GP9001 VDP

Short name:gp9001vdp
Is device:Yes
Source file:toaplan/gp9001.cpp

Devices Referenced

Short name
Source file
buffered_spriteram16 Buffered 16-bit Sprite RAM devices/video/bufsprite.cpp

Referenced By

Short name
Source file
batrider Armed Police Batrider (Europe) (Fri Feb 13 1998) toaplan/raizing_batrider.cpp
batriderc Armed Police Batrider (China) (Fri Feb 13 1998) toaplan/raizing_batrider.cpp
batriderhk Armed Police Batrider (Hong Kong) (Mon Dec 22 1997) toaplan/raizing_batrider.cpp
batriderj Armed Police Batrider (Japan, B version) (Fri Feb 13 1998) toaplan/raizing_batrider.cpp
batriderja Armed Police Batrider (Japan, older version) (Mon Dec 22 1997) toaplan/raizing_batrider.cpp
batriderk Armed Police Batrider (Korea) (Fri Feb 13 1998) toaplan/raizing_batrider.cpp
batridert Armed Police Batrider (Taiwan) (Mon Dec 22 1997) toaplan/raizing_batrider.cpp
batrideru Armed Police Batrider (USA) (Fri Feb 13 1998) toaplan/raizing_batrider.cpp
batsugun Batsugun toaplan/batsugun.cpp
batsuguna Batsugun (older, set 1) toaplan/batsugun.cpp
batsugunb Batsugun (Korean PCB) toaplan/batsugun.cpp
batsugunbl Batsugun (bootleg) toaplan/batsugun.cpp
batsugunc Batsugun (older, set 2) toaplan/batsugun.cpp
batsugunsp Batsugun - Special Version toaplan/batsugun.cpp
bbakraid Battle Bakraid - Unlimited Version (USA) (Tue Jun 8 1999) toaplan/raizing_batrider.cpp
bbakraidc Battle Bakraid - Unlimited Version (China) (Tue Jun 8 1999) toaplan/raizing_batrider.cpp
bbakraidj Battle Bakraid - Unlimited Version (Japan) (Tue Jun 8 1999) toaplan/raizing_batrider.cpp
bbakraidja Battle Bakraid (Japan) (Wed Apr 7 1999) toaplan/raizing_batrider.cpp
bgaregga Battle Garegga (Europe / USA / Japan / Asia) (Sat Feb 3 1996) toaplan/raizing.cpp
bgareggabl 1945 Er Dai / 1945 Part-2 (Chinese hack of Battle Garegga) toaplan/raizing.cpp
bgareggabla Leishen Chuan / Thunder Deity Biography (Chinese hack of Battle Garegga) toaplan/raizing.cpp
bgareggablj Battle Garegga (Japan, bootleg) (Sat Feb 3 1996) toaplan/raizing.cpp
bgareggacn Battle Garegga - Type 2 (Denmark / China) (Tue Apr 2 1996) toaplan/raizing.cpp
bgareggahk Battle Garegga (Austria / Hong Kong) (Sat Feb 3 1996) toaplan/raizing.cpp
bgareggak Battle Garegga (Korea / Greece) (Wed Feb 7 1996) toaplan/raizing.cpp
bgaregganv Battle Garegga - New Version (Austria / Hong Kong) (Sat Mar 2 1996) toaplan/raizing.cpp
bgareggat Battle Garegga (location test) (Wed Jan 17 1996) toaplan/raizing.cpp
bgareggat2 Battle Garegga - Type 2 (Europe / USA / Japan / Asia) (Sat Mar 2 1996) toaplan/raizing.cpp
bgareggatw Battle Garegga (Taiwan / Germany) (Thu Feb 1 1996) toaplan/raizing.cpp
burgkids Burger Kids (Japan) toaplan/sunwise.cpp
dogyuun Dogyuun toaplan/dogyuun.cpp
dogyuuna Dogyuun (older set) toaplan/dogyuun.cpp
dogyuunb Dogyuun (oldest set) toaplan/dogyuun.cpp
dogyuunt Dogyuun (10/9/1992 location test) toaplan/dogyuun.cpp
dogyuunto Dogyuun (8/25/1992 location test) toaplan/dogyuun.cpp
dt7 DT7 (prototype) toaplan/dt7.cpp
enmadaio Enma Daio (Japan) toaplan/enmadaio.cpp
fixeight FixEight (Europe) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
fixeighta FixEight (Southeast Asia) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
fixeightat FixEight (Southeast Asia, Taito license) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
fixeightbl FixEight (Korea, bootleg) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
fixeighth FixEight (Hong Kong) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
fixeightht FixEight (Hong Kong, Taito license) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
fixeightj FixEight - Jigoku no Eiyuu Densetsu (Japan) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
fixeightjt FixEight - Jigoku no Eiyuu Densetsu (Japan, Taito license) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
fixeightk FixEight (Korea) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
fixeightkt FixEight (Korea, Taito license) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
fixeightt FixEight (Europe, Taito license) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
fixeighttw FixEight (Taiwan) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
fixeighttwt FixEight (Taiwan, Taito license) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
fixeightu FixEight (USA) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
fixeightut FixEight (USA, Taito license) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
ghox Ghox (spinner) toaplan/ghox.cpp
ghoxj Ghox (joystick) toaplan/ghox.cpp
ghoxjo Ghox (joystick, older) toaplan/ghox.cpp
grindstm Grind Stormer toaplan/vfive.cpp
grindstma Grind Stormer (older set) toaplan/vfive.cpp
kbash Knuckle Bash toaplan/kbash.cpp
kbash2 Knuckle Bash 2 (bootleg) toaplan/kbash.cpp
kbashk Knuckle Bash (Korean PCB) toaplan/kbash.cpp
kbashp Knuckle Bash (location test) toaplan/kbash.cpp
kingdmgp Kingdom Grandprix toaplan/raizing.cpp
mahoudai Mahou Daisakusen (Japan) toaplan/raizing.cpp
nprobowl New Pro Bowl toaplan/raizing_batrider.cpp
othldrby Othello Derby (Japan) toaplan/sunwise.cpp
pipibibs Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! (Z80 sound cpu, set 1) toaplan/pipibibi.cpp
pipibibsa Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! (Z80 sound cpu, set 2) toaplan/pipibibi.cpp
pipibibsbl Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! (Ryouta Kikaku bootleg, encrypted) toaplan/pipibibi.cpp
pipibibsbl2 Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! (bootleg, decrypted) toaplan/pipibibi.cpp
pipibibsbl3 Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! (Ryouta Kikaku bootleg, decrypted) toaplan/pipibibi.cpp
pipibibsp Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! (prototype) toaplan/pipibibi.cpp
probowl2 Pro Bowl 2 toaplan/raizing_batrider.cpp
pwrkick Power Kick (Japan) toaplan/sunwise.cpp
pyutakun Pyuuta-kun (Japan) toaplan/sunwise.cpp
shippumd Shippu Mahou Daisakusen (Japan) toaplan/raizing.cpp
snowbro2 Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise (Hanafram) toaplan/snowbro2.cpp
snowbro2b Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise (bootleg, set 1) toaplan/snowbro2.cpp
snowbro2b2 Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise (bootleg, set 2) toaplan/snowbro2.cpp
snowbro2b3 Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise (bootleg, set 3) toaplan/snowbro2.cpp
snowbro2ny Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise (Nyanko) toaplan/snowbro2.cpp
sstriker Sorcer Striker toaplan/raizing.cpp
sstrikerk Sorcer Striker (Korea) toaplan/raizing.cpp
tekipaki Teki Paki toaplan/tekipaki.cpp
tekipakit Teki Paki (location test) toaplan/tekipaki.cpp
truxton2 Truxton II / Tatsujin Oh toaplan/truxton2.cpp
vfive V-Five (Japan) toaplan/vfive.cpp
whoopee Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! (Teki Paki hardware) toaplan/tekipaki.cpp