Votrax SC-01

Short name:votrsc01
Is device:Yes
Source file:devices/sound/votrax.cpp

Referenced By

Short name
Source file
gorf Gorf midway/astrocde.cpp
gorfirec Gorf (Spain, Irecsa license) midway/astrocde.cpp
gorfpgm1 Gorf (program 1) midway/astrocde.cpp
gorfpgm1f Gorf (program 1, with French language ROM) midway/astrocde.cpp
gorfpgm1g Gorf (program 1, with German language ROM) midway/astrocde.cpp
marspp Mars - God of War (Prototype) pinball/gts80.cpp
qberttst Q*bert (early test version) gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp
reactor Reactor gottlieb/gottlieb.cpp
thayers Thayer's Quest (set 1) misc/thayers.cpp
thayersa Thayer's Quest (set 2) misc/thayers.cpp
wow Wizard of Wor midway/astrocde.cpp
wowg Wizard of Wor (with German language ROM) midway/astrocde.cpp
ssi263hle SSI-263A Speech Synthesizer devices/sound/ssi263hle.cpp
gotsndspr1 Gottlieb Sound/Speech rev. 1 w/SC-01 shared/gottlieb_a.cpp