3stooges |
The Three Stooges In Brides Is Brides (set 1) |
gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp |
3stoogesa |
The Three Stooges In Brides Is Brides (set 2) |
gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp |
amazonh2 |
Amazon Hunt II (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
amazonh3 |
Amazon Hunt III (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
amazonh3a |
Amazon Hunt III (rev. 1, French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
andretti |
Mario Andretti (rev.T4) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
andretti0 |
Mario Andretti |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
arena |
Arena |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
arenaa |
Arena (alternate set) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
arenaf |
Arena (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
arenag |
Arena (German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
badgirls |
Bad Girls |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
badgirlsa |
Bad Girls (alternate set) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
badgirlsf |
Bad Girls (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
badgirlsg |
Bad Girls (German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
barbwire |
Barb Wire |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
bellring |
Bell Ringer |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
bighouse |
Big House |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
bighousef |
Big House (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
bighouseg |
Big House (German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
bighurt |
Frank Thomas' Big Hurt (rev.3) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
bonebstr |
Bone Busters Inc. |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
bonebstrf |
Bone Busters Inc. (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
bonebstrg |
Bone Busters Inc. (German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
cactjack |
Cactus Jack's |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
carhop |
Car Hop |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
ccruise |
Caribbean Cruise |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
clas1812 |
Class of 1812 |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
cobram3 |
Cobra Command (M.A.C.H. 3 hardware, set 1) |
gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp |
cobram3a |
Cobra Command (M.A.C.H. 3 hardware, set 2) |
gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp |
cueball |
Cue Ball Wizard |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
cueballa |
Cue Ball Wizard (rev. 2) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
cueballb |
Cue Ball Wizard (rev. 3) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
cueballc |
Cue Ball Wizard (older display rev.) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
deadweap |
Deadly Weapon |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
diamondp |
Diamond Lady |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
diamondpf |
Diamond Lady (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
diamondpg |
Diamond Lady (German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
excalibr |
Excalibur (Gottlieb) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
excalibrf |
Excalibur (Gottlieb, French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
excalibrg |
Excalibur (Gottlieb, German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
exterm |
Exterminator |
gottlieb/exterm.cpp |
freddy |
Freddy: A Nightmare on Elm Street (rev.4) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
freddy3 |
Freddy: A Nightmare on Elm Street (rev.3) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
genesisp |
Genesis |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
genesispf |
Genesis (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
genesispg |
Genesis (German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
gladiatp |
Gladiators (pinball) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
goldwing |
Gold Wings |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
goldwingf |
Gold Wings (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
goldwingg |
Gold Wings (German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
hlywoodh |
Hollywood Heat |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
hlywoodhf |
Hollywood Heat (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
hlywoodhg |
Hollywood Heat (German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
hoops |
Hoops |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
hotshots |
Hot Shots |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
hotshotsf |
Hot Shots (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
hotshotsg |
Hot Shots (German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
lca |
Lights...Camera...Action! |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
lca2 |
Lights...Camera...Action! (rev.2) |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
mac_zois |
machinaZOIS Virtual Training Center |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
mach3 |
M.A.C.H. 3 (set 1) |
gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp |
mach3a |
M.A.C.H. 3 (set 2) |
gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp |
mach3b |
M.A.C.H. 3 (set 3) |
gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp |
mmmaster |
Master |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
mntecrlo |
Monte Carlo (Pinball) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
mntecrlo2 |
Monte Carlo (Pinball, rev. 2) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
mntecrloa |
Monte Carlo (Pinball, alternate set) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
mntecrlof |
Monte Carlo (Pinball, French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
mntecrlog |
Monte Carlo (Pinball, German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
nmoves |
Night Moves |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
nudgeit |
Nudge-It |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
opthund |
Operation: Thunder |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
raven |
Raven |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
ravena |
Raven (alternate set) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
raveng |
Raven (German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
rescu911 |
Rescue 911 (rev.1) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
robowars |
Robo-War |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
robowarsf |
Robo-War (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
rock |
Rock |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
rock_enc |
Rock Encore |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
rock_encg |
Rock Encore (German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
rockg |
Rock (German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
screwloo |
Screw Loose (prototype) |
gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp |
sfightii |
Street Fighter II (pinball, set 1) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
sfightiia |
Street Fighter II (pinball, set 2) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
sfightiib |
Street Fighter II (pinball, set 3) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
shaqattq |
Shaq Attaq (rev.5) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
shaqattq2 |
Shaq Attaq (rev.2) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
silvslug |
Silver Slugger |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
smbmush |
Super Mario Brothers Mushroom World |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
smbp |
Super Mario Brothers (pinball, set 1) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
smbpa |
Super Mario Brothers (pinball, set 2) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
smbpb |
Super Mario Brothers (pinball, set 3) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
smbpc |
Super Mario Brothers (pinball, set 4) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
sprbreak |
Spring Break |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
sprbreaka |
Spring Break (alternate set) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
sprbreakf |
Spring Break (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
sprbreakg |
Spring Break (German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
sprbreaks |
Spring Break (single ball game) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
stargatp |
Stargate (pinball, rev.5) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
stargatp0 |
Stargate (pinball) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
stargatp1 |
Stargate (pinball, rev.1) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
stargatp2 |
Stargate (pinball, rev.2) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
stargatp3 |
Stargate (pinball, rev.3) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
stargatp4 |
Stargate (pinball, rev.4) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
surfnsaf |
Surf'n Safari |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
teedoffp |
Tee'd Off (pinball, rev.3) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
teedoffp0 |
Tee'd Off (pinball) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
teedoffp1 |
Tee'd Off (pinball, rev.1) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
tfight |
Title Fight |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
topsound |
Top Sound (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
tt_game |
unknown Toptronic pinball game |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
txsector |
TX-Sector |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
txsectorf |
TX-Sector (French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
txsectorg |
TX-Sector (German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
usvsthem |
Us vs. Them |
gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp |
vegas |
Vegas |
pinball/gts3.cpp |
victoryp |
Victory (Pinball) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
victorypf |
Victory (Pinball, French) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
victorypg |
Victory (Pinball, German) |
pinball/gts80b.cpp |
vidvince |
Video Vince and the Game Factory (prototype) |
gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp |
waterwld |
Waterworld (rev.3) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
waterwld2 |
Waterworld (rev.2) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
wcsoccer |
World Challenge Soccer (rev.1, set 1) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
wcsoccer1a |
World Challenge Soccer (rev.1, set 2) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
wipeout |
Wipeout (rev.2, set 1) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
wipeout2a |
Wipeout (rev.2, set 2) |
pinball/gts3a.cpp |
wizwarz |
Wiz Warz (prototype) |
gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp |
gotsndp4 |
Gottlieb Sound pin. 4 |
shared/gottlieb_a.cpp |
gotsndp5 |
Gottlieb Sound pin. 5 |
shared/gottlieb_a.cpp |
gotsndp6 |
Gottlieb Sound pin. 6 |
shared/gottlieb_a.cpp |
gotsndp7 |
Gottlieb Sound pin. 7 |
shared/gottlieb_a.cpp |
gotsndr2 |
Gottlieb Sound rev. 2 |
shared/gottlieb_a.cpp |