locoloot |
Loco Loot (0100473V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
locoloota |
Loco Loot (0100472V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
locolootnz |
Loco Loot (0600725V, New Zealand) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
locolootq |
Loco Loot (0300670V, Queensland) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
locolootu |
Loco Loot (AHG1513, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
lonewolf |
Lone Wolf (0100587V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
luckyclo |
Lucky Clover (0300109V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
magimask |
Magic Mask (AHG1549, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
magimaska |
Magic Mask (AHG1548, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
magimaskb |
Magic Mask (DHG1309, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
magimaskc |
Magic Mask (AHG1207, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
magtcha5 |
Magic Touch (0300455V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
magtcha5a |
Magic Touch (0200455V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
mammothm |
Mammoth Money (0100425V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
marmagic |
Margarita Magic (01J00101, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
marmagicu |
Margarita Magic (EHG1559, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
marmagicua |
Margarita Magic (EHG1558, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
mgarden |
Magic Garden (AHG1211-03, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
mgardena |
Magic Garden (AHG1211-99, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
minemine |
Mine, Mine, Mine (0400115V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
minemineu |
Mine, Mine, Mine (VHG0416-99, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
minemineua |
Mine, Mine, Mine (NHG0416-02, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
minemineub |
Mine, Mine, Mine (NHG0416-99, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
monmouse |
Money Mouse (0400469V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
monmousea |
Money Mouse (0300469V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
montree |
Money Tree (0201397V, New Zealand) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
mountmon |
Mountain Money (0100294V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
mountmona |
Mountain Money (0100289V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
mountmonce |
Mountain Money - Cash Express (AHG1629, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
mountmonu |
Mountain Money (BHG1465, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
mountmonua |
Mountain Money (BHG1464, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
multidrw |
Multidraw - Free Games (0200956V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
mystgard |
Mystic Garden (0100275V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
one4all |
One For All (0101503V, New Zealand) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
orchidms |
Orchid Mist (0200849V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
orchidmsa |
Orchid Mist (0100849V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
orchidmsnz |
Orchid Mist (0101241V, New Zealand) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
oscara5 |
Oscar (0200348V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
oscara5a |
Oscar (0100348V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
pantmag |
Panther Magic (0101046V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
pantmaga |
Panther Magic (0100716V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
partygrs |
Party Gras (AHG1567, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
partygrsa |
Party Gras (BHG1284, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
partygrsb |
Party Gras (AHG1568, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
peaflut |
Peacock Flutter (02J00011, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
peafluta |
Peacock Flutter (01J00011, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
pengpay |
Penguin Pays (0200460V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
pengpaya |
Penguin Pays (0200357V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
pengpayb |
Penguin Pays (0200359V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
pengpayc |
Penguin Pays (0200113V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
pengpayce |
Penguin Pays - Cash Express (AHG1544, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
pengpaycea |
Penguin Pays - Cash Express (AHG1295, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
pengpayd |
Penguin Pays (0300113V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
pengpaydx |
Penguin Pays Deluxe (AHG1198, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
pengpayu |
Penguin Pays (OHG0417-03, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
pengpayua |
Penguin Pays (OHG0417-02, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
pengpayub |
Penguin Pays (BHI0417-03, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
pengpuck |
Penguin Pays - Penguin Pucks (EHG1257, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
penpir |
Penguin Pirate (0100674V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
penpir2 |
Penguin Pirate II (0100869V, ASP) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
penpira |
Penguin Pirate (0200578V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
petshop |
Pet Shop (0100731V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
petshopa |
Pet Shop (0100679V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
phantpay |
Phantom Pays (0500005V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
phantpyc |
Phantom Pays Classic (0101003V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
poizone |
Poizone |
acorn/ertictac.cpp |
przfight |
Prize Fight (0100299V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
qcash |
Queens of Cash (0100706V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
qnile |
Queen of the Nile (0300439V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
qnilea |
Queen of the Nile (0200439V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
qnileb |
Queen of the Nile (0100439V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
qnilebr |
Queen of the Nile (0101707V, Brazil) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
qnilec |
Queen of the Nile (0300440V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
qnilece |
Queen of the Nile - Cash Express (AHG1609, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
qnilecea |
Queen of the Nile - Cash Express (AHG1525, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
qnileceb |
Queen of the Nile - Cash Express (AHG1608, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
qniled |
Queen of the Nile (0101139V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
qnilefl |
Queen of the Nile - Fast Lane (0101670V, Queensland) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
qnilemax |
Queen of the Nile - Maximillions (0401072V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
qnilenl |
Queen of the Nile (0301059V, Holland) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
qnilenz |
Queen of the Nile (0300785V, New Zealand) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
qnilepe |
Queen of the Nile (04J00784, Peru) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
qnileq |
Queen of the Nile (0201200V, Queensland) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
qnileu |
Queen of the Nile (GHG4091-02, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
qnileua |
Queen of the Nile (GHG4091-03, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
qtbird |
Q.T. Bird (0500009V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
rainwarr |
Rainbow Warriors (0101132V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
rainwarrce |
Rainbow Warriors - Cash Express (0101332V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
reelpwr |
Reel Power (0100400V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
reelrock |
Reelin-n-Rockin (0100779V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
reelrockq |
Reelin-n-Rockin (0101460V, Queensland) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
retrsam |
Return of the Samurai (0400549V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
retrsama |
Return of the Samurai (0200549V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
retrsamb |
Return of the Samurai (0200506V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
rushrst |
Rushin Rooster (0100534V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
sbuk2 |
Super Bucks II (0400501V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
sbuk2a |
Super Bucks II (0300006V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
sbuk3 |
Super Bucks III (0200711V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
sbuk3a |
Super Bucks III (0100711V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
sldeluxe |
Sweet Liberty Deluxe (AHG1575, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
slvrwolf |
Silver Wolf (0100673V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
snowcat |
Snow Cat (0100405V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
sumospin |
Sumo Spins (0200606V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
swhr2 |
Sweethearts II (0200465V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
swhr2a |
Sweethearts II (0200004V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
swhr2q |
Sweethearts II (0100860V, Queensland) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
swhr2u |
Sweethearts II (PHG0742-02, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
swhr2v |
Sweethearts II (01J01986, Venezuela) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
thndh |
Thunder Heart (0200333V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
thndha |
Thunder Heart (0200334V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
thor |
Thor (0200319V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
topbana |
Top Banana (0100550V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
toutango |
Toucan Tango (0100782V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
toutangonl |
Toucan Tango (0301388V, Holland) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
tritreat |
Triple Treat (0201692V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
trojhors |
Trojan Horse (01J00851, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
trpdlght |
Tropical Delight (0100269V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
trpdlghtu |
Tropical Delight (PHG0625-02, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
trstrove |
Treasure Trove (01J00161, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
unicornd |
Unicorn Dreaming (0100791V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
unicornda |
Unicorn Dreaming (0100813V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
unicorndnz |
Unicorn Dreaming (0101228V, New Zealand) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
unicorndu |
Unicorn Dreaming (BHG1584, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
venicea5 |
Venice (02J02056, Venezuela) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
wafrica |
Wild Africa (AHG1535, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
wamazon |
Wild Amazon (0200507V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
wamazona |
Wild Amazon (0200285V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
wamazonv |
Wild Amazon (01J01996, Venezuela) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
wcougar |
Wild Cougar (0100167V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
wcougaru |
Wild Cougar (AHG1531, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
wcougarua |
Wild Cougar (NHG0296-07, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
wcougarub |
Wild Cougar (NHG0296-04, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
wcougaruc |
Wild Cougar (NHG0296-99, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
wcougarud |
Wild Cougar (NHG0632-07, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
wcoyote |
Wild Coyote (AHG1515, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
wikwin |
Wicked Winnings (0100553V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
wildbill |
Wild Bill (0100297V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
wizways |
Wizard Ways (0200396V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
wldangel |
Wild Angels (0100337V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
wldangelu |
Wild Angels (QHG0477-04, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
wnpost |
Winning Post (RHG0418-04, US) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
wthing |
Wild Thing (0101158V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
wthinga |
Wild Thing (0201176V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
wtigerc |
White Tiger Classic (0200954V, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |
yukongl5 |
Yukon Gold (03J00191, NSW/ACT) |
acorn/aristmk5.cpp |