Ms. Pac-Man

Short name:mspacman
Is device:No
Source file:pacman/pacman.cpp
Manufacturer:Midway / General Computer Corporation


Short name Description Year Manufacturer
mschamp Ms. Pacman Champion Edition / Zola-Puc Gal 1992 hack
mschamps Ms. Pacman Champion Edition / Super Zola-Puc Gal 1995 hack
msheartb Ms. Pac-Man Heart Burn 1989 hack (Two-Bit Score)
mspacii Ms. Pac-Man II (Orca bootleg set 1) 1981 bootleg (Orca)
mspacii2 Ms. Pac-Man II (Orca bootleg set 2) 1981 bootleg (Orca)
mspackpls Miss Packman Plus 1981 hack
mspacmab Ms. Pac-Man (bootleg, set 1) 1981 bootleg
mspacmab2 Ms. Pac-Man (bootleg, set 2) 1981 bootleg
mspacmab4 Ms. Pac-Man (bootleg, set 4) 1981 bootleg
mspacmanbcc Come-Cocos (Ms. Pac-Man) ('Made in Greece' Tecnausa bootleg) 1991 bootleg (Tecnausa)
mspacmanbco Come-Cocos (Ms. Pac-Man) (Cocamatic bootleg) 1992 bootleg (Cocamatic)
mspacmanbg Ms. Pac-Man ('Made in Greece' bootleg, set 1) 198? bootleg
mspacmanbg2 Ms. Pac-Man ('Made in Greece' bootleg, set 2) 1997 bootleg
mspacmanbgc Ms. Pac-Man ('Made in Greece' Enavi bootleg) 1992 bootleg (Enavi)
mspacmanbgd Miss Pukman ('Made in Greece' Datamat bootleg) 1992 bootleg (Datamat)
mspacmanbgf Mr Pac-Turbo ('Made in Greece' Fermin bootleg) 1988 bootleg (Fermin)
mspacmanbhe Come-Cocos (Ms. Pac-Man) ('Made in Greece' Herle SA bootleg) 1991 bootleg (Herle SA)
mspacmanbi Ms. Pac-Man (Impeuropex bootleg) 1993 bootleg (Impeuropex)
mspacmanblt Come-Cocos (Ms. Pac-Man) ('Made in Greece' Triunvi bootleg, set 1) 1992 bootleg (Triunvi)
mspacmanblt2 Come-Cocos (Ms. Pac-Man) ('Made in Greece' Triunvi bootleg, set 2) 1992 bootleg (Triunvi)
mspacmancr Ms. Pac-Man (bootleg on Crush Roller Hardware) 1981 bootleg
mspacmanhnc Super Ms. Pac-Man (turbo hack, NVC284/NVC285 hardware) 1986 hack
mspacmanlai Ms. Pac-Man (Leisure and Allied bootleg) 1982 bootleg (Leisure and Allied)
mspacmat Ms. Pac Attack 1981 hack
mspacmbe Ms. Pac-Man (bootleg, encrypted) 1981 bootleg
mspacmbmc Ms. Pac-Man (Marti Colls bootleg) 1982 bootleg (Marti Colls)
mspacmbn Ms. Pac-Man (Novatronic bootleg) 1981 bootleg (Novatronic)
mspacmnf Ms. Pac-Man (speedup hack) 1981 hack
mspacpls Ms. Pac-Man Plus 1981 hack
pacgal Pac-Gal (set 1) 1981 hack
pacgal2 Pac-Gal (set 2) 1981 bootleg

Software Lists

Card Short name Description Status Total Supported Partially supported Unsupported

Devices Referenced

Short nameDescriptionSource file
namco Namco devices/sound/namco.cpp
gfxdecode gfxdecode emu/drawgfx.cpp
z80 Zilog Z80 devices/cpu/z80/z80.cpp
ls259 74LS259 Addressable Latch devices/machine/74259.cpp
watchdog Watchdog Timer devices/machine/watchdog.cpp
palette palette emu/emupal.cpp
screen Video Screen emu/screen.cpp
speaker Speaker emu/speaker.cpp