20pacgal |
Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.08) |
namco/20pacgal.cpp |
20pacgalr0 |
Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.00) |
namco/20pacgal.cpp |
20pacgalr1 |
Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.01) |
namco/20pacgal.cpp |
20pacgalr2 |
Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.02) |
namco/20pacgal.cpp |
20pacgalr3 |
Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.03) |
namco/20pacgal.cpp |
20pacgalr4 |
Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion (V1.04) |
namco/20pacgal.cpp |
25pacman |
Pac-Man - 25th Anniversary Edition (Rev 3.00) |
namco/20pacgal.cpp |
25pacmano |
Pac-Man - 25th Anniversary Edition (Rev 2.00) |
namco/20pacgal.cpp |
3wishrd |
Three Wishes Red (Russia) (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
7smash |
7 Smash |
wing/luckgrln.cpp |
abigchs |
Big Cheese (Russia) (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
aclown |
Clown (Russia) (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
animalhjb |
Animal House (bootleg of Jingle Bell) |
igs/igs009.cpp |
atlantca |
Atlantica (Russia) (Atronic) (set 1) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
atlantcaa |
Atlantica (Russia) (Atronic) (set 2) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
atrbonpk |
Bonus Poker (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
atrbtlma |
Beetlemania (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
atricmon |
I C Money (Atronic) (set 1) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
atricmona |
I C Money (Atronic) (set 2) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
atronic |
Atronic SetUp/Clear Chips (Russia, set 1) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
atronica |
Atronic SetUp/Clear Chips (Russia, set 2) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
atronicb |
Atronic SetUp/Clear Chips |
misc/atronic.cpp |
atrwild |
Wild Thing (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
ax145 |
AX-145 |
brother/ax145.cpp |
baboshka |
Babooshka (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
baboshkar |
Babooshka (Russia) (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
beachpt |
Beach Patrol (Russia) (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
bearnec |
Bear Necessities (Russia) (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
beetleup |
Beetles Unplugged (Russia) (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
bigblue |
Big Blue (Russia) (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
bingo75 |
Bingo 75 |
wing/lucky37.cpp |
brkball |
Break Ball |
bfm/bfcobra.cpp |
cabaret |
Cabaret Show |
igs/cabaret.cpp |
cadash |
Cadash (World) |
taito/asuka.cpp |
cadashf |
Cadash (France) |
taito/asuka.cpp |
cadashg |
Cadash (Germany, rev 1) |
taito/asuka.cpp |
cadashgo |
Cadash (Germany) |
taito/asuka.cpp |
cadashi |
Cadash (Italy) |
taito/asuka.cpp |
cadashj |
Cadash (Japan, rev 2) |
taito/asuka.cpp |
cadashj1 |
Cadash (Japan, rev 1) |
taito/asuka.cpp |
cadashjo |
Cadash (Japan) |
taito/asuka.cpp |
cadashp |
Cadash (World, prototype) |
taito/asuka.cpp |
cadashs |
Cadash (Spain, rev 1) |
taito/asuka.cpp |
cadashu |
Cadash (US, rev 2) |
taito/asuka.cpp |
cadashu1 |
Cadash (US, rev 1?) |
taito/asuka.cpp |
castaway |
Castaway (Russia) (Atronic) (set 1) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
castawaya |
Castaway (Russia) (Atronic) (set 2) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
cd100b |
CD-100B LaserStar |
skeleton/cd100.cpp |
cfblue |
Crazy Fruits Blue (Russia) (Atronic) (set 1) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
cfbluea |
Crazy Fruits Blue (Russia) (Atronic) (set 2) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
cfgreen |
Crazy Fruits Green (Russia) (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
chicdale |
Chickendales (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
chicken |
Chicken (Russia) (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
chmpnum |
Champion Number (V0.74) |
misc/chsuper.cpp |
chmpnuma |
Champion Number (V0.67) |
misc/chsuper.cpp |
chsuper2 |
Champion Super 2 (V0.13) |
misc/chsuper.cpp |
chsuper3 |
Champion Super 3 (V0.35) |
misc/chsuper.cpp |
cit101xl |
CIT-101XL Video Display Terminal |
citoh/cit101xl.cpp |
cpoker2 |
Champion Poker 2 (V100A) |
igs/igs017.cpp |
cricket |
Cricket |
misc/daryde.cpp |
crsbingo |
Poker Carnival |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
dinofmly |
Dino Family |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
dinofmlya |
Dino Family (Portuguese, Tangasoft license) |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
dncsprt |
Dancing Spirit (Russia) (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
double8l |
Double 8 Line |
igs/cabaret.cpp |
drmmake |
Dream Maker (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
drmmaker |
Dream Maker (Russia) (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
ec_laby |
Labyrinth (v8) (Electrocoin) |
misc/ecoinf3.cpp |
ec_labya |
Labyrinth (v10) (Electrocoin) |
misc/ecoinf3.cpp |
ec_oxocg |
Oxo Classic Gold (Electrocoin) (?) |
misc/ecoinf2.cpp |
ec_oxocl |
Oxo Club (Electrocoin) (?) |
misc/ecoinf2.cpp |
ec_oxogb |
Oxo Golden Bars (Electrocoin) (?) |
misc/ecoinf2.cpp |
ec_oxorl |
Oxo Reels (Electrocoin) (?) |
misc/ecoinf2.cpp |
ec_oxorv |
Oxo Revolution (Electrocoin) (?) |
misc/ecoinf2.cpp |
ec_penni |
Pennies From Heaven (v1) (Electrocoin) |
misc/ecoinf3.cpp |
ec_pennia |
Pennies From Heaven (v6) (Electrocoin) |
misc/ecoinf3.cpp |
ec_pyram |
Pyramid (v1) (Electrocoin) |
misc/ecoinf3.cpp |
ec_pyrama |
Pyramid (v6) (Electrocoin) |
misc/ecoinf3.cpp |
ec_rcc |
Royal Casino Club (Electrocoin) (?) |
misc/ecoinf2.cpp |
ec_secrt |
Secret Castle (v1) (Electrocoin) |
misc/ecoinf3.cpp |
ec_sphin |
Sphinx (v2) (Electrocoin) (set 1) |
misc/ecoinf3.cpp |
ec_sphina |
Sphinx (v2) (Electrocoin) (set 2) |
misc/ecoinf3.cpp |
ec_sphinb |
Sphinx (v1) (Electrocoin) |
misc/ecoinf3.cpp |
ec_stair |
Stairway To Heaven (v11) (Electrocoin) |
misc/ecoinf3.cpp |
ec_staira |
Stairway To Heaven (v1) (Electrocoin) |
misc/ecoinf3.cpp |
ec_sumnc |
Casino Super Multi Nudger (Concept / Electrocoin Oxo) (?) |
misc/ecoinf2.cpp |
ec_sumnd |
Super Multi Nudger (Concept / Electrocoin Oxo) (?) |
misc/ecoinf2.cpp |
ec_suprl |
Super Reels (Electrocoin) (?) |
misc/ecoinf2.cpp |
fireshrk |
Fire Shark |
toaplan/toaplan1.cpp |
fireshrka |
Fire Shark (earlier) |
toaplan/toaplan1.cpp |
fireshrkd |
Fire Shark (Korea, set 1, easier) |
toaplan/toaplan1.cpp |
fireshrkdh |
Fire Shark (Korea, set 2, harder) |
toaplan/toaplan1.cpp |
genius6 |
Genius 6 (V110F) |
igs/igs017.cpp |
genius6a |
Genius 6 (V133F) |
igs/igs017.cpp |
genius6b |
Genius 6 (V132F) |
igs/igs017.cpp |
gfire2 |
Golden Fire II |
misc/mosaic.cpp |
ghox |
Ghox (spinner) |
toaplan/ghox.cpp |
ghoxj |
Ghox (joystick) |
toaplan/ghox.cpp |
ghoxjo |
Ghox (joystick, older) |
toaplan/ghox.cpp |
goldcity |
Gold City (Russia) (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
goldglen |
Golden Glenn (Russia) (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
gp98 |
Grand Prix '98 (V100K, set 1) |
igs/igs009.cpp |
gp98a |
Grand Prix '98 (V100K, set 2) |
igs/igs009.cpp |
grndprix |
Grand Prix (Treasure Bonus bootleg) |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
haphippy |
Happy Happy Hippy (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
happyskl |
Happy Skill (Italy, V611IT) |
igs/igs017.cpp |
hawk |
Husky Hawk |
husky/hawk.cpp |
iccash |
I C Cash (Russia) (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
iqblocka |
Shuzi Leyuan (China, V127M, gambling) |
igs/igs017.cpp |
iqblockf |
IQ Block (V113FR, gambling) |
igs/igs017.cpp |
janshi |
Janshi |
wing/pinkiri8.cpp |
jbell |
Jingle Bell (v200US) |
igs/spoker.cpp |
jbell133i |
Jingle Bell (Italy, V133I) |
igs/igs009.cpp |
jbell141ue |
Jingle Bell (EU, V141UE) |
igs/igs009.cpp |
jbell153ue |
Jingle Bell (EU, V153UE) |
igs/igs009.cpp |
jbell155ue |
Jingle Bell (EU, V155UE) |
igs/igs009.cpp |
jbell157us |
Jingle Bell (US, V157US) |
igs/igs009.cpp |
jinhulu2 |
Jin Hu Lu 2 (v412GS) |
igs/spoker.cpp |
jking103a |
Jungle King (V103A) |
igs/igs017.cpp |
jking200pr |
Jungle King (V200PR) |
igs/igs017.cpp |
jumpjkpt |
Jumping Jackpots (Russia) (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
kron180 |
Kron K-180 |
skeleton/kron.cpp |
kungfua |
Kung Fu Fighters (IGS, v100) |
igs/cabaret.cpp |
kurdart |
Kursaal Darts |
misc/daryde.cpp |
losttrea |
Lost Treasure (V1.03) |
misc/chsuper.cpp |
luckgrln |
Lucky Girl (newer Z180-based hardware) |
wing/luckgrln.cpp |
luckstrn |
Lucky Star (newer Z180-based hardware) |
wing/luckgrln.cpp |
lucky21 |
Lucky 21 |
wing/lucky37.cpp |
lucky21d |
Lucky 21-D |
wing/lucky37.cpp |
lucky25 |
Lucky 25 |
wing/lucky37.cpp |
lucky37 |
Lucky 37 |
wing/lucky37.cpp |
lucky75 |
Lucky 75 |
wing/lucky37.cpp |
luckybal |
Lucky Ball 96 (Ver 4.01) |
misc/luckybal.cpp |
luckybala |
Lucky Ball 96 (Ver 3.50 - 627) |
misc/luckybal.cpp |
luckybalb |
Lucky Ball 96 (Ver 3.50 - 626) |
misc/luckybal.cpp |
luckybalc |
Lucky Ball 96 (Ver 3.50 - 623) |
misc/luckybal.cpp |
luckybald |
Lucky Ball 96 (Ver 3.50 - 616) |
misc/luckybal.cpp |
luckybale |
Lucky Ball 96 (Ver 3.01) |
misc/luckybal.cpp |
luckyseven |
Lucky Seven |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
luckystr |
Lucky Star |
wing/lucky37.cpp |
luna88k |
Luna 88K |
omron/luna_88k.cpp |
luna88k2 |
Luna 88K² |
omron/luna_88k.cpp |
lw30 |
LW-30 |
brother/lw30.cpp |
lw350 |
LW-350 |
brother/lw350.cpp |
lw450 |
LW-450 |
brother/lw350.cpp |
mastboy |
Master Boy (Spanish, rev A) |
gaelco/mastboy.cpp |
mastboya |
Master Boy (Spanish, rev A, hack?) |
gaelco/mastboy.cpp |
mastboyi |
Master Boy (Italian, rev A, set 1) |
gaelco/mastboy.cpp |
mastboyia |
Master Boy (Italian, rev A, set 2) |
gaelco/mastboy.cpp |
mastboyiv2 |
Master Boy Version II (Italian, rev A) |
gaelco/mastboy.cpp |
mc300 |
MC-300 Micro Composer |
roland/roland_mc50.cpp |
mc50 |
MC-50 Micro Composer |
roland/roland_mc50.cpp |
mc50mk2 |
MC-50mkII Micro Composer |
roland/roland_mc50.cpp |
mosaic |
Mosaic |
misc/mosaic.cpp |
mosaica |
Mosaic (Fuuki) |
misc/mosaic.cpp |
mtrain |
Magic Train (Ver. 1.4) |
subsino/subsino2.cpp |
mtraina |
Magic Train (Ver. 1.31) |
subsino/subsino2.cpp |
mtrainnv |
Magic Train (Clear NVRAM ROM?) |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
mushmagi |
Mushroom Magic (Russia) (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
ndongmul |
New DongmulDongmul |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
newhunter |
New HUNTer |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
newhunterb |
New HUNTer (bootleg, set 1) |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
newhunterc |
New HUNTer (bootleg, set 2) |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
p112 |
P112 |
homebrew/p112.cpp |
pandart |
Panther Darts |
misc/daryde.cpp |
pda600 |
PenPad PDA 600 |
amstrad/pda600.cpp |
pinkiri8 |
Pinkiri 8 |
wing/pinkiri8.cpp |
pn8800 |
PN-8800FXB |
brother/pn8800fxb.cpp |
pr100 |
PR-100 Digital Sequencer (v2.02) |
roland/roland_pr100.cpp |
pr100_201 |
PR-100 Digital Sequencer (v2.01) |
roland/roland_pr100.cpp |
prof180x |
PROF-180X |
conitec/prof180x.cpp |
prof181x |
PROF-181X |
conitec/prof180x.cpp |
pss61 |
Super Mario Kart / Super Mario Collection / Star Fox (Super Famicom Box) |
nintendo/sfcbox.cpp |
pss62 |
New Super 3D Golf Simulation - Waialae no Kiseki / Super Mahjong 2 (Super Famicom Box) |
nintendo/sfcbox.cpp |
pss63 |
Super Donkey Kong / Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss (Super Famicom Box) |
nintendo/sfcbox.cpp |
pss64 |
Super Donkey Kong / Super Bomberman 2 (Super Famicom Box) |
nintendo/sfcbox.cpp |
ronjan |
Ron Jan (set 1) |
wing/pinkiri8.cpp |
ronjana |
Ron Jan (set 2) |
wing/pinkiri8.cpp |
ronjans |
Ron Jan Super (set 1) |
wing/pinkiri8.cpp |
ronjansa |
Ron Jan Super (set 2) |
wing/pinkiri8.cpp |
ronjansb |
Ron Jan Super (set 3) |
wing/pinkiri8.cpp |
samesame |
Same! Same! Same! (Japan, 1P set) |
toaplan/toaplan1.cpp |
samesame2 |
Same! Same! Same! (Japan, 2P set) |
toaplan/toaplan1.cpp |
samesamecn |
Jiao! Jiao! Jiao! (China, 2P set) |
toaplan/toaplan1.cpp |
samesamenh |
Same! Same! Same! (Japan, 1P set, NEW VER! hack) |
toaplan/toaplan1.cpp |
santam |
Santa Maria (Russia) (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
sb180 |
SB180 |
skeleton/sb180.cpp |
sc203 |
SC203 - Modular Z180 Computer |
homebrew/rc2014.cpp |
sevenlnd |
Seven Land |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
sfcbox |
Super Famicom Box BIOS |
nintendo/sfcbox.cpp |
sharkpy |
Shark Party (Italy, v1.3) |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
sharkpya |
Shark Party (Italy, v1.6) |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
sharkpye |
Shark Party (English, Alpha license) |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
smoto13 |
Super Rider (v1.3) |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
smoto16 |
Super Moto (Italy, v1.6) |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
smoto20 |
Super Rider (Italy, v2.0) |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
sphinxii |
Sphinx II (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
sphinxiir |
Sphinx II (Russia) (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
spk100 |
Super Poker (v100) |
igs/spoker.cpp |
spk102u |
Super Poker (v102U) |
igs/spoker.cpp |
spk102ua |
Super Poker (v102UA) |
igs/spoker.cpp |
spk114it |
Super Poker (v114IT) |
igs/spoker.cpp |
spk115it |
Super Poker (v115IT) |
igs/spoker.cpp |
spk116it |
Super Poker (v116IT) |
igs/spoker.cpp |
spk116itmx |
Super Poker (v116IT-MX) |
igs/spoker.cpp |
spk120in |
Super Poker (v120IN) |
igs/spoker.cpp |
spk130 |
Super Poker (v130) |
igs/spoker.cpp |
spk200 |
Super Poker (v200) |
igs/spoker.cpp |
spk200ua |
Super Poker (v200UA) |
igs/spoker.cpp |
spk201ua |
Super Poker (v201UA) |
igs/spoker.cpp |
spk203us |
Super Poker (v203US) |
igs/spoker.cpp |
spk205us |
Super Poker (v205US) |
igs/spoker.cpp |
spk306us |
Super Poker (v306US) |
igs/spoker.cpp |
spkrform |
Super Poker (V100xD03) / Formosa |
igs/igs017.cpp |
splmastr |
Spell Master (Russia) (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
starzan |
Super Tarzan (Italy, V100I) |
igs/igs017.cpp |
stbsub |
Treasure Bonus (Subsino, v1.6) |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
stisub |
Super Treasure Island (Italy, v1.6) |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
strain |
Super Train (Ver. 1.9) |
subsino/subsino2.cpp |
tajmah |
Tajmahal (Russia) (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
tarzan |
Tarzan Chuang Tian Guan (China, V109C, set 2) |
igs/igs017.cpp |
tarzan103m |
Tarzan (V103M) |
igs/igs017.cpp |
tarzan202fa |
Tarzan (V202FA) |
igs/igs017.cpp |
tarzana |
Tarzan (V107) |
igs/igs017.cpp |
tarzanb |
Tarzan Chuang Tian Guan (China, V110) |
igs/igs017.cpp |
tarzanc |
Tarzan Chuang Tian Guan (China, V109C, set 1) |
igs/igs017.cpp |
tbonusal |
Treasure Bonus (American Alpha, Ver. 1.6) |
subsino/subsino2.cpp |
tekipaki |
Teki Paki |
toaplan/tekipaki.cpp |
tekipakit |
Teki Paki (location test) |
toaplan/tekipaki.cpp |
tesorone |
Tesorone Dell'Isola (Italy, v2.41) |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
tesorone230 |
Tesorone Dell'Isola (Italy, v2.30) |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
tesorone240 |
Tesorone Dell'Isola (Italy, v2.40) |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
tim011 |
TIM-011 |
sfrj/tim011.cpp |
tisub |
Treasure Island (Subsino, set 1) |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
tisuba |
Treasure Island (Subsino, set 2) |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
tisubb |
Treasure Island (American Alpha, v3.0N) |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
tjsb |
Tian Jiang Shen Bing (China, V137C) |
igs/igs017.cpp |
tylagoon |
Typhoon Lagoon (Atronic) |
misc/atronic.cpp |
victor21 |
Victor 21 |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
victor5 |
Victor 5 |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
victor5a |
G.E.A. |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
victor6 |
Victor 6 (v2.3N) |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
victor6a |
Victor 6 (v2.3) |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
victor6b |
Victor 6 (v1.2) |
subsino/subsino.cpp |
vimana |
Vimana (World, rev A) |
toaplan/toaplan1.cpp |
vimanaj |
Vimana (Japan) |
toaplan/toaplan1.cpp |
vimanan |
Vimana (World) |
toaplan/toaplan1.cpp |
whoopee |
Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! (Teki Paki hardware) |
toaplan/tekipaki.cpp |
wtrnymph |
Water-Nymph (Ver. 1.4) |
subsino/subsino2.cpp |
rc2014_sc111 |
SC111 Z180 CPU module |
devices/bus/rc2014/z180cpu.cpp |
hd647180x |
Hitachi HD647180X MCU |
devices/cpu/z180/hd647180x.cpp |
z80180 |
Zilog Z80180 |
devices/cpu/z180/z180.cpp |
hd64180rp |
Hitachi HD64180RP |
devices/cpu/z180/z180.cpp |
z8s180 |
Zilog Z8S180 |
devices/cpu/z180/z180.cpp |
z80182 |
Zilog Z80182 |
devices/cpu/z180/z180.cpp |