Mega System 1 Tilemap

Short name:ms1_tmap
Is device:Yes
Source file:jaleco/ms1_tmap.cpp

Referenced By

Short name
Source file
64street 64th. Street: A Detective Story (World) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
64streetj 64th. Street: A Detective Story (Japan, set 1) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
64streetja 64th. Street: A Detective Story (Japan, set 2) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
acommand Alien Command (v2.1) jaleco/acommand.cpp
armchmp2 Arm Champs II (ver 2.7) jaleco/cischeat.cpp
armchmp2o Arm Champs II (ver 1.7) jaleco/cischeat.cpp
armchmp2o2 Arm Champs II (ver 2.6) jaleco/cischeat.cpp
astyanax The Astyanax (EPROM version) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
astyanaxa The Astyanax (mask ROM version) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
avspirit Avenging Spirit jaleco/megasys1.cpp
bigrun Big Run (11th Rallye version, Europe?) jaleco/cischeat.cpp
bigrunu Big Run (11th Rallye version, US?) jaleco/cischeat.cpp
bigstrik Big Striker jaleco/megasys1.cpp
captflag Captain Flag (Japan) jaleco/cischeat.cpp
chimerab Chimera Beast (Japan, prototype, set 1) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
chimeraba Chimera Beast (Japan, prototype, set 2) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
cischeat Cisco Heat jaleco/cischeat.cpp
cybattlr Cybattler jaleco/megasys1.cpp
daireika Mahjong Daireikai (Japan) jaleco/jalmah.cpp
edf E.D.F.: Earth Defense Force (set 1) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
edfa E.D.F.: Earth Defense Force (set 2) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
edfbl E.D.F.: Earth Defense Force (bootleg) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
edfp E.D.F.: Earth Defense Force (Japan, prototype) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
edfu E.D.F.: Earth Defense Force (North America) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
f1gpstar Grand Prix Star (ver 4.0) jaleco/cischeat.cpp
f1gpstar2 Grand Prix Star (ver 2.0) jaleco/cischeat.cpp
f1gpstar3 Grand Prix Star (ver 3.0) jaleco/cischeat.cpp
f1gpstr2 F-1 Grand Prix Star II jaleco/cischeat.cpp
hachoo Hachoo! (World, set 1) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
hachooa Hachoo! (World, set 2) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
hachooj Hachoo! (Japan) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
hayaosi1 Hayaoshi Quiz Ouza Ketteisen: The King Of Quiz jaleco/megasys1.cpp
iganinju Iga Ninjyutsuden (Japan) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
iganinjub Iga Ninjyutsuden (Japan, bootleg) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
inyourfa In Your Face (North America, prototype) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
jitsupro Jitsuryoku!! Pro Yakyuu (Japan) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
kakumei Mahjong Kakumei (Japan) jaleco/jalmah.cpp
kakumei2 Mahjong Kakumei 2 - Princess League (Japan) jaleco/jalmah.cpp
kazan Ninja Kazan (World) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
kickoff Kick Off: Jaleco Cup (Japan) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
kickoffb Kick Off: World Cup (bootleg) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
lomakai Legend of Makai (World) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
lordofk The Lord of King (Japan) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
lordofkb The Lord of King (bootleg, not protected) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
lordofkbp The Lord of King (bootleg, protected) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
makaiden Makai Densetsu (Japan) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
mjzoomin Mahjong Channel Zoom In (Japan) jaleco/jalmah.cpp
monkelf Monky Elf (Korean bootleg of Avenging Spirit) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
p47 P-47: The Phantom Fighter (World) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
p47a P-47: The Freedom Fighter (World) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
p47bl P-47: The Freedom Fighter (World, bootleg) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
p47j P-47: The Freedom Fighter (Japan) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
p47je P-47: The Freedom Fighter (Japan, Export) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
peekaboo Peek-a-Boo! (Japan, ver. 1.1) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
peekaboou Peek-a-Boo! (North America, ver 1.0) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
phantasm Phantasm (Japan) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
plusalph Plus Alpha jaleco/megasys1.cpp
rittam R&T (Rod-Land prototype) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
rodland Rod-Land (World, set 1) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
rodlanda Rod-Land (World, set 2) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
rodlandj Rod-Land (Japan) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
rodlandjb Rod-Land (Japan bootleg with unencrypted program) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
rodlandjb2 Rod-Land (Japan bootleg with unencrypted program and GFX) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
scudhamm Scud Hammer (ver 1.4) jaleco/cischeat.cpp
scudhamma Scud Hammer (older version?) jaleco/cischeat.cpp
soldam Soldam jaleco/megasys1.cpp
soldamj Soldam (Japan) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
stdragon Saint Dragon (set 1) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
stdragona Saint Dragon (set 2) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
stdragonb Saint Dragon (bootleg) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
suchiesp Idol Janshi Suchie-Pai Special (Japan) jaleco/jalmah.cpp
tshingen Shingen Samurai-Fighter (Japan, English) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
tshingena Takeda Shingen (Japan, Japanese) jaleco/megasys1.cpp
vscaptfl Vs. Super Captain Flag (Japan) jaleco/cischeat.cpp
wildplt Wild Pilot jaleco/cischeat.cpp