Short name:m65sc02
Is device:Yes
Source file:devices/cpu/m6502/m65sc02.cpp

Software Lists

Card Short name Description Status Total Supported Partially supported Unsupported

Referenced By

Short nameDescriptionSource file
a1010 Textel Compact A1010-0 skeleton/textelcomp.cpp
apple10 Apple 10 (Ver 1.21) funworld/snookr10.cpp
autoc15 Autocue 1500 Teleprompter acorn/bbc.cpp
bbcm BBC Master 128 acorn/bbc.cpp
bbcm512 BBC Master 512 acorn/bbc.cpp
bbcmaiv BBC Master AIV acorn/bbc.cpp
bbcmarm BBC Master (ARM Evaluation) acorn/bbc.cpp
bbcmc BBC Master Compact acorn/bbc.cpp
bbcmc_ar BBC Master Compact (Arabic) acorn/bbc.cpp
bbcmet BBC Master ET acorn/bbc.cpp
bbcmt BBC Master Turbo acorn/bbc.cpp
cfa3000 Henson CFA 3000 (Master) acorn/bbc.cpp
const36 Constellation 3.6MHz (set 1) novag/const.cpp
crystalc Crystals Colours (Ver 1.02) funworld/snookr10.cpp
crystalca Crystals Colours (Ver 1.01) funworld/snookr10.cpp
daisy Comus Daisy acorn/bbc.cpp
discmate Arbiter Discmate A-02 acorn/bbc.cpp
discmon Arbiter Discmonitor A-01 acorn/bbc.cpp
fexcel The Excellence (model 6080B) fidelity/excel.cpp
fexcel12 The Excellence (model EP12, set 1) fidelity/excel.cpp
fexcela The Excellence (model 6080) fidelity/excel.cpp
fexceld Excel Display fidelity/excel.cpp
fexcelv Voice Excellence fidelity/excel.cpp
intrgmes Joker Card (Inter Games) funworld/funworld.cpp
jollycrd Jolly Card (German, set 1) funworld/funworld.cpp
jollycrda Jolly Card (German, set 2) funworld/funworld.cpp
jolyc3x3 Jolly Card (3x3 deal) funworld/funworld.cpp
jolycdab Jolly Card (German, Fun World, bootleg) funworld/funworld.cpp
jolycdev Jolly Card (Evona Electronic) funworld/funworld.cpp
jolyjokr Jolly Joker (98bet, set 1) funworld/funworld.cpp
jolyjokra Jolly Joker (98bet, set 2) funworld/funworld.cpp
jolyjokrb1 Jolly Joker (40bet, higher paytable) funworld/funworld.cpp
jolyjokrb2 Jolly Joker (40bet, lower paytable) funworld/funworld.cpp
jolyjokrc Jolly Joker (Apple Time) funworld/funworld.cpp
jolyjokrm Jolly Joker (Solid State module in suicide board) funworld/funworld.cpp
ltmpm LTM Portable (Master) acorn/bbc.cpp
lynx Lynx atari/lynx.cpp
mondial Mephisto Mondial hegenerglaser/mondial.cpp
mondial2 Mephisto Mondial II hegenerglaser/mondial2.cpp
mpc800 MasterPieCe 800 Series acorn/bbc.cpp
mpc900 MasterPieCe 900 Series acorn/bbc.cpp
mpc900gx MasterPieCe 900GX Series acorn/bbc.cpp
mrisc Mephisto Risc 1MB hegenerglaser/risc.cpp
mrisc2 Mephisto Risc II hegenerglaser/risc.cpp
novoplaya Novo Play Club Card (V6.2H) funworld/funworld.cpp
novoplayb Novo Play Club Card (V3.3H) funworld/funworld.cpp
pro128s Prodest PC 128S acorn/bbc.cpp
sjcd2kx3 Super Joly 2000 - 3x funworld/funworld.cpp
smondial Mephisto Super Mondial (ver. A) hegenerglaser/smondial.cpp
smondial2 Mephisto Super Mondial II hegenerglaser/smondial.cpp
smondialab Mephisto Super Mondial (ver. AB) hegenerglaser/smondial.cpp
smondialb Mephisto Super Mondial (ver. B) hegenerglaser/smondial.cpp
snookr10 Snooker 10 (Ver 1.11) funworld/snookr10.cpp
tenballs Ten Balls (Ver 1.05) funworld/snookr10.cpp
c64_fcc C64 Final ChessCard devices/bus/c64/fcc.cpp
isa_finalchs The Final ChessCard devices/bus/isa/finalchs.cpp
bbc_tube_6502 Acorn 6502 2nd Processor devices/bus/bbc/tube/tube_6502.cpp
bbc_tube_6502e Acorn Extended 6502 2nd Processor devices/bus/bbc/tube/tube_6502.cpp