Short name:arm9
Is device:Yes
Source file:devices/cpu/arm7/arm7.cpp

Referenced By

Short name
Source file
bballoon BnB Arcade eolith/ghosteo.cpp
bkarast Karaoke Station (Japan, set 1) skeleton/easy_karaoke.cpp
bkarasta Karaoke Station (Japan, set 2) skeleton/easy_karaoke.cpp
bkarastb Karaoke Station (Japan, set 3) skeleton/easy_karaoke.cpp
bkarastc Karaoke Station (Japan, set 4) skeleton/easy_karaoke.cpp
bkarastd Karaoke Station (Japan, set 5) skeleton/easy_karaoke.cpp
bkaraste Karaoke Station (Japan, set 6) skeleton/easy_karaoke.cpp
bkarastf Karaoke Station 'For Girls' (Japan) skeleton/easy_karaoke.cpp
cubieboard4 Cubieboard4 (CC A-20) skeleton/cubieboard4.cpp
dbzonep Dragon Ball Z x One Piece: Battle Taikan Gum-Gum no Kamehameha: Omee no Koe de Ora o Yobu (Japan) skeleton/koto_zevio.cpp
dbzscout Dragon Ball Z: Scouter Battle Taikan Kamehameha: Ora to Omee to Scouter (Japan) skeleton/koto_zevio.cpp
didj Didj tvgames/magiceyes_pollux_vr3520f.cpp
digiblst digiBLAST skeleton/digiblast.cpp
digixar Digimon X Arena (Japan) skeleton/epoch_tv_globe.cpp
dks7000c Disney Classic Handheld Karaoke Player (DKS7000-C) skeleton/easy_karaoke.cpp
dks7000p Disney Princess Handheld Karaoke Player (DKS7000-P) skeleton/easy_karaoke.cpp
easykara Easy Karaoke Groove Station (UK) skeleton/easy_karaoke.cpp
eptvglob TV Globe (Japan) skeleton/epoch_tv_globe.cpp
gizmondo Gizmondo tigertel/gizmondo.cpp
gp2x GP2X gamepark/gp2x.cpp
gp32 GP32 gamepark/gp32.cpp
hapytour Happy Tour eolith/ghosteo.cpp
hp49gp HP49G+ hp/hp49gp.cpp
hppyvideo Happy Video skeleton/happyvideo.cpp
innotab2 InnoTAB 2 (UK) vtech/vtech_innotab.cpp
innotv InnoTV vtech/innotv_innotabmax.cpp
iq7000 IQ-7000 sharp/wizard.cpp
jak_dchp DC Super Heroes The Watchtower Hero Portal tvgames/generalplus_gpl32612.cpp
jak_ddhp DreamWorks Dragons Hero Portal tvgames/generalplus_gpl32612.cpp
jak_prhp Power Rangers Super Megaforce Hero Portal tvgames/generalplus_gpl32612.cpp
jak_swbstrik Star Wars Blaster Strike tvgames/generalplus_gpl32612.cpp
jak_tmnthp Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Hero Portal tvgames/generalplus_gpl32612.cpp
karams KaraokeMicro Star (France) skeleton/easy_karaoke.cpp
karamsg Karaoke Microphone Pro / KaraokeMicro Star (Greece) skeleton/easy_karaoke.cpp
karatvst KaraokeTV Star (US, with 50 songs) skeleton/easy_karaoke.cpp
karatvsta KaraokeTV Star (US, with 25 songs, 'FREE 35 Hit Songs / $35 value' packaging) skeleton/easy_karaoke.cpp
kidizmb Kidizoom (Germany, blue camera) tvgames/generalplus_gpl32612.cpp
kidizmp Kidizoom Connect (Germany, pink camera) tvgames/generalplus_gpl32612.cpp
kidsupstar Kidi SuperStar LightShow vtech/kidsupstar.cpp
kov3hd Knights of Valour 3 HD (M-105CN 13-07-04 18:54:01) igs/pgm3.cpp
kov3hd101 Knights of Valour 3 HD (V101) igs/pgm3.cpp
kov3hd102 Knights of Valour 3 HD (V102) igs/pgm3.cpp
kov3hd103 Knights of Valour 3 HD (V103) igs/pgm3.cpp
kov3hd104 Knights of Valour 3 HD (V104) igs/pgm3.cpp
leapexpr Leapster Explorer leapfrog/leapster_explorer.cpp
lx_jg7420 Lexibook JG7420 200-in-1 tvgames/gpm4530a_lexibook_jg7420.cpp
magibooksp MagiBook (Spanish) vtech/magibook.cpp
maquinati La Máquina del Tiempo cirsa/cirsa2080606.cpp
mks4001 Star Singer Karaoke (MKS4001) skeleton/easy_karaoke.cpp
monkeyjmp Monkey Jump skeleton/cubieboard4.cpp
pocketmp Pocket Monsters PC tvgames/generalplus_gpl32612.cpp
pocketmr Pocket Monsters Rotom Tablet tvgames/generalplus_gpl32612.cpp
qczl Qing Cheng Zhi Lian sealy/sealy_eagle.cpp
sanxpet Sumikko Gurashi - Sumikko Sagashi tvgames/generalplus_gpl32612.cpp
storio Storio (GB, English, 2011-10-17) vtech/storio.cpp
storiode Storio (DE, German, 2011-10-17) vtech/storio.cpp
storioes Storio (ES, Spanish, 2011-10-17) vtech/storio.cpp
storioesa Storio (ES, Spanish, 2011-06-17?) vtech/storio.cpp
storiofr Storio (FR, French, 2011-10-17) vtech/storio.cpp
storionl Storio (NL, Dutch, 2011-10-17) vtech/storio.cpp
touryuu Touryuumon (V1.1)? eolith/ghosteo.cpp
unkanyw unknown AnyWorks / Sega medal game BIOS sega/anyworks.cpp
vreader V.Reader (US, English, 2011-10-17) vtech/storio.cpp
vreadercaen V.Reader (CA, English, 2011-10-17) vtech/storio.cpp
vreadercafr V.Reader (CA, French, 2011-10-17) vtech/storio.cpp
vsmilpro V.Smile Pro vtech/vsmilepro.cpp
zippity Zippity (US) tvgames/generalplus_gpl32612.cpp
zippityuk Zippity (UK) tvgames/generalplus_gpl32612.cpp