RST Interrupt Buffer (negative modification)

Short name:rst_neg_buffer
Is device:Yes
Source file:devices/machine/rstbuf.cpp

Referenced By

Short name
Source file
airduel Air Duel (World, M82 hardware) irem/m72.cpp
airdueljm72 Air Duel (Japan, M72 hardware) irem/m72.cpp
airduelm72 Air Duel (World, M72 hardware) irem/m72.cpp
airduelu Air Duel (US location test, M82 hardware) irem/m72.cpp
atompunk Atomic Punk (US) irem/m90.cpp
bbmanw Bomber Man World / New Dyna Blaster - Global Quest irem/m90.cpp
bbmanwj Bomber Man World (Japan) irem/m90.cpp
bbmanwja Bomber Man World (Japan, revised sound hardware) irem/m90.cpp
bchopper Battle Chopper (World) irem/m72.cpp
bj92 Black Jack (Irem, satellite unit, rev. T) irem/m78.cpp
bomblord Bomber Lord (bootleg) irem/m90.cpp
bombrman Bomber Man (Japan) irem/m90.cpp
bowmen Bowmen irem/vigilant.cpp
buccanrs Buccaneers (set 1) irem/vigilant.cpp
buccanrsa Buccaneers (set 2) irem/vigilant.cpp
buccanrsb Buccaneers (set 3, harder) irem/vigilant.cpp
captainx Captain X irem/vigilant.cpp
cosmccop Cosmic Cop (World) irem/m72.cpp
dbreed Dragon Breed (World, M81 hardware) irem/m72.cpp
dbreedjm72 Dragon Breed (Japan, M72 hardware) irem/m72.cpp
dbreedm72 Dragon Breed (World, M72 hardware) irem/m72.cpp
dicegame Dice - The Dice Game! irem/m90.cpp
dkgensan Daiku no Gensan (Japan, M84 hardware) irem/m72.cpp
dkgensanm72 Daiku no Gensan (Japan, M72 hardware) irem/m72.cpp
dkgensanm82 Daiku no Gensan (Japan, M82 hardware) irem/m72.cpp
dynablst Dynablaster / Bomber Man irem/m90.cpp
gallop Gallop - Armed Police Unit (Japan, M84 hardware) irem/m72.cpp
gallopm72 Gallop - Armed Police Unit (Japan, M72 hardware) irem/m72.cpp
gussun Gussun Oyoyo (Japan) irem/m90.cpp
hasamu Hasamu (Japan) irem/m90.cpp
hharry Hammerin' Harry (World, M81 hardware) irem/m72.cpp
hharryb Hammerin' Harry (World, M84 hardware bootleg) irem/m72.cpp
hharryb2 Hammerin' Harry (Playmark bootleg) irem/m72.cpp
hharryu Hammerin' Harry (US, M84 hardware) irem/m72.cpp
imgfight Image Fight (World) irem/m72.cpp
imgfightj Image Fight (Japan) irem/m72.cpp
imgfightjb Image Fight (Japan, bootleg) irem/m72.cpp
kengo Ken-Go (World) irem/m72.cpp
kengoj Ken-Go (Japan) irem/m72.cpp
kikcubic Meikyu Jima (Japan) irem/vigilant.cpp
kikcubicb Kickle Cubele irem/vigilant.cpp
kurukuru Kuru Kuru Pyon Pyon (Japan) success/kurukuru.cpp
loht Legend of Hero Tonma (World) irem/m72.cpp
loht_ms Legend of Hero Tonma (Gaelco bootleg, Modular System) irem/m72.cpp
lohtb Legend of Hero Tonma (Playmark unprotected bootleg) irem/m72.cpp
lohtb2 Legend of Hero Tonma (Japan, bootleg with i8751) irem/m72.cpp
lohtb3 Legend of Hero Tonma (World, bootleg with i8751) irem/m72.cpp
lohtj Legend of Hero Tonma (Japan) irem/m72.cpp
ltswords Lightning Swords (World) irem/m72.cpp
majtitle Major Title (World) irem/m72.cpp
majtitlej Major Title (Japan) irem/m72.cpp
matchit Match It irem/m80.cpp
matchit2 Match It II irem/m90.cpp
matchitb Match It (bootleg) irem/m80.cpp
mrheli Mr. HELI no Daibouken (Japan) irem/m72.cpp
newapunk New Atomic Punk - Global Quest (US) irem/m90.cpp
nspirit Ninja Spirit (World) irem/m72.cpp
nspiritj Saigo no Nindou (Japan) irem/m72.cpp
poundfor Pound for Pound (World) irem/m72.cpp
poundforj Pound for Pound (Japan) irem/m72.cpp
poundforu Pound for Pound (US) irem/m72.cpp
ppj Pyon Pyon Jump (V1.40, Japan) success/kurukuru.cpp
quizf1 Quiz F1 1-2 Finish (Japan) irem/m90.cpp
riskchal Risky Challenge irem/m90.cpp
rtype R-Type (World) irem/m72.cpp
rtype2 R-Type II (World) irem/m72.cpp
rtype2j R-Type II (Japan) irem/m72.cpp
rtype2jc R-Type II (Japan, revision C) irem/m72.cpp
rtype2m82b R-Type II (Japan, bootleg M82 conversion) irem/m72.cpp
rtypeb R-Type (World bootleg) irem/m72.cpp
rtypej R-Type (Japan) irem/m72.cpp
rtypejp R-Type (Japan prototype) irem/m72.cpp
rtypem82b R-Type (Japan, bootleg M82 conversion) irem/m72.cpp
rtypeu R-Type (US) irem/m72.cpp
shisen Shisensho - Joshiryo-Hen (Japan, set 1) irem/m80.cpp
shisen2 Shisensho II irem/m90.cpp
shisena Shisensho - Joshiryo-Hen (Japan, set 2) irem/m80.cpp
sichuan2 Sichuan II (bootleg, set 1) irem/m80.cpp
sichuan2a Sichuan II (bootleg, set 2) irem/m80.cpp
vigilant Vigilante (World, Rev E) irem/vigilant.cpp
vigilanta Vigilante (World, Rev A) irem/vigilant.cpp
vigilantb Vigilante (US, Rev B) irem/vigilant.cpp
vigilantbl Vigilante (bootleg) irem/vigilant.cpp
vigilantc Vigilante (World, Rev C) irem/vigilant.cpp
vigilantd Vigilante (Japan, Rev D) irem/vigilant.cpp
vigilantg Vigilante (US, Rev G) irem/vigilant.cpp
vigilanto Vigilante (US) irem/vigilant.cpp
xmultipl X Multiply (World, M81 hardware) irem/m72.cpp
xmultiplm72 X Multiply (Japan, M72 hardware) irem/m72.cpp