Short name:v25
Is device:Yes
Source file:devices/cpu/nec/v25.cpp

Referenced By

Short name
Source file
arabfgt Arabian Fight (World) sega/segas32.cpp
arabfgtj Arabian Fight (Japan) sega/segas32.cpp
arabfgtu Arabian Fight (US) sega/segas32.cpp
batsugun Batsugun toaplan/batsugun.cpp
batsuguna Batsugun (older, set 1) toaplan/batsugun.cpp
batsugunb Batsugun (Korean PCB) toaplan/batsugun.cpp
batsugunc Batsugun (older, set 2) toaplan/batsugun.cpp
batsugunsp Batsugun - Special Version toaplan/batsugun.cpp
cobrasd Cobra Sport Dart / Tour Sport Dart (Oki MSM6376 sound) skeleton/tvcobrasd.cpp
cobrasda Cobra Sport Dart / Tour Sport Dart (AY-8910 sound) skeleton/tvcobrasd.cpp
dogyuun Dogyuun toaplan/dogyuun.cpp
dogyuuna Dogyuun (older set) toaplan/dogyuun.cpp
dogyuunb Dogyuun (oldest set) toaplan/dogyuun.cpp
dogyuunt Dogyuun (10/9/1992 location test) toaplan/dogyuun.cpp
dt7 DT7 (prototype) toaplan/dt7.cpp
fixeight FixEight (Europe) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
fixeighta FixEight (Southeast Asia) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
fixeightat FixEight (Southeast Asia, Taito license) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
fixeighth FixEight (Hong Kong) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
fixeightht FixEight (Hong Kong, Taito license) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
fixeightj FixEight - Jigoku no Eiyuu Densetsu (Japan) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
fixeightjt FixEight - Jigoku no Eiyuu Densetsu (Japan, Taito license) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
fixeightk FixEight (Korea) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
fixeightkt FixEight (Korea, Taito license) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
fixeightt FixEight (Europe, Taito license) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
fixeighttw FixEight (Taiwan) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
fixeighttwt FixEight (Taiwan, Taito license) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
fixeightu FixEight (USA) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
fixeightut FixEight (USA, Taito license) toaplan/fixeight.cpp
ga2 Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder (World, Rev B) sega/segas32.cpp
ga2j Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder (Japan) sega/segas32.cpp
ga2u Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder (US, Rev A) sega/segas32.cpp
grindstm Grind Stormer toaplan/vfive.cpp
grindstma Grind Stormer (older set) toaplan/vfive.cpp
hunter16 Husky Hunter 16 husky/hunter16.cpp
hunter1680 Husky Hunter 16/80 husky/hunter16.cpp
hunter216 Husky Hunter 2/16 husky/hunter16.cpp
kbash Knuckle Bash toaplan/kbash.cpp
kbashk Knuckle Bash (Korean PCB) toaplan/kbash.cpp
kbashp Knuckle Bash (location test) toaplan/kbash.cpp
ml20 Micrologic 20 skeleton/ml20.cpp
pdt3100 PDT 3100 (v1.10-00) skeleton/pdt3100.cpp
tvdear TV Dear Multi Word Processor skeleton/tvdear.cpp
uvw1200 BETACAM-SP Videocassette Player UVW-1200 RGB sony/betacam.cpp
uvw1600 BETACAM-SP Videocassette Player/Recorder UVW-1600 RGB sony/betacam.cpp
uvw1800 BETACAM-SP Videocassette Player/Recorder UVW-1800 RGB sony/betacam.cpp
vfive V-Five (Japan) toaplan/vfive.cpp
segas32_pcb_v25 Sega System 32 V25 PCB sega/segas32.cpp