Texas Instruments TMS34010

Short name:tms34010
Is device:Yes
Source file:devices/cpu/tms34010/tms34010.cpp

Referenced By

Short name
Source file
9ballsht 9-Ball Shootout (set 1) misc/coolpool.cpp
9ballsht2 9-Ball Shootout (set 2) misc/coolpool.cpp
9ballsht3 9-Ball Shootout (set 3) misc/coolpool.cpp
9ballshtc 9-Ball Shootout Championship misc/coolpool.cpp
amerdart Ameri Darts (set 1) misc/coolpool.cpp
amerdart2 Ameri Darts (set 2) misc/coolpool.cpp
amerdart3 Ameri Darts (set 3) misc/coolpool.cpp
beezerk Bee-Zerk misc/vlc34010.cpp
botss Battle of the Solar System (rev. 1.1a 7/23/92) misc/micro3d.cpp
botss11 Battle of the Solar System (rev. 1.1 3/24/92) misc/micro3d.cpp
buzzundr Buzzundrum (Ace) jpm/jpmimpct.cpp
cclownz Crazzy Clownz (Version 1.0) ice/lethalj.cpp
cfarm Chicken Farm (Version 2.0) ice/lethalj.cpp
cheesech Cheese Chase misc/artmagic.cpp
cluedo Cluedo (prod. 2D) jpm/jpmimpct.cpp
cluedo2 Cluedo (prod. 2) jpm/jpmimpct.cpp
cluedo2c Cluedo (prod. 2C) jpm/jpmimpct.cpp
cluedod Cluedo (prod. 2D) (Protocol) jpm/jpmimpct.cpp
coolpool Cool Pool misc/coolpool.cpp
coronatn Coronation Street Quiz Game jpm/jpmimpct.cpp
coronatnd Coronation Street Quiz Game (Protocol) jpm/jpmimpct.cpp
eggventr Egg Venture (Release 10) ice/lethalj.cpp
eggventr1 Egg Venture (Release 1) ice/lethalj.cpp
eggventr2 Egg Venture (Release 2) ice/lethalj.cpp
eggventr4 Egg Venture (Release 4) ice/lethalj.cpp
eggventr7 Egg Venture (Release 7) ice/lethalj.cpp
eggventr8 Egg Venture (Release 8) ice/lethalj.cpp
eggventra Egg Venture (A.L. Release) ice/lethalj.cpp
eggventrd Egg Venture Deluxe ice/lethalj.cpp
exterm Exterminator gottlieb/exterm.cpp
f15se F-15 Strike Eagle (rev. 2.2 02/25/91, 29K ver. 3.1f) misc/micro3d.cpp
f15se21 F-15 Strike Eagle (rev. 2.1 02/04/91) misc/micro3d.cpp
f15se22 F-15 Strike Eagle (rev. 2.2 02/25/91, 29K ver. 2.2a) misc/micro3d.cpp
franticf Frantic Fred (Release 2) ice/lethalj.cpp
franticfa Frantic Fred ice/lethalj.cpp
ghoshunt Ghost Hunter misc/tickee.cpp
hamboy Hammer Boy misc/megaphx.cpp
harddriv Hard Drivin' (cockpit, rev 7) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddriv1 Hard Drivin' (cockpit, rev 1) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddriv2 Hard Drivin' (cockpit, rev 2) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddriv3 Hard Drivin' (cockpit, rev 3) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddrivb Hard Drivin' (cockpit, British, rev 7) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddrivb5 Hard Drivin' (cockpit, British, rev 5) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddrivb6 Hard Drivin' (cockpit, British, rev 6) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddrivc Hard Drivin' (compact, rev 2) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddrivc1 Hard Drivin' (compact, rev 1) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddrivcb Hard Drivin' (compact, British, rev 2) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddrivcbl Hard Drivin' (compact, rev 2 bootleg) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddrivcg Hard Drivin' (compact, German, rev 2) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddrivg Hard Drivin' (cockpit, German, rev 7) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddrivg4 Hard Drivin' (cockpit, German, rev 4) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddrivj Hard Drivin' (cockpit, Japan, rev 7) atari/harddriv.cpp
harddrivj6 Hard Drivin' (cockpit, Japan, rev 6) atari/harddriv.cpp
hdrivair Hard Drivin's Airborne (prototype) atari/harddriv.cpp
hdrivairp Hard Drivin's Airborne (prototype, early rev) atari/harddriv.cpp
hiimpact High Impact Football (rev LA5 02/15/91) midway/midyunit.cpp
hiimpact1 High Impact Football (rev LA1 12/16/90) midway/midyunit.cpp
hiimpact2 High Impact Football (rev LA2 12/26/90) midway/midyunit.cpp
hiimpact3 High Impact Football (rev LA3 12/27/90) midway/midyunit.cpp
hiimpact4 High Impact Football (rev LA4 02/04/91) midway/midyunit.cpp
hiimpactp High Impact Football (prototype, revision0 proto 8.6 12/09/90) midway/midyunit.cpp
hngmnjpm Hangman (JPM) jpm/jpmimpct.cpp
hngmnjpmd Hangman (JPM) (Protocol) jpm/jpmimpct.cpp
jdreddp Judge Dredd (rev TA1 7/12/92, location test) midway/midtunit.cpp
lethalj Lethal Justice (Version 2.3) ice/lethalj.cpp
littlerb Little Robin tch/littlerb.cpp
maletmad Mallet Madness (v2.1) misc/tickee.cpp
mazebl Maze (Trog rev LA4 3/11/91 bootleg) midway/midyunit.cpp
megaphx Mega Phoenix misc/megaphx.cpp
mk Mortal Kombat (rev 5.0 T-Unit 03/19/93) midway/midtunit.cpp
mk2 Mortal Kombat II (rev L3.1) midway/midtunit.cpp
mk2chal Mortal Kombat II Challenger (hack) midway/midtunit.cpp
mk2r11 Mortal Kombat II (rev L1.1) midway/midtunit.cpp
mk2r14 Mortal Kombat II (rev L1.4) midway/midtunit.cpp
mk2r20 Mortal Kombat II (rev L2.0) midway/midtunit.cpp
mk2r21 Mortal Kombat II (rev L2.1) midway/midtunit.cpp
mk2r30 Mortal Kombat II (rev L3.0) midway/midtunit.cpp
mk2r31e Mortal Kombat II (rev L3.1, European) midway/midtunit.cpp
mk2r32e Mortal Kombat II (rev L3.2, European) midway/midtunit.cpp
mk2r42 Mortal Kombat II (rev L4.2, hack) midway/midtunit.cpp
mk2r91 Mortal Kombat II (rev L9.1, hack) midway/midtunit.cpp
mk3 Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 2.1) midway/midwunit.cpp
mk3p40 Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1 chip label p4.0) midway/midwunit.cpp
mk3r10 Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.0) midway/midwunit.cpp
mk3r20 Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 2.0) midway/midwunit.cpp
mkla1 Mortal Kombat (rev 1.0 08/09/92) midway/midyunit.cpp
mkla2 Mortal Kombat (rev 2.0 08/18/92) midway/midyunit.cpp
mkla3 Mortal Kombat (rev 3.0 08/31/92) midway/midyunit.cpp
mkla3bl Mortal Kombat (Victor bootleg of rev 3.0 08/31/92) midway/midyunit.cpp
mkla4 Mortal Kombat (rev 4.0 09/28/92) midway/midyunit.cpp
mknifty Mortal Kombat (Nifty Kombo, hack) midway/midyunit.cpp
mknifty666 Mortal Kombat (Nifty Kombo 666, hack) midway/midyunit.cpp
mkprot4 Mortal Kombat (prototype, rev 4.0 07/14/92) midway/midyunit.cpp
mkprot8 Mortal Kombat (prototype, rev 8.0 07/21/92) midway/midyunit.cpp
mkprot9 Mortal Kombat (prototype, rev 9.0 07/28/92) midway/midyunit.cpp
mkr4 Mortal Kombat (rev 4.0 T-Unit 02/11/93) midway/midtunit.cpp
mkrep Mortal Kombat (Reptile Man hack) midway/midyunit.cpp
mktturbo Mortal Kombat (Turbo Ninja T-Unit 03/19/93, hack) midway/midtunit.cpp
mkyawdim Mortal Kombat (Yawdim bootleg, set 1) midway/midyunit.cpp
mkyawdim2 Mortal Kombat (Yawdim bootleg, set 2) midway/midyunit.cpp
mkyawdim3 Mortal Kombat (Yawdim bootleg, set 3) midway/midyunit.cpp
mkyawdim4 Mortal Kombat (Yawdim bootleg, set 4) midway/midyunit.cpp
mkyturbo Mortal Kombat (Turbo 3.1 09/09/93, hack) midway/midyunit.cpp
mkyturboe Mortal Kombat (Turbo 3.0 08/31/92, hack) midway/midyunit.cpp
monspdr Money Spider (Ace) jpm/jpmimpct.cpp
mouseatk Mouse Attack misc/tickee.cpp
narc Narc (rev 7.00) midway/midyunit.cpp
narc1 Narc (rev 1.80) midway/midyunit.cpp
narc2 Narc (rev 2.00) midway/midyunit.cpp
narc3 Narc (rev 3.20) midway/midyunit.cpp
narc4 Narc (rev 4.00) midway/midyunit.cpp
narc6 Narc (rev 6.00) midway/midyunit.cpp
nbahangt NBA Hangtime (ver L1.3 10/10/96) midway/midwunit.cpp
nbahangtl11 NBA Hangtime (ver L1.1 4/16/96) midway/midwunit.cpp
nbahangtl12 NBA Hangtime (ver L1.2 8/29/96) midway/midwunit.cpp
nbahangtm11 NBA Hangtime (ver M1.1 4/16/96) midway/midwunit.cpp
nbahangtm12 NBA Hangtime (ver M1.2 8/29/96) midway/midwunit.cpp
nbahangtm13 NBA Hangtime (ver M1.3 10/10/96) midway/midwunit.cpp
nbajam NBA Jam (rev 3.01 4/07/93) midway/midtunit.cpp
nbajamp1 NBA Jam (proto v 1.01 1/23/93) midway/midtunit.cpp
nbajamp2 NBA Jam (proto v 2.00 1/24/93) midway/midtunit.cpp
nbajamr1 NBA Jam (rev 1.00 2/1/93) midway/midtunit.cpp
nbajamr2 NBA Jam (rev 2.00 2/10/93) midway/midtunit.cpp
nbajamte NBA Jam Tournament Edition (rev 4.0 3/23/94) midway/midtunit.cpp
nbajamte1 NBA Jam Tournament Edition (rev 1.00 1/17/94) midway/midtunit.cpp
nbajamte2 NBA Jam Tournament Edition (rev 2.1 2/06/94) midway/midtunit.cpp
nbajamte2a NBA Jam Tournament Edition (rev 2.0 1/28/94) midway/midtunit.cpp
nbajamte3 NBA Jam Tournament Edition (rev 3.0 3/04/94) midway/midtunit.cpp
nbajamte3a NBA Jam Tournament Edition (rev 3.0 2/26/94) midway/midtunit.cpp
nbajamte4 NBA Jam Tournament Edition (rev 4.0 3/03/94) midway/midtunit.cpp
nbajamten NBA Jam Tournament Edition (Nani Edition, rev 5.2 8/11/95, prototype) midway/midtunit.cpp
nbajamtep2 NBA Jam Tournament Edition (proto 2.00 12/17/93) midway/midtunit.cpp
nbamht NBA Maximum Hangtime (ver L1.03 06/09/97) midway/midwunit.cpp
nbamhtl10 NBA Maximum Hangtime (ver L1.0 11/08/96) midway/midwunit.cpp
nbamhtm10 NBA Maximum Hangtime (ver M1.0 11/08/96) midway/midwunit.cpp
nbamhtp NBA Maximum Hangtime (ver L0.9 10/30/96) midway/midwunit.cpp
openice 2 On 2 Open Ice Challenge (rev 1.21) midway/midwunit.cpp
openicea 2 On 2 Open Ice Challenge (rev 1.2A) midway/midwunit.cpp
popshot Pop Shot (prototype) misc/skeetsht.cpp
potgoldu Pot O' Gold (U.S. Games, v400x?) misc/potgoldu.cpp
potgoldu580 Pot O' Gold (U.S. Games, v580F) misc/potgoldu.cpp
racedriv Race Drivin' (cockpit, rev 5) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedriv1 Race Drivin' (cockpit, rev 1) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedriv2 Race Drivin' (cockpit, rev 2) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedriv3 Race Drivin' (cockpit, rev 3) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedriv4 Race Drivin' (cockpit, rev 4) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivb Race Drivin' (cockpit, British, rev 5) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivb1 Race Drivin' (cockpit, British, rev 1) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivb4 Race Drivin' (cockpit, British, rev 4) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivc Race Drivin' (compact, rev 5) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivc1 Race Drivin' (compact, rev 1) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivc2 Race Drivin' (compact, rev 2) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivc4 Race Drivin' (compact, rev 4) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivcb Race Drivin' (compact, British, rev 5) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivcb4 Race Drivin' (compact, British, rev 4) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivcg Race Drivin' (compact, German, rev 5) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivcg4 Race Drivin' (compact, German, rev 4) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivcp Race Drivin' (compact, prototype) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivg Race Drivin' (cockpit, German, rev 5) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivg1 Race Drivin' (cockpit, German, rev 2) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivg4 Race Drivin' (cockpit, German, rev 4) atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivpan Race Drivin' Panorama (prototype, rev 2.1) atari/harddriv.cpp
rapidfir Rapid Fire (v1.1, Build 239) misc/tickee.cpp
rapidfira Rapid Fire (v1.1, Build 238) misc/tickee.cpp
rapidfire Rapid Fire (v1.0, Build 236) misc/tickee.cpp
ripribit Ripper Ribbit (Version 3.5) ice/lethalj.cpp
ripribita Ripper Ribbit (Version 2.8.4) ice/lethalj.cpp
rmpgwt Rampage: World Tour (rev 1.3) midway/midwunit.cpp
rmpgwt11 Rampage: World Tour (rev 1.1) midway/midwunit.cpp
scrabble Scrabble (rev. F) jpm/jpmimpct.cpp
scrabbled Scrabble (rev. F) (Protocol) jpm/jpmimpct.cpp
shimpact Super High Impact (rev LA1 09/30/91) midway/midyunit.cpp
shimpactp4 Super High Impact (prototype, proto 4.0 09/10/91) midway/midyunit.cpp
shimpactp5 Super High Impact (prototype, proto 5.0 09/15/91) midway/midyunit.cpp
shimpactp6 Super High Impact (prototype, proto 6.0 09/23/91) midway/midyunit.cpp
shtstar Shooting Star misc/artmagic.cpp
skeetsht Skeet Shot misc/skeetsht.cpp
skimaxx Skimaxx misc/skimaxx.cpp
smashtv Smash T.V. (rev 8.00) midway/midyunit.cpp
smashtv3 Smash T.V. (rev 3.01) midway/midyunit.cpp
smashtv4 Smash T.V. (rev 4.00) midway/midyunit.cpp
smashtv5 Smash T.V. (rev 5.00) midway/midyunit.cpp
smashtv6 Smash T.V. (rev 6.00) midway/midyunit.cpp
snlad Snake & Ladders jpm/jpmimpct.cpp
stankatk Super Tank Attack (prototype rev. 1.12) misc/micro3d.cpp
steeltal Steel Talons (rev 2) atari/harddriv.cpp
steeltal1 Steel Talons (rev 1) atari/harddriv.cpp
steeltalg Steel Talons (German, rev 2) atari/harddriv.cpp
steeltalp Steel Talons (prototype) atari/harddriv.cpp
stonebal Stone Ball (4 Players, v1-20 13/12/1994) misc/artmagic.cpp
stonebal2 Stone Ball (2 Players, v1-20 7/11/1994) misc/artmagic.cpp
stonebal2o Stone Ball (2 Players, v1-20 21/10/1994) misc/artmagic.cpp
strkforc Strike Force (rev 1 02/25/91) midway/midyunit.cpp
strtdriv Street Drivin' (prototype) atari/harddriv.cpp
stunrun S.T.U.N. Runner (rev 6) atari/harddriv.cpp
stunrun0 S.T.U.N. Runner (rev 0) atari/harddriv.cpp
stunrun2 S.T.U.N. Runner (rev 2) atari/harddriv.cpp
stunrun2e S.T.U.N. Runner (rev 2, Europe) atari/harddriv.cpp
stunrun3 S.T.U.N. Runner (rev 3) atari/harddriv.cpp
stunrun3e S.T.U.N. Runner (rev 3, Europe) atari/harddriv.cpp
stunrun4 S.T.U.N. Runner (rev 4) atari/harddriv.cpp
stunrun5 S.T.U.N. Runner (rev 5) atari/harddriv.cpp
stunrune S.T.U.N. Runner (rev 5, Europe) atari/harddriv.cpp
stunrunj S.T.U.N. Runner (rev 7, Japan) atari/harddriv.cpp
stunrunp S.T.U.N. Runner (upright prototype) atari/harddriv.cpp
tankbatl Tank Battle (prototype rev. 4/21/92) misc/micro3d.cpp
tekxp330 TekXpress XP330 tektronix/tekxp33x.cpp
term2 Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (rev LA4 08/03/92) midway/midyunit.cpp
term2la1 Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (rev LA1 11/01/91) midway/midyunit.cpp
term2la2 Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (rev LA2 12/09/91) midway/midyunit.cpp
term2la3 Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (rev LA3 03/27/92) midway/midyunit.cpp
term2lg1 Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (German, rev LG1 11/04/91) midway/midyunit.cpp
term2pa2 Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (prototype, rev PA2 10/18/91) midway/midyunit.cpp
tickee Tickee Tickats misc/tickee.cpp
totcarn Total Carnage (rev LA1 03/10/92) midway/midyunit.cpp
totcarnp1 Total Carnage (prototype, proto v 1.0 01/25/92) midway/midyunit.cpp
totcarnp2 Total Carnage (prototype, proto v 2.0 02/10/92) midway/midyunit.cpp
tqst Treasure Quest jpm/jpmimpct.cpp
tqstp Treasure Quest (Protocol) jpm/jpmimpct.cpp
trivialp Trivial Pursuit (New Edition) (prod. 1D) jpm/jpmimpct.cpp
trivialpd Trivial Pursuit (New Edition) (prod. 1D) (Protocol) jpm/jpmimpct.cpp
trivialpo Trivial Pursuit jpm/jpmimpct.cpp
trog Trog (rev LA5 3/29/91) midway/midyunit.cpp
trog3 Trog (rev LA3 2/14/91) midway/midyunit.cpp
trog3a Trog (rev LA3 2/10/91) midway/midyunit.cpp
trog4 Trog (rev LA4 3/11/91) midway/midyunit.cpp
trogpa4 Trog (prototype, rev 4.00 7/27/90) midway/midyunit.cpp
trogpa5 Trog (prototype, rev PA5-PAC 8/28/90) midway/midyunit.cpp
trogpa6 Trog (prototype, rev PA6-PAC 9/09/90) midway/midyunit.cpp
tutstomb Tut's Tomb misc/tickee.cpp
ultennis Ultimate Tennis misc/artmagic.cpp
ultennisj Ultimate Tennis (v 1.4, Japan) misc/artmagic.cpp
umk3 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.2) midway/midwunit.cpp
umk3r10 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.0) midway/midwunit.cpp
umk3r11 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.1) midway/midwunit.cpp
vlcunk unknown VLC multigame misc/vlc34010.cpp
wwfmania WWF: Wrestlemania (rev 1.30 08/10/95) midway/midwunit.cpp
wwfmaniab WWF: Wrestlemania (rev 1.20 08/02/95) midway/midwunit.cpp
wwfmaniac WWF: Wrestlemania (rev 1.1 07/11/95) midway/midwunit.cpp
wwfmaniap WWF: Wrestlemania (proto 2.01 06/07/95) midway/midwunit.cpp
xtheball X the Ball rare/xtheball.cpp
yoyospel YoYo Spell (prototype) misc/megaphx.cpp
ex1280 Vectrix EX1280 devices/bus/isa/ex1280.cpp
indervd Inder / Dinamic TMS Video shared/inder_vid.cpp
harddriv_board Hard Drivin' Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
harddrivc_board Hard Drivin' C Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
racedriv_board Race Drivin' Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivb1_board Race Drivin' B1 Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivc_board Race Drivin' C Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivc1_board Race Drivin' C1 Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
racedrivc_panorama_side_board Race Drivin' C Panorama Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
stunrun_board Stun Runner Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
steeltal_board Steel Talons Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
steeltal1_board Steel Talons 1 Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
steeltalp_board Steel Talons P Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
strtdriv_board Street Drivin' Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
hdrivair_board Hard Drivin' Airborne Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp
hdrivairp_board Hard Drivin' Airborne P Board Device atari/harddriv.cpp