Rise of the Robots (prototype, older)

Short name:rotra
Is device:No
Source file:bfm/rastersp.cpp
Parent machine:Rise of the Robots (prototype) (rotr)

Devices Referenced

Short name
Source file
ncr537xx NCR 53C7xx SCSI devices/machine/53c7xx.cpp
tms32031 Texas Instruments TMS320C31 devices/cpu/tms32031/tms32031.cpp
i486 Intel I486 devices/cpu/i386/i386.cpp
scsi_harddisk SCSI Hard Disk devices/bus/nscsi/hd.cpp
harddisk_image Hard disk devices/imagedev/harddriv.cpp
dac_16bit_r2r_tc 16-Bit R-2R Twos Complement DAC devices/sound/dac.h
mc146818 MC146818 RTC devices/machine/mc146818.cpp
palette palette emu/emupal.cpp
watchdog Watchdog Timer devices/machine/watchdog.cpp
nvram NVRAM devices/machine/nvram.cpp
nscsi_bus SCSI Bus (new) devices/machine/nscsi_bus.cpp
nscsi_connector SCSI Connector Abstraction (new) devices/machine/nscsi_bus.cpp
screen Video Screen emu/screen.cpp
z80scc_channel Z80 SCC Channel devices/machine/z80scc.cpp
scc85c30 Zilog Z85C30 SCC devices/machine/z80scc.cpp
speaker Speaker emu/speaker.cpp