Heath Terminal Logic Board w/ Ultra ROM plus SigmaSoft Interactive Graphics Controller

Short name:heath_igc_ultra_tlb_device
Is device:Yes
Source file:devices/bus/heathzenith/h19/tlb.cpp

Devices Referenced

Short name
Source file
mm5740 MM5740 Keyboard Encoder devices/machine/mm5740.cpp
beep Beep devices/sound/beep.cpp
gfxdecode gfxdecode emu/drawgfx.cpp
z80 Zilog Z80 devices/cpu/z80/z80.cpp
mc6845 Motorola MC6845 CRTC devices/video/mc6845.cpp
palette palette emu/emupal.cpp
clock Clock devices/machine/clock.cpp
ins8250 National Semiconductor INS8250 UART devices/machine/ins8250.cpp
screen Video Screen emu/screen.cpp
speaker Speaker emu/speaker.cpp

Compatible Slots

Short name
Source file
h88 H-88 tlbc igc_ultrarom heathzenith/h89.cpp
h89 H-89 tlbc igc_ultrarom heathzenith/h89.cpp
h89_cdr H-89 with CDR Equipment tlbc igc_ultrarom heathzenith/h89.cpp
h89_mms H-89 with MMS Equipment tlbc igc_ultrarom heathzenith/h89.cpp
z90 Z-90 tlbc igc_ultrarom heathzenith/h89.cpp