Ticket Dispenser

Short name:ticket_dispenser
Is device:Yes
Source file:devices/machine/ticket.cpp

Referenced By

Short name
Source file
3lilpigs 3 Lil' Pigs misc/piggypas.cpp
amusco American Music Poker (V1.4) misc/amusco.cpp
amuse Amuse (Version 50.08 IBA) misc/gei.cpp
amuse1 Amuse (Version 30.08 IBA) misc/gei.cpp
amuse1a Amuse (Version 30.08A) misc/gei.cpp
animalc Animal Catch sigma/sigmab98.cpp
animalhsb Animal House (set 3) igs/goldstar.cpp
animalhsc Animal House (set 4) igs/goldstar.cpp
arlingtn Arlington Horse Racing (v1.40-D) itech/itech8.cpp
arlingtna Arlington Horse Racing (v1.21-D) itech/itech8.cpp
b3rinsya Burning Sanrinsya - Burning Tricycle sigma/sigmab98.cpp
bdream97 Hudie Meng 97 misc/skylncr.cpp
big10 Big 10 (1985, Success) success/big10.cpp
big10a Big 10 (1986, System Make) success/big10.cpp
bigjoke The Big Joke (Version 0.00) misc/gei.cpp
bishjan Bishou Jan (Japan, Ver. 203) subsino/subsino2.cpp
bloodstm Blood Storm (v2.22) itech/itech32.cpp
bloodstm104 Blood Storm (v1.04) itech/itech32.cpp
bloodstm110 Blood Storm (v1.10) itech/itech32.cpp
bloodstm210 Blood Storm (v2.10) itech/itech32.cpp
bloodstm220 Blood Storm (v2.20) itech/itech32.cpp
bloodstm221 Blood Storm (v2.21) itech/itech32.cpp
blshark Blue Shark (MDS Hellas) misc/skylncr.cpp
bmcpokr Dongfang Shenlong bmc/bmcpokr.cpp
bowlrama Bowl-O-Rama (Rev 1.0) itech/capbowl.cpp
burgkids Burger Kids (Japan) toaplan/sunwise.cpp
butrfly Butterfly Video Game (version A00) misc/skylncr.cpp
butrflybl Butterfly Video Game (version U350C) misc/skylncr.cpp
capbowl Capcom Bowling (set 1) itech/capbowl.cpp
capbowl2 Capcom Bowling (set 2) itech/capbowl.cpp
capbowl3 Capcom Bowling (set 3) itech/capbowl.cpp
capbowl4 Capcom Bowling (set 4) itech/capbowl.cpp
captflag Captain Flag (Japan) jaleco/cischeat.cpp
castawayt Cast Away (dual 6809 GI Australasia PCB) misc/gi6809.cpp
cclownz Crazzy Clownz (Version 1.0) ice/lethalj.cpp
cecmatch ChuckECheese's Match Game misc/dcheese.cpp
cfarm Chicken Farm (Version 2.0) ice/lethalj.cpp
cgang Cosmo Gang (US) namco/cgang.cpp
cherry96 New Cherry '96 (bootleg of New Fruit Bonus?) igs/goldstar.cpp
clbowl Coors Light Bowling itech/capbowl.cpp
clpoker Poker Genius misc/clpoker.cpp
crsbingo Poker Carnival subsino/subsino.cpp
crzybugs Crazy Bugs (V204US) igs/igs_m027xa.cpp
crzybugs103jp Crazy Bugs (V103JP) igs/igs_m027xa.cpp
crzybugs200us Crazy Bugs (V200US) igs/igs_m027xa.cpp
crzybugs202us Crazy Bugs (V202US) igs/igs_m027xa.cpp
darkhors Dark Horse (USA v4.00, bootleg of Jockey Club II) seta/jclub2.cpp
dashhero Minna Ganbare! Dash Hero sigma/sigmab98.cpp
dcheese Double Cheese misc/dcheese.cpp
dinofmly Dino Family subsino/subsino.cpp
dinofmlya Dino Family (Portuguese, Tangasoft license) subsino/subsino.cpp
dodghero Minna Atsumare! Dodge Hero sigma/sigmab98.cpp
doraemon Doraemon no Eawase Montage (prototype) seta/champbwl.cpp
draw88pkr Draw 88 Poker (V2.0) misc/amusco.cpp
drivedge Driver's Edge (v1.6) itech/itech32.cpp
dumpump Dump The Ump misc/piggypas.cpp
dynobop Dyno Bop (V1.1) itech/itech8.cpp
eggventr Egg Venture (Release 10) ice/lethalj.cpp
eggventr1 Egg Venture (Release 1) ice/lethalj.cpp
eggventr2 Egg Venture (Release 2) ice/lethalj.cpp
eggventr4 Egg Venture (Release 4) ice/lethalj.cpp
eggventr7 Egg Venture (Release 7) ice/lethalj.cpp
eggventr8 Egg Venture (Release 8) ice/lethalj.cpp
eggventra Egg Venture (A.L. Release) ice/lethalj.cpp
eggventrd Egg Venture Deluxe ice/lethalj.cpp
endrichs Endless Riches (Ver 1.21) seta/seta2.cpp
endrichsa Endless Riches (Ver 1.20) seta/seta2.cpp
endrichsb Endless Riches (Ver 1.10) seta/seta2.cpp
fearless Fearless Pinocchio (V101US) igs/igs_fear.cpp
fengyunh Fengyun Hui bmc/bmcpokr.cpp
feversoc Fever Soccer seibu/feversoc.cpp
fidlstix Fiddle Stix (1st Rev) misc/piggypas.cpp
findout Find Out (Version 4.04, set 1) misc/gei.cpp
findouta Find Out (Version 4.04, set 2) misc/gei.cpp
franticf Frantic Fred (Release 2) ice/lethalj.cpp
franticfa Frantic Fred ice/lethalj.cpp
fredmem Fred Flintstone's Memory Match (World?, Ticket version, 3/17/95) misc/dcheese.cpp
fredmemc Fred Flintstone's Memory Match (Mandarin Chinese, 3/17/95) misc/dcheese.cpp
fredmemj Fred Flintstone's Memory Match (Japan, High Score version, 3/20/95) misc/dcheese.cpp
fredmemuk Fred Flintstone's Memory Match (UK, 3/17/95) misc/dcheese.cpp
fredmemus Fred Flintstone's Memory Match (US, High Score version, 3/10/95) misc/dcheese.cpp
fredmesp Fred Flintstone's Memory Match (Spanish, 3/17/95) misc/dcheese.cpp
fruitpar Fruit Paradise (V214US) igs/igs_m027.cpp
fruitpar206us Fruit Paradise (V206US) igs/igs_m027.cpp
fts2in1 Super Two In One igs/funtech.cpp
gallag50 Gallag Video Game / Petalouda (Butterfly, x50) misc/skylncr.cpp
gderby Gran Derby (Spanish hack of Jockey Club) seta/seta.cpp
gegege GeGeGe no Kitarou Youkai Slot sigma/sigmab98.cpp
geimulti GEI Multi Game misc/gei.cpp
gepoker Poker (Version 50.02 ICB, set 1) misc/gei.cpp
gepoker1 Poker (Version 50.02 ICB, set 2) misc/gei.cpp
gepoker2 Poker (Version 50.02 ICB, set 3) misc/gei.cpp
gepoker3 Poker (Version 50.02 ICB, set 4) misc/gei.cpp
ghoshunt Ghost Hunter misc/tickee.cpp
glck6809 Good Luck! (dual 6809 GI Australasia PCB) misc/gi6809.cpp
gocowboy Go Go Cowboy (English, prize) sigma/sigmab98.cpp
gpgolf Golden Par Golf (Joystick, V1.1) itech/itech8.cpp
gpgolfa Golden Par Golf (Joystick, V1.0) itech/itech8.cpp
grmatch Grudge Match (Yankee Game Technology) itech/itech8.cpp
grndprix Grand Prix (Treasure Bonus bootleg) subsino/subsino.cpp
gt103a1 Trivia (Unsorted question ROMs) misc/gei.cpp
gt103aa Trivia (Version 1.03a, alt questions 1) misc/gei.cpp
gt103ab Trivia (Version 1.03a, alt questions 2) misc/gei.cpp
gt103asx Trivia (Version 1.03a, sex questions) misc/gei.cpp
gt103asxa Trivia (Version 1.03a, sex questions, alt revision questions) misc/gei.cpp
gt2k Golden Tee 2K (v1.00) itech/itech32.cpp
gt2kp100 Golden Tee 2K (v1.00) (alt protection) itech/itech32.cpp
gt2ks100 Golden Tee 2K (v1.00S) itech/itech32.cpp
gt2kt500 Golden Tee 2K Tournament (v5.00) itech/itech32.cpp
gt3d Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.93N) itech/itech32.cpp
gt3dl19 Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.9L) itech/itech32.cpp
gt3dl191 Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.91L) itech/itech32.cpp
gt3dl192 Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.92L) itech/itech32.cpp
gt3ds192 Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.92S) itech/itech32.cpp
gt3dt211 Golden Tee 3D Golf Tournament (v2.11) itech/itech32.cpp
gt3dt231 Golden Tee 3D Golf Tournament (v2.31) itech/itech32.cpp
gt3dv14 Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.4) itech/itech32.cpp
gt3dv15 Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.5) itech/itech32.cpp
gt3dv16 Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.6) itech/itech32.cpp
gt3dv17 Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.7) itech/itech32.cpp
gt3dv18 Golden Tee 3D Golf (v1.8) itech/itech32.cpp
gt507uk Trivia (UK Version 5.07) misc/gei.cpp
gt97 Golden Tee '97 (v1.30) itech/itech32.cpp
gt97s121 Golden Tee '97 (v1.21S) itech/itech32.cpp
gt97t240 Golden Tee '97 Tournament (v2.40) itech/itech32.cpp
gt97t243 Golden Tee '97 Tournament (v2.43) itech/itech32.cpp
gt97v120 Golden Tee '97 (v1.20) itech/itech32.cpp
gt97v121 Golden Tee '97 (v1.21) itech/itech32.cpp
gt97v122 Golden Tee '97 (v1.22) itech/itech32.cpp
gt98 Golden Tee '98 (v1.10) itech/itech32.cpp
gt98c100 Golden Tee '98 (v1.00C) itech/itech32.cpp
gt98s100 Golden Tee '98 (v1.00S) itech/itech32.cpp
gt98t302 Golden Tee '98 Tournament (v3.02) itech/itech32.cpp
gt98t303 Golden Tee '98 Tournament (v3.03) itech/itech32.cpp
gt98v100 Golden Tee '98 (v1.00) itech/itech32.cpp
gt99 Golden Tee '99 (v1.00) itech/itech32.cpp
gt99s100 Golden Tee '99 (v1.00S) itech/itech32.cpp
gt99t400 Golden Tee '99 Tournament (v4.00) itech/itech32.cpp
gtclassc Golden Tee Classic (v1.00) itech/itech32.cpp
gtclasscp Golden Tee Classic (v1.00) (alt protection) itech/itech32.cpp
gtclasscs Golden Tee Classic (v1.00S) itech/itech32.cpp
gtdiamond Golden Tee Diamond Edition Tournament (v3.05T ELC) itech/itech32.cpp
gtg Golden Tee Golf (Joystick, v3.3) itech/itech8.cpp
gtg2 Golden Tee Golf II (Trackball, V2.2) itech/itech8.cpp
gtg2j Golden Tee Golf II (Joystick, V1.0) itech/itech8.cpp
gtg2t Golden Tee Golf II (Trackball, V1.1) itech/itech8.cpp
gtgj31 Golden Tee Golf (Joystick, v3.1) itech/itech8.cpp
gtgt10 Golden Tee Golf (Trackball, v1.0) itech/itech8.cpp
gtgt20 Golden Tee Golf (Trackball, v2.0) itech/itech8.cpp
gtgt21 Golden Tee Golf (Trackball, v2.1) itech/itech8.cpp
gtroyal Golden Tee Royal Edition Tournament (v4.02T EDM) itech/itech32.cpp
gtsers1 Trivia (Questions Series 1) misc/gei.cpp
gtsers10 Trivia (Questions Series 10) misc/gei.cpp
gtsers11 Trivia (Questions Series 11) misc/gei.cpp
gtsers11a Trivia (Questions Series 11, alt question ROM, set 1) misc/gei.cpp
gtsers11b Trivia (Questions Series 11, alt question ROM, set 2) misc/gei.cpp
gtsers12 Trivia (Questions Series 12) misc/gei.cpp
gtsers12a Trivia (Questions Series 12, alt question ROM) misc/gei.cpp
gtsers14 Trivia (Questions Series 14) misc/gei.cpp
gtsers14a Trivia (Questions Series 14, alt question ROM) misc/gei.cpp
gtsers15 Trivia (Questions Series 15) misc/gei.cpp
gtsers18 Trivia (Questions Series 18) misc/gei.cpp
gtsers2 Trivia (Questions Series 2) misc/gei.cpp
gtsers3 Trivia (Questions Series 3) misc/gei.cpp
gtsers4 Trivia (Questions Series 4) misc/gei.cpp
gtsers5 Trivia (Questions Series 5) misc/gei.cpp
gtsers7 Trivia (Questions Series 7) misc/gei.cpp
gtsers7a Trivia (Questions Series 7, alt question ROM) misc/gei.cpp
gtsers8 Trivia (Questions Series 8) misc/gei.cpp
gtsers8a Trivia (Questions Series 8, alt question ROM) misc/gei.cpp
gtsers9 Trivia (Questions Series 9) misc/gei.cpp
gtsersa Trivia (Alt revision questions set 1) misc/gei.cpp
gtsersb Trivia (Alt revision questions set 2) misc/gei.cpp
gtsupreme Golden Tee Supreme Edition Tournament (v5.10T ELC S) itech/itech32.cpp
gunkids Hayauchi Gun Kids sigma/sigmab98.cpp
haekaka Hae Hae Ka Ka Ka sigma/sigmab98.cpp
hammer Hammer neogeo/midas.cpp
hanaroku Hanaroku seta/albazc.cpp
hardyard Hard Yardage (v1.20) itech/itech32.cpp
hardyard10 Hard Yardage (v1.00) itech/itech32.cpp
hardyard11 Hard Yardage (v1.10) itech/itech32.cpp
haunthig Haunted House (IGS, V109US) igs/igs_m027xa.cpp
haunthig101us Haunted House (IGS, V101US) igs/igs_m027xa.cpp
hoopitup Hoop it Up World Tour - 3 on 3 (Rev 23) misc/piggypas.cpp
hoopitup21 Hoop it Up World Tour - 3 on 3 (Rev 21) misc/piggypas.cpp
hoopshot Hoop Shot (version 05.22) misc/piggypas.cpp
hotmemry Hot Memory (V1.2, Germany, 12/28/94) itech/itech32.cpp
hotmemry11 Hot Memory (V1.1, Germany, 11/30/94) itech/itech32.cpp
hotmind Hot Mind (Hard Times hardware) playmark/playmark.cpp
hotminda Hot Mind (adjustable prize) playmark/powerbal.cpp
hotslot Hot Slot (ver. 05.01) misc/magic10.cpp
hstennis Hot Shots Tennis (V1.1) itech/itech8.cpp
hstennis10 Hot Shots Tennis (V1.0) itech/itech8.cpp
humlan Humlan's Lyckohjul (Sweden, Ver. 402) subsino/subsino2.cpp
icescape Icescape (V104FA) igs/igs_fear.cpp
inttoote International Toote (Germany, P523.V01) seta/seta.cpp
inttoote2 International Toote II (v1.24, P387.V01) seta/seta.cpp
itazuram Itazura Monkey sigma/sigmab98.cpp
jackbean Jack & The Beanstalk (Doyle & Assoc.?) misc/piggypas.cpp
jclub2bl Jockey Club II (USA v4.00, bootleg) seta/jclub2.cpp
jclub2v100 Jockey Club II (v1.00, older hardware) seta/jclub2.cpp
jclub2v101 Jockey Club II (v1.01, older hardware) seta/jclub2.cpp
jclub2v110 Jockey Club II (v1.10X, older hardware) seta/jclub2.cpp
jclub2v112 Jockey Club II (v1.12X, older hardware) seta/jclub2.cpp
jclub2v200 Jockey Club II (v2.00, newer hardware) seta/jclub2.cpp
jclub2v201 Jockey Club II (v2.01X, newer hardware) seta/jclub2.cpp
jclub2v203 Jockey Club II (v2.03X RC, older hardware, prototype) seta/jclub2.cpp
jclub2v204 Jockey Club II (v2.04, newer hardware) seta/jclub2.cpp
jclub2v205 Jockey Club II (v2.05, newer hardware) seta/jclub2.cpp
jclub2v220 Jockey Club II (v2.20X, newer hardware) seta/jclub2.cpp
jesterch Jester Chance (dual 6809 GI Australasia PCB) misc/gi6809.cpp
jockeyc Jockey Club (v1.18) seta/seta.cpp
keirinou Keirin Ou excellent/witch.cpp
kurukuru Kuru Kuru Pyon Pyon (Japan) success/kurukuru.cpp
leader Leader (version Z 2E, Greece) misc/skylncr.cpp
leadera Leader (version Z 2F, Greece) misc/skylncr.cpp
lethalj Lethal Justice (Version 2.3) ice/lethalj.cpp
lottof2 Lotto Fun 2 misc/dcheese.cpp
lottofun Lotto Fun midway/williams.cpp
luckboomh Lucky Boom (Hard Times hardware) playmark/playmark.cpp
luckyseven Lucky Seven subsino/subsino.cpp
lufykzku Otakara Itadaki Luffy Kaizoku-Dan! (Japan, v1.02) sigma/sigmab98.cpp
madzoo Mad Zoo (version U450C) misc/skylncr.cpp
magic10 Magic's 10 (ver. 16.55) misc/magic10.cpp
magic10a Magic's 10 (ver. 16.54) misc/magic10.cpp
magic10b Magic's 10 (ver. 16.45) misc/magic10.cpp
magic10c Magic's 10 (ver. 16.15) misc/magic10.cpp
magicstk Magic Sticks playmark/powerbal.cpp
maletmad Mallet Madness (v2.1) misc/tickee.cpp
marioun Super Mario World - Mario Undoukai seibu/banprestoms.cpp
mbutrfly Magical Butterfly (version U350C, protected) misc/skylncr.cpp
mgavegas Vegas 1 (Ver 2.3 dual coin pulse, shorter) misc/mgavegas.cpp
mgavegas133 Vegas 1 (Ver 1.33 single coin pulse) misc/mgavegas.cpp
mgavegas21 Vegas 1 (Ver 2.1 dual coin pulse, longer) misc/mgavegas.cpp
miaction Missing In Action misc/skylncr.cpp
mjmaglmp Mahou no Lamp (v. JAA02) bmc/bmcpokr.cpp
mnrockman Medal Network: Rockman EXE sigma/sigmab98.cpp
mouseatk Mouse Attack misc/tickee.cpp
mtrainnv Magic Train (Clear NVRAM ROM?) subsino/subsino.cpp
musicsrt Music Sort (ver. 2.02) misc/magic10.cpp
ndongmul New DongmulDongmul subsino/subsino.cpp
neckneck Neck-n-Neck (v1.2) itech/itech8.cpp
neraidou Neraidoula misc/skylncr.cpp
new2001 New 2001 (Italy, Ver. 200N) subsino/subsino2.cpp
newhunter New HUNTer subsino/subsino.cpp
newhunterb New HUNTer (bootleg, set 1) subsino/subsino.cpp
newhunterc New HUNTer (bootleg, set 2) subsino/subsino.cpp
newhunterd New HUNTer (bootleg, set 3) subsino/subsino.cpp
ninclown Ninja Clowns (27 oct 91) itech/itech8.cpp
oceanpar Ocean Paradise (V105US) igs/igs_m027.cpp
oceanpar101us Ocean Paradise (V101US) igs/igs_m027.cpp
olymp Olympus (Z Games, version 10) misc/skylncr.cpp
pairs Pairs (V1.2, 09/30/94) itech/itech32.cpp
pairsa Pairs (V1, 09/07/94) itech/itech32.cpp
pairsred Pairs Redemption (V1.0, 10/25/94) itech/itech32.cpp
pbchmp95 Pinball Champ '95 excellent/witch.cpp
peggle Peggle (Joystick, v1.0) itech/itech8.cpp
pegglet Peggle (Trackball, v1.0) itech/itech8.cpp
pepsiman PEPSI Man sigma/sigmab98.cpp
piggypas Piggy Pass (version 04.40) misc/piggypas.cpp
piratesh Pirate Ship (ver UAA) konami/piratesh.cpp
poker21 Poker & 21 igs/funtech.cpp
pokrdice Poker Dice (V1.7) itech/itech8.cpp
ppj Pyon Pyon Jump (V1.40, Japan) success/kurukuru.cpp
ptrain Panda Train (Novamatic 1.7) subsino/subsino2.cpp
ptraina Panda Train (Ver. 1.3) subsino/subsino2.cpp
pubball Power Up Baseball (prototype) itech/itech32.cpp
pwrkick Power Kick (Japan) toaplan/sunwise.cpp
pyenaget Pye-nage Taikai sigma/sigmab98.cpp
pyutakun Pyuuta-kun (Japan) toaplan/sunwise.cpp
pzletime Puzzle Time (prototype) edevices/pzletime.cpp
qbeebing Queen Bee Bingo subsino/subsino2.cpp
queenbee Queen Bee (Ver. 114) subsino/subsino2.cpp
queenbeeb Queen Bee (Brazil, Ver. 202) subsino/subsino2.cpp
queenbeei Queen Bee (Israel, Ver. 100) subsino/subsino2.cpp
queenbeesa Queen Bee (SA-101-HARD) subsino/subsino2.cpp
quiz Quiz (Revision 2) misc/gei.cpp
quiz211 Quiz (Revision 2.11) misc/gei.cpp
quizvid Video Quiz misc/gei.cpp
reelfun Reel Fun (Version 7.03) misc/gei.cpp
reelfun0 Reel Fun (Version 7.00) misc/gei.cpp
reelfun1 Reel Fun (Version 7.01) misc/gei.cpp
reelquak Reel'N Quake! (Version 1.05) seta/seta2.cpp
rimrockn Rim Rockin' Basketball (V2.2) itech/itech8.cpp
rimrockn12 Rim Rockin' Basketball (V1.2) itech/itech8.cpp
rimrockn12b Rim Rockin' Basketball (V1.2, bootleg) itech/itech8.cpp
rimrockn15 Rim Rockin' Basketball (V1.5) itech/itech8.cpp
rimrockn16 Rim Rockin' Basketball (V1.6) itech/itech8.cpp
rimrockn20 Rim Rockin' Basketball (V2.0) itech/itech8.cpp
ripribit Ripper Ribbit (Version 3.5) ice/lethalj.cpp
ripribita Ripper Ribbit (Version 2.8.4) ice/lethalj.cpp
rndrndqs Round and Round (Rev 6) (Quick $ilver) misc/piggypas.cpp
rolla unknown 'Rolla' slot machine misc/skylncr.cpp
rolling Rolling igs/goldstar.cpp
sammymdl Sammy Medal Game System BIOS sigma/sigmab98.cpp
scmaster Super Cherry Master (v1.0) igs/goldstar.cpp
score5 Score 5 misc/skylncr.cpp
seadevil Sea Devil misc/skylncr.cpp
setaroul The Roulette (Visco) seta/seta.cpp
setaroula Super Ruleta 36 (Spanish hack of The Roulette) seta/seta.cpp
setaroulm The Roulette (Visco, medal) seta/seta.cpp
sevenlnd Seven Land subsino/subsino.cpp
sexappl Sex Appeal (Version 6.02) misc/gei.cpp
sextriv1 Sexual Trivia (Version 1.02SB, set 1) misc/gei.cpp
sextriv2 Sexual Trivia (Version 1.02SB, set 2) misc/gei.cpp
sftm Street Fighter: The Movie (v1.12) itech/itech32.cpp
sftm110 Street Fighter: The Movie (v1.10) itech/itech32.cpp
sftm111 Street Fighter: The Movie (v1.11) itech/itech32.cpp
sftmj112 Street Fighter: The Movie (v1.12N, Japan) itech/itech32.cpp
sftmj114 Street Fighter: The Movie (v1.14N, Japan) itech/itech32.cpp
sftmk112 Street Fighter: The Movie (v1.12K, Korea) itech/itech32.cpp
sgsafari Super Gran Safari (ver. 3.11) misc/magic10.cpp
sharkpy Shark Party (Italy, v1.3) subsino/subsino.cpp
sharkpya Shark Party (Italy, v1.6) subsino/subsino.cpp
sharkpye Shark Party (English, Alpha license) subsino/subsino.cpp
shendeng Pili Shen Deng bmc/bmcpokr.cpp
shoottv Must Shoot TV (prototype) itech/itech32.cpp
shufshot Shuffleshot (v1.40) itech/itech32.cpp
shufshot135 Shuffleshot (v1.35) itech/itech32.cpp
shufshot137 Shuffleshot (v1.37) itech/itech32.cpp
shufshot138 Shuffleshot (v1.38) itech/itech32.cpp
shufshot139 Shuffleshot (v1.39) itech/itech32.cpp
skylncr Sky Lancer (Bordun, version U450C) misc/skylncr.cpp
slikshot Slick Shot (V2.2) itech/itech8.cpp
slikshot16 Slick Shot (V1.6) itech/itech8.cpp
slikshot17 Slick Shot (V1.7) itech/itech8.cpp
smartoss Smart Toss 'em / Smartball (Ver 2.0) misc/tapatune.cpp
smoto13 Super Rider (v1.3) subsino/subsino.cpp
smoto16 Super Moto (Italy, v1.6) subsino/subsino.cpp
smoto20 Super Rider (Italy, v2.0) subsino/subsino.cpp
soccer10 Soccer 10 (ver. 16.44) misc/magic10.cpp
sonikfig Sonik Fighter (version 02, encrypted) misc/skylncr.cpp
spcliner Space Liner misc/skylncr.cpp
speedway Speedway (set 1) misc/skylncr.cpp
speedwaya Speedway (set 2) misc/skylncr.cpp
spetrix Super Petrix (ver. 1P) misc/magic10.cpp
sprtauth Sports Authority Challenge (Rev 3) misc/gei.cpp
sprtauth1 Sports Authority (Rev 1) misc/gei.cpp
squeenb Super Queen Bee (Ver. 101) subsino/subsino2.cpp
srockbwl Super Rock and Bowl (V1.1) misc/tapatune.cpp
sstar97 Super Star 97 / Ming Xing 97 (version V153B) misc/skylncr.cpp
sstrike Super Strike Bowling (V1) itech/itech8.cpp
stbsub Treasure Bonus (Subsino, v1.6) subsino/subsino.cpp
stisub Super Treasure Island (Italy, v1.6) subsino/subsino.cpp
stratab Strata Bowling (V3) itech/itech8.cpp
stratab1 Strata Bowling (V1) itech/itech8.cpp
stratabs Strata Bowling (V1 4T, Super Strike Bowling type PCB) itech/itech8.cpp
superb2k Super Butterfly 2000 misc/skylncr.cpp
superkds Super Kids / Jiu Nan Xiao Yingxiong (S019CN) igs/igs_fear.cpp
suprpokr Super Poker (Version 10.19S) misc/gei.cpp
suprpokra Super Poker (Version 10.15S) misc/gei.cpp
suprpokrb Super Poker (Version 10.10) misc/gei.cpp
sushimar Itazura Daisuki! Sushimaru Kun sigma/sigmab98.cpp
tapatune Tap a Tune misc/tapatune.cpp
tbeastw2 Transformers Beast Wars II sigma/sigmab98.cpp
tdoboon Taihou de Doboon sigma/sigmab98.cpp
tesorone Tesorone Dell'Isola (Italy, v2.41) subsino/subsino.cpp
tesorone230 Tesorone Dell'Isola (Italy, v2.30) subsino/subsino.cpp
tesorone240 Tesorone Dell'Isola (Italy, v2.40) subsino/subsino.cpp
theboat The Boat misc/tvg01.cpp
tickee Tickee Tickats misc/tickee.cpp
tigerslt Tiger (slot) misc/skylncr.cpp
timekill Time Killers (v1.32) itech/itech32.cpp
timekill100 Time Killers (v1.00) itech/itech32.cpp
timekill120 Time Killers (v1.20, alternate ROM board) itech/itech32.cpp
timekill121 Time Killers (v1.21) itech/itech32.cpp
timekill121a Time Killers (v1.21, alternate ROM board) itech/itech32.cpp
timekill131 Time Killers (v1.31) itech/itech32.cpp
timekill132i Time Killers (v1.32I) itech/itech32.cpp
tisub Treasure Island (Subsino, set 1) subsino/subsino.cpp
tisuba Treasure Island (Subsino, set 2) subsino/subsino.cpp
tisubb Treasure Island (American Alpha, v3.0N) subsino/subsino.cpp
tonton Waku Waku Doubutsu Land TonTon (Japan) success/tonton.cpp
treamary Treasure Mary subsino/subsino2.cpp
tripfev Triple Fever (V108US) igs/igs_m027xa.cpp
tripfev105us Triple Fever (V105US) igs/igs_m027xa.cpp
tripfev107us Triple Fever (V107US) igs/igs_m027xa.cpp
tutstomb Tut's Tomb misc/tickee.cpp
tvdenwad Terebi Denwa Doraemon seibu/banprestoms.cpp
tvdenwam Terebi Denwa Super Mario World seibu/banprestoms.cpp
tvdenwat Terebi Denwa Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends seibu/banprestoms.cpp
ucytokyu Uchuu Tokkyuu Medalian sigma/sigmab98.cpp
unkch1 New Cherry Gold '99 (bootleg of Super Cherry Master) (set 1) igs/goldstar.cpp
unkch2 Super Cherry Gold (bootleg of Super Cherry Master) igs/goldstar.cpp
unkch3 New Cherry Gold '99 (bootleg of Super Cherry Master) (set 2) igs/goldstar.cpp
unkch4 Grand Cherry Master (bootleg of Super Cherry Master) igs/goldstar.cpp
victor21 Victor 21 subsino/subsino.cpp
victor5 Victor 5 subsino/subsino.cpp
victor5a G.E.A. subsino/subsino.cpp
victor6 Victor 6 (v2.3N) subsino/subsino.cpp
victor6a Victor 6 (v2.3) subsino/subsino.cpp
victor6b Victor 6 (v1.2) subsino/subsino.cpp
vscaptfl Vs. Super Captain Flag (Japan) jaleco/cischeat.cpp
wackygtr Wacky Gator (US) namco/wacky_gator.cpp
wantouch Wantouchable sigma/sigmab98.cpp
wcbowl World Class Bowling (v1.66) itech/itech32.cpp
wcbowl10 World Class Bowling (v1.0) itech/itech32.cpp
wcbowl11 World Class Bowling (v1.1) itech/itech32.cpp
wcbowl12 World Class Bowling (v1.2) itech/itech32.cpp
wcbowl13 World Class Bowling (v1.3) itech/itech32.cpp
wcbowl130 World Class Bowling Tournament (v1.30) itech/itech32.cpp
wcbowl13j World Class Bowling (v1.3J, Japan) itech/itech32.cpp
wcbowl14 World Class Bowling (v1.4) itech/itech32.cpp
wcbowl140 World Class Bowling Tournament (v1.40) itech/itech32.cpp
wcbowl15 World Class Bowling (v1.5) itech/itech32.cpp
wcbowl16 World Class Bowling (v1.6) itech/itech32.cpp
wcbowl161 World Class Bowling (v1.61) itech/itech32.cpp
wcbowl165 World Class Bowling (v1.65) itech/itech32.cpp
wcbowldx World Class Bowling Deluxe (v2.00) itech/itech32.cpp
wfortune Wheel Of Fortune (set 1) itech/itech8.cpp
wfortunea Wheel Of Fortune (set 2) itech/itech8.cpp
witch Witch excellent/witch.cpp
witchb Witch (with ranking) excellent/witch.cpp
witchs Witch (Sega license) excellent/witch.cpp
witchstar Witch Star excellent/witch.cpp
wldfruit Wild Fruit (V208US) igs/igs_m027xa.cpp
xiaoao Xiao Ao Jiang Hu (China, Ver. 1.00) subsino/subsino2.cpp
xreel X-Reel subsino/subsino2.cpp
xtheball X the Ball rare/xtheball.cpp