Puck Man (Japan set 1)

Short name:puckman
Is device:No
Source file:pacman/pacman.cpp


Short name Description Year Manufacturer
abscam Abscam 1981 GL (US Billiards license)
baracuda Barracuda 1981 hack (Coinex)
bucaner Buccaneer (set 1) 1981 hack (Video Research)
bucanera Buccaneer (set 2) 1981 hack (Video Research)
crazym Crazy Mazey 1982 bootleg (Game-A-Tron)
crockman Crock-Man 1980 bootleg (Rene Pierre)
crockmnf Crock-Man (Marti Colls bootleg of Rene Pierre Crock-Man) 1980 bootleg (Marti Colls)
ctrpllrp Caterpillar Pacman Hack 1982 hack
ghostmun Ghost Muncher 1981 bootleg (Leisure and Allied)
hangly Hangly-Man (set 1) 1981 hack (Igleck)
hangly2 Hangly-Man (set 2) 1981 hack (Igleck)
hangly3 Hangly-Man (set 3) 1981 hack (Igleck)
joyman Joyman 1982 hack
komemokos Komemokos (hack of 'Pac-Man (Cirsa, Spanish bootleg)') 199? hack
mspacmab3 Ms. Pac-Man (bootleg, set 3) 1981 bootleg
newpuc2 Newpuc2 (set 1) 1980 hack
newpuc2b Newpuc2 (set 2) 1980 hack
newpuckx New Puck-X 1980 hack
pac90 Pac-Man (bootleg on World Cup '90 hardware) 199? bootleg (Macro)
pacheart Pac-Man (Hearts) 1981 hack
pacman Pac-Man (Midway) 1980 Namco (Midway license)
pacmanbl Pac-Man (bootleg on Galaxian hardware, set 1) 1981 bootleg
pacmanbla Pac-Man (bootleg on Galaxian hardware, set 2) 1981 bootleg
pacmanblb Pac-Man (bootleg on Moon Alien 'AL-10A1' hardware) 1981 bootleg
pacmanblc Pac-Man (Calfesa, Spanish bootleg on Galaxian hardware) 1981 bootleg (Calfesa)
pacmanblci Pac-Man (Cirsa, Spanish bootleg on Galaxian hardware) 1981 bootleg (Cirsa)
pacmanblv Pac-Man (Video Dens, Spanish bootleg on Galaxian hardware) 1981 bootleg (Video Dens)
pacmanf Pac-Man (Midway, speedup hack) 1980 hack
pacmanfm Pac Man (FAMARE S.A. bootleg of Puck Man) 1980 bootleg (FAMARE S.A.)
pacmanjpm Pac-Man (JPM bootleg) 1981 bootleg (JPM)
pacmanpe Come Come (Petaco SA bootleg of Puck Man) 1980 bootleg (Petaco SA)
pacmanso Pac-Man (SegaSA / Sonic) 1980 Namco (Sonic license)
pacmansp Puck Man (Spanish, 'Made in Greece' bootleg) 198? bootleg (Video Game SA)
pacmanug Pac Man (U.Games bootleg of Puck Man) 1980 bootleg (U.Games)
pacmanvg Pac-Man (Video Game SA bootleg) 1980 bootleg (Video Game SA)
pacmod Pac-Man (Midway, harder) 1981 Namco (Midway license)
pacuman Pacu-Man (Spanish bootleg of Puck Man) 1980 bootleg (Recreativos Franco S.A.)
piranha Piranha 1981 GL (US Billiards license)
piranhah Piranha (hack) 1981 hack
piranhao Piranha (older) 1981 GL (US Billiards license)
popeyeman Popeye-Man 1981 hack
puckmana Puck Man (Alca bootleg) 1980 bootleg (Alca)
puckmanb Puck Man (bootleg set 1) 1980 bootleg
puckmanf Puck Man (speedup hack) 1980 hack
puckmanh Puck Man (bootleg set 2) 1980 bootleg (Falcom?)
puckmod Puck Man (Japan set 2) 1981 Namco
titanpac Titan (hack of Pac-Man) 1981 hack (NSM)

Software Lists

Card Short name Description Status Total Supported Partially supported Unsupported

Devices Referenced

Short nameDescriptionSource file
namco Namco devices/sound/namco.cpp
gfxdecode gfxdecode emu/drawgfx.cpp
z80 Zilog Z80 devices/cpu/z80/z80.cpp
ls259 74LS259 Addressable Latch devices/machine/74259.cpp
watchdog Watchdog Timer devices/machine/watchdog.cpp
palette palette emu/emupal.cpp
screen Video Screen emu/screen.cpp
speaker Speaker emu/speaker.cpp