Mattel Intellivision cartridges

Short name: intv
Total: 192
Supported: 184 (95.8%)
Partially supported: 1 (0.5%)
Unsupported: 7 (3.6%)


Short name
intv Intellivision 1979 Mattel Electronics original
intv2 Intellivision II 1982 Mattel Electronics original
intvecs Intellivision w/Entertainment Computer System + Intellivoice expansions 1983 Mattel Electronics compatible
intvkbd Intellivision Keyboard Component (Unreleased) 1981 Mattel Electronics original
intvoice Intellivision w/IntelliVoice expansion 1982 Mattel Electronics original
intvsrs Super Video Arcade 1981 Sears original


Short name
Bad dumps
backgamm ABPA Backgammon 1978 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
add Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
addtot Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Treasure of Tarmin 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
armorbtl Armor Battle 1978 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
astrosms AstroSmash 1981 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
astrosmsc AstroSmash Competition 1981 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0 astrosms
astrosmsm AstroSmash - Meteor (hacked?) 1981 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0 astrosms
atlantis Atlantis 1982 Imagic Yes 1 0
autorace Auto Racing 1979 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
b17bomb B-17 Bomber 1981 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
baseball Major League Baseball 1978 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
basketbl NBA Basketball 1978 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
beamridr Beamrider 1983 Activision Yes 1 0
beauty Beauty & the Beast 1982 Imagic Yes 1 0
blockrun Blockade Runner 1983 Interphase Yes 1 0
wrestlng Body Slam Super Pro Wrestling 1988 INTV Yes 1 0
bombsqd Bomb Squad 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
bowling PBA Bowling 1980 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
boxing Boxing 1980 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
bnj Bump 'n' Jump 1983 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
btime BurgerTime! 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
buzbombr Buzz Bombers 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
carnival Carnival 1982 Coleco Yes 1 0
centiped Centipede 1983 Atarisoft Yes 1 0
ctennis Championship Tennis 1985 INTV Yes 1 0
checkers Checkers 1979 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
chess USCF Chess 1981 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
csspgolf Chip Shot: Super Pro Golf 1987 INTV Yes 1 0
commando Commando 1987 INTV Yes 1 0
congo Congo Bongo 1983 Sega Yes 1 0
defender Defender 1983 Atarisoft Yes 1 0
demonatk Demon Attack 1982 Imagic Yes 1 0
demoblue Demonstration Cartridge (blue) 1978 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
demored Demonstration Cartridge (red) 1978 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
demogrn Demonstration Cartridge (green) 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
demoint International Demonstration Cartridge 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
digdug Dig Dug 1987 INTV Yes 1 0
diner Diner 1987 INTV Yes 1 0
dkong Donkey Kong 1982 Coleco Yes 1 0
dkongjr Donkey Kong Jr 1983 Coleco Yes 1 0
dracula Dracula 1982 Imagic Yes 1 0
drgnfire Dragonfire 1982 Imagic Yes 1 0
dfactor The Dreadnaught Factor 1982 Activision Yes 1 0
mathfun Electric Company: Math Fun 1978 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
wordfun Electric Company: Word Fun 1980 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
fathom Fathom 1983 Imagic Yes 1 0
football NFL Football 1978 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
frogbog Frog Bog 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
frogger Frogger 1983 Parker Brothers Yes 1 0
golf PGA Golf 1979 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
htrails Happy Trails 1983 Activision Yes 1 0
hockey NHL Hockey 1979 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
horserac Horse Racing 1981 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
hvrforce Hover Force 1986 INTV Yes 1 0
icetrek Ice Trek 1983 Imagic Yes 1 0
koolaidm Kool-Aid Man 1983 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
ladybug Lady Bug 1983 Coleco Yes 1 0
lfun1 Learning Fun I: Math Master Factor Fun 1987 INTV Yes 1 0
lfun2 Learning Fun II: Word Wizard Memory Fun 1987 INTV Yes 1 0
lnc Lock 'n' Chase 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
lnc2 Lock 'n' Chase (later version) 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0 lnc
locomotn Loco-Motion 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
masters Masters of the Universe: The Power of He-Man 1983 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
missionx Mission X 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
msurgeon Microsurgeon 1982 Imagic Yes 1 0
motox Motocross 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
mmskiing Mountain Madness Super Pro Skiing 1987 INTV Yes 1 0
mtrap Mouse Trap 1982 Coleco Yes 1 0
mspacman Ms. Pac-Man 1986 <homebrew> No 1 0
nstalker Night Stalker 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
novablst Nova Blast 1983 Imagic Yes 1 0
pacman Pac-Man (Atarisoft) 1983 Atarisoft Yes 1 0
pacmana Pac-Man (INTV) 1983 INTV Yes 1 0 pacman
pinball Pinball 1981 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
pitfall Pitfall! 1982 Activision Yes 1 0
poker Las Vegas Poker & Blackjack 1979 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
polepos Pole Position 1987 INTV Yes 1 0
popeye Popeye 1983 Parker Brothers Yes 1 0
qbert Q*bert 1983 Parker Brothers Yes 1 0
reversi Reversi 1981 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
riveraid River Raid 1983 Activision Yes 1 0
roulette Las Vegas Roulette 1979 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
rdealer Royal Dealer 1981 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
safecrkr Safecracker 1983 Imagic Yes 1 0
seabattl Sea Battle 1980 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
sewersam Sewer Sam 1983 Interphase Yes 1 0
shark Shark! Shark! 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
shrpshot Sharp Shot 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
skiing U.S. Ski Team Skiing 1980 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
slamdunk Slam Dunk Super Pro Basketball 1987 INTV Yes 1 0
slapshot Slap Shot Super Pro Hockey 1987 INTV Yes 1 0
snafu Snafu 1981 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
soccer NASL Soccer 1979 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
spacearm Space Armada 1981 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
spacebtl Space Battle 1979 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
spacehwk Space Hawk 1981 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
sspartan Space Spartans 1981 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
vball Spiker! Super Pro Volleyball 1988 INTV Yes 1 0
mbuggies Stadium Mud Buggies 1988 INTV Yes 1 0
stampede Stampede 1982 Activision Yes 1 0
starstrk Star Strike 1981 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
esb Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back 1983 Parker Brothers Yes 1 0
subhunt Sub Hunt 1981 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
scobra Super Cobra 1983 Parker Brothers Yes 1 0
decathln Super Pro Decathlon 1988 INTV Yes 1 0
spftball Super Pro Football 1986 INTV Yes 1 0
swordsas Swords & Serpents 1982 Imagic Yes 1 0
tennis Tennis 1980 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
thinice Thin Ice 1986 INTV Yes 1 0
thcastle Thunder Castle 1986 INTV Yes 1 0
towerofd Tower of Doom 1987 INTV Yes 1 0
traction Triple Action 1981 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
trchalng Triple Challenge 1986 INTV Yes 1 0
trondd TRON Deadly Discs 1981 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
tronmat TRON Maze-A-Tron 1981 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
tronss TRON Solar Sailer 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
tropical Tropical Trouble 1982 Imagic Yes 1 0
truckin Truckin' 1983 Imagic Yes 1 0
turbo Turbo 1983 Coleco Yes 1 0
tutankhm Tutankham 1983 Parker Brothers Yes 1 0
utopia Utopia 1981 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
vectron Vectron 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
venture Venture 1982 Coleco Yes 1 0
wwater White Water! 1982 Imagic Yes 1 0
worldcup World Cup Football 1985 INTV Yes 1 0
wwhomper Worm Whomper 1983 Activision Yes 1 0
zaxxon Zaxxon 1983 Coleco Yes 1 0
voice Intellivoice 19?? Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
ecs Entertainment Computer System 19?? Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
addtom Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Tower of Mystery (unreleased) 1983 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
adventur Adventure (prototype) 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0 add
advtron Adventures of TRON (unreleased) 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
airstrk Air Strike (prototype) 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
allstar All Star Major League Baseball (prototype) 1983 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
brickout Brickout! (unreleased) 1981 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
crazycln Crazy Clones (unfinished) 1981 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
choplift Choplifter! (prototype) 1983 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
pool Deep Pockets: Super Pro Pool and Billiards (unreleased) 1990 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
dfactorp The Dreadnaught Factor (prototype) 1982 Activision Yes 1 0 dfactor
gftgold Go for the Gold! (prototype) 1983 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
gridshk Grid Shock (prototype) 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
hheggs Happy Holidays: Easter Eggcitement (prototype) 1981 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
hhsanta Happy Holidays: Santa's Helper (prototype) 1983 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
hhtrick Happy Holidays: Trick or Treat (prototype) 1981 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
hvrfor3d Hover Force 3D (unreleased) 1984 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
hlights Hypnotic Lights (prototype) 1981 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
illusion Illusions (unreleased) 1983 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
kingotm King of the Mountain (unreleased) 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
landbttl Land Battle (unreleased) 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
llight League of Light (prototype) 1983 Activision Yes 1 0
llight1 League of Light (prototype, alt) 1983 Activision Yes 1 0 llight
llight2 League of Light (prototype, alt 2) 1983 Activision No 1 0 llight
magic Magic Carousel (prototype) 1983 INTV Yes 1 0
masters2 Masters of the Universe II (prototype) 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
minotaur Minotaur (prototype) 1981 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0 addtot
minotaur2 Minotaur (prototype, v2) 1981 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0 addtot
minotaur11 Minotaur (prototype, v1.1) 1981 Mattel Electronics No 1 0 addtot
mycastle Mystic Castle (prototype) 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0 thcastle
blowout Party Line: Blow Out (unreleased) 1983 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
blowouta Party Line: Blow Out (unreleased, alt) 1983 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0 blowout
hardhat Party Line: Hard Hat (unreleased) 1983 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
spacecad Party Line: Space Cadet (unreleased) 1983 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
riveraidp River Raid (prototype) 1983? Activision Yes 1 0 riveraid
rrubble Robot Rubble (prototype) 1983 Activision Yes 1 0
rrubble2 Robot Rubble (prototype, v2) 1983 Activision Yes 1 0 rrubble
rrubble1 Robot Rubble (prototype, v1) 1983 Activision Yes 1 0 rrubble
rockybw Rocky & Bullwinckle (unreleased) 1983 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
scarfing Scarfinger (unfinished) 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
soccer2 Soccer 2 (prototype) 198? Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0 worldcup
sshuttle Space Shuttle (prototype) 1981 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
ssoccer Super Soccer (unreleased) 1983 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
takeover Takeover (unreleased) 1982 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
thinicep Thin Ice (prototype) 1983 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0 thinice
yogi Yogi's Frustration (unreleased) 1983 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
tv_mmaze Map Mazes (unreleased) 1989 World Book No 1 0
tv_shape Shapes in Space (unreleased) 1989 World Book No 1 0
imitc IMI Test Cartridge 1978 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
mte201 MTE-201 Test Cartridge 1978 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0
4tris 4-Tris (download version) 2000 IntelligentVision Yes 1 0
dkongarc Donkey Kong Arcade 200? IntelligentVision Partial 1 0
istar Istar 2010? IntelligentVision Yes 1 0
minehunt Minehunter (download version) 2004 IntelligentVision Yes 1 0
minehunta Minehunter (download version, alt?) 2004 IntelligentVision Yes 1 0 minehunt
sgr SameGame & Robots (download version) 2005 IntelligentVision Yes 1 0
spina ZZZZZ! Spina the Bee 200? IntelligentVision Yes 1 0
spacecnt Space Cunt 1983 Mattel Electronics Yes 1 0 sspartan
spatrol Space Patrol Teaser Edition 2007? IntelligentVision Yes 1 0
stonix Stonix (download version) 2005 IntelligentVision Yes 1 0
suprchef Super Chef BT 2013? IntelligentVision Yes 1 0
todd Tag Along Todd (unfinished) 200? IntelligentVision Yes 1 0
kingotmf King of the Mountain (fixed?) 200? IntelligentVision No 1 0 kingotm
quest Quest 19?? <unknown> No 1 0