3bagfull |
3 Bags Full (5VXFC790, Victoria) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
3bagfullnz |
3 Bags Full (3VXFC5345, New Zealand) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
3bagfullu |
3 Bags Full (4XF5196I02, US) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
86lions |
86 Lions |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
arcwins |
Arctic Wins (4XF5227H04, US) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
arcwinsa |
Arctic Wins (4XF5227H03, US) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
autmoon |
Autumn Moon (1VXFC5488, New Zealand) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
blkrhino |
Black Rhino (4VXFC830, NSW) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
blkrhinonz |
Black Rhino (3VXFC5344, New Zealand) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
cgold |
Caribbean Gold (3VXEC449, US) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
cgold2 |
Caribbean Gold II (4XF5182H04, US) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
cgold2a |
Caribbean Gold II (3XF5182H04, US) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
clkwise |
Clockwise (1VXEC534, New Zealand) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
coralr2 |
Coral Riches II (1VXFC5472, New Zealand) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
dblagent |
Double Agent (3XF5287H04, US) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
eforest |
Enchanted Forest (4VXFC818, NSW) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
eforestnz |
Enchanted Forest (3VXFC5343, New Zealand) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
eforestu |
Enchanted Forest (12XF528902, US) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
ffortune |
Fantasy Fortune (1VXFC5460, New Zealand) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
fhunter |
Fortune Hunter (2XF5196I01, US) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
fhuntera |
Fortune Hunter (2XF5196I02, US) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
fvrpitch |
Fever Pitch (2VXEC534, NSW) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
gambler |
The Gambler (11XF528902, US) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
gldnpkr |
Golden Poker (8VXEC037, New Zealand) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
goldenc |
Golden Canaries (1VXFC5462, New Zealand) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
grnlizrd |
Green Lizard (4VXFC811, NSW) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
gtroppo |
Gone Troppo (1VXEC542, New Zealand) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
gunnrose |
Guns and Roses (C606191SMP, NSW) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
kgbird |
K.G. Bird (3XF5264H04, US) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
kgbirdnz |
K.G. Bird (4VXFC5341, New Zealand, 5c) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
kgbirdnza |
K.G. Bird (4VXFC5341, New Zealand, 10c) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
letsgof |
Let's Go Fishing (5XF5196I02, US) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
phantomp |
Phantom Pays (4VXFC5431, New Zealand) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
swtht2nz |
Sweethearts II (1VXFC5461, New Zealand) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
teqsun |
Tequila Sunrise (1VXFC613, NSW) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
thundhrt |
Thunder Heart (13XF528902, US) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
topgear |
Top Gear (4VXFC969, New Zealand) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
triviaes4 |
Trivial Pursuit (Volumen IV, Spanish, Maibesa hardware) |
midway/balsente.cpp |
triviaes5 |
Trivial Pursuit (Volumen V, Spanish, Maibesa hardware) |
midway/balsente.cpp |
trktreat |
Trick or Treat (7XF5183H04, US) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
vector4 |
Vector 4 |
vectorgraphic/vector4.cpp |
wildone |
Wild One (4VXEC5357, New Zealand) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
wtiger |
White Tiger (4XF5139I08, US) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
wtigernz |
White Tiger (3VXFC5342, New Zealand) |
aristocrat/aristmk4.cpp |
vectorsbcvideo |
Vector SBC Video Output |
vectorgraphic/sbcvideo.cpp |