SEI80BU Encrypted Z80 Interface

Short name:sei80bu
Is device:Yes
Source file:shared/seibusound.cpp

Referenced By

Short name
Source file
airraid Air Raid (Single PCB) seibu/airraid.cpp
cabal Cabal (World, Joystick) seibu/cabal.cpp
cabala Cabal (Korea?, Joystick) seibu/cabal.cpp
cabaluk Cabal (UK, Trackball) seibu/cabal.cpp
cabalukj Cabal (UK, Joystick) seibu/cabal.cpp
cabalus Cabal (US set 1, Trackball) seibu/cabal.cpp
cabalus2 Cabal (US set 2, Trackball) seibu/cabal.cpp
cshooter Cross Shooter (Single PCB) seibu/airraid.cpp
dbldynj The Double Dynamites (Japan, 13NOV89) seibu/dynduke.cpp
dbldynu The Double Dynamites (US, 13NOV89) seibu/dynduke.cpp
deadang Dead Angle seibu/deadang.cpp
dynduke Dynamite Duke (Europe, 03SEP89) seibu/dynduke.cpp
dyndukea Dynamite Duke (Europe, 25JUL89) seibu/dynduke.cpp
dyndukej Dynamite Duke (Japan, 03SEP89) seibu/dynduke.cpp
dyndukeja Dynamite Duke (Japan, 25JUL89) seibu/dynduke.cpp
dyndukeu Dynamite Duke (US, 25JUL89) seibu/dynduke.cpp
failgate Fail Gate seibu/airraid.cpp
ghunter Gang Hunter / Dead Angle seibu/deadang.cpp
ghunters Gang Hunter / Dead Angle (Spain) seibu/deadang.cpp
juju JuJu Densetsu (Japan) seibu/toki.cpp
leadang Lead Angle (Japan) seibu/deadang.cpp
mustache Mustache Boy (Japan) seibu/mustache.cpp
mustachei Mustache Boy (Italy) seibu/mustache.cpp
popnrun Pop'n Run - The Videogame (set 1) seibu/deadang.cpp
popnruna Pop'n Run - The Videogame (set 2) seibu/deadang.cpp
raiden Raiden (World set 1) seibu/raiden.cpp
raidenj Raiden (Japan) seibu/raiden.cpp
raident Raiden (Taiwan) seibu/raiden.cpp
raidenu Raiden (US set 1) seibu/raiden.cpp
raidenua Raiden (US set 2, SEI8904 hardware) seibu/raiden.cpp
toki Toki (World, set 1) seibu/toki.cpp
tokia Toki (World, set 2) seibu/toki.cpp
tokip Toki (US, prototype?) seibu/toki.cpp
tokiu Toki (US, set 1) seibu/toki.cpp
tokiua Toki (US, set 2) seibu/toki.cpp