Gottlieb Multi-mode Sound Board

Short name:gotsndp2
Is device:Yes
Source file:shared/gottlieb_a.cpp

Devices Referenced

Short name
Source file
m6503 MOS Technology 6503 devices/cpu/m6502/m6503.cpp
mc1408 MC1408 DAC devices/sound/dac.h
mos6530 MOS 6530 MIOT devices/machine/mos6530.cpp

Referenced By

Short name
Source file
astannie Asteroid Annie and the Aliens pinball/gts1.cpp
blckhols Black Hole (Sound Only) pinball/gts80.cpp
buckrgrs Buck Rogers pinball/gts1.cpp
circusp Circus pinball/gts80.cpp
cntforce Counterforce pinball/gts80.cpp
dvlsdre2 Devil's Dare (Sound Only) pinball/gts80a.cpp
eclipse Eclipse pinball/gts80.cpp
forceii Force II pinball/gts80.cpp
geniep Genie (Pinball) pinball/gts1.cpp
hulk The Incredible Hulk pinball/gts1.cpp
jamesb James Bond (Timed Play) pinball/gts80.cpp
jamesb2 James Bond (3/5-Ball) pinball/gts80.cpp
panthera Panthera pinball/gts80.cpp
pnkpnthr Pink Panther pinball/gts80.cpp
roldisco Roller Disco pinball/gts1.cpp
spidermn The Amazing Spider-Man pinball/gts80.cpp
starrace Star Race pinball/gts80.cpp
timeline Time Line pinball/gts80.cpp
torch Torch pinball/gts1.cpp
totem Totem pinball/gts1.cpp
vlcno_1a Volcano (Sound Only set 3) pinball/gts80.cpp
vlcno_1b Volcano (Sound Only set 2) pinball/gts80.cpp
vlcno_1c Volcano (Sound Only set 1) pinball/gts80.cpp