Zilog Z8530 SCC

Short name:scc8530
Is device:Yes
Source file:devices/machine/z80scc.cpp

Devices Referenced

Short name
Source file
z80scc_channel Z80 SCC Channel devices/machine/z80scc.cpp

Referenced By

Short name
Source file
aa680 Acorn A680 UNIX Evaluation System acorn/aa310.cpp
abc1600 ABC 1600 luxor/abc1600.cpp
am4 Acorn M4 acorn/aa310.cpp
applix Applix 1616 ausnz/applix.cpp
botss Battle of the Solar System (rev. 1.1a 7/23/92) misc/micro3d.cpp
botss11 Battle of the Solar System (rev. 1.1 3/24/92) misc/micro3d.cpp
ceres1 Ceres-1 ceres/ceres.cpp
clxvme186 Colex VME-80186 skeleton/clxvme186.cpp
digilog320 320 skeleton/digilog320.cpp
f15se F-15 Strike Eagle (rev. 2.2 02/25/91, 29K ver. 3.1f) misc/micro3d.cpp
f15se21 F-15 Strike Eagle (rev. 2.1 02/04/91) misc/micro3d.cpp
f15se22 F-15 Strike Eagle (rev. 2.2 02/25/91, 29K ver. 2.2a) misc/micro3d.cpp
hotstuff Olympic Hot Stuff (TAS 5 Reel System) misc/hotstuff.cpp
in213 Informer 213 informer/informer_213.cpp
in213ae Informer 213 AE informer/informer_213.cpp
ip6000 InterPro/InterServe 60x0 intergraph/interpro.cpp
ip6400 InterPro/InterServe 64x0 intergraph/interpro.cpp
ip6700 InterPro/InterServe 67x0 intergraph/interpro.cpp
ip6800 InterPro/InterServe 68x0 intergraph/interpro.cpp
lft1230 A1230 186 Master Processor skeleton/lft.cpp
lft1510 A1510 186 User Processor skeleton/lft.cpp
lisa Lisa apple/lisa.cpp
lisa2 Lisa2 apple/lisa.cpp
lisa210 Lisa2/10 apple/lisa.cpp
lwriter LaserWriter apple/lwriter.cpp
lwriter2nt LaserWriter II NT apple/lwriter.cpp
lwriterplus LaserWriter Plus apple/lwriter.cpp
m4apach Apache (Barcrest) (MPU4 w/ Plasma DMD?) barcrest/mpu4plasma.cpp
m4bigchf Big Chief (Barcrest) (MPU4 w/ Plasma DMD) (set 1) barcrest/mpu4plasma.cpp
m4bigchfa Big Chief (Barcrest) (MPU4 w/ Plasma DMD) (set 2) barcrest/mpu4plasma.cpp
m4bigchfb Big Chief (Barcrest) (MPU4 w/ Plasma DMD) (set 3) barcrest/mpu4plasma.cpp
m4bigchfc Big Chief (Barcrest) (MPU4 w/ Plasma DMD) (set 4) barcrest/mpu4plasma.cpp
m4click Clickity Click (Barcrest) (MPU4 w/ Plasma DMD) barcrest/mpu4plasma.cpp
m4elite Elite (Barcrest) (MPU4 w/ Plasma DMD?) barcrest/mpu4plasma.cpp
macqd700 Macintosh Quadra 700 apple/macquadra700.cpp
macqd900 Macintosh Quadra 900 apple/macquadra700.cpp
macqd950 Macintosh Quadra 950 apple/macquadra700.cpp
macxl Macintosh XL apple/lisa.cpp
megaste MEGA STe (USA) atari/atarist.cpp
megaste_de MEGA STe (Germany) atari/atarist.cpp
megaste_es MEGA STe (Spain) atari/atarist.cpp
megaste_fr MEGA STe (France) atari/atarist.cpp
megaste_it MEGA STe (Italy) atari/atarist.cpp
megaste_se MEGA STe (Sweden) atari/atarist.cpp
megaste_uk MEGA STe (UK) atari/atarist.cpp
next NeXT Computer next/next.cpp
nextc NeXTcube next/next.cpp
nextct NeXTcube Turbo next/next.cpp
nextctc NeXTcube Turbo Color next/next.cpp
nexts NeXTstation next/next.cpp
nexts2 NeXTstation (X15 variant) next/next.cpp
nextsc NeXTstation Color next/next.cpp
nextst NeXTstation Turbo next/next.cpp
nextstc NeXTstation Turbo Color next/next.cpp
nws831 NWS-831 sony/news_68k_iop.cpp
rtpc020 IBM RT PC Model 020 ibm/rtpc.cpp
rtpc025 IBM RT PC Model 025 ibm/rtpc.cpp
rtpca25 IBM RT PC Model A25 ibm/rtpc.cpp
stankatk Super Tank Attack (prototype rev. 1.12) misc/micro3d.cpp
sun2_120 Sun 2/120 sun/sun2.cpp
sun2_50 Sun 2/50 sun/sun2.cpp
sun3_110 Sun 3/110 sun/sun3.cpp
sun3_150 Sun 3/75/140/150/160/180 sun/sun3.cpp
sun3_260 Sun 3/260/280 sun/sun3.cpp
sun3_460 Sun 3/460/470/480 sun/sun3x.cpp
sun3_50 Sun 3/50 sun/sun3.cpp
sun3_60 Sun 3/60 sun/sun3.cpp
sun3_80 Sun 3/80 sun/sun3x.cpp
sun3_e Sun 3/E sun/sun3.cpp
tankbatl Tank Battle (prototype rev. 4/21/92) misc/micro3d.cpp
tek4132 4132 tektronix/tekigw.cpp
tek6130 6130 tektronix/tekigw.cpp
triplex Triple X misc/triplex.cpp
x37 X37 (prototype) luxor/ds90.cpp
x68000 X68000 sharp/x68k.cpp
x68030 X68030 sharp/x68k.cpp
x68ksupr X68000 Super sharp/x68k.cpp
x68kxvi X68000 XVI sharp/x68k.cpp
hk68v10 Heurikon HK68/V10 devices/bus/vme/hk68v10.cpp
mpcbb68 GT II Graphics f/1 1Mp Monitor (V-76) devices/bus/interpro/sr/gt.cpp
mpcbb92 GT II Graphics f/1 2Mp Monitor (V-60/76) devices/bus/interpro/sr/gt.cpp
mpcb828 EDGE-1 Graphics f/1 1Mp Monitor (55K/60) devices/bus/interpro/sr/edge.cpp
mpcb849 EDGE-1 Graphics f/1 2Mp Monitor (55K/60) devices/bus/interpro/sr/edge.cpp
msmt094 EDGE-2 Plus Processor f/1 2Mp-FB devices/bus/interpro/sr/edge.cpp
nb_qdlink Applied Engineering Quadralink serial card devices/bus/nubus/quadralink.cpp