Atari Slapstic

Short name:slapstic
Is device:Yes
Source file:atari/slapstic.cpp

Referenced By

Short name
Source file
720 720 Degrees (rev 4) atari/atarisy2.cpp
720g 720 Degrees (German, rev 2) atari/atarisy2.cpp
720gr1 720 Degrees (German, rev 1) atari/atarisy2.cpp
720r1 720 Degrees (rev 1) atari/atarisy2.cpp
720r2 720 Degrees (rev 2) atari/atarisy2.cpp
720r3 720 Degrees (rev 3) atari/atarisy2.cpp
apb APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 7) atari/atarisy2.cpp
apb1 APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 1) atari/atarisy2.cpp
apb2 APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 2) atari/atarisy2.cpp
apb3 APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 3) atari/atarisy2.cpp
apb4 APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 4) atari/atarisy2.cpp
apb5 APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 5) atari/atarisy2.cpp
apb6 APB - All Points Bulletin (rev 6) atari/atarisy2.cpp
apbf APB - All Points Bulletin (French) atari/atarisy2.cpp
apbg APB - All Points Bulletin (German) atari/atarisy2.cpp
atarisy1 Atari System 1 BIOS atari/atarisy1.cpp
atetb3482 Tetris (bootleg set 6, with UM3482) atari/atetris.cpp
atetb5205 Tetris (bootleg set 7, with OKI M5205) atari/atetris.cpp
atetris Tetris (set 1) atari/atetris.cpp
atetrisa Tetris (set 2) atari/atetris.cpp
atetrisb Tetris (bootleg set 1) atari/atetris.cpp
atetrisb2 Tetris (bootleg set 2) atari/atetris.cpp
atetrisb3 Tetris (bootleg set 3) atari/atetris.cpp
atetrisb4 Tetris (bootleg set 4) atari/atetris.cpp
atetrisc Tetris (cocktail set 1) atari/atetris.cpp
atetrisc2 Tetris (cocktail set 2) atari/atetris.cpp
csprint Championship Sprint (rev 3) atari/atarisy2.cpp
csprint1 Championship Sprint (rev 1) atari/atarisy2.cpp
csprint2 Championship Sprint (rev 2) atari/atarisy2.cpp
csprintf Championship Sprint (French) atari/atarisy2.cpp
csprintg Championship Sprint (German, rev 2) atari/atarisy2.cpp
csprintg1 Championship Sprint (German, rev 1) atari/atarisy2.cpp
csprints Championship Sprint (Spanish, rev 2) atari/atarisy2.cpp
csprints1 Championship Sprint (Spanish, rev 1) atari/atarisy2.cpp
cyberbalt Tournament Cyberball 2072 (rev 2) atari/cyberbal.cpp
cyberbalt1 Tournament Cyberball 2072 (rev 1) atari/cyberbal.cpp
esb The Empire Strikes Back atari/starwars.cpp
gaunt2 Gauntlet II atari/gauntlet.cpp
gaunt22p Gauntlet II (2 Players, rev 2) atari/gauntlet.cpp
gaunt22p1 Gauntlet II (2 Players, rev 1) atari/gauntlet.cpp
gaunt22pg Gauntlet II (2 Players, German) atari/gauntlet.cpp
gaunt2g Gauntlet II (German) atari/gauntlet.cpp
gauntlet Gauntlet (rev 14) atari/gauntlet.cpp
gauntlet2p Gauntlet (2 Players, rev 6) atari/gauntlet.cpp
gauntlet2pg Gauntlet (2 Players, German, rev 4) atari/gauntlet.cpp
gauntlet2pg1 Gauntlet (2 Players, German, rev 1) atari/gauntlet.cpp
gauntlet2pj Gauntlet (2 Players, Japanese, rev 5) atari/gauntlet.cpp
gauntlet2pj2 Gauntlet (2 Players, Japanese, rev 2) atari/gauntlet.cpp
gauntlet2pr3 Gauntlet (2 Players, rev 3) atari/gauntlet.cpp
gauntletg Gauntlet (German, rev 10) atari/gauntlet.cpp
gauntletgr3 Gauntlet (German, rev 3) atari/gauntlet.cpp
gauntletgr6 Gauntlet (German, rev 6) atari/gauntlet.cpp
gauntletgr8 Gauntlet (German, rev 8) atari/gauntlet.cpp
gauntletj Gauntlet (Japanese, rev 13) atari/gauntlet.cpp
gauntletj12 Gauntlet (Japanese, rev 12) atari/gauntlet.cpp
gauntletr1 Gauntlet (rev 1) atari/gauntlet.cpp
gauntletr2 Gauntlet (rev 2) atari/gauntlet.cpp
gauntletr4 Gauntlet (rev 4) atari/gauntlet.cpp
gauntletr5 Gauntlet (rev 5) atari/gauntlet.cpp
gauntletr7 Gauntlet (rev 7) atari/gauntlet.cpp
gauntletr9 Gauntlet (rev 9) atari/gauntlet.cpp
gauntlets Gauntlet (Spanish, rev 15) atari/gauntlet.cpp
hydra Hydra atari/atarig1.cpp
indytemp Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (set 1) atari/atarisy1.cpp
indytemp2 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (set 2) atari/atarisy1.cpp
indytemp3 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (set 3) atari/atarisy1.cpp
indytemp4 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (set 4) atari/atarisy1.cpp
indytempc Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (cocktail) atari/atarisy1.cpp
indytempd Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (German) atari/atarisy1.cpp
link Link (Korean bootleg of Atari Tetris) atari/atetris.cpp
marble Marble Madness (set 1) atari/atarisy1.cpp
marble2 Marble Madness (set 2) atari/atarisy1.cpp
marble3 Marble Madness (set 3) atari/atarisy1.cpp
marble4 Marble Madness (set 4) atari/atarisy1.cpp
marble5 Marble Madness (set 5 - LSI Cartridge) atari/atarisy1.cpp
paperboy Paperboy (rev 3) atari/atarisy2.cpp
paperboyp Paperboy (prototype) atari/atarisy2.cpp
paperboyr1 Paperboy (rev 1) atari/atarisy2.cpp
paperboyr2 Paperboy (rev 2) atari/atarisy2.cpp
peterpak Peter Pack Rat atari/atarisy1.cpp
pitfight Pit Fighter (rev 9) atari/atarig1.cpp
pitfight1p2 Pit Fighter (rev 1, 2 players) atari/atarig1.cpp
pitfight2 Pit Fighter (rev 2) atari/atarig1.cpp
pitfight3 Pit Fighter (rev 3) atari/atarig1.cpp
pitfight4 Pit Fighter (rev 4) atari/atarig1.cpp
pitfight5 Pit Fighter (rev 5) atari/atarig1.cpp
pitfight6 Pit Fighter (rev 6) atari/atarig1.cpp
pitfight7 Pit Fighter (rev 7) atari/atarig1.cpp
pitfightj Pit Fighter (Japan rev 3, 2 players) atari/atarig1.cpp
racedriv Race Drivin' (cockpit, rev 5) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedriv1 Race Drivin' (cockpit, rev 1) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedriv2 Race Drivin' (cockpit, rev 2) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedriv3 Race Drivin' (cockpit, rev 3) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedriv4 Race Drivin' (cockpit, rev 4) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivb Race Drivin' (cockpit, British, rev 5) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivb1 Race Drivin' (cockpit, British, rev 1) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivb4 Race Drivin' (cockpit, British, rev 4) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivc Race Drivin' (compact, rev 5) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivc1 Race Drivin' (compact, rev 1) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivc2 Race Drivin' (compact, rev 2) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivc4 Race Drivin' (compact, rev 4) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivcb Race Drivin' (compact, British, rev 5) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivcb4 Race Drivin' (compact, British, rev 4) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivcg Race Drivin' (compact, German, rev 5) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivcg4 Race Drivin' (compact, German, rev 4) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivcp Race Drivin' (compact, prototype) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivg Race Drivin' (cockpit, German, rev 5) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivg1 Race Drivin' (cockpit, German, rev 2) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivg4 Race Drivin' (cockpit, German, rev 4) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivpan Race Drivin' Panorama (prototype, rev 2.1) atari/harddriv.cpp
rampart Rampart (Trackball) atari/rampart.cpp
rampart2p Rampart (Joystick, bigger ROMs) atari/rampart.cpp
rampart2pa Rampart (Joystick, smaller ROMs) atari/rampart.cpp
rampartj Rampart (Japan, Joystick) atari/rampart.cpp
roadblst Road Blasters (upright, rev 4) atari/atarisy1.cpp
roadblst1 Road Blasters (upright, rev 1) atari/atarisy1.cpp
roadblst2 Road Blasters (upright, rev 2) atari/atarisy1.cpp
roadblst3 Road Blasters (upright, rev 3) atari/atarisy1.cpp
roadblstc Road Blasters (cockpit, rev 2) atari/atarisy1.cpp
roadblstc1 Road Blasters (cockpit, rev 1) atari/atarisy1.cpp
roadblstcg Road Blasters (cockpit, German, rev 1) atari/atarisy1.cpp
roadblstg Road Blasters (upright, German, rev 3) atari/atarisy1.cpp
roadblstg1 Road Blasters (upright, German, rev 1) atari/atarisy1.cpp
roadblstg2 Road Blasters (upright, German, rev 2) atari/atarisy1.cpp
roadblstgu Road Blasters (upright, German, rev ?) atari/atarisy1.cpp
roadrunn Road Runner (rev 2) atari/atarisy1.cpp
roadrunn1 Road Runner (rev 1) atari/atarisy1.cpp
roadrunn2 Road Runner (rev 1+) atari/atarisy1.cpp
ssprint Super Sprint (rev 4) atari/atarisy2.cpp
ssprint1 Super Sprint (rev 1) atari/atarisy2.cpp
ssprint3 Super Sprint (rev 3) atari/atarisy2.cpp
ssprintf Super Sprint (French) atari/atarisy2.cpp
ssprintg Super Sprint (German, rev 2) atari/atarisy2.cpp
ssprintg1 Super Sprint (German, rev 1) atari/atarisy2.cpp
ssprints Super Sprint (Spanish) atari/atarisy2.cpp
strtdriv Street Drivin' (prototype) atari/harddriv.cpp
vindctr2 Vindicators Part II (rev 3) atari/gauntlet.cpp
vindctr2r1 Vindicators Part II (rev 1) atari/gauntlet.cpp
vindctr2r2 Vindicators Part II (rev 2) atari/gauntlet.cpp
xybots Xybots (rev 2) atari/xybots.cpp
xybots0 Xybots (rev 0) atari/xybots.cpp
xybots1 Xybots (rev 1) atari/xybots.cpp
xybotsf Xybots (French, rev 3) atari/xybots.cpp
xybotsg Xybots (German, rev 3) atari/xybots.cpp
racedriv_board Race Drivin' Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivb1_board Race Drivin' B1 Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivc_board Race Drivin' C Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivc1_board Race Drivin' C1 Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivc_panorama_side_board Race Drivin' C Panorama Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
strtdriv_board Street Drivin' Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp