SunPlus Full CS Memory Map

Short name:full_memory
Is device:Yes
Source file:tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_m.cpp

Referenced By

Short name
Source file
anpanbd Anpanman: Let's Go! Ikunou Drive (Japan) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_spi.cpp
beambox Playskool Heroes Transformers Rescue Bots Beam Box (Spain) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_nand.cpp
beijuehh Beijue 16 Bit Handheld Games 220-in-1 (Game Boy style case) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_rom.cpp
bfdigdug Dig Dug (mini arcade) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_spi_direct.cpp
bfgalaga Galaga (mini arcade) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_spi_direct.cpp
bfmpac Ms. Pac-Man (mini arcade) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_spi_direct.cpp
bfpacman Pac-Man (mini arcade) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_spi_direct.cpp
bfspyhnt Spy Hunter (mini arcade) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_spi_direct.cpp
bftetris Tetris (mini arcade) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_spi_direct.cpp
bk139in1 BornKid 32 Bit Preloaded 139-in-1 Handheld Game Console tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_spi.cpp
bkrankp Karaoke Ranking Party (Japan) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_spi.cpp
bornkidh BornKid 16 Bit Handheld Games 100-in-1 (model GB-10X) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_rom.cpp
fixitflx Fix It Felix Jr. (mini arcade) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_spi_direct.cpp
fpsport 3-in-1 Smart Sports! (US) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_rom.cpp
gameu108 Play Portable Color GameU+ (108-in-1) (Japan) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_rom.cpp
gameu50 Play Portable Color GameU+ (50-in-1) (Japan) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_rom.cpp
gameu90 Play Portable Color GameU+ (90-in-1) (Japan) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_rom.cpp
gormiti Gormiti Game Arena (Spain) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_rom.cpp
imgame I'm Game! GP120 (Family Sport 120-in-1) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_rom.cpp
jak_camp Camp Rock - Guitar Video Game (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_nand.cpp
jak_car2 Cars 2 (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_nand.cpp
jak_duck Duck Commander (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_nand.cpp
jak_gtg Golden Tee Golf (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_nand.cpp
jak_hmg2 Hannah Montana G2 Deluxe - All in One (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_nand.cpp
jak_hmhsm Hannah Montana G2 Deluxe / High School Musical G2 Deluxe - Two in One (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_nand.cpp
jak_hmpt Hannah Montana Pop Tour - Guitar Video Game (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) (May 16 2008) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_nand.cpp
jak_hsmg2 High School Musical G2 Deluxe - All in One (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_nand.cpp
jak_pf Phineas and Ferb: Best Game Ever! (JAKKS Pacific TV Motion Game) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_romram.cpp
jak_prft Power Rangers Force In Time (JAKKS Pacific TV Motion Game) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_romram.cpp
jak_prr Power Rangers to the Rescue (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) (Aug 8 2008 16:46:59) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_rom.cpp
jak_s500 SpongeBob SquarePants Bikini Bottom 500 (JAKKS Pacific TV Motion Game) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_romram.cpp
jak_smwm Spider-Man Web Master (JAKKS Pacific TV Motion Game) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_romram.cpp
jak_spmm The Amazing Spider-Man and The Masked Menace (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_rom.cpp
jak_sspop Sing Scene Pop (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_nand.cpp
jak_swc Star Wars Clone Trooper (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_nand.cpp
jak_ths Triple Header Sports (JAKKS Pacific TV Motion Game) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_romram.cpp
jak_tink Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure (JAKKS Pacific TV Motion Game) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_romram.cpp
jak_totm Toy Story - Toys on the Move (JAKKS Pacific TV Motion Game) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_romram.cpp
jak_tsm Toy Story Mania (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_nand.cpp
jak_umdf Ultimotion - Disney Fairies Sleeping Beauty & TinkerBell (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_nand.cpp
jak_wdbg The Walking Dead: Battleground (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_nand.cpp
jak_wdzh The Walking Dead: Zombie Hunter (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_nand.cpp
kiugames Kiu Games tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_nand.cpp
lazertag Lazer Tag Video Game Module tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_romram.cpp
mgtfit Fitness Konsole (NC1470) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_nand.cpp
mobigo MobiGo tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_mobigo.cpp
mobigo2 MobiGo 2 (Germany) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_mobigo.cpp
mobigos MobiGo (Spain) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_mobigo.cpp
myac220 My Arcade Go Gamer Portable (Family Sport 220-in-1) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_rom.cpp
paccon Pac-Man Connect & Play (Feb 14 2012 10:46:23) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_romram.cpp
prailpls Boku wa Plarail Untenshi Shinkansen de Ikou! Plus (Japan) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_spi.cpp
siddr Dance Dance Revolution - Broadwalk Arcade tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_spi_direct.cpp
smartfp Fun 2 Learn Smart Fit Park (UK) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_rom.cpp
smartfpf Fun 2 Learn Smart Fit Park (France) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_rom.cpp
smartfps Fun 2 Learn Smart Fit Park (Spain) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_rom.cpp
tkmag220 Mini Arcade Games Console (Family Sport 220-in-1) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_rom.cpp
vbaby V.Baby tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_nand.cpp
wiwcs Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (handheld) tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_spi_direct.cpp
wlsair60 Wireless Air 60 tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_nand.cpp
wrlshunt Wireless Hunting Video Game System tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_romram.cpp