2mindril |
Two Minute Drill (Ver 2.93A 1994/02/16) |
taito/2mindril.cpp |
2mindrila |
Two Minute Drill (Ver 2.2A 1993/10/18) |
taito/2mindril.cpp |
cbombers |
Chase Bombers (World) |
taito/undrfire.cpp |
cbombersj |
Chase Bombers (Japan) |
taito/undrfire.cpp |
cbombersp |
Chase Bombers (Japan Prototype) |
taito/undrfire.cpp |
dblaxle |
Double Axle (US, Rev 1) |
taito/taito_z.cpp |
dblaxleu |
Double Axle (US) |
taito/taito_z.cpp |
dblaxleul |
Double Axle (US, Rev 1, Linkable) |
taito/taito_z.cpp |
dinorex |
Dino Rex (World) |
taito/taito_f2.cpp |
dinorexj |
Dino Rex (Japan) |
taito/taito_f2.cpp |
dinorexu |
Dino Rex (US) |
taito/taito_f2.cpp |
driftout |
Drift Out (Europe) |
taito/taito_f2.cpp |
driftoutj |
Drift Out (Japan) |
taito/taito_f2.cpp |
driveout |
Drive Out (bootleg of Drift Out) |
taito/taito_f2.cpp |
evilston |
Evil Stone |
taito/taito_l.cpp |
galastrm |
Galactic Storm (Japan) |
taito/galastrm.cpp |
groundfx |
Ground Effects / Super Ground Effects (Japan) |
taito/groundfx.cpp |
gunbustr |
Gunbuster (World) |
taito/gunbustr.cpp |
gunbustrj |
Gunbuster (Japan) |
taito/gunbustr.cpp |
gunbustru |
Gunbuster (US) |
taito/gunbustr.cpp |
gunfront |
Gun & Frontier (World) |
taito/taito_f2.cpp |
gunfrontj |
Gun Frontier (Japan) |
taito/taito_f2.cpp |
koshien |
Ah Eikou no Koshien (Japan) |
taito/taito_f2.cpp |
majest12j |
Majestic Twelve - The Space Invaders Part IV (Japan) |
taito/taito_f2.cpp |
majest12u |
Majestic Twelve - The Space Invaders Part IV (US, revised code, Rev 1) |
taito/taito_f2.cpp |
majest12ua |
Majestic Twelve - The Space Invaders Part IV (US, revised code) |
taito/taito_f2.cpp |
majest12ub |
Majestic Twelve - The Space Invaders Part IV (US, earlier code base) |
taito/taito_f2.cpp |
metalb |
Metal Black (World) |
taito/taito_f2.cpp |
metalba |
Metal Black (World, single PCB) |
taito/taito_f2.cpp |
metalbj |
Metal Black (Japan) |
taito/taito_f2.cpp |
pf2012 |
Psychic Force 2012 (Ver 2.04J) |
taito/taitowlf.cpp |
pulirula |
PuLiRuLa (World, dual PCB) |
taito/taito_f2.cpp |
pulirulaa |
PuLiRuLa (World, single PCB) |
taito/taito_f2.cpp |
pulirulaj |
PuLiRuLa (Japan) |
taito/taito_f2.cpp |
pwheelsj |
Power Wheels (Japan, Rev 2, Linkable) |
taito/taito_z.cpp |
qcrayon |
Quiz Crayon Shinchan (Japan) |
taito/taito_f2.cpp |
qcrayon2 |
Crayon Shinchan Orato Asobo (Japan) |
taito/taito_f2.cpp |
qjinsei |
Quiz Jinsei Gekijoh (Japan) |
taito/taito_f2.cpp |
qzchikyu |
Quiz Chikyu Bouei Gun (Japan) |
taito/taito_f2.cpp |
qzquest |
Quiz Quest - Hime to Yuusha no Monogatari (Japan) |
taito/taito_f2.cpp |
racingb |
Racing Beat (World) |
taito/taito_z.cpp |
racingbj |
Racing Beat (Japan) |
taito/taito_z.cpp |
realpunc |
Real Puncher (World, v2.12O) |
taito/taito_b.cpp |
realpuncj |
Real Puncher (Japan, v2.12J) |
taito/taito_b.cpp |
sbm |
Sonic Blast Man (US) |
taito/taito_b.cpp |
sbmj |
Sonic Blast Man (Japan) |
taito/taito_b.cpp |
spacegun |
Space Gun (World) |
taito/taito_z.cpp |
spacegunj |
Space Gun (Japan) |
taito/taito_z.cpp |
spacegunu |
Space Gun (US) |
taito/taito_z.cpp |
ssi |
Super Space Invaders '91 (World, revised code, Rev 1) |
taito/taito_f2.cpp |
ssia |
Super Space Invaders '91 (World, revised code) |
taito/taito_f2.cpp |
ssib |
Super Space Invaders '91 (World, earlier code base) |
taito/taito_f2.cpp |
superchs |
Super Chase - Criminal Termination (World) |
taito/superchs.cpp |
superchsj |
Super Chase - Criminal Termination (Japan) |
taito/superchs.cpp |
superchsp |
Super Chase - Criminal Termination (1992/10/26 20:24:29 CHASE 3 VER 1.1, prototype) |
taito/superchs.cpp |
superchsp2 |
Super Chase - Criminal Termination (1992/01/18 18:29:18 CHASE 3 VER 1.3O, prototype) |
taito/superchs.cpp |
superchsu |
Super Chase - Criminal Termination (US) |
taito/superchs.cpp |
undrfire |
Under Fire (World) |
taito/undrfire.cpp |
undrfirej |
Under Fire (Japan) |
taito/undrfire.cpp |
undrfireu |
Under Fire (US) |
taito/undrfire.cpp |
warriorb |
Warrior Blade - Rastan Saga Episode III (Japan) |
taito/warriorb.cpp |
yuyugogo |
Yuuyu no Quiz de GO!GO! (Japan) |
taito/taito_f2.cpp |
isa16_taito_rom_disk |
ISA16 Taito Wolf System ROM DISK |
taito/taitowlf.cpp |