Spider-Man: The Videogame (Japan)

Short name:spidmanj
Is device:No
Source file:sega/segas32.cpp
Parent machine:Spider-Man: The Videogame (World) (spidman)
Imperfect Features:graphics

Devices Referenced

Short name
Source file
s32comm System 32 Communication Board sega/s32comm.cpp
315_5296 Sega 315-5296 I/O sega/315_5296.cpp
v60 NEC V60 devices/cpu/v60/v60.cpp
rf5c68 Ricoh RF5C68 devices/sound/rf5c68.cpp
ym3438 YM3438 OPN2C devices/sound/ymopn.cpp
gfxdecode gfxdecode emu/drawgfx.cpp
z80 Zilog Z80 devices/cpu/z80/z80.cpp
palette palette emu/emupal.cpp
i8255 Intel 8255 PPI devices/machine/i8255.cpp
93c46_16 Serial EEPROM 93C46 (64x16) devices/machine/eepromser.cpp
timer Timer devices/machine/timer.cpp
screen Video Screen emu/screen.cpp
speaker Speaker emu/speaker.cpp
segas32_pcb_4player Sega System 32 4-player/fighting PCB sega/segas32.cpp