Signetics SCN2651 PCI

Short name:scn2651
Is device:Yes
Source file:devices/machine/scn_pci.cpp

Referenced By

Short name
Source file
aaa Ambassador skeleton/aaa.cpp
botss Battle of the Solar System (rev. 1.1a 7/23/92) misc/micro3d.cpp
botss11 Battle of the Solar System (rev. 1.1 3/24/92) misc/micro3d.cpp
dps1 DPS-1 skeleton/dps1.cpp
emu2 Emulator II emusys/emu2.cpp
f15se F-15 Strike Eagle (rev. 2.2 02/25/91, 29K ver. 3.1f) misc/micro3d.cpp
f15se21 F-15 Strike Eagle (rev. 2.1 02/04/91) misc/micro3d.cpp
f15se22 F-15 Strike Eagle (rev. 2.2 02/25/91, 29K ver. 2.2a) misc/micro3d.cpp
grfd2301 Futuredata 2301 Network Processor skeleton/grfd2301.cpp
stankatk Super Tank Attack (prototype rev. 1.12) misc/micro3d.cpp
sys16 SYS16 natsemi/sys16.cpp
t7000 T7000 Video Terminal wicat/t7000.cpp
tankbatl Tank Battle (prototype rev. 4/21/92) misc/micro3d.cpp
teleray10 Teleray Model 10 skeleton/teleray10.cpp
tricep Tricep morrow/tricep.cpp
ts1 TS-1 (v2.13.0) falco/falcots.cpp
unistar Unistar 200 Terminal skeleton/unistar.cpp
wicat Wicat System 150 wicat/wicat.cpp
wy100 WY-100 wyse/wy100.cpp
s100_am310 Alpha Micro AM-310 Communications Controller devices/bus/s100/am310.cpp
dmv_k211 K211 RS-232 Communications Interface devices/bus/dmv/k801.cpp
dmv_k212 K212 RS-232 Printer Interface devices/bus/dmv/k801.cpp
dmv_k213 K213 RS-232 Plotter Interface devices/bus/dmv/k801.cpp