3dfx Voodoo Graphics

Short name:voodoo_1
Is device:Yes
Source file:devices/video/voodoo.cpp

Referenced By

Short name
Source file
biofreak Bio F.R.E.A.K.S (prototype, boot ROM 0.1i) midway/seattle.cpp
blitz NFL Blitz (ver 1.21, Dec 5 1997) midway/seattle.cpp
blitz2k NFL Blitz 2000 Gold Edition (ver 1.2, Sep 22 1999) midway/seattle.cpp
blitz99 NFL Blitz '99 (ver 1.30, Sep 22 1998) midway/seattle.cpp
blitz99a NFL Blitz '99 (ver 1.2, Aug 28 1998) midway/seattle.cpp
calspeed California Speed (Version 2.1a Apr 17 1998, GUTS 1.25 Apr 17 1998 / MAIN Apr 17 1998) midway/seattle.cpp
calspeeda California Speed (Version 1.0r8 Mar 10 1998, GUTS Mar 10 1998 / MAIN Mar 10 1998) midway/seattle.cpp
calspeedb California Speed (Version 1.0r7a Mar 4 1998, GUTS Mar 3 1998 / MAIN Jan 19 1998) midway/seattle.cpp
carnevil CarnEvil (v1.0.3) midway/seattle.cpp
carnevil1 CarnEvil (v1.0.1) midway/seattle.cpp
funkball Funky Ball misc/funkball.cpp
gradius4 Gradius IV: Fukkatsu (ver JAC) konami/hornet.cpp
gradius4a Gradius IV (ver AAC) konami/hornet.cpp
gradius4aa Gradius IV (ver AAA) konami/hornet.cpp
gradius4ja Gradius IV: Fukkatsu (ver JAA) konami/hornet.cpp
gradius4u Gradius IV (ver UAC) konami/hornet.cpp
gradius4ua Gradius IV (ver UAA) konami/hornet.cpp
hangplt Hang Pilot (ver JAB) konami/gticlub.cpp
hangpltu Hang Pilot (ver UAA) konami/gticlub.cpp
hyprdriv Hyperdrive (ver 1.40, Oct 23 1998) midway/seattle.cpp
mace Mace: The Dark Age (boot ROM 1.0ce, HDD 1.0b) midway/seattle.cpp
macea Mace: The Dark Age (HDD 1.0a) midway/seattle.cpp
magictg Magic the Gathering: Armageddon (set 1) misc/magictg.cpp
magictga Magic the Gathering: Armageddon (set 2) misc/magictg.cpp
nbaatw NBA All The Way (ver EAB) konami/hornet.cpp
nbaatwa NBA All The Way (ver EAA) konami/hornet.cpp
nbapbp NBA Play By Play (ver UAB) konami/hornet.cpp
nbapbpa NBA Play By Play (ver AAB) konami/hornet.cpp
nbapbpaa NBA Play By Play (ver AAA) konami/hornet.cpp
nbapbpj NBA Play By Play (ver JAB) konami/hornet.cpp
nbapbpja NBA Play By Play (ver JAA) konami/hornet.cpp
nbapbpua NBA Play By Play (ver UAA) konami/hornet.cpp
pf2012 Psychic Force 2012 (Ver 2.04J) taito/taitowlf.cpp
racingj Racing Jam (GQ676UAC) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
racingj2 Racing Jam: Chapter II (GQ888UAA) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
racingj2a Racing Jam: Chapter II (GQ888AAA) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
racingj2e Racing Jam: Chapter II (GQ888EAA) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
racingj2j Racing Jam: Chapter II (GQ888JAA) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
racingj2m Racing Jam: Chapter II (GM888UAA) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
racingj2ma Racing Jam: Chapter II (GM888AAA) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
racingj2me Racing Jam: Chapter II (GM888EAA) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
racingj2mj Racing Jam: Chapter II (GM888JAA) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
racingj2n Racing Jam: Chapter II (GN888UAA) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
racingj2na Racing Jam: Chapter II (GN888AAA) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
racingj2ne Racing Jam: Chapter II (GN888EAA) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
racingj2nj Racing Jam: Chapter II (GN888JAA) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
racingja Racing Jam (GQ676AAC) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
racingje Racing Jam (GQ676EAC) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
racingjj Racing Jam (GQ676JAC) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
racingjm Racing Jam (GM676UAC) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
racingjma Racing Jam (GM676AAC) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
racingjme Racing Jam (GM676EAC) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
racingjmj Racing Jam (GM676JAC) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
racingjn Racing Jam (GN676UAC) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
racingjna Racing Jam (GN676AAC) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
racingjne Racing Jam (GN676EAC) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
racingjnj Racing Jam (GN676JAC) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
sfrush San Francisco Rush midway/seattle.cpp
sfrushrk San Francisco Rush: The Rock (boot rom L 1.0, GUTS Oct 6 1997 / MAIN Oct 16 1997) midway/seattle.cpp
sfrushrkw San Francisco Rush: The Rock (Wavenet, boot rom L 1.38, GUTS Aug 19 1997 / MAIN Aug 19 1997) midway/seattle.cpp
sfrushrkwo San Francisco Rush: The Rock (Wavenet, boot rom L 1.38, GUTS Aug 6 1997 / MAIN Aug 5 1997) midway/seattle.cpp
sis85c496 486 motherboards using the SiS 85C496/85C497 chipset + 3dfx Voodoo 1 pc/pcipc_sis.cpp
sscope Silent Scope (ver UAD, Ver 1.33) konami/hornet.cpp
sscope2abvd1 Silent Scope 2 : Innocent Sweeper (ver AAB, Ver 1.01, GN715 Voodoo 1 video board) konami/hornet.cpp
sscope2acvd1 Silent Scope 2 : Innocent Sweeper (ver AAC, Ver 1.02, GN715 Voodoo 1 video board) konami/hornet.cpp
sscope2avd1 Silent Scope 2 : Innocent Sweeper (ver AAD, Ver 1.03, GN715 Voodoo 1 video board) konami/hornet.cpp
sscope2ebvd1 Silent Scope 2 : Fatal Judgement (ver EAB, Ver 1.01, GN715 Voodoo 1 video board) konami/hornet.cpp
sscope2ecvd1 Silent Scope 2 : Fatal Judgement (ver EAC, Ver 1.02, GN715 Voodoo 1 video board) konami/hornet.cpp
sscope2evd1 Silent Scope 2 : Fatal Judgement (ver EAD, Ver 1.03, GN715 Voodoo 1 video board) konami/hornet.cpp
sscope2jbvd1 Silent Scope 2 : Innocent Sweeper (ver JAB, Ver 1.01, GN715 Voodoo 1 video board) konami/hornet.cpp
sscope2jcvd1 Silent Scope 2 : Innocent Sweeper (ver JAC, Ver 1.02, GN715 Voodoo 1 video board) konami/hornet.cpp
sscope2jvd1 Silent Scope 2 : Innocent Sweeper (ver JAD, Ver 1.03, GN715 Voodoo 1 video board) konami/hornet.cpp
sscope2ubvd1 Silent Scope 2 : Dark Silhouette (ver UAB, Ver 1.01, GN715 Voodoo 1 video board) konami/hornet.cpp
sscope2ucvd1 Silent Scope 2 : Dark Silhouette (ver UAC, Ver 1.02, GN715 Voodoo 1 video board) konami/hornet.cpp
sscope2vd1 Silent Scope 2 : Dark Silhouette (ver UAD, Ver 1.03, GN715 Voodoo 1 video board) konami/hornet.cpp
sscopea Silent Scope (ver AAD, Ver 1.33) konami/hornet.cpp
sscopeaa Silent Scope (ver AAA, Ver 1.00) konami/hornet.cpp
sscopeab Silent Scope (ver AAB, Ver 1.20) konami/hornet.cpp
sscopeac Silent Scope (ver AAC, Ver 1.30) konami/hornet.cpp
sscopee Silent Scope (ver EAD, Ver 1.33) konami/hornet.cpp
sscopeea Silent Scope (ver EAA, Ver 1.00) konami/hornet.cpp
sscopeeb Silent Scope (ver EAB, Ver 1.20) konami/hornet.cpp
sscopeec Silent Scope (ver EAC, Ver 1.30) konami/hornet.cpp
sscopeja Silent Scope (ver JAA, Ver 1.00) konami/hornet.cpp
sscopejb Silent Scope (ver JAB, Ver 1.20) konami/hornet.cpp
sscopeua Silent Scope (ver UAA, Ver 1.00) konami/hornet.cpp
sscopeub Silent Scope (ver UAB, Ver 1.20) konami/hornet.cpp
sscopeuc Silent Scope (ver UAC, Ver 1.30) konami/hornet.cpp
terabrst Teraburst (1998/07/17 ver UEL) konami/hornet.cpp
terabrsta Teraburst (1998/07/17 ver HEL) konami/hornet.cpp
terabrstaa Teraburst (1998/02/25 ver HAA) konami/hornet.cpp
terabrstj Teraburst (1998/07/17 ver JEL) konami/hornet.cpp
terabrstja Teraburst (1998/02/25 ver JAA) konami/hornet.cpp
terabrstua Teraburst (1998/02/25 ver UAA) konami/hornet.cpp
thrilld Thrill Drive (UDE) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
thrillda Thrill Drive (ACE) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
thrilldab Thrill Drive (ABE) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
thrilldb Thrill Drive (UDB) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
thrilldba Thrill Drive (ACB) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
thrilldbab Thrill Drive (ABB) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
thrilldbe Thrill Drive (EDB) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
thrilldbj Thrill Drive (JCB) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
thrilldbja Thrill Drive (JAB) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
thrillde Thrill Drive (EDE) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
thrilldgej Thrill Drive (ver GE713JAB) konami/hornet.cpp
thrilldgeu Thrill Drive (ver GE713UFB) konami/hornet.cpp
thrilldgke Thrill Drive (ver GK713EAB) konami/hornet.cpp
thrilldgkee Thrill Drive (ver GK713EEB) konami/hornet.cpp
thrilldgkk Thrill Drive (ver GK713K*B) konami/hornet.cpp
thrilldgmj Thrill Drive (ver GM713JAB) konami/hornet.cpp
thrilldgnj Thrill Drive (ver GN713JAB) konami/hornet.cpp
thrilldgpj Thrill Drive (ver GP713JAB) konami/hornet.cpp
thrilldj Thrill Drive (JCE) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
thrilldja Thrill Drive (JAE) konami/nwk-tr.cpp
vaportrx Vapor TRX (GUTS Jul 2 1998 / MAIN Jul 18 1998) midway/seattle.cpp
vaportrxp Vapor TRX (GUTS Apr 10 1998 / MAIN Apr 10 1998) midway/seattle.cpp
virtpool Virtual Pool itech/iteagle.cpp
wg3dh Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey (ver 1.3) midway/seattle.cpp
wg3dhfe Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey Fatality Edition (prototype) midway/seattle.cpp
voodoo_1_pci Voodoo 1 PCI devices/video/voodoo_pci.cpp