TI-99 Speech synthesizer (on adapter card)

Short name:ti99_speech
Is device:Yes
Source file:devices/bus/ti99/peb/spchsyn.cpp

Software Lists

Card Short name Description Status Total Supported Partially supported Unsupported

Devices Referenced

Short nameDescriptionSource file
cd2501e CD2501E devices/sound/tms5220.cpp
speechrom TI Speech ROM devices/machine/spchrom.cpp
speaker Speaker emu/speaker.cpp

Compatible Slots

Short nameDescriptionSlotChoiceSource file
geneve Geneve 9640 peb:slot2 speech ti/geneve.cpp
geneve Geneve 9640 peb:slot3 speech ti/geneve.cpp
geneve Geneve 9640 peb:slot4 speech ti/geneve.cpp
geneve Geneve 9640 peb:slot5 speech ti/geneve.cpp
geneve Geneve 9640 peb:slot6 speech ti/geneve.cpp
geneve Geneve 9640 peb:slot7 speech ti/geneve.cpp
geneve Geneve 9640 peb:slot8 speech ti/geneve.cpp
genmod Geneve 9640 Mod peb:slot2 speech ti/geneve.cpp
genmod Geneve 9640 Mod peb:slot3 speech ti/geneve.cpp
genmod Geneve 9640 Mod peb:slot4 speech ti/geneve.cpp
genmod Geneve 9640 Mod peb:slot5 speech ti/geneve.cpp
genmod Geneve 9640 Mod peb:slot6 speech ti/geneve.cpp
genmod Geneve 9640 Mod peb:slot7 speech ti/geneve.cpp
genmod Geneve 9640 Mod peb:slot8 speech ti/geneve.cpp
ti99_4ev TI-99/4A Home Computer with EVPC ioport:peb:slot2 speech ti/ti99_4x.cpp
ti99_4ev TI-99/4A Home Computer with EVPC ioport:peb:slot3 speech ti/ti99_4x.cpp
ti99_4ev TI-99/4A Home Computer with EVPC ioport:peb:slot4 speech ti/ti99_4x.cpp
ti99_4ev TI-99/4A Home Computer with EVPC ioport:peb:slot5 speech ti/ti99_4x.cpp
ti99_4ev TI-99/4A Home Computer with EVPC ioport:peb:slot6 speech ti/ti99_4x.cpp
ti99_4ev TI-99/4A Home Computer with EVPC ioport:peb:slot7 speech ti/ti99_4x.cpp
ti99_4ev TI-99/4A Home Computer with EVPC ioport:peb:slot8 speech ti/ti99_4x.cpp
ti99_4p SGCPU (aka TI-99/4P) peb:slot2 speech ti/ti99_4p.cpp
ti99_4p SGCPU (aka TI-99/4P) peb:slot3 speech ti/ti99_4p.cpp
ti99_4p SGCPU (aka TI-99/4P) peb:slot4 speech ti/ti99_4p.cpp
ti99_4p SGCPU (aka TI-99/4P) peb:slot5 speech ti/ti99_4p.cpp
ti99_4p SGCPU (aka TI-99/4P) peb:slot6 speech ti/ti99_4p.cpp
ti99_4p SGCPU (aka TI-99/4P) peb:slot7 speech ti/ti99_4p.cpp
ti99_4p SGCPU (aka TI-99/4P) peb:slot8 speech ti/ti99_4p.cpp
peribox Peripheral expansion box :slot2 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox Peripheral expansion box :slot3 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox Peripheral expansion box :slot4 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox Peripheral expansion box :slot5 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox Peripheral expansion box :slot6 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox Peripheral expansion box :slot7 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox Peripheral expansion box :slot8 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox_ev Peripheral expansion box with EVPC :slot2 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox_ev Peripheral expansion box with EVPC :slot3 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox_ev Peripheral expansion box with EVPC :slot4 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox_ev Peripheral expansion box with EVPC :slot5 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox_ev Peripheral expansion box with EVPC :slot6 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox_ev Peripheral expansion box with EVPC :slot7 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox_ev Peripheral expansion box with EVPC :slot8 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox_sg Peripheral expansion box SGCPU :slot2 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox_sg Peripheral expansion box SGCPU :slot3 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox_sg Peripheral expansion box SGCPU :slot4 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox_sg Peripheral expansion box SGCPU :slot5 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox_sg Peripheral expansion box SGCPU :slot6 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox_sg Peripheral expansion box SGCPU :slot7 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox_sg Peripheral expansion box SGCPU :slot8 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox_gen Peripheral expansion box Geneve :slot2 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox_gen Peripheral expansion box Geneve :slot3 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox_gen Peripheral expansion box Geneve :slot4 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox_gen Peripheral expansion box Geneve :slot5 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox_gen Peripheral expansion box Geneve :slot6 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox_gen Peripheral expansion box Geneve :slot7 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox_gen Peripheral expansion box Geneve :slot8 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox_genmod Peripheral expansion box Genmod :slot2 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox_genmod Peripheral expansion box Genmod :slot3 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox_genmod Peripheral expansion box Genmod :slot4 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox_genmod Peripheral expansion box Genmod :slot5 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox_genmod Peripheral expansion box Genmod :slot6 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox_genmod Peripheral expansion box Genmod :slot7 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp
peribox_genmod Peripheral expansion box Genmod :slot8 speech devices/bus/ti99/peb/peribox.cpp