Nintendo FamicomBox cartridges

Short name: famibox
Total: 39
Supported: 39 (100.0%)
Partially supported: 0 (0.0%)
Unsupported: 0 (0.0%)


Short name
dendy Dendy Classic 1 1992 Steepler compatible
dendy2 Dendy Classic 2 1992 Steepler compatible
drpcjr Doctor PC Jr 1996 Bung compatible
famicom Famicom 1983 Nintendo compatible
famicomo Famicom (earlier, with RP2A03) 1983 Nintendo compatible
famitvc1 My Computer Terebi C1 1983 Sharp compatible
famitwin Twin Famicom 1986 Sharp compatible
fctitler Famicom Titler 1989 Sharp compatible
gchinatv Golden China TV Game 198? Golden China compatible
iq501 IQ-501 1992 Micro Genius compatible
iq502 IQ-502 1992 Micro Genius compatible
nes Nintendo Entertainment System / Famicom (NTSC) 1985 Nintendo compatible
nespal Nintendo Entertainment System (PAL) 1987 Nintendo compatible
sb486 SB-486 1993 Subor compatible


Short name
Bad dumps
1943 1943 - The Battle of Valhalla 1988 Capcom Yes 1 0
argos Argos no Senshi - Hachamecha Daishingeki 1987 Tecmo Yes 1 0
baseball Baseball 1983 Nintendo Yes 1 0
bombman Bomberman 1985 Hudson Soft Yes 1 0
devlwrld Devil World 1984 Nintendo Yes 1 0
donaldl Donald Land 1988 Data East Yes 1 0
dkong Donkey Kong 1983 Nintendo Yes 1 0
dkongjr Donkey Kong Jr. 1983 Nintendo Yes 1 0
duckhunt Duck Hunt 1984 Nintendo Yes 1 0
excitebk Excitebike 1984 Nintendo Yes 1 0
f1race F-1 Race 1984 Nintendo Yes 1 0
fightglf Fighting Golf 1988 SNK Yes 1 0
golf Golf 1984 Nintendo Yes 1 0
gomokunr Gomoku Narabe Renju 1983 Nintendo Yes 1 0
gradius Gradius 1986 Konami Yes 1 0
hogalley Hogan's Alley 1984 Nintendo Yes 1 0
iceclimb Ice Climber 1985 Nintendo Yes 1 0
icehocky Ice Hockey 1988 Nintendo Yes 1 0
urashima Kame no Ongaeshi - Urashima Densetsu 1988 Hudson Soft Yes 1 0
knightr Knight Rider 1988 Pack-In-Video Yes 1 0
mahjong Mahjong 1983 Nintendo Yes 1 0
makaimur Makaimura 1986 Capcom Yes 1 0
mario Mario Bros. 1983 Nintendo Yes 1 0
tysonpo Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! 1987 Nintendo Yes 1 0
nryukend Ninja Ryukenden 1988 Tecmo Yes 1 0
prowres Pro Wres 1986 Nintendo Yes 1 0
punchout Punch-Out!! 1990 Nintendo Yes 1 0 tysonpo
rockman Rockman 1987 Capcom Yes 1 0
senjokam Senjou no Ookami 1986 Capcom Yes 1 0
senjokama Senjou no Ookami (UNEPROM PCB) 1986 Capcom Yes 1 0 senjokam
soccerlg Soccer League - Winner's Cup 1988 Data East Yes 1 0
supchin2 Super Chinese 2 - Dragon Kid 1989 Culture Brain Yes 1 0
smb Super Mario Bros. 1985 Nintendo Yes 1 0
takahash Takahashi Meijin no Boukenjima 1986 Hudson Soft Yes 1 0
tennis Tennis 1984 Nintendo Yes 1 0
twinbee TwinBee 1986 Konami Yes 1 0
volley Volleyball 1986 Nintendo Yes 1 0
wildgunm Wild Gunman 1984 Nintendo Yes 1 0
wrecking Wrecking Crew 1985 Nintendo Yes 1 0