Nuns Of Navarone (Maygay) (EPOCH) (2.4, set 2)

Short name:ep_nunsa
Is device:No
Source file:maygay/maygayep.cpp
Parent machine:Nuns Of Navarone (Maygay) (EPOCH) (2.4, set 1) (ep_nuns)
Unemulated Features:sound

Devices Referenced

Short name
Source file
h8h_dma H8H DMA controller devices/cpu/h8/h8_dma.cpp
h8h_dma_channel H8H DMA channel devices/cpu/h8/h8_dma.cpp
h8_digital_port H8 digital port devices/cpu/h8/h8_port.cpp
h8_watchdog H8 watchdog devices/cpu/h8/h8_watchdog.cpp
h8_timer16 H8 16-bit timer devices/cpu/h8/h8_timer16.cpp
h8h_timer16_channel H8H 16-bit timer channel devices/cpu/h8/h8_timer16.cpp
h8h_intc H8H interrupt controller devices/cpu/h8/h8_intc.cpp
h8_adc_3337 H8/3337 ADC devices/cpu/h8/h8_adc.cpp
h83002 Hitachi H8/3002 devices/cpu/h8/h83002.cpp
h8_sci H8 Serial Communications Interface devices/cpu/h8/h8_sci.cpp
ymz280b Yamaha YMZ280B PCMD8 devices/sound/ymz280b.cpp
speaker Speaker emu/speaker.cpp