ADC0809 A/D Converter

Short name:adc0809
Is device:Yes
Source file:devices/machine/adc0808.cpp

Referenced By

Short name
Source file
720 720 Degrees (rev 4) atari/atarisy2.cpp
720g 720 Degrees (German, rev 2) atari/atarisy2.cpp
720gr1 720 Degrees (German, rev 1) atari/atarisy2.cpp
720r1 720 Degrees (rev 1) atari/atarisy2.cpp
720r2 720 Degrees (rev 2) atari/atarisy2.cpp
720r3 720 Degrees (rev 3) atari/atarisy2.cpp
apb APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 7) atari/atarisy2.cpp
apb1 APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 1) atari/atarisy2.cpp
apb2 APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 2) atari/atarisy2.cpp
apb3 APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 3) atari/atarisy2.cpp
apb4 APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 4) atari/atarisy2.cpp
apb5 APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 5) atari/atarisy2.cpp
apb6 APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 6) atari/atarisy2.cpp
apbf APB - All Points Bulletin (French) atari/atarisy2.cpp
apbg APB - All Points Bulletin (German) atari/atarisy2.cpp
atarisy1 Atari System 1 BIOS atari/atarisy1.cpp
bshark Battle Shark (World) taito/taito_z.cpp
bsharkj Battle Shark (Japan) taito/taito_z.cpp
bsharku Battle Shark (US) taito/taito_z.cpp
cbombers Chase Bombers (World) taito/undrfire.cpp
cbombersj Chase Bombers (Japan) taito/undrfire.cpp
cbombersp Chase Bombers (Japan Prototype) taito/undrfire.cpp
csprint Championship Sprint (rev 3) atari/atarisy2.cpp
csprint1 Championship Sprint (rev 1) atari/atarisy2.cpp
csprint2 Championship Sprint (rev 2) atari/atarisy2.cpp
csprintf Championship Sprint (French) atari/atarisy2.cpp
csprintg Championship Sprint (German, rev 2) atari/atarisy2.cpp
csprintg1 Championship Sprint (German, rev 1) atari/atarisy2.cpp
csprints Championship Sprint (Spanish, rev 2) atari/atarisy2.cpp
csprints1 Championship Sprint (Spanish, rev 1) atari/atarisy2.cpp
emu2 Emulator II emusys/emu2.cpp
eprom Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters (set 1) atari/eprom.cpp
eprom2 Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters (set 2) atari/eprom.cpp
esb The Empire Strikes Back atari/starwars.cpp
firefox Fire Fox (set 1) atari/firefox.cpp
firefoxa Fire Fox (set 2) atari/firefox.cpp
foodf Food Fight (rev 3) atari/foodf.cpp
foodf1 Food Fight (rev 1) atari/foodf.cpp
foodf2 Food Fight (rev 2) atari/foodf.cpp
foodfc Food Fight (cocktail) atari/foodf.cpp
galastrm Galactic Storm (Japan) taito/galastrm.cpp
gdfs Mobile Suit Gundam Final Shooting (Japan) seta/ssv.cpp
groundfx Ground Effects / Super Ground Effects (Japan) taito/groundfx.cpp
guts Guts n' Glory (prototype) atari/eprom.cpp
harddriv Hard Drivin' (cockpit, rev 7) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddriv1 Hard Drivin' (cockpit, rev 1) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddriv2 Hard Drivin' (cockpit, rev 2) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddriv3 Hard Drivin' (cockpit, rev 3) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddrivb Hard Drivin' (cockpit, British, rev 7) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddrivb5 Hard Drivin' (cockpit, British, rev 5) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddrivb6 Hard Drivin' (cockpit, British, rev 6) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddrivc Hard Drivin' (compact, rev 2) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddrivc1 Hard Drivin' (compact, rev 1) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddrivcb Hard Drivin' (compact, British, rev 2) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddrivcbl Hard Drivin' (compact, rev 2 bootleg) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddrivcg Hard Drivin' (compact, German, rev 2) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddrivg Hard Drivin' (cockpit, German, rev 7) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddrivg4 Hard Drivin' (cockpit, German, rev 4) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddrivj Hard Drivin' (cockpit, Japan, rev 7) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddrivj6 Hard Drivin' (cockpit, Japan, rev 6) atari/harddriv.cpp
hdrivair Hard Drivin's Airborne (prototype) atari/harddriv.cpp
hdrivairp Hard Drivin's Airborne (prototype, early rev) atari/harddriv.cpp
hydra Hydra atari/atarig1.cpp
hydrap Hydra (prototype 5/14/90) atari/atarig1.cpp
hydrap2 Hydra (prototype 5/25/90) atari/atarig1.cpp
indytemp Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (set 1) atari/atarisy1.cpp
indytemp2 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (set 2) atari/atarisy1.cpp
indytemp3 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (set 3) atari/atarisy1.cpp
indytemp4 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (set 4) atari/atarisy1.cpp
indytempc Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (cocktail) atari/atarisy1.cpp
indytempd Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (German) atari/atarisy1.cpp
irobot I, Robot atari/irobot.cpp
jedi Return of the Jedi atari/jedi.cpp
motofren Moto Frenzy atari/atarigx2.cpp
motofrenft Moto Frenzy (Field Test Version) atari/atarigx2.cpp
motofrenmd Moto Frenzy (Mini Deluxe) atari/atarigx2.cpp
motofrenmf Moto Frenzy (Mini Deluxe Field Test Version) atari/atarigx2.cpp
nabupc NABU PC misc/nabupc.cpp
newbrain NewBrain AD grundy/newbrain.cpp
newbraina NewBrain A grundy/newbrain.cpp
newbrainmd NewBrain MD grundy/newbrain.cpp
nightstr Night Striker (World) taito/taito_z.cpp
nightstrj Night Striker (Japan) taito/taito_z.cpp
nightstru Night Striker (US) taito/taito_z.cpp
opwolf3 Operation Wolf 3 (World) taito/slapshot.cpp
opwolf3j Operation Wolf 3 (Japan) taito/slapshot.cpp
opwolf3u Operation Wolf 3 (US) taito/slapshot.cpp
paperboy Paperboy (rev 3) atari/atarisy2.cpp
paperboyp Paperboy (prototype) atari/atarisy2.cpp
paperboyr1 Paperboy (rev 1) atari/atarisy2.cpp
paperboyr2 Paperboy (rev 2) atari/atarisy2.cpp
peterpak Peter Pack Rat atari/atarisy1.cpp
racedriv Race Drivin' (cockpit, rev 5) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedriv1 Race Drivin' (cockpit, rev 1) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedriv2 Race Drivin' (cockpit, rev 2) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedriv3 Race Drivin' (cockpit, rev 3) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedriv4 Race Drivin' (cockpit, rev 4) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivb Race Drivin' (cockpit, British, rev 5) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivb1 Race Drivin' (cockpit, British, rev 1) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivb4 Race Drivin' (cockpit, British, rev 4) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivc Race Drivin' (compact, rev 5) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivc1 Race Drivin' (compact, rev 1) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivc2 Race Drivin' (compact, rev 2) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivc4 Race Drivin' (compact, rev 4) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivcb Race Drivin' (compact, British, rev 5) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivcb4 Race Drivin' (compact, British, rev 4) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivcg Race Drivin' (compact, German, rev 5) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivcg4 Race Drivin' (compact, German, rev 4) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivcp Race Drivin' (compact, prototype) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivg Race Drivin' (cockpit, German, rev 5) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivg1 Race Drivin' (cockpit, German, rev 2) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivg4 Race Drivin' (cockpit, German, rev 4) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivpan Race Drivin' Panorama (prototype, rev 2.1) atari/harddriv.cpp
roadblst Road Blasters (upright, rev 4) atari/atarisy1.cpp
roadblst1 Road Blasters (upright, rev 1) atari/atarisy1.cpp
roadblst2 Road Blasters (upright, rev 2) atari/atarisy1.cpp
roadblst3 Road Blasters (upright, rev 3) atari/atarisy1.cpp
roadblstc Road Blasters (cockpit, rev 2) atari/atarisy1.cpp
roadblstc1 Road Blasters (cockpit, rev 1) atari/atarisy1.cpp
roadblstcg Road Blasters (cockpit, German, rev 1) atari/atarisy1.cpp
roadblstg Road Blasters (upright, German, rev 3) atari/atarisy1.cpp
roadblstg1 Road Blasters (upright, German, rev 1) atari/atarisy1.cpp
roadblstg2 Road Blasters (upright, German, rev 2) atari/atarisy1.cpp
roadblstgu Road Blasters (upright, German, rev ?) atari/atarisy1.cpp
roadriot Road Riot 4WD (04 Dec 1991, conversion kit) atari/atarig42.cpp
roadriota Road Riot 4WD (13 Nov 1991, conversion kit) atari/atarig42.cpp
roadriotb Road Riot 4WD (04 Jun 1991, dedicated twin) atari/atarig42.cpp
roadrunn Road Runner (rev 2) atari/atarisy1.cpp
roadrunn1 Road Runner (rev 1) atari/atarisy1.cpp
roadrunn2 Road Runner (rev 1+) atari/atarisy1.cpp
rrreveng Road Riot's Revenge (prototype, Sep 06, 1994) atari/atarigx2.cpp
rrrevenga Road Riot's Revenge (prototype, Jan 27, 1994, set 1) atari/atarigx2.cpp
rrrevengb Road Riot's Revenge (prototype, Jan 27, 1994, set 2) atari/atarigx2.cpp
spacegun Space Gun (World) taito/taito_z.cpp
spacegunj Space Gun (Japan) taito/taito_z.cpp
spacegunu Space Gun (US) taito/taito_z.cpp
spclords Space Lords (rev C) atari/atarigx2.cpp
spclordsa Space Lords (rev A) atari/atarigx2.cpp
spclordsb Space Lords (rev B) atari/atarigx2.cpp
spclordsg Space Lords (rev A, German) atari/atarigx2.cpp
ssprint Super Sprint (rev 4) atari/atarisy2.cpp
ssprint1 Super Sprint (rev 1) atari/atarisy2.cpp
ssprint3 Super Sprint (rev 3) atari/atarisy2.cpp
ssprintf Super Sprint (French) atari/atarisy2.cpp
ssprintg Super Sprint (German, rev 2) atari/atarisy2.cpp
ssprintg1 Super Sprint (German, rev 1) atari/atarisy2.cpp
ssprints Super Sprint (Spanish) atari/atarisy2.cpp
starwars Star Wars (set 1) atari/starwars.cpp
starwars1 Star Wars (set 2) atari/starwars.cpp
starwarso Star Wars (set 3) atari/starwars.cpp
steeltal Steel Talons (rev 2) atari/harddriv.cpp
steeltal1 Steel Talons (rev 1) atari/harddriv.cpp
steeltalg Steel Talons (German, rev 2) atari/harddriv.cpp
steeltalp Steel Talons (prototype) atari/harddriv.cpp
strtdriv Street Drivin' (prototype) atari/harddriv.cpp
stunrun S.T.U.N. Runner (rev 6) atari/harddriv.cpp
stunrun0 S.T.U.N. Runner (rev 0) atari/harddriv.cpp
stunrun2 S.T.U.N. Runner (rev 2) atari/harddriv.cpp
stunrun2e S.T.U.N. Runner (rev 2, Europe) atari/harddriv.cpp
stunrun3 S.T.U.N. Runner (rev 3) atari/harddriv.cpp
stunrun3e S.T.U.N. Runner (rev 3, Europe) atari/harddriv.cpp
stunrun4 S.T.U.N. Runner (rev 4) atari/harddriv.cpp
stunrun5 S.T.U.N. Runner (rev 5) atari/harddriv.cpp
stunrune S.T.U.N. Runner (rev 5, Europe) atari/harddriv.cpp
stunrunj S.T.U.N. Runner (rev 7, Japan) atari/harddriv.cpp
stunrunp S.T.U.N. Runner (upright prototype) atari/harddriv.cpp
superchs Super Chase - Criminal Termination (World) taito/superchs.cpp
superchsj Super Chase - Criminal Termination (Japan) taito/superchs.cpp
superchsp Super Chase - Criminal Termination (1992/10/26 20:24:29 CHASE 3 VER 1.1, prototype) taito/superchs.cpp
superchsp2 Super Chase - Criminal Termination (1992/01/18 18:29:18 CHASE 3 VER 1.3O, prototype) taito/superchs.cpp
superchsu Super Chase - Criminal Termination (US) taito/superchs.cpp
tceptor Thunder Ceptor namco/tceptor.cpp
tceptor2 3-D Thunder Ceptor II namco/tceptor.cpp
tmek T-MEK (v5.1, The Warlords) atari/atarigt.cpp
tmek20 T-MEK (v2.0, prototype) atari/atarigt.cpp
tmek44 T-MEK (v4.4) atari/atarigt.cpp
tmek45 T-MEK (v4.5) atari/atarigt.cpp
tmek51p T-MEK (v5.1, prototype) atari/atarigt.cpp
tomcat TomCat (prototype) atari/tomcat.cpp
tomcatsw TomCat (Star Wars hardware, prototype) atari/starwars.cpp
wgp World Grand Prix (World) taito/wgp.cpp
wgp2 World Grand Prix 2 (Japan) taito/wgp.cpp
wgpj World Grand Prix (Japan) taito/wgp.cpp
wgpjoy World Grand Prix (joystick version) (Japan, set 1) taito/wgp.cpp
wgpjoya World Grand Prix (joystick version) (Japan, set 2) taito/wgp.cpp
wgpu World Grand Prix (US) taito/wgp.cpp
newbrain_eim NewBrain EIM devices/bus/newbrain/eim.cpp
nabupc_keyboard NABU PC keyboard misc/nabupc_kbd.cpp
harddriv_board Hard Drivin' Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
harddrivc_board Hard Drivin' C Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
racedriv_board Race Drivin' Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivb1_board Race Drivin' B1 Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivc_board Race Drivin' C Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivc1_board Race Drivin' C1 Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivc_panorama_side_board Race Drivin' C Panorama Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
stunrun_board Stun Runner Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
steeltal_board Steel Talons Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
steeltal1_board Steel Talons 1 Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
steeltalp_board Steel Talons P Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
strtdriv_board Street Drivin' Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
hdrivair_board Hard Drivin' Airborne Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
hdrivairp_board Hard Drivin' Airborne P Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp