Short name:v35
Is device:Yes
Source file:devices/cpu/nec/v25.cpp

Referenced By

Short name
Source file
airass Air Assault (World) irem/m107.cpp
atompunk Atomic Punk (US) irem/m90.cpp
bbmanw Bomber Man World / New Dyna Blaster - Global Quest irem/m90.cpp
bbmanwj Bomber Man World (Japan) irem/m90.cpp
bbmanwja Bomber Man World (Japan, revised sound hardware) irem/m90.cpp
bmaster Blade Master (World) irem/m92.cpp
bombrman Bomber Man (Japan) irem/m90.cpp
cb2001 Cherry Bonus 2001 (V1.1I) misc/cb2001.cpp
cb4 Cherry Bonus IV (V5.0) misc/cb2001.cpp
cb4a Cherry Bonus IV (V1.2) misc/cb2001.cpp
cb5 Cherry Bonus V Five (V1.3) misc/cb2001.cpp
cb5_11 Cherry Bonus V Five (V1.1) misc/cb2001.cpp
cosmccop Cosmic Cop (World) irem/m72.cpp
crossbld Cross Blades! (Japan) irem/m92.cpp
crzybell Crazy Bell (V1.2D) misc/cb2001.cpp
dicegame Dice - The Dice Game! irem/m90.cpp
dsoccr94 Dream Soccer '94 (World, M107 hardware) irem/m107.cpp
dsoccr94j Dream Soccer '94 (Japan, M92 hardware) irem/m92.cpp
dsoccr94k Dream Soccer '94 (Korea, M107 hardware) irem/m107.cpp
dynablst Dynablaster / Bomber Man irem/m90.cpp
dynastye Dynasty (1992, V5.1G) misc/cb2001.cpp
firebarr Fire Barrel (Japan) irem/m107.cpp
gallop Gallop - Armed Police Unit (Japan, M84 hardware) irem/m72.cpp
geostorm Geo Storm (Japan, 014 custom sound CPU) irem/m92.cpp
geostorma Geo Storm (Japan, 026 custom sound CPU) irem/m92.cpp
gunforc2 Gun Force II (US) irem/m92.cpp
gunforce Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (World) irem/m92.cpp
gunforcej Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (Japan) irem/m92.cpp
gunforceu Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (US) irem/m92.cpp
gunhohki Mahou Keibitai Gun Hohki (Japan) irem/m92.cpp
gussun Gussun Oyoyo (Japan) irem/m90.cpp
hasamu Hasamu (Japan) irem/m90.cpp
hook Hook (World) irem/m92.cpp
hookj Hook (Japan) irem/m92.cpp
hooku Hook (US) irem/m92.cpp
inthunt In The Hunt (World) irem/m92.cpp
inthuntu In The Hunt (US) irem/m92.cpp
kaiteids Kaitei Daisensou (Japan) irem/m92.cpp
kengo Ken-Go (World) irem/m72.cpp
kengoj Ken-Go (Japan) irem/m72.cpp
kftgoal Kick for the Goal irem/m107.cpp
leaguemn Yakyuu Kakutou League-Man (Japan, set 1) irem/m92.cpp
leaguemna Yakyuu Kakutou League-Man (Japan, set 2) irem/m92.cpp
lethalth Lethal Thunder (World) irem/m92.cpp
ltswords Lightning Swords (World) irem/m72.cpp
majtitl2 Major Title 2 (World, set 1) irem/m92.cpp
majtitl2a Major Title 2 (World, set 1, alt sound CPU) irem/m92.cpp
majtitl2b Major Title 2 (World, set 2) irem/m92.cpp
majtitl2j Major Title 2 (Japan) irem/m92.cpp
matchit2 Match It II irem/m90.cpp
mysticri Mystic Riders (World) irem/m92.cpp
mysticrib Mystic Riders (bootleg?) irem/m92.cpp
mystjb Mystery J & B (V1.3G) misc/cb2001.cpp
nbbatman Ninja Baseball Bat Man (World) irem/m92.cpp
nbbatmanu Ninja Baseball Bat Man (US) irem/m92.cpp
ndongmul2 New DongmulDongmul 2 (V1.2N) misc/cb2001.cpp
newapunk New Atomic Punk - Global Quest (US) irem/m90.cpp
nmondop New Mondo Plus (V0.6I) misc/cb2001.cpp
psoldier Perfect Soldiers (Japan) irem/m92.cpp
quizf1 Quiz F1 1-2 Finish (Japan) irem/m90.cpp
riskchal Risky Challenge irem/m90.cpp
rtypeleo R-Type Leo (World) irem/m92.cpp
rtypeleoj R-Type Leo (Japan) irem/m92.cpp
scherrym Super Cherry Master (V5.2) misc/cb2001.cpp
scherrym12 Super Cherry Master (V1.2) misc/cb2001.cpp
scherrymp Super Cherry Master Plus (V1.6) misc/cb2001.cpp
scherrymp10u Super Cherry Master Plus (V1.0U) misc/cb2001.cpp
shisen2 Shisensho II irem/m90.cpp
skingame The Irem Skins Game (US set 1) irem/m92.cpp
skingame2 The Irem Skins Game (US set 2) irem/m92.cpp
ssoldier Superior Soldiers (US) irem/m92.cpp
thndblst Thunder Blaster (Japan) irem/m92.cpp
tripjack Triple Jack (V1.6G) misc/cb2001.cpp
uccops Undercover Cops (World) irem/m92.cpp
uccopsar Undercover Cops - Alpha Renewal Version (World) irem/m92.cpp
uccopsaru Undercover Cops - Alpha Renewal Version (US) irem/m92.cpp
uccopsj Undercover Cops (Japan) irem/m92.cpp
uccopsu Undercover Cops (US) irem/m92.cpp
wpksoc World PK Soccer irem/m107.cpp