Samsung KS0164 audio processor

Short name:ks0164cpu
Is device:Yes
Source file:devices/cpu/ks0164/ks0164.cpp

Referenced By

Short name
Source file
btplay2k Beat Player 2000 misc/dgpix.cpp
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fmaniac3 Fishing Maniac 3 misc/dgpix.cpp
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wavesynth Waveblaster-based expander virtual/wavesynth.cpp
xfiles The X-Files misc/dgpix.cpp
xfilesk The X-Files (Censored, Korea) misc/dgpix.cpp
omniwave Samsung Omniwave devices/bus/waveblaster/omniwave.cpp
ks0164 Samsung KS0164 Wavetable Synthesizer devices/sound/ks0164.cpp