K051733 Protection

Short name:k051733
Is device:Yes
Source file:konami/k051733.cpp

Referenced By

Short name
Source file
bladestl Blades of Steel (version T, Joystick) konami/bladestl.cpp
bladestle Blades of Steel (version E, Trackball) konami/bladestl.cpp
bladestll Blades of Steel (version L, Trackball) konami/bladestl.cpp
chqflag Chequered Flag konami/chqflag.cpp
chqflagj Chequered Flag (Japan) konami/chqflag.cpp
devstors Devastators (ver. Z) konami/mainevt.cpp
devstors2 Devastators (ver. 2) konami/mainevt.cpp
devstorsv Devastators (ver. V) konami/mainevt.cpp
devstorsx Devastators (ver. X) konami/mainevt.cpp
fastlane Fast Lane konami/fastlane.cpp
garuka Garuka (Japan ver. W) konami/mainevt.cpp
labyrunr Labyrinth Runner (Japan) konami/labyrunr.cpp
labyrunrf Labyrinth Runner (World Ver. F) konami/labyrunr.cpp
labyrunrk Labyrinth Runner (World Ver. K) konami/labyrunr.cpp
tricktrp Trick Trap (World?) konami/labyrunr.cpp