Phoenix (Amstar, set 1)

Short name:phoenix
Is device:No
Source file:phoenix/phoenix.cpp


Short name Description Year Manufacturer
avefenix Ave Fenix (Electrogame, Spanish bootleg of Phoenix) 1980 bootleg (Video Game)
avefenixl Ave Fenix (Laguna, Spanish bootleg of Phoenix) 1980 bootleg (Laguna)
avefenixrf Ave Fenix (Recreativos Franco, Spanish bootleg of Phoenix) 1980 bootleg (Recreativos Franco S.A.)
batman2 Batman Part 2 1981 bootleg
condor Condor (Sidam bootleg of Phoenix) 1981 bootleg (Sidam)
condorn Condor (S C Novar bootleg of Phoenix) 1981 bootleg (S C Novar)
condorva Condor (Valadon Automation bootleg of Phoenix) 1980 bootleg (Valadon Automation)
falcon Falcon (bootleg of Phoenix) (8085A CPU) 1980 bootleg
falconz Falcon (bootleg of Phoenix) (Z80 CPU) 1980 bootleg (Digimatic)
fenix Fenix (Orio bootleg of Phoenix) 1980 bootleg (Orio)
fenixn Fenix (Niemer bootleg of Phoenix) 1980 bootleg (Niemer)
griffon Griffon (Videotron bootleg of Phoenix) 1980 bootleg (Videotron)
griffono Griffon (Olympia bootleg of Phoenix) 1980 bootleg (Olympia)
nextfase Next Fase (bootleg of Phoenix) 1981 bootleg (Petaco S.A.)
phoenix2 Phoenix (Amstar, set 2) 1980 Amstar
phoenix3 Phoenix (T.P.N. bootleg) 1980 bootleg (T.P.N.)
phoenixa Phoenix (Centuri, set 1) 1980 Amstar (Centuri license)
phoenixass Phoenix (Assa, Spanish bootleg) 1981 bootleg (Assa)
phoenixb Phoenix (Centuri, set 2) 1980 Amstar (Centuri license)
phoenixbl Phoenix (bootleg) 1981 bootleg
phoenixc Phoenix (Irecsa / G.G.I. Corporation) 1981 bootleg? (Irecsa / G.G.I. Corporation)
phoenixc2 Phoenix (G.G.I. Corporation, set 1) 1981 bootleg (G.G.I. Corporation)
phoenixc3 Phoenix (G.G.I. Corporation, set 2) 1981 bootleg (G.G.I. Corporation)
phoenixc4 Phoenix (G.G.I. Corporation, set 3) 1981 bootleg (G.G.I. Corporation)
phoenixdal Phoenix (D&L bootleg) 1980 bootleg (D&L)
phoenixgu Phoenix (G. Universal Video bootleg) 1981 bootleg? (G. Universal Video)
phoenixha Phoenix (Hellomat Automaten bootleg) 1981 bootleg (Hellomat Automaten)
phoenixi Phoenix (IDI bootleg) 1981 bootleg (IDI)
phoenixj Phoenix (Taito Japan) 1980 Amstar (Taito Japan license)
phoenixs Phoenix (Sonic, Spanish bootleg) 1981 bootleg (Sonic)
phoenixt Phoenix (Taito) 1980 Amstar (Taito license)
phoenxp2 Phoenix Part 2 1981 bootleg
vautour Vautour (bootleg of Phoenix) (8085A CPU) 1980 bootleg (Jeutel)
vautourz Vautour (bootleg of Phoenix) (Z80 CPU) 1980 bootleg
vautourza Vautour (bootleg of Phoenix) (Z80 CPU, single PROM) 1980 bootleg (Jeutel)

Software Lists

Card Short name Description Status Total Supported Partially supported Unsupported

Devices Referenced

Short nameDescriptionSource file
phoenix_sound Phoenix Custom Sound phoenix/phoenix_a.cpp
tms36xx TMS36XX devices/sound/tms36xx.cpp
discrete Discrete Sound devices/sound/discrete.cpp
i8085a Intel 8085A devices/cpu/i8085/i8085.cpp
gfxdecode gfxdecode emu/drawgfx.cpp
palette palette emu/emupal.cpp
screen Video Screen emu/screen.cpp
speaker Speaker emu/speaker.cpp