Sega Mega Drive/Genesis cartridges

Short name: megadriv
Total: 2634
Supported: 2498 (94.8%)
Partially supported: 31 (1.2%)
Unsupported: 105 (4.0%)


Short name
gen_nomd Genesis Nomad (USA Genesis handheld) 1995 Sega original
genesis Genesis (USA, NTSC) 1989 Sega original
genesis_tmss Genesis (USA, NTSC, with TMSS chip) 1990 Sega original
megadrij Mega Drive (Japan, NTSC) 1988 Sega original
megadriv Mega Drive (Europe, PAL) 1990 Sega original
megajet Mega Jet (Japan Mega Drive handheld) 1993 Sega original


Short name
Bad dumps
2fdizcsp 2 in 1 - Fantastic Dizzy & Cosmic Spacehead (Europe) 1994 Codemasters Yes 1 0
688atsub 688 Attack Sub (Europe, USA) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
6pak 6-Pak (USA) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
aaahhrm Aaahh!!! Real Monsters (Europe) 1995 Viacom New Media Yes 1 0
abrams Abrams Battle Tank (Europe, USA) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
addfam The Addams Family (Europe, USA) 1993 Flying Edge Yes 1 0
addfamv Addams Family Values (Europe) 1995 Ocean Yes 1 0
advbatr The Adventures of Batman & Robin (Europe) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
mightmax The Adventures of Mighty Max (Europe) 1994 Ocean Yes 1 0
aero Aero the Acro-Bat (Europe) 1993 Sunsoft Yes 1 0
aero2 Aero the Acro-Bat 2 (Europe) 1994 Sunsoft Yes 1 0
aburner2 After Burner II (Europe, USA) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
airbustr Air Buster - Trouble Specialty Raid Unit (USA) 1991 Kaneko Yes 1 0
airdiverj Air Diver (Japan) 1990 Asmik Yes 1 0 airdiver
akira Akira (prototype) 1994? Black Pearl Yes 1 0
aladdin Disney's Aladdin (Europe) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
aladdina Disney's Aladdin (Europe, alt PCB) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 aladdin
aladdinj Disney's Aladdin (Japan) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 aladdin
aladdinu Disney's Aladdin (USA) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 aladdin
alexkidd Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (Europe, rev. A) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
alien3a Alien³ (Europe, USA) 1992 Arena Entertainment Yes 1 0 alien3
aliensol Alien Soldier (Europe) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
astorm Alien Storm (World) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
alisiad Alisia Dragoon (Europe) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
altbeast Altered Beast (Europe, USA) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0
agassi Andre Agassi Tennis (Europe) 1993 TecMagik Yes 1 0
animania Animaniacs (Europe) 1994 Konami Yes 1 0
anotherw Another World (Europe) 1993 Virgin Games Yes 1 0
aquagame The Aquatic Games Starring James Pond and the Aquabats (Europe, USA) 1992 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
arcadecl Arcade Classics (Europe, USA) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0
arcadegh Arcade's Greatest Hits (Europe) 1996 Midway Yes 1 0
archrivl Arch Rivals (Europe, USA) 1992 Flying Edge Yes 1 0
ariel Disney's Ariel the Little Mermaid (Europe, USA) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
arnoldp Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf (Europe, USA) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0
arrow Arrow Flash (World) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
artalive Art Alive! (World) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
aof Art of Fighting (Europe) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
astergre Astérix and the Great Rescue (Europe) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
astergrea Astérix and the Great Rescue (Europe, alt PCB) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 astergre
asterpg Astérix and the Power of the Gods (Europe) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
atomrun Atomic Runner (Europe) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
atptour ATP Tour Championship Tennis (Europe) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
smgp2 Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II (Europe, Japan) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
smgp2u Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II (USA) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 smgp2
smgp2p Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II (Europe, Japan, prototype) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 smgp2
backtof3 Back to the Future Part III (Europe) 1991 Image Works Yes 1 0
balljack Ball Jacks (Europe, Japan) 1993 Namco Yes 1 0
barkley Barkley Shut Up and Jam! (Europe, USA) 1993 Accolade Yes 1 0
batman Batman (Europe) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
batmanf Batman Forever (World) 1995 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0
batmanrn Batman Returns (World) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
battlesq Battle Squadron (Europe, USA) 1990 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
btoads Battletoads (World) 1991 Tradewest Yes 1 0
beavis Beavis and Butt-Head (Europe) 1994 Viacom New Media Yes 1 0
billwlsh Bill Walsh College Football (Europe, USA) 1993 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
biohazrb Bio-Hazard Battle (Europe, USA) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
blockout Blockout (Europe, USA) 1991 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
blockoutj Blockout (Japan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0 blockout
bloodsht Bloodshot (Europe) 1994 Domark Yes 1 0
bodycob Body Count (Brazil) 1994 Tec Toy Yes 1 0 bodyco
bnzabros Bonanza Bros. (Europe, USA, Korea, rev. B) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
bonkers Bonkers (Europe, USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
booger Boogerman - A Pick and Flick Adventure (Europe) 1994 Interplay Yes 1 0
brutal Brutal - Paws of Fury (Europe) 1994 GameTek Yes 1 0
bubba Bubba 'n' Stix (Europe) 1994 Core Design Yes 1 0
bubsy Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind (Europe, USA) 1993 Accolade Yes 1 0
bubsy2 Bubsy II (Europe, USA) 1994 Accolade Yes 1 0
buckrog Buck Rogers - Countdown to Doomsday (Europe, USA) 1991 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
budokan Budokan - The Martial Spirit (Europe) 1990 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
bugsbun Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble (Europe) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0
bullvsla Bulls Vs Lakers and the NBA Playoffs (Europe, USA) 1992 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
burnforc Burning Force (Europe) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
burnforcj Burning Force (Japan) 1990 Namcot Yes 1 0 burnforc
cadash Cadash (USA, Asia, Korea) 1992 Taito Yes 1 0
cal50 Cal.50 Caliber-Fifty (USA) 1991 Mentrix Yes 1 0
calgames California Games (Europe, USA) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
cfodder Cannon Fodder (Europe) 1994 Virgin Interactive Yes 1 0
havoc Capt'n Havoc (Europe) 1994 Codemasters Yes 1 0
captaven Captain America and the Avengers (Europe) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
captplan Captain Planet and the Planeteers (Europe) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
castlill Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Europe, USA) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
castlillj Castle of Illusion - Fushigi no Oshiro Daibouken (Japan) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0 castlill
cvania Castlevania - The New Generation (Europe) 1994 Konami Yes 1 0
centur Centurion - Defender of Rome (Europe, USA) 1991 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
chakan Chakan - The Forever Man (Europe, USA) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
champwcs Champions World Class Soccer (World) 1994 Flying Edge Yes 1 0
chiki Chiki Chiki Boys (Europe, USA) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
chuckrck Chuck Rock (Europe) 1992 Virgin Games Yes 1 0
chuckrcku Chuck Rock (USA) 1992 Virgin Games Yes 1 0 chuckrck
chukrck2 Chuck Rock II - Son of Chuck (Europe) 1993 Core Design Yes 1 0
classicc Classic Collection (Europe) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0
cliffh1 Cliffhanger (Europe, alt) 1993 Sony Imagesoft Yes 1 0 cliffh
clue Clue (USA) 1992 Parker Brothers Yes 1 0
collslam College Slam (USA) 1996 Acclaim Entertainment No 1 0
columns Columns (World, v1.1?) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
columns1 Columns (World) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0 columns
combatca Combat Cars (Europe, USA) 1994 Accolade Yes 1 0
comix Comix Zone (Europe) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
coolspot Cool Spot (Europe) 1993 Virgin Games Yes 1 0
coolspotp Cool Spot (Europe, prototype) 1993 Virgin Games Yes 1 0 coolspot
coolspotu Cool Spot (USA) 1993 Virgin Games Yes 1 0 coolspot
corporat Corporation (Europe) 1992 Virgin Games Yes 1 0
crkdown Crack Down (Europe, Japan, rev. A) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
crkdown1 Crack Down (Europe, Japan) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0 crkdown
crueball Crüe Ball (Europe, USA) 1992 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
crydragn Crying Dragon (Japan, prototype) 1991 Treco Yes 1 0
cyberbal Cyberball - Football in the 21st Century (World) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
cyborgj Cyborg Justice (Europe, USA) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
daffy Daffy Duck in Hollywood (Europe) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
dahnak Dahna (Korea) 1992 Samsung Yes 1 0 dahna
drsc David Robinson's Supreme Court (Europe, USA) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
daviscup Davis Cup World Tour (Europe, USA, 199307) 1993 Tengen Yes 1 0
decapatt DecapAttack (Europe, USA, Korea) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
demoman Demolition Man (Europe, USA) 1995 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0
desrtdem Desert Demolition (Europe, USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
dstrike Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf (Europe, USA) 1992 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
devilish Devilish (USA) 1992 Sage's Creation Yes 1 0
dicktr Dick Tracy (World) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
dinodini Dino Dini's Soccer (Europe) 1994 Virgin Interactive Yes 1 0
disneycl The Disney Collection - Mickey and Donald (Europe) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0
djboy DJ Boy (Europe) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
djboyj DJ Boy (Japan) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0 djboy
djboyu DJ Boy (USA) 1990 Kaneko Yes 1 0 djboy
mauimall Donald in Maui Mallard (Europe, rev. A) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
mauimallb Donald in Maui Mallard (Brazil) 1995 Tec Toy Yes 1 0 mauimall
doublecl Double Clutch (Europe) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
ddragon3 Double Dragon 3 - The Arcade Game (Europe, USA, rev. A?) 1992 Flying Edge Yes 1 0
drrobotn Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (Europe) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
dracula Bram Stoker's Dracula (Europe) 1993 Sony Imagesoft No 1 0
dragon Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story (Europe) 1993 Virgin Interactive Yes 1 0
dbzf Dragon Ball Z - L'Appel du Destin (France) 1994 Bandai Yes 1 0 dbz
dfury Dragon's Fury (Europe, USA) 1992 Tengen Yes 1 0
dragnrev Dragon's Revenge (Europe, USA) 1993 Tengen Yes 1 0
dune2 Dune II - Battle for Arrakis (Europe) 1993 Virgin Interactive Yes 1 0
dune2g Dune II - Kampf um den Wüstenplaneten (Germany) 1993 Virgin Interactive Yes 1 0 dune2
ddwares Dungeons & Dragons - Warriors of the Eternal Sun (Europe, USA) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
dynduke Dynamite Duke (World, rev. A) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
dhead Dynamite Headdy (Europe, USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
easports EA Sports Double Header (Europe) 1993 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
eahockey EA Hockey (Europe) 1991 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
ejim Earthworm Jim (Europe) 1994 Virgin Interactive Yes 1 0
ejim2 Earthworm Jim 2 (Europe, USA) 1995 Virgin Interactive Yes 1 0
ecco Ecco the Dolphin (Europe, USA, Korea) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
ecco2 Ecco - The Tides of Time (Europe) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
empsteel Empire of Steel (Europe) 1992 Flying Edge Yes 1 0
tazmars Escape from Mars Starring Taz (Europe) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
tazmarsu Escape from Mars Starring Taz (USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 tazmars
espnspedp ESPN Speedworld (USA, prototype) 1994 Sony Imagesoft Yes 1 0 espnsped
espnnflp ESPN Sunday Night NFL (USA, prototype) 1994 Sony Imagesoft No 1 0 espnnfl
eswat ESWAT - City Under Siege (Europe, USA, rev. A) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
eternalc Eternal Champions (Europe) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
eternalcu Eternal Champions (USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 eternalc
euroclub European Club Soccer (Europe) 1992 Virgin Games Yes 1 0
evander Evander Holyfield's 'Real Deal' Boxing (World) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
exmutant Ex-Mutants (Europe, USA) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
exosquadu Exo Squad (USA) 1995 Playmates Interactive Yes 1 0 exosquad
f1 F1 (Europe) 1993 Tengen Yes 1 0
f1wc F1 - World Championship Edition (Europe) 1993 Domark Yes 1 0
f15se2 F-15 Strike Eagle II (Europe) 1993 Microprose Yes 1 0
f15se2u F-15 Strike Eagle II (USA) 1993 Microprose Yes 1 0 f15se2
f22a F-22 Interceptor (Europe, USA, 199109) 1991 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 f22
fantasia Fantasia (World, rev. A) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
fantasia1 Fantasia (World) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0 fantasia
fastest1 Fastest 1 (Japan) 1991 Human Entertainment Yes 1 0
fatfury Fatal Fury - King of Fighters (Europe, Korea) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
fatfuryu Fatal Fury - King of Fighters (USA) 1993 Takara Yes 1 0 fatfury
fatallab Fatal Labyrinth (Europe, USA) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
fatalrewa The Killing Game Show (Europe) 1991 Electronic Arts No 1 0 fatalrew
fatalrew Fatal Rewind (Europe, USA, rev. A) 1991 Electronic Arts No 1 0
ferrari Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge (Europe, rev. A) 1992 Flying Edge Yes 1 0
felixjr Fix-it Felix Jr. 2014 Airwalk Studios Yes 1 0
felixjrv10 Fix-it Felix Jr. (v1.0) 2013 Airwalk Studios Yes 1 0 felixjr
wreckit Wreck It Ralph (Russian translation bootleg) 2022 T+Rus Pirates Yes 1 0 felixjr
wreckita Wreck It Ralph (Russian translation bootleg, alt) 2022 T+Rus Pirates Yes 1 0 felixjr
feverpit Fever Pitch (Europe) 1995 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0
fifa FIFA International Soccer (Europe, USA) 1994 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
fifa95 FIFA Soccer 95 (Europe, USA) 1994 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
fifa95k FIFA Soccer 95 (Korea) 1994 Samsung Yes 1 0 fifa95
fifa96 FIFA Soccer 96 (Europe, USA) 1995 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
fifa97 FIFA 97 Gold Edition (Europe, USA) 1996 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
fireshrk Fire Shark (Europe) 1991 Sega Yes 1 1
flashb Flashback (Europe, rev. A) 1993 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0
flashbu Flashback - The Quest for Identity (USA) 1993 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0 flashb
flicky Flicky (Europe, USA) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
flint The Flintstones (Europe) 1993 Taito Yes 1 0
flintu The Flintstones (USA) 1993 Taito Yes 1 0 flint
forgottn Forgotten Worlds (World, rev. A) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0
formula1 Formula One (USA) 1993 Tengen Yes 1 0 f1
funngame Fun 'N Games (Europe) 1993 Sony Imagesoft Yes 1 0
gground Gain Ground (World, rev. A) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
gground1 Gain Ground (World) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0 gground
gforce2 Galaxy Force II (World, rev. B) 1991 CRI ~ Sega Yes 1 0
gameto Game Toshokan (Japan, rev. A) 1990 Sega No 1 0
wintchal1 The Games: Winter Challenge (Europe, USA) 1992 Ballistic Yes 1 0 wintchal
garfield Garfield - Caught in the Act (Europe, USA) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
sbtank Garry Kitchen's Super Battletank - War in the Gulf (USA) 1992 Absolute Entertainment Yes 1 0
genchaos General Chaos (Europe, USA) 1994 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
georgeko George Foreman's KO Boxing (Europe) 1992 Flying Edge Yes 1 0
ghostbst Ghostbusters (World, v1.1) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
ghostbst1 Ghostbusters (World) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0 ghostbst
ghouls Ghouls'n Ghosts (Europe, USA, Korea, rev. A) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0
ghouls1 Ghouls'n Ghosts (Europe, USA) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 ghouls
gods Gods (Europe) 1993 Accolade Yes 1 0
ghw Greatest Heavyweights (Europe) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
ghwu Greatest Heavyweights (USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 ghw
gloc G-LOC Air Battle (World) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
goldnaxe Golden Axe (World, rev. A) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0
goldnax2 Golden Axe II (World) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
grandsl GrandSlam - The Tennis Tournament (Europe) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
greendog Greendog (Europe, USA) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
growl Growl (USA) 1991 Taito Yes 1 0
gunship Gunship (Europe) 1993 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0
gunstaru Gunstar Heroes (USA) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 gunstar
gynoug Gynoug (Europe) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
harddriv Hard Drivin' (World) 1991 Tengen Yes 1 0
hardball HardBall! (Europe, USA) 1991 Ballistic Yes 1 0
hardbl94 HardBall '94 (Europe, USA) 1994 Accolade Yes 1 0
haunting Haunting Starring Polterguy (Europe, USA) 1993 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
hellfire Hellfire (Europe) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
hellfirej Hellfire (Japan) 1990 NCS Yes 1 0 hellfire
herzog Herzog Zwei (Europe, USA) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
homea Home Alone (Europe, USA) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
hook Hook (Europe) 1993 Sony Imagesoft Yes 1 0
hurrican Hurricanes (Europe) 1994 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0
hyperdnk Hyper Dunk (Europe) 1994 Konami Yes 1 0
imgitt IMG International Tour Tennis (Europe, USA) 1994 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
immortal The Immortal (Europe, USA) 1993 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
crashdum The Incredible Crash Dummies (Europe, USA) 1993 Flying Edge Yes 1 0
hulk The Incredible Hulk (Europe, USA) 1994 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0
indycrus Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Europe) 1992 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0
indycrusu Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (USA) 1992 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0 indycrus
intrugby International Rugby (Europe) 1993 Domark Yes 1 0
ishido Ishido - The Way of Stones (USA) 1990 Accolade Yes 1 0
issdx International Superstar Soccer Deluxe (Europe, Brazil) 1996 Konami Yes 1 0
izzyqst Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings (Europe, USA) 1995 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0
jlps J. League Pro Striker '93 (Japan, rev. A) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
nicklaus Jack Nicklaus' Power Challenge Golf (Europe, USA) 1993 Accolade Yes 1 0
jbdougko James 'Buster' Douglas Knockout Boxing (Europe, USA) 1990 Taito Yes 1 0
jb007 James Bond 007 - The Duel (Europe, rev. A) 1992 Domark Yes 1 0
jpond James Pond - Underwater Agent (Europe, USA) 1993 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
robocod James Pond II - Codename RoboCod (Europe, USA) 1991 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
jpond3 James Pond 3 - Operation Starfish (Europe, USA) 1993 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
jennifct Jennifer Capriati Tennis (USA) 1992 Renovation Yes 1 0 grandsl
jewelms Jewel Master (Europe, USA, rev. A) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
jimmywws Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker (Europe) 1991 Virgin Games Yes 1 0
joemont Joe Montana Football (World) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
joemont2a Joe Montana II Sports Talk Football (World) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0 joemont2
madden John Madden Football (Europe, USA) 1990 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
madden92 John Madden Football '92 (Europe, USA) 1991 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
madden93 John Madden Football '93 (Europe, USA) 1992 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
jdredd Judge Dredd (World) 1995 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0
jungle Disney's The Jungle Book (Europe) 1994 Virgin Interactive Yes 1 0
jungleu Disney's The Jungle Book (USA) 1994 Virgin Interactive Yes 1 0 jungle
jstrike Jungle Strike (Europe, USA) 1993 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
jpark Jurassic Park (Europe) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
jparkj Jurassic Park (Japan) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 jpark
jparku Jurassic Park (USA) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 jpark
jparkre Jurassic Park - Rampage Edition (Europe, USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
jleague Justice League Task Force (World) 1995 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0
kawasaki Kawasaki Superbike Challenge (Europe, USA) 1994 Time Warner Interactive Yes 1 0
kickoff3 Kick Off 3 - European Challenge (Europe) 1994 Vic Tokai Yes 1 0
kidcham Kid Chameleon (Europe, Korea, USA) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
kotm King of the Monsters (Europe) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
kotmu King of the Monsters (USA) 1993 Takara Yes 1 0 kotm
kotmj King of the Monsters (Japan) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 kotm
klax Klax (Europe, USA) 1990 Tengen Yes 1 0
krustyfh Krusty's Super Fun House (Europe, USA, rev. A) 1992 Flying Edge Yes 1 0
krustyfh1 Krusty's Super Fun House (Europe, USA) 1992 Flying Edge Yes 1 0 krustyfh
landstlkf Landstalker - Le Trésor du Roi Nole (France) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 landstlk
landstlkg Landstalker - Die Schätze von König Nolo (Germany) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 landstlk
lastbtle Last Battle (Europe, USA, Korea) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0
lawnmowr The Lawnmower Man (Europe, USA) 1994 Time Warner Interactive Yes 1 0
lemmings Lemmings (Europe) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
lemmingsju Lemmings (Japan, USA, Korea, v1.1) 1992 Sunsoft Yes 1 0 lemmings
lemming2 Lemmings 2 - The Tribes (Europe) 1994 Psygnosis Yes 1 0
lethalenu Lethal Enforcers (USA) 1993 Konami Yes 1 0 lethalen
lhx LHX Attack Chopper (Europe, USA) 1992 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
lightcrs Light Crusader (Europe) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
lightfor Lightening Force (USA) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 tf4
lionking The Lion King (World) 1994 Virgin Interactive Yes 1 0
lostvik The Lost Vikings (Europe) 1994 Interplay Yes 1 0
lostwrld The Lost World - Jurassic Park (Europe, USA) 1997 Sega Yes 1 0
lotust Lotus Turbo Challenge (Europe, USA) 1992 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
madden94 Madden NFL '94 (Europe, USA) 1994 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
marble Marble Madness (Europe, USA) 1993 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
mariolh Mario Lemieux Hockey (Europe, USA) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
marko Marko's Magic Football (Europe) 1994 Domark Yes 1 0
marsup Marsupilami (Europe) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
marvlandj Marvel Land (Japan) 1991 Namcot Yes 1 0 talmit
mazinwar Mazin Wars (Europe) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
mcdonald McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure (Europe) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
megabomb Mega Bomberman (Europe, Korea) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
megaga1 Mega Games I (Europe) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
megaga2 Mega Games 2 (Europe) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
megaga3 Mega Games 3 (Europe, Asia) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
megaga62 Mega Games 6 Vol. 2 (Europe) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
megaga63 Mega Games 6 Vol. 3 (Europe) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
megalo1 Mega Lo Mania (Europe) 1992 Virgin Games Yes 1 0 megalo
megalof Mega Lo Mania (France) 1992 Virgin Games Yes 1 0 megalo
megaman Mega Man - The Wily Wars (Europe) 1994 Capcom Yes 1 0
megaswiv Mega SWIV (Europe) 1994 Time Warner Interactive Yes 1 0
megaturr Mega Turrican (Europe) 1994 Sony Imagesoft Yes 1 0
megaturru Mega Turrican (USA) 1994 Data East Yes 1 0 megaturr
megapanl MegaPanel (Japan) 1990 Namcot Yes 1 0
menacer Menacer 6-Game Cartridge (Europe, USA) 1992 Sega No 1 0
mercs Mercs (Europe, USA) ~ Senjou no Ookami II (Japan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
mwalk Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (World, rev. A) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
mickmack Mick & Mack as the Global Gladiators (Europe) 1993 Virgin Games Yes 1 0
mickeycm The Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey & Minnie (USA) 1994 Capcom Yes 1 0
mmania Mickey Mania - The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (Europe) 1994 Sony Imagesoft Yes 1 0
micromc2 Micro Machines 2 - Turbo Tournament (Europe, J-Cart) 1994 Codemasters Yes 1 0
cosmic Cosmic Spacehead (Europe, USA) 1993 Codemasters Yes 1 0
mmprtm Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie (Europe) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
midres Midnight Resistance (USA) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
mig29 Mig-29 Fighter Pilot (Europe) 1993 Domark Yes 1 0
mka Mortal Kombat (World) 1993 Arena Yes 1 0 mk
mrnutz Mr. Nutz (Europe) 1994 Ocean Yes 1 0
mspacman Ms. Pac-Man (Europe, USA) 1991 Tengen ~ Time Warner Interactive Yes 1 0
muhammad Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing (Europe) 1992 Virgin Games Yes 1 0
muhammadu Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing (USA) 1992 Virgin Games Yes 1 0 muhammad
mlfootb Mutant League Football (Europe, USA) 1993 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
mystdef Mystic Defender (Europe, USA, rev. A) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0
nbaact95 NBA Action '95 (Europe, USA) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
nbaallst NBA All-Star Challenge (Europe, USA) 1993 Flying Edge Yes 1 0
nbajam1 NBA Jam (Europe, USA) 1993 Arena Yes 1 0 nbajam
nbajamjp NBA Jam (Japan, prototype) 1994 Acclaim Japan Yes 1 0 nbajam
nbajamte NBA Jam T.E. - Tournament Edition (World) 1995 Acclaim Entertainment No 1 0
nbaliv95 NBA Live 95 (Europe, USA) 1994 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
nbaliv95k NBA Live 95 (Korea) 1994 Samsung Yes 1 0 nbaliv95
nbaliv96 NBA Live 96 (Europe, USA) 1995 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
nbaliv97 NBA Live 97 (Europe, USA) 1996 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
bullvsblj NBA Playoffs - Bulls Vs Blazers (Japan) 1993 Electronic Arts Victor Yes 1 1 bullvsbl
bullvslaj NBA Pro Basketball - Bulls Vs Lakers (Japan) 1993 Electronic Arts Victor Yes 1 0 bullvsla
nbashow NBA Showdown '94 (Europe, USA) 1994 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
newmanh Newman Haas IndyCar Featuring Nigel Mansell ~ Nigel Mansell Indy Car (World) 1994 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0
nfl98 NFL 98 (USA) 1997 Sega Yes 1 0
nfl94 NFL Football '94 Starring Joe Montana (USA) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
nflqb NFL Quarterback Club (World) 1994 Acclaim Entertainment No 1 0
nflsport NFL Sports Talk Football '93 Starring Joe Montana (Europe, USA) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
nhl94 NHL '94 (Europe, USA) 1993 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
nhl95 NHL 95 (Europe, USA) 1995 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
nhl96 NHL 96 (Europe, USA) 1995 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
nhl97 NHL 97 (Europe, USA) 1996 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
nhlas NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (USA) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
nhlpa93 NHLPA Hockey 93 (Europe, USA, v1.1) 1992 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
mansell Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing (Europe) 1993 Konami Yes 1 0
olympgld Olympic Gold (Europe) 1992 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0
olympgldu Olympic Gold (Japan, USA, Korea, rev. A) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 olympgld
ottifant The Ottifants (Europe) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
ootw Out of This World (USA) 1993 Virgin Games Yes 1 0 anotherw
outrun Out Run (Europe, USA, rev. A?) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
outrunj Out Run (Japan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0 outrun
outr2019 Out Run 2019 (Europe) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
pacmania Pac-Mania (Europe, USA) 1991 Tengen Yes 1 0
pacpanic Pac-Panic (Europe) 1993 Namco Yes 1 0
pagemstr The Pagemaster (Europe) 1994 Fox Interactive Yes 1 0
paperboy Paperboy (Europe, USA) 1991 Tengen Yes 1 0
paperbo2 Paperboy II (Europe, USA) 1992 Tengen Yes 1 0
patriley Pat Riley Basketball (USA) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0 srealbas
pebble Pebble Beach Golf Links (Europe) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
pgaeuro PGA European Tour (Europe, USA) 1994 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
pga96 PGA Tour 96 (Europe, USA) 1995 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
pga PGA Tour Golf (Europe, USA, v1.2) 1991 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
pgaa PGA Tour Golf (Europe, USA, v1.1) 1991 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 pga
pga2a PGA Tour Golf II (Europe, USA) 1992 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 pga2
pga2hb PGA Tour Golf II for use with the Personal Trainer 1995 HeartBeat Corp No 1 0 pga2
pga3 PGA Tour Golf III (Europe, USA) 1994 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
phantom Phantom 2040 (Europe) 1995 Viacom New Media Yes 1 0
phelios Phelios (Europe) 1990 Namco Yes 1 0
pheliosj Phelios (Japan) 1990 Namcot Yes 1 0 phelios
pink Pink Goes to Hollywood (Europe, USA) 1993 TecMagik Yes 1 0
pirates Pirates! Gold (USA) 1993 Microprose Yes 1 0
pstar2 Phantasy Star II (Europe, USA, rev. A) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0
pinoc Pinocchio (Europe) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
pitfight Pit-Fighter (World, rev. A) 1991 Tengen Yes 1 0
pitfall Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure (Europe) 1994 Activision Yes 1 0
pocahont Pocahontas (Europe) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0
pdrive Power Drive (Europe) 1994 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0
pmonger Power Monger (Europe, USA) 1993 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
predatr2 Predator 2 (Europe, USA) 1992 Arena Yes 1 0
prmanger Premier Manager (Europe) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
prmang97 Premier Manager 97 (Europe) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0
primal Primal Rage (Europe, USA) 1995 Time Warner Interactive Yes 1 0
ppersia Prince of Persia (Europe) 1994 Domark Yes 1 0
probot Probotector (Europe) 1994 Konami Yes 1 0
psycho1 Psycho Pinball (Europe, 199409) 1994 Codemasters Yes 1 0 psycho
puggsy Puggsy (Europe) 1993 Psygnosis Yes 1 0
punisheru The Punisher (USA) 1994 Capcom Yes 1 0 punisher
quacksht QuackShot Starring Donald Duck ~ QuackShot - Guruzia Ou no Hihou (World) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
quacksht1 QuackShot Starring Donald Duck ~ QuackShot - Guruzia Ou no Hihou (World, alt PCB) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0 quacksht
rbibb94 R.B.I. Baseball '94 (Europe, USA) 1994 Tengen Yes 1 0
rbibb3 R.B.I. Baseball 3 (USA) 1991 Tengen Yes 1 0
raiden Raiden Trad (USA) ~ Raiden Densetsu (Japan) 1991 Micronet Yes 1 0
rambo3 Rambo III (World, rev. A) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0
rangerxu Ranger-X (USA) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 rangerx
redzone Red Zone (Europe, USA) 1994 Time Warner Interactive Yes 1 0
revshin The Revenge of Shinobi (Europe, USA, rev. B) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0
revshin1 The Revenge of Shinobi (Europe, USA, rev. A) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 revshin
revx Revolution X (Europe, USA) 1995 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0
ringspow Rings of Power (Europe, USA) 1991 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
riserobo Rise of the Robots (Europe) 1994 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0
riskyw Risky Woods (Europe, USA) 1992 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
ristar Ristar (Europe, USA, 199409) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
roadrash Road Rash (Europe, USA) 1991 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
rrash2a Road Rash II (Europe, USA) 1992 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 rrash2
robocop3 RoboCop 3 (Europe, USA) 1993 Flying Edge Yes 1 0
roboterm RoboCop versus The Terminator (Europe) 1994 Virgin Interactive Yes 1 0
rnrracin Rock n' Roll Racing (Europe) 1994 Interplay Yes 1 0
rocket Rocket Knight Adventures (Europe) 1993 Konami Yes 1 0
rthun2 Rolling Thunder 2 (Europe) 1991 Namco Yes 1 0
samsho Samurai Shodown (Europe) 1994 Takara Yes 1 0
samshou Samurai Shodown (USA) 1994 Takara Yes 1 0 samsho
slammast Saturday Night Slammasters (Europe) 1994 Capcom Yes 1 0
slammastu Saturday Night Slammasters (USA) 1994 Capcom Yes 1 0 slammast
seaquest SeaQuest DSV (Europe) 1994 THQ Yes 1 0
secndsam The Second Samurai (Europe) 1994 Psygnosis Yes 1 0
segasprt Sega Sports 1 (Europe) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
sensible Sensible Soccer (Europe) 1993 Renegade Yes 1 0
sensibie Sensible Soccer - International Edition (Europe) 1994 Sony Imagesoft Yes 1 0
shdancer Shadow Dancer - The Secret of Shinobi (World) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
beast Shadow of the Beast (Europe, USA) 1991 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
shangh2 Shanghai II - Dragon's Eye (USA) 1994 Activision Yes 1 0
shaqfu Shaq Fu (Europe, USA) 1994 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
shindark Shining in the Darkness (Europe, USA) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
shinfrce Shining Force - The Legacy of Great Intention (Europe) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
shinfrc2 Shining Force II (Europe) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
shinobi3 Shinobi III - Return of the Ninja Master (Europe) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
shinobi3u Shinobi III - Return of the Ninja Master (USA) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 shinobi3
sidepock Side Pocket (Europe) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
sidepocku Side Pocket (USA) 1992 Data East Yes 1 1 sidepock
bartvssm The Simpsons - Bart Vs The Space Mutants (Europe, USA, rev. A) 1992 Flying Edge Yes 1 0
bartvssm1 The Simpsons - Bart Vs The Space Mutants (Europe, USA) 1992 Flying Edge Yes 1 0 bartvssm
bartnigh The Simpsons - Bart's Nightmare (Europe, USA) 1993 Flying Edge Yes 1 0
skelkrew Skeleton Krew (Europe) 1995 Core Design Yes 1 0
smurfs The Smurfs (Europe, rev. A) 1995 Infogrames Yes 1 0
snakernr Snake Rattle n' Roll (Europe) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
soleils Soleil (Spain) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 soleil
sonic3d Sonic 3D - Flickies' Island (Europe) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0
soniccmp Sonic Compilation (Europe) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
soniccmp1 Sonic Compilation (Europe, earlier) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 soniccmp
sspinu Sonic Spinball (USA) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 sspin
sonic Sonic The Hedgehog (Europe, USA) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
sonicj Sonic The Hedgehog (Japan, Korea) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic
sonic2 Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (World, rev. A) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
sonic3 Sonic The Hedgehog 3 (Europe) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
sspin Sonic Spinball (Europe) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
sharrier Space Harrier II (World) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0
sparkstr Sparkster (Europe) 1994 Konami Yes 1 0
speedbl2 Speedball 2 (Europe) 1992 Virgin Games Yes 1 0
spidxmen Spider-Man and X-Men - Arcade's Revenge (Europe, USA) 1994 Flying Edge Yes 1 0
spidking Spider-Man vs. the Kingpin (World) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
spirou Spirou (Europe) 1996 Infogrames Yes 1 0
sporttbb Sports Talk Baseball (USA) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
stds9 Star Trek - Deep Space Nine - Crossroads of Time (Europe) 1995 Virgin Interactive Yes 1 0
stargate Stargate (Europe, USA) 1994 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0
steeltal Steel Talons (Europe, USA) 1992 Tengen Yes 1 0
renstim Stimpy's Invention Starring Starring Ren Hoëk & Stimpy (Europe) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
thorf The Story of Thor - A Successor of The Light (France) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 thor
sf2 Street Fighter II' - Special Champion Edition (Europe) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
sf2u Street Fighter II' - Special Champion Edition (USA) 1993 Capcom Yes 1 0 sf2
sracer Street Racer (Europe) 1995 Ubi Soft Yes 1 0
sor Streets of Rage (Europe, USA, rev. A) ~ Bare Knuckle - Ikari no Tekken (Japan, rev. A) 1991 Sega Partial 1 0
sora Streets of Rage (Europe, USA) ~ Bare Knuckle - Ikari no Tekken (Japan) 1991 Sega Partial 1 0 sor
sor2 Streets of Rage II (Europe) ~ Bare Knuckle II - Shitou e no Requiem (Japan) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
sor3 Streets of Rage 3 (Europe) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
strider Strider (Europe, USA) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
strider2 Strider II (Europe) 1990 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0
striker Striker (Europe) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
subterr SubTerrania (Europe) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
ssridersu Sunset Riders (USA) 1992 Konami Yes 1 0 ssriders
2020bb Super Baseball 2020 (Europe, USA) 1994 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
supdaisn Super Daisenryaku (Japan, rev. A) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0
supdaisna Super Daisenryaku (Japan) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 supdaisn
shangon Super Hang-On (World, rev. A) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0
shangon1 Super Hang-On (World) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 shangon
suphydl Super Hydlide (Europe) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
skickoff Super Kick Off (Europe) 1993 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0
suprleag Super League (Europe) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
suprleagj Super League (Japan) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 suprleag
smgp Super Monaco GP (Europe, Japan, rev. A) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
jordanb1 Super One on One - Jordan Vs Bird (Europe, USA) 1992 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 jordanb
srealbas Super Real Basketball (Europe) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
srealbasj Super Real Basketball (Japan, Korea) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0 srealbas
ssmashtv Super Smash TV (Europe, USA) 1992 Flying Edge Yes 1 0
stblade Super Thunder Blade (World) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0
stbladej1 Super Thunder Blade (Japan, alt PCB) 1988 Sega Yes 1 0 stblade
superman Superman (Europe) 1993 Virgin Games Yes 1 0
vermil Sword of Vermilion (Europe, USA) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
sylvestr Sylvester & Tweety in Cagey Capers (Europe) 1994 Time Warner Interactive Yes 1 0
syndicat Syndicate (Europe, USA) 1994 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
term2 T2 - Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (Europe, USA) 1993 Flying Edge Yes 1 0
t2ag T2 - The Arcade Game (Europe, USA) 1992 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0
talespin TaleSpin (Europe, USA) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
talmit Talmit's Adventure (Europe) 1991 Namco Yes 1 0
tazmania Taz-Mania (World) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
technocl Techno Clash (Europe, USA) 1993 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
tmhthh Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - The Hyperstone Heist (Europe) 1992 Konami Yes 1 0
tmnthh Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - The Hyperstone Heist (USA) 1992 Konami Yes 1 0 tmhthh
tmhttf Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - Tournament Fighters (Europe) 1993 Konami Yes 1 0
tmnttfu Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Tournament Fighters (USA) 1993 Konami Yes 1 0 tmhttf
termintr The Terminator (Europe) 1991 Virgin Games Yes 1 0
termintru The Terminator (USA) 1991 Virgin Games Yes 1 0 termintr
themeprk Theme Park (Europe, USA) 1995 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
tf2 Thunder Force II (Europe, USA) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0
tf4 Thunder Force IV (Europe) 1993 Technosoft Yes 1 0
ttacme Tiny Toon Adventures - Acme All-Stars (Europe) 1994 Konami Yes 1 0
ttoonbht Tiny Toon Adventures - Buster's Hidden Treasure (Europe) 1993 Konami Yes 1 0
ttoonbhtu Tiny Toon Adventures - Buster's Hidden Treasure (USA) 1993 Konami Yes 1 0 ttoonbht
toejam Toe Jam & Earl (World, rev. A) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
toejama Toe Jam & Earl (World) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 toejam
toejam2g Toe Jam & Earl in Panic auf Funkotron (Germany) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 toejam2
toejam2u Toe Jam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron (USA) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 toejam2
totlfoot Total Football (Europe) 1995 Domark Yes 1 0
toughman Toughman Contest (Europe, USA) 1995 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
toystory Toy Story (Europe) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0
truelies True Lies (World) 1995 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0
truxton Truxton (Europe, USA) ~ Tatsujin (Japan) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0
toutrun Turbo Out Run (Europe, Japan) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
twincobr Twin Cobra (USA) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
twinhawk Twin Hawk (Europe) ~ Daisenpuu (Japan) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
twocrude Two Crude Dudes (Europe) 1992 Data East Yes 1 0
twocrudeu Two Crude Dudes (USA) 1992 Data East Yes 1 0 twocrude
twotribe Two Tribes - Populous II (Europe) 1993 Virgin Games Yes 1 0
tyrant Tyrants - Fight Through Time (USA) 1992 Virgin Games Yes 1 0 megalo
umk3 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Europe) 1996 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0
ultsoccr Ultimate Soccer (Europe) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
ustrike Urban Strike (Europe, USA) 1994 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
teamusa USA Basketball World Challenge (Europe, USA) 1992 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
vecman Vectorman (Europe, USA) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
vermilj Vermilion (Japan) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 vermil
vf2 Virtua Fighter 2 - Genesis (Europe, USA) 1997 Sega Yes 1 0
vf2a Virtua Fighter 2 - Genesis (Europe, USA, alt PCB) 1997 Sega Yes 1 0 vf2
vf2k Virtua Fighter 2 - Genesis (Korea) 1997 Samsung Yes 1 0 vf2
vpinball Virtual Pinball (Europe, USA) 1993 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
vrtroop VR Troopers (Europe, USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
warlock Warlock (Europe, USA) 1994 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0
wayneg Wayne Gretzky and the NHLPA All-Stars (Europe, USA) 1995 Time Warner Interactive Yes 1 0
carmnwld Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (Europe, USA) 1992 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
arcadeghu Williams Arcade's Greatest Hits (USA) 1996 Williams Yes 1 0 arcadegh
wimbled Wimbledon Championship Tennis (Europe) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
wintchal Winter Challenge (Europe, USA, rev. 1) 1992 Ballistic Yes 1 0
wintol Winter Olympics (Europe) 1994 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0
wiznliz Wiz'n'Liz - The Frantic Wabbit Wescue (Europe) 1993 Psygnosis Yes 1 0
wolverin Wolverine - Adamantium Rage (Europe, USA) 1994 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0
wboy3 Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (Europe) ~ Monster Lair (Japan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
wboymw Wonder Boy in Monster World (Europe, USA) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
wcs World Championship Soccer (USA, rev. B) ~ World Cup Soccer (Japan, rev. B) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 wcup90
wcsb World Cup Soccer (Japan, REV00) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 wcup90
wcs2 World Championship Soccer II (Europe) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
wclead World Class Leaderboard Golf (Europe) 1992 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0
wcup90 World Cup Italia '90 (Europe) 1990 Sega / Olivetti / Virgin Mastertronic Yes 1 0
wcup94 World Cup USA 94 (Europe, USA, Korea) 1994 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0
worldill World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck (Europe) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
worldillj World of Illusion - Fushigi na Magic Box (Japan) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 worldill
wsb98 World Series Baseball '98 (USA) 1997 Sega Yes 1 0
worldts World Trophy Soccer (USA) 1992 Virgin Games Yes 1 0 euroclub
wrestwar Wrestle War (Europe, Japan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
wwfraw WWF Raw (World) 1994 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0
wwfroyal WWF Royal Rumble (Europe) 1994 Flying Edge Yes 1 0
wwfroyalu WWF Royal Rumble (Japan, USA) 1994 Flying Edge Yes 1 0 wwfroyal
wwfsup WWF Super WrestleMania (Europe, USA) 1992 Flying Edge Yes 1 0
xmen X-Men (Europe) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
xmen2 X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (Europe, USA) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
xenon2 Xenon 2 - Megablast (Europe) 1992 Virgin Games Yes 1 0
yogibear Yogi Bear's Cartoon Capers (Europe) 1994 Empire Interactive Yes 1 0
zanygolf Zany Golf (Europe, USA, v1.1) 1990 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
zerowing Zero Wing (Europe) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
zerowingj Zero Wing (Japan) 1991 Toaplan Yes 1 0 zerowing
zombies Zombies (Europe) 1993 Konami Yes 1 0
zool Zool (Europe) 1993 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
rugbywc Rugby World Cup 1995 (Europe, USA) 1994 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
zoom Zoom! (World) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
microm96 Micro Machines Turbo Tournament 96 (Europe, v1.1, J-Cart) 1995 Codemasters Yes 1 0
splatth2j Splatterhouse Part 2 (Japan) 1992 Namcot Yes 1 0 splatth2
zerotol Zero Tolerance (Europe, USA) 1994 Accolade Yes 1 0
sampras Pete Sampras Tennis (Europe, USA, J-Cart) 1994 Codemasters No 1 0
soleilf Soleil (France) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 soleil
soleilg Soleil (Germany) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 soleil
sonic3j Sonic The Hedgehog 3 (Japan, Korea) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic3
skitchin Skitchin' (Europe, USA) 1993 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
psycho Psycho Pinball (Europe, 199410) 1994 Codemasters Yes 1 0
micromac Micro Machines (Europe, USA) 1993 Codemasters Yes 1 0
2psymmac 2 in 1 - Psycho Pinball & Micro Machines (Europe) 1993 Codemasters Yes 1 0
shikinjo Shikinjoh (Japan) 1991 Sunsoft Yes 1 0
tomjerryj Tom and Jerry - Frantic Antics (Japan) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 tomjerry
valis3j Valis III (Japan, rev. A) 1991 Reno Yes 1 0 valis3
13mahjan Shísān Zhāng Májiàng - 98 Měi Shàonǚ (Taiwan) 1998 BBD Yes 1 0
16ton 16t (Japan, Sega Game Toshokan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
16tongnk 16t (Japan, ripped from Game no Kanzume Vol. 2) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 16ton
16mj Shíliù Zhāng Májiàng (China) 199? City Man Yes 1 0
16mj2 Shíliù Zhāng Májiàng II (China) 199? City Man Yes 1 0
3ninja 3 Ninjas Kick Back (USA) 1994 Psygnosis Yes 1 0
3in1fwt 3 in 1 Flashback - World Championship Soccer - Tecmo World Cup 92 (pirate) 199? <unknown> No 1 1
3in1rmb 3 in 1 Road Rash - Ms. Pac-Man - Block Out (pirate) 199? <unknown> No 1 1
aressha A Ressha de Ikou MD - Take the "A" Train (Japan) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
aaharima Aa Harimanada (Japan) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
aaahhrmu Aaahh!!! Real Monsters (USA) 1995 Viacom New Media Yes 1 0 aaahhrm
aaahhrmup Aaahh!!! Real Monsters (USA, prototype 19950707) 1995 Viacom New Media Yes 1 0 aaahhrm
action52 Action 52 (USA) 1993 Active Enterprises Yes 1 0
action52a Action 52 (USA, alt) 1993 Active Enterprises Yes 1 0 action52
addfamp1 The Addams Family (USA, prototype) 1994 Flying Edge Yes 1 0 addfam
addfamp2 The Addams Family (USA, prototype, alt) 1994 Flying Edge No 1 0 addfam
advdaisn Advanced Daisenryaku - Deutsch Dengeki Sakusen (Japan, rev. A) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
advdaisnp Advanced Daisenryaku - Deutsch Dengeki Sakusen (Japan, prototype 19910307) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0 advdaisn
advbatrp12 The Adventures of Batman & Robin (prototype, 19950406) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 advbatr
advbatrp11 The Adventures of Batman & Robin (prototype, 19950410) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 advbatr
advbatrp10 The Adventures of Batman & Robin (prototype, 19950411) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 advbatr
advbatrp09 The Adventures of Batman & Robin (prototype, 19950418) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 advbatr
advbatrp08 The Adventures of Batman & Robin (prototype, 19950419) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 advbatr
advbatrp07 The Adventures of Batman & Robin (prototype, 19950421) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 advbatr
advbatrp06 The Adventures of Batman & Robin (prototype, 19950422) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 advbatr
advbatrp05 The Adventures of Batman & Robin (prototype, 19950424) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 advbatr
advbatrp04 The Adventures of Batman & Robin (prototype, 19950426) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 advbatr
advbatrp03 The Adventures of Batman & Robin (prototype, 19950427) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 advbatr
advbatrp02 The Adventures of Batman & Robin (prototype, 19950428) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 advbatr
advbatrp01 The Adventures of Batman & Robin (prototype, 19950501) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 advbatr
advbatru The Adventures of Batman & Robin (USA) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 advbatr
mightmaxu The Adventures of Mighty Max (USA) 1994 Ocean Yes 1 0 mightmax
rockybw The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends (USA) 1993 Absolute Entertainment Yes 1 0
adveboy Adventurous Boy - Màoxiǎn Xiǎozi (Taiwan) 199? Gamtec Yes 1 0
aerop Aero the Acro-Bat (prototype) 1993 Sunsoft Yes 1 0 aero
aerou Aero the Acro-Bat (USA) 1993 Sunsoft Yes 1 0 aero
aero2u Aero the Acro-Bat 2 (USA) 1994 Sunsoft Yes 1 0 aero2
aerobiz Aerobiz (USA) 1992 Koei Yes 1 0
airmanag Air Management - Oozora ni Kakeru (Japan) 1992 Koei Yes 1 0 aerobiz
aerobizs Aerobiz Supersonic (USA) 1994 Koei Yes 1 0
airmang2 Air Management II - Koukuuou o Mezase (Japan) 1994 Koei Yes 1 0 aerobizs
aburner2j After Burner II (Japan) 1990 Denpa Shinbunsha Yes 1 0 aburner2
aeroblst Aero Blasters - Trouble Specialty Raid Unit (Japan) 1991 Kaneko Yes 1 0 airbustr
affinity Affinity Sorrow (demo) 2021 Second Dimension Yes 1 0
airdiver Air Diver (USA) 1990 Seismic Yes 1 0
aladdinup1 Disney's Aladdin (prototype 19930627) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 aladdin
aladdinup Disney's Aladdin (USA, prototype) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 aladdin
aladdinjp Disney's Aladdin (Japan, prototype 19930731) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 aladdin
aladdin2 Aladdin II 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
alexkidd1 Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (Europe) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0 alexkidd
alexkiddj Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (Japan) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 alexkidd
alexkiddk Alex Kidd - Cheongong Maseong (Korea) 1990 Samsung Yes 1 0 alexkidd
alexkiddu Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (USA) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 alexkidd
alien3 Alien³ (Europe, USA, rev. A) 1993 Arena Entertainment Yes 1 0
aliencat2 Alien Cat 2 2020 PSCD Games Yes 1 0
aliencat2_dm Alien Cat 2 (demo) 2020 PSCD Games Yes 1 0 aliencat2
aliensolj Alien Soldier (Japan) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 aliensol
alisiadj Alisia Dragoon (Japan) 1992 Game Arts Yes 1 0 alisiad
alisiadu Alisia Dragoon (USA) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 alisiad
alterego Alter Ego - Remastered 2020 RetroSouls Yes 1 0
juuouki Juuouki (Japan, v1.1) 1988 Sega Yes 1 0 altbeast
juuouki1 Juuouki (Japan) 1988 Sega Yes 1 0 altbeast
amerglad American Gladiators (USA) 1992 GameTek Yes 1 0
agassiu Andre Agassi Tennis (USA) 1992 TecMagik Yes 1 0 agassi
agassiup Andre Agassi Tennis (USA, prototype) 1992 TecMagik Yes 1 0 agassi
animaniau Animaniacs (USA) 1994 Konami Yes 1 0 animania
ootwp Out of This World (prototype) 1993 Virgin Games Yes 1 0 anotherw
aqlian Ā Q Liánhuán Pào (Taiwan) 1995 C&E Yes 1 0
arcus Arcus Odyssey (USA) 1991 Renovation Yes 1 0
arcusj Arcus Odyssey (Japan) 1991 Wolf Team Yes 1 0 arcus
arkagis Arkagis Revolution (rev. 01) 2020 Broke Studio Yes 1 0
arkagis_00 Arkagis Revolution (rev. 00 - trial version) 2020 Sik Yes 1 0 arkagis
arkagis_wx Arkagis Revolution (rev. WX - trial version) 2019 Sik Yes 1 0 arkagis
arkagis_xz Arkagis Revolution (rev. XZ - trial version) 2019 Sik Yes 1 0 arkagis
arkagis_yx Arkagis Revolution (rev. YX - trial version) 2019 Sik Yes 1 0 arkagis
arkagis_yz Arkagis Revolution (rev. YZ - trial version) 2019 Sik Yes 1 0 arkagis
arkagis_zw Arkagis Revolution (rev. ZW - trial version) 2019 Sik Yes 1 0 arkagis
arkagis2 Arkagis Escape (rev. WX - trial version) 2023 Sik Yes 1 0
arkagis2_yw Arkagis Escape (rev. YW - trial version) 2021 Sik Yes 1 0 arkagis2
arkagis2_zz Arkagis Escape (rev. ZZ - trial version) 2022 Sik Yes 1 0 arkagis2
smasters Naomichi Ozaki no Super Masters (Japan) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 arnoldp
arrowp Arrow Flash (USA, prototype) 1990 Renovation Yes 1 0 arrow
aofp Art of Fighting (prototype, 19940711) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 aof
arielp Disney's Ariel the Little Mermaid (USA, prototype 19921010) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 ariel
arnoldpp Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf (prototype 19900322) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 arnoldp
aofu Art of Fighting (USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 aof
ryukoken Ryuuko no Ken (Japan) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 aof
artalivep Art Alive! (USA, prototype 19910920) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0 artalive
astebros Astebros (demo v2.1, English) 2022 NeoFID Studios Yes 1 0
astebros_fr_d2 Astebros (demo v2.1, French) 2022 NeoFID Studios Yes 1 0 astebros
astebros_d1 Astebros (demo v1.1) 2022 NeoFID Studios Yes 1 0 astebros
astergreu Astérix and the Great Rescue (USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 astergre
asterpgp Astérix and the Power of the Gods (Europe, prototype) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 asterpg
atomrobo Atomic Robo-Kid (USA) 1990 Treco Yes 1 0
atomroboj Atomic Robo-Kid (Japan) 1990 Treco Yes 1 0 atomrobo
atomrunu Atomic Runner (USA) 1992 Data East Yes 1 0 atomrun
chelnov Chelnov (Japan) 1992 Data East Yes 1 0 atomrun
atptourp4 ATP Tour Championship Tennis (prototype, 19940802) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 atptour
atptourp3 ATP Tour Championship Tennis (prototype, 19940805) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 atptour
atptourp2 ATP Tour Championship Tennis (prototype, 19940808) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 atptour
atptourp6 ATP Tour Championship Tennis (prototype, 19940719) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 atptour
atptourp5 ATP Tour Championship Tennis (prototype, 19940723) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 atptour
atptourp7 ATP Tour Championship Tennis (prototype, 19940509) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 atptour
atptourp1 ATP Tour Championship Tennis (prototype, 19940908) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 atptour
atptouru ATP Tour Championship Tennis (USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 atptour
petscii Attack of the Petscii Robots (shareware v1.2) 2022 The 8-Bit Guy Yes 1 0
petscii_s10 Attack of the Petscii Robots (shareware v1.0) 2022 The 8-Bit Guy Yes 1 0 petscii
austrarl Australian Rugby League (Europe) 1994 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
austrarlp Australian Rugby League (prototype) 1994 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 austrarl
awepossm Awesome Possum Kicks Dr. Machino's Butt! (USA) 1993 Tengen Yes 1 0
awepossmp Awesome Possum Kicks Dr. Machino's Butt! (USA, prototype, 19930712) 1993 Tengen Yes 1 0 awepossm
awepossmp1 Awesome Possum Kicks Dr. Machino's Butt! (USA, prototype) 1993 Tengen Yes 1 0 awepossm
awepossmj Awesome Possum Kicks Dr. Machino's Butt! (Japan) 1993 Tengen Yes 1 0 awepossm
aworg Aworg (Japan, Sega Game Toshokan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
awspro AWS Pro Moves Soccer (USA) 1993 ASCII Entertainment Yes 1 0
bob B.O.B. (Europe, USA) 1993 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
bobp B.O.B. (USA, prototype) 1993 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 bob
spacebob Space Funky B.O.B. (Japan) 1993 Electronic Arts Victor Yes 1 0 bob
babyboom Baby Boom (prototype, 19940811) 1994 <unknown> Yes 1 0
babyboom1 Baby Boom (prototype, 19940603) 1994 <unknown> Yes 1 0 babyboom
babyboom2 Baby Boom (prototype, 19940606) 1994 <unknown> Yes 1 0 babyboom
babyd Baby's Day Out (USA, prototype) 1994? Hi-Tech Expression Yes 1 0
babydo Baby's Day Out (USA, prototype, earlier) 1994? Hi-Tech Expression Partial 1 0 babyd
backtof3u Back to the Future Part III (USA) 1991 Arena Entertainment Yes 1 0 backtof3
bahamuts Bahamut Senki (Japan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
ballz3d Ballz 3D (Europe, USA) 1994 Accolade Yes 1 0
ballz3dp2 Ballz 3D (USA, prototype 199406xx) 1994 Accolade Yes 1 0 ballz3d
ballz3dp1 Ballz 3D (prototype 199409xx) 1994 Accolade Yes 1 0 ballz3d
baoxiao Bàoxiào Sānguó (China) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
barbiesm Barbie Super Model (USA) 1992 Hi Tech Expressions Yes 1 0
barbiesmp Barbie Super Model (USA, prototype) 1992 Hi Tech Expressions Yes 1 1 barbiesm
barbvac Barbie Vacation Adventure (USA, prototype) 1994 Hi Tech Expressions Yes 1 0
barkley2 Barkley Shut Up and Jam! 2 (USA) 1995 Accolade Yes 1 0
barkley2p Barkley Shut Up and Jam! 2 (USA, prototype) 1995 Accolade Yes 1 0 barkley2
barney Barney's Hide & Seek Game (USA) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
barneyp Barney's Hide & Seek Game (USA, prototype 19930918) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 barney
barver Barver Battle Saga - Tàikōng Zhànshì - Mófǎ Zhànshì (Taiwan) 1996 <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
bassmc BASS Masters Classic (USA) 1995 Black Pearl Yes 1 0
bassmpro BASS Masters Classic - Pro Edition (USA) 1996 THQ Yes 1 0
batmanj Batman (Japan) 1990 Sunsoft Yes 1 0 batman
batmanu Batman (USA) 1990 Sunsoft Yes 1 0 batman
batmanrj Batman - Revenge of the Joker (USA) 1992 Sunsoft Yes 1 0
battlyui Battle Golfer Yui (Japan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
btlmanid Battle Mania Daiginjou (Japan, Korea) 1993 Vic Tokai Yes 1 0
battlesqp Battle Squadron (USA, prototype 19910118) 1990 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 battlesq
battlems Battlemaster (USA) 1991 Arena Entertainment Yes 1 0
btech BattleTech (USA) 1994 Extreme Entertainment Group Yes 1 0
btlchess Zhàn Qí - Chinese Battle Chess (Taiwan) 199? Creaton Softech Yes 1 0
btoadsdd Battletoads & Double Dragon - The Ultimate Team (USA) 1993 Tradewest Yes 1 0
beastbal Beastball (prototype) 199? Spectrum Holobyte Yes 1 0
beastw Beast Wrestler (USA) 1991 Renovation Yes 1 0
beastwp Beast Wrestler (USA, prototype 19910913) 1991 Renovation Yes 1 0 beastw
beastwj Beast Warriors (Japan) 1991 Riot Yes 1 0 beastw
beauty Disney's Beauty and the Beast - Belle's Quest (USA) 1993 Sunsoft Yes 1 0
beautyrb Disney's Beauty and the Beast - Roar of the Beast (USA) 1993 Sunsoft Yes 1 0
beavisu Beavis and Butt-Head (USA) 1994 Viacom New Media Yes 1 0 beavis
beavisup Beavis and Butt-Head (USA, prototype) 1994 Viacom New Media No 1 0 beavis
beethovn Beethoven's 2nd - The Quest for Pups (prototype) 1993? Hi Tech Entertainment Yes 1 0
berens The Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure (USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
berensp19 The Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure (prototype, 19940428) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 berens
berensp18 The Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure (prototype, 19940429) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 berens
berensp05 The Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure (prototype, 19940801) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 berens
berensp04 The Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure (prototype, 19940802) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 berens
berensp03 The Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure (prototype, 19940803) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 berens
berensp02 The Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure (prototype, 19940805) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 berens
berensp01 The Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure (prototype, 19940808) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 berens
berensp08 The Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure (prototype, 19940709) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 berens
berensp07 The Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure (prototype, 19940716) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 berens
berensp06 The Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure (prototype, 19940720) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 berens
berensp10 The Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure (prototype, 19940602) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 berens
berensp09 The Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure (prototype, 19940610) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 berens
berensp20 The Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure (prototype, 19940323) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 berens
berensp17 The Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure (prototype, 19940506) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 berens
berensp16 The Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure (prototype, 19940511) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 berens
berensp15 The Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure (prototype, 19940517) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 berens
berensp14 The Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure (prototype, 19940519) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 berens
berensp13 The Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure (prototype, 19940523) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 berens
berensp12 The Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure (prototype, 19940526) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 berens
berensp11 The Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure (prototype, 19940530) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 berens
bestof Best of the Best - Championship Karate (USA) 1993 Electro Brain Yes 1 0
bestofp Best of the Best - Championship Karate (Europe, prototype) 1993 Electro Brain Yes 1 0 bestof
kickbox The Kick Boxing (Japan, Korea) 1993 Micro World Yes 1 0 bestof
beyondzt Beyond Zero Tolerance (USA, prototype) 1995 Accolade Yes 1 0
bibleadv Bible Adventures (USA) 1995 Wisdom Tree Yes 1 0
billwl95 Bill Walsh College Football 95 (USA) 1994 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
btomato Bill's Tomato Game (prototype) 1994 Psygnosis Yes 1 0
bimini Bimini Run (USA) 1990 Nuvision Entertainment Yes 1 0
biohazrbp1 Bio Hazard Battle (prototype) 1991? Sega Yes 1 0 biohazrb
biohazrbp Bio Hazard Battle (USA, prototype) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 biohazrb
crying Crying - Aseimei Sensou (Japan) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 biohazrb
bjreborn Black Jewel Reborn (demo v0.2) 2022 PSCD Games Yes 1 0
bladeven Blades of Vengeance (Europe, USA) 1993 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
bmaster2 Blaster Master 2 (USA) 1993 Sunsoft Yes 1 0
bmaster2p Blaster Master 2 (USA, prototype 19930415) 1993 Sunsoft Yes 1 0 bmaster2
blockb Blockbuster World Video Game Championship II (USA) 1995 Acclaim Entertainment No 1 0
bluealma Blue Almanac (Japan) 1991 Kodansha Yes 1 0 starodys
bodyco Body Count (Europe) 1994 Sega Partial 1 0
bodycop Body Count (Europe, prototype) 1994 Sega Partial 1 0 bodyco
bodycop4 Body Count (USA, prototype, 19940208) 1994 Sega Partial 1 0 bodyco
bodycop5 Body Count (USA, prototype, 19940127) 1994 Sega Partial 1 0 bodyco
bodycop3 Body Count (USA, prototype, 19940303) 1994 Sega Partial 1 0 bodyco
bodycop2 Body Count (USA, prototype, 19940308) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 bodyco
bnzabros1 Bonanza Bros. (Europe, Japan, rev. A) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0 bnzabros
bnzabros2 Bonanza Bros. (Europe, Japan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0 bnzabros
bmarrow Bone Marrow (demo) 2021 PSCD Games Yes 1 0
bmarrow2 Bone Marrow Rebirth (demo) 2021 PSCD Games Yes 1 0
bonkersp5 Bonkers (USA, prototype, 19940328) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 bonkers
bonkersp4 Bonkers (USA, prototype, 19940503) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 bonkers
bonkersp3 Bonkers (USA, prototype, 19941004) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 bonkers
bonkersp2 Bonkers (USA, prototype, 19941025) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 bonkers
bonkersp1 Bonkers (USA, prototype, 19941029) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 bonkers
boogeru Boogerman - A Pick and Flick Adventure (USA) 1994 Interplay Yes 1 0 booger
boxinglg Boxing Legends of the Ring (USA) 1993 Electro Brain Yes 1 0
chavez2 Chavez II (USA) 1993 American Softworks Yes 1 0 boxinglg
draculau Bram Stoker's Dracula (USA) 1993 Sony Imagesoft No 1 0 dracula
breach Breach (prototype) 1992? <unknown> Yes 1 0
bretth Brett Hull Hockey '95 (USA) 1994 Accolade Yes 1 0
brianlar Brian Lara Cricket (Europe, 199506) 1995 Codemasters Yes 1 0
brianlar1 Brian Lara Cricket (Europe, 199503) 1995 Codemasters Yes 1 0 brianlar
brianl96 Brian Lara Cricket 96 (Europe, 199604) 1996 Codemasters Yes 1 0
brianl96a Brian Lara Cricket 96 (Europe, 199603) 1996 Codemasters Yes 1 0 brianl96
brutalu Brutal - Paws of Fury (USA) 1994 GameTek Yes 1 0 brutal
bubbap Bubba'n'Stix (Europe, prototype) 1994 Core Design Yes 1 0 bubba
bubbau Bubba'n'Stix (USA) 1993 Core Design Yes 1 0 bubba
bubblesq Bubble and Squeak (Europe) 1994 Sunsoft Yes 1 0
bubblesqu Bubble and Squeak (USA) 1994 Sunsoft Yes 1 0 bubblesq
budokanu Budokan - The Martial Spirit (USA) 1990 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 budokan
budokanup Budokan - The Martial Spirit (USA, prototype 19900925) 1990 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 budokan
bugsbunu Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble (USA) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0 bugsbun
bullvsbl Bulls versus Blazers and the NBA Playoffs (Europe, USA) 1993 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
burnforcu Burning Force (USA) 1990 Namco Yes 1 0 burnforc
caesars Caesars Palace (USA) 1993 Virgin Interactive Yes 1 0
calripkn Cal Ripken Jr. Baseball (USA) 1992 Mindscape Yes 1 0
captavenu Captain America and the Avengers (USA) 1992 Data East Yes 1 0 captaven
captavenup Captain America and the Avengers (USA, prototype) 1992 Data East Yes 1 0 captaven
captlang Captain Lang (Japan) 1994 Data East Yes 1 0 havoc
captlangp Captain Lang (prototype) 1993 Data East Yes 1 0 havoc
captplanu Captain Planet and the Planeteers (USA) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 captplan
cascade Cascade 2015 Super Fighter Team Yes 1 0
cvaniap Castlevania - The New Generation (Europe, prototype) 1994 Konami Yes 1 0 cvania
cvaniau Castlevania - Bloodlines (USA) 1994 Konami Yes 1 0 cvania
cvaniaup Castlevania - Bloodlines (USA, 19931003 prototype) 1993 Konami Yes 1 0 cvania
cvaniaup1 Castlevania - Bloodlines (USA, 19930804 prototype) 1993 Konami Yes 1 0 cvania
akumajo Akumajou Dracula - Vampire Killer (Japan) 1994 Konami Yes 1 0 cvania
cavestory Cave Story - Doukutsu Monogatari (v0.8.0, English) 2022 Studio Pixel Yes 1 0
cavestory_zh Cave Story - Doukutsu Monogatari (v0.8.0, Chinese) 2022 Studio Pixel Yes 1 0 cavestory
cavestory_fr Cave Story - Doukutsu Monogatari (v0.8.0, French) 2022 Studio Pixel Yes 1 0 cavestory
cavestory_de Cave Story - Doukutsu Monogatari (v0.8.0, German) 2022 Studio Pixel Yes 1 0 cavestory
cavestory_it Cave Story - Doukutsu Monogatari (v0.8.0, Italian) 2022 Studio Pixel Yes 1 0 cavestory
cavestory_ja Cave Story - Doukutsu Monogatari (v0.8.0, Japanese) 2022 Studio Pixel Yes 1 0 cavestory
cavestory_ko Cave Story - Doukutsu Monogatari (v0.8.0, Korean) 2022 Studio Pixel Yes 1 0 cavestory
cavestory_pt Cave Story - Doukutsu Monogatari (v0.8.0, Portuguese) 2022 Studio Pixel Yes 1 0 cavestory
cavestory_br Cave Story - Doukutsu Monogatari (v0.8.0, Portuguese-Brazil) 2022 Studio Pixel Yes 1 0 cavestory
cavestory_es Cave Story - Doukutsu Monogatari (v0.8.0, Spanish) 2022 Studio Pixel Yes 1 0 cavestory
cavestory070 Cave Story - Doukutsu Monogatari (v0.7.0, English) 2020 Studio Pixel Yes 1 0 cavestory
cavestory070_fr Cave Story - Doukutsu Monogatari (v0.7.0, French) 2020 Studio Pixel Yes 1 0 cavestory
cavestory070_it Cave Story - Doukutsu Monogatari (v0.7.0, Italian) 2020 Studio Pixel Yes 1 0 cavestory
cavestory070_pt Cave Story - Doukutsu Monogatari (v0.7.0, Portuguese) 2020 Studio Pixel Yes 1 0 cavestory
centurp Centurion - Defender of Rome (Europe, prototype 19910528) 1991 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 centur
chakanp Chakan - The Forever Man (prototype 19921006) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 chakan
champwcsp Champions World Class Soccer (prototype 19940318) 1994 Flying Edge Yes 1 0 champwcs
champbwl Championship Bowling (USA) 1993 Mentrix Software Yes 1 0
boogie Boogie Woogie Bowling (Japan) 1993 Visco Yes 1 0 champbwl
champool Championship Pool (USA) 1993 Mindscape Yes 1 0
cproam Championship Pro-Am (USA) 1992 Tradewest Yes 1 0
cjfuweng Chāojí Dà Fùwēng (Taiwan) 1994? Gametec Yes 1 0
chaoseng The Chaos Engine (Europe) 1994 Microprose Yes 1 0
soldfort Soldiers of Fortune (USA) 1993 Spectrum Holobyte Yes 1 0 chaoseng
chaosen2 The Chaos Engine 2 (Europe, prototype) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
chasehq2 Chase H.Q. II (USA) 1992 Taito Yes 1 0
superhq Super H.Q. (Japan) 1992 Taito Yes 1 0 chasehq2
cheese Cheese Cat-Astrophe Starring Speedy Gonzales (Europe) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
chester Chester Cheetah - Too Cool to Fool (USA) 1993 Kaneko Yes 1 0
chesterw Chester Cheetah - Wild Wild Quest (USA) 1994 Kaneko Yes 1 0
chichi Chi Chi's Pro Challenge Golf (USA) 1993 Virgin Interactive Yes 1 0
chibim Chibi Maruko-chan - Wakuwaku Shopping (Japan) 1992 Namcot Yes 1 0
chikij Chiki Chiki Boys (Japan, Korea) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 chiki
chinesec Zhōngguó Xiàngqí - Chinese Chess (Taiwan) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
chukrck2j Chuck Rock II (Japan) 1994 Virgin Games Yes 1 0 chukrck2
chukrck2u Chuck Rock II - Son of Chuck (USA) 1993 Virgin Games Yes 1 0 chukrck2
chukrck2up Chuck Rock II - Son of Chuck (USA, prototype) 1993 Virgin Games Yes 1 0 chukrck2
excelart Chuck's Excellent Art Tool Animator (USA) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
clayfght Clay Fighter (Europe) 1994 Interplay Yes 1 0
clayfghtu Clay Fighter (USA) 1994 Interplay Yes 1 0 clayfght
cliffh Cliffhanger (Europe) 1993 Sony Imagesoft Yes 1 0
cliffhp Cliffhanger (prototype) 1993 Sony Imagesoft Yes 1 0 cliffh
cliffhu Cliffhanger (USA) 1993 Sony Imagesoft Yes 1 0 cliffh
coachk Coach K College Basketball (USA) 1995 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
coffeecr Coffee Crisis 2017 Mega Cat Studios Yes 1 0
coffeecr_a Coffee Crisis (alt) 2017 Mega Cat Studios Yes 1 0 coffeecr
coffeecr_dm Coffee Crisis (demo) 2017 Mega Cat Studios Yes 1 0 coffeecr
colleg96 College Football USA 96 (USA) 1995 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
colleg96p College Football USA 96 (prototype 19950621) 1995 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 colleg96
colleg97 College Football USA 97 (USA) 1996 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
collnc College Football's National Championship (USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
collncp19 College Football's National Championship (prototype, 19940413) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 collnc
collncp18 College Football's National Championship (prototype, 19940418) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 collnc
collncp17 College Football's National Championship (prototype, 19940419) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 collnc
collncp16 College Football's National Championship (prototype, 19940429) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 collnc
collncp08 College Football's National Championship (prototype, 19940601) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 collnc
collncp07 College Football's National Championship (prototype, 19940603) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 collnc
collncp06 College Football's National Championship (prototype, 19940607) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 collnc
collncp05 College Football's National Championship (prototype, 19940608) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 collnc
collncp04 College Football's National Championship (prototype, 19940614) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 collnc
collncp03 College Football's National Championship (prototype, 19940615) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 collnc
collncp02 College Football's National Championship (prototype, 19940618) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 collnc
collncp01 College Football's National Championship (prototype, 19940620) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 collnc
collncp15 College Football's National Championship (prototype, 19940503) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 collnc
collncp14 College Football's National Championship (prototype, 19940506) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 collnc
collncp13 College Football's National Championship (prototype, 19940511-A) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 collnc
collncp12 College Football's National Championship (prototype, 19940517-A) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 collnc
collncp11 College Football's National Championship (prototype, 19940520) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 collnc
collncp10 College Football's National Championship (prototype, 19940525) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 collnc
collncp09 College Football's National Championship (prototype, 19940531) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 collnc
collnc2 College Football's National Championship II (USA) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
columnsp Columns (prototype 19900621) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0 columns
columns3 Columns III - Revenge of Columns (USA) 1993 Vic Tokai Yes 1 0
columns3j Columns III - Taiketsu! Columns World (Japan, Korea) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 columns3
combat Combat Aces (prototype) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
comixp Comix Zone (Europe, prototype 19950628) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 comix
comixj Comix Zone (Japan) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 comix
comixup01 Comix Zone (Europe, prototype 19950712) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 comix
comixup08 Comix Zone (USA, prototype 19950601-B) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 comix
comixup07 Comix Zone (USA, prototype 19950601-C) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 comix
comixup06 Comix Zone (USA, prototype 19950601-D) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 comix
comixup05 Comix Zone (USA, prototype 19950601) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 comix
comixup04 Comix Zone (USA, prototype 19950602-B) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 comix
comixup03 Comix Zone (USA, prototype 19950602) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 comix
comixup02 Comix Zone (USA, prototype 19950603) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 comix
comixup10 Comix Zone (prototype 19950526) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 comix
comixup09 Comix Zone (prototype 19950530) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 comix
comixkp Comix Zone (Korea, prototype 19950609) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 comix
comixsc Comix Zone (Sega Channel, prototype 19950612) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 comix
comixu Comix Zone (USA) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 comix
comixup Comix Zone (USA, prototype) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 comix
congo Congo (prototype) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
coolspotj Cool Spot (Japan, Korea) 1994 Virgin Games Yes 1 0 coolspot
coolspotup Cool Spot (USA, prototype) 1994 Virgin Games Yes 1 0 coolspot
cybercop Cyber-Cop (USA) 1992 Virgin Games Yes 1 0 corporat
crkdownu Crack Down (USA) 1991 Sage's Creation Yes 1 0 crkdown
crayon Crayon Shin-chan - Arashi o Yobu Enji (Japan) 1994 Ma-Ba Yes 1 0
xfire Cross Fire (USA) 1991 Kyugo Boueki Yes 1 0
xfirep Cross Fire (USA, prototype) 1991 Kyugo Boueki Yes 1 0 xfire
superair Super Airwolf (Japan) 1991 Kyugo Boueki Yes 1 0 xfire
crueballj Crüe Ball (Japan) 1993 Electronic Arts Victor Yes 1 0 crueball
twistedf Twisted Flipper (later prototype) 1992? Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 crueball
twistedf1 Twisted Flipper (USA, prototype) 1992? Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 crueball
crystlpt Crystal's Pony Tale (USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
crystlptp06 Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, prototype 19940701) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 crystlpt
crystlptp05 Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, prototype 19940702) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 crystlpt
crystlptp04 Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, prototype 19940703) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 crystlpt
crystlptp03 Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, prototype 19940712-B) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 crystlpt
crystlptp02 Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, prototype 19940712) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 crystlpt
crystlptp01 Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, prototype 19940713) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 crystlpt
crystlptp12 Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, prototype 19940601) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 crystlpt
crystlptp11 Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, prototype 19940606) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 crystlpt
crystlptp10 Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, prototype 19940610) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 crystlpt
crystlptp09 Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, prototype 19940623) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 crystlpt
crystlptp08 Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, prototype 19940628) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 crystlpt
crystlptp07 Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, prototype 19940630) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 crystlpt
crystlptp15 Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, prototype 19940511) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 crystlpt
crystlptp14 Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, prototype 19940519) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 crystlpt
crystlptp13 Crystal's Pony Tale (USA, prototype 19940526) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 crystlpt
cursep Curse (USA, prototype 19900626) 1990 INTV Corp. Yes 1 0 curse
curse Curse (Japan) 1989 Micronet Yes 1 0
illmoore The Curse of Illmoore Bay (demo 20191113) 2019 Second Dimension Yes 1 0
illmoore_d1 The Curse of Illmoore Bay (demo 20190517) 2019 Second Dimension Yes 1 0 illmoore
illmoore_d2 The Curse of Illmoore Bay (demo 20190521) 2019 Second Dimension Yes 1 0 illmoore
illmoore_d3 The Curse of Illmoore Bay (demo 20190914) 2019 Second Dimension Yes 1 0 illmoore
illmoore_d4 The Curse of Illmoore Bay (Halloween official demo 20191028) 2019 Second Dimension Yes 1 0 illmoore
custodian Custodian 2018 Piko Interactive Yes 1 0
cutiesuz Cutie Suzuki no Ringside Angel (Japan) 1990 Asmik Yes 1 0
cutthr CutThroat Island (Europe, USA) 1995 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0
cutthrp CutThroat Island (prototype) 1995 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0 cutthr
cyborgjp Cyborg Justice (prototype) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 cyborgj
daffyp Daffy Duck in Hollywood (Europe, prototype) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 daffy
dahna Dahna Megami Tanjou (Japan) 1991 IGS Yes 1 0
hercules Hercules 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 dahna
twinhawkp Daisenpuu (Japan, prototype 19900406) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0 twinhawk
dangseed Dangerous Seed (Japan) 1990 Namcot Yes 1 0
indyheat Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat (prototype) (pirate) 1992 <unknown> Yes 1 0
darkcstl Dark Castle (Europe, USA) 1991 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
darwin Darwin 4081 (Japan, Korea) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
darwinp Darwin 4081 (Japan, prototype 19900221) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0 darwin
dashdes Dashin' Desperadoes (USA) 1993 Data East Yes 1 0
dashdesp1 Dashin' Desperadoes (Europe, prototype) 1993 Data East Yes 1 0 dashdes
dashdesp2 Dashin' Desperadoes (USA, prototype) 1993 Data East Yes 1 0 dashdes
amaznten David Crane's Amazing Tennis (USA) 1992 Absolute Entertainment Yes 1 0
drscj David Robinson Basketball (Japan) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 drsc
drscjp David Robinson's Supreme Court (Japan, prototype 19920415) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 drsc
daviscupj Davis Cup World Tour (Japan) 1993 Tengen Yes 1 0 daviscup
daviscupa Davis Cup World Tour (Europe, USA, 199306) 1993 Tengen Yes 1 0 daviscup
daviscp2 Davis Cup World Tour Tennis 2 (prototype 1) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
daviscp2a Davis Cup II (USA, prototype) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 daviscp2
dazexmas Daze Before Christmas (Oceania) 1994 Sunsoft Yes 1 0
dazexmasp Daze Before Christmas (Oceania, prototype) 1994 Sunsoft Yes 1 0 dazexmas
deadlymv Deadly Moves (USA) 1992 Kaneko Yes 1 0
powerath Power Athlete (Japan, Korea) 1992 Kaneko Yes 1 0 deadlymv
deathret The Death and Return of Superman (USA) 1995 Sunsoft Yes 1 0
deathdl Death Duel (USA) 1992 Razorsoft Yes 1 0
deathdlp Death Duel (USA, prototype 19920506) 1992 Razorsoft Yes 1 0 deathdl
debtor Debtor 2020 PSCD Games Yes 1 0
debtor_dm Debtor (demo 4) 2020 PSCD Games Yes 1 0 debtor
demomanp Demolition Man (USA, prototype) 1995 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0 demoman
asteborg Demons of Asteborg (demo 20210913) 2021 Neofid Studios No 1 0
asteborg_d01en Demons of Asteborg (demo 0.1, English) 2019 Neofid Studios Yes 1 0 asteborg
asteborg_d01fr Demons of Asteborg (demo 0.1, French) 2019 Neofid Studios Yes 1 0 asteborg
asteborg_d2 Demons of Asteborg (demo 20200721) 2020 Neofid Studios Yes 1 0 asteborg
asteborg_d3 Demons of Asteborg (demo 20210827) 2021 Neofid Studios No 1 0 asteborg
asteborg_d4 Demons of Asteborg (demo 20210903) 2021 Neofid Studios No 1 0 asteborg
desrtdemp9 Desert Demolition (prototype 19941206) 1994 Sega No 1 0 desrtdem
desrtdemp8 Desert Demolition (prototype 19941208) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 desrtdem
desrtdemp7 Desert Demolition (prototype 19941212-B) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 desrtdem
desrtdemp6 Desert Demolition (prototype 19941212) 1994 Sega No 1 0 desrtdem
desrtdemp5 Desert Demolition (prototype 19941213) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 desrtdem
desrtdemp4 Desert Demolition (prototype 19941214) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 desrtdem
desrtdemp3 Desert Demolition (prototype 19941215) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 desrtdem
desrtdemp2 Desert Demolition (prototype 19941216) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 desrtdem
desrtdemp1 Desert Demolition (prototype 19941219) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 desrtdem
dstrikej Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf (Japan, Korea) 1993 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 dstrike
devilishp Devilish (USA, prototype 19920116) 1992 Sage's Creation Yes 1 0 devilish
badomen Bad Omen (Japan, Korea) 1992 Hot-B Yes 1 0 devilish
dialq Dial Q Mahjang Club (Japan) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
dickvitl Dick Vitale's 'Awesome, Baby!' College Hoops (USA) 1994 Time Warner Interactive Yes 1 0
dinoland Dino Land (USA) 1991 Renovation Yes 1 0
dinolandj Chou Touryuu Retsuden - Dino Land (Japan) 1991 Wolf Team Yes 1 0 dinoland
dinotale A Dinosaur's Tale (USA) 1993 Hi-Tech Expression Yes 1 0
dinohire Tom Mason's Dinosaurs for Hire (USA) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
dinohirep3 Tom Mason's Dinosaurs for Hire (prototype 19930426) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 dinohire
dinohirep2 Tom Mason's Dinosaurs for Hire (prototype 19930427) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 dinohire
dinohirep1 Tom Mason's Dinosaurs for Hire (prototype 19930502) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 dinohire
divine Divine Sealing (Japan) 1991 CYX Yes 1 0
dokidoki Ikazuse! Koi no Doki Doki Penguin Land MD (Japan, Sega Game Toshokan) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
dokidokignk Ikazuse! Koi no Doki Doki Penguin Land MD (Japan, ripped from Game no Kanzume Vol. 2) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 dokidoki
dominus Dominus (USA, prototype) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
doomtrop Doom Troopers - The Mutant Chronicles (USA) 1995 Playmates Interactive Yes 1 0
doraemon Doraemon - Yume Dorobou to 7-nin no Gozans (Japan) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
ddragon Double Dragon (Europe, USA) 1992 Ballistic Yes 1 0
ddragon2 Double Dragon II - The Revenge (Japan) 1991 Palsoft Yes 1 0
ddragon2p Double Dragon II - The Revenge (Japan, prototype 19911018) 1991 Palsoft Yes 1 0 ddragon2
ddragon5 Double Dragon V - The Shadow Falls (USA) 1994 Tradewest Yes 1 0
drrobotnup1 Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (USA, prototype) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 drrobotn
drrobotnup Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (USA, prototype b) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 drrobotn
drrobotnu Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (USA) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 drrobotn
dongguri Dong Gu Ri Te Chi Jak Jeon (Korea) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 drrobotn
dragonu Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story (USA) 1994 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0 dragon
dbz Dragon Ball Z - Buyuu Retsuden (Japan) 1994 Bandai Partial 1 0
dslayed Dragon Slayer - Eiyuu Densetsu (Japan) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
dslayed2 Dragon Slayer - Eiyuu Densetsu II (Japan) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
shangh3 Dragon's Eye Plus - Shanghai III (Japan) 1991 Home Data Yes 1 0
dlair Dragon's Lair (USA, prototype) 199? Taito Yes 1 0
devlcrsh Devil Crash MD (Japan) 1993 Technosoft Yes 1 0 dfury
dragnrevj Dragon's Revenge (Japan) 1993 Tengen Yes 1 0 dragnrev
dukenk3d Duke Nukem 3D (Brazil) 1998 Tec Toy Yes 1 0
dukenk3dpi Duke Nukem 3D (Piko reissue) 2015 Piko Interactive Yes 1 0 dukenk3d
dune2p Dune - The Battle for Arrakis (Europe, prototype 19940111) 1993 Virgin Interactive Yes 1 0 dune2
dune2p1 Dune - The Battle for Arrakis (prototype, Ver 0.03) 1993 Virgin Interactive Yes 1 0 dune2
duneu Dune - The Battle for Arrakis (USA) 1993 Virgin Interactive Yes 1 0 dune2
dynabr Dyna Brothers (Japan) 1992 CRI Yes 1 0
dynabr2 Dyna Brothers 2 (Japan) 1993 CRI Yes 1 0
dynabr2sp Dyna Brothers 2 - Sega Channel Special (Japan, Sega Channel) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0 dynabr2
dynduke1 Dynamite Duke (World) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0 dynduke
dyndukep Dynamite Duke (prototype 19900621) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0 dynduke
dheadj Dynamite Headdy (Japan) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 dhead
dheadjp Dynamite Headdy (Japan, prototype) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 dhead
dheadp3 Dynamite Headdy (prototype 19940614-CABEZA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 dhead
dheadp2 Dynamite Headdy (prototype 19940616) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 dhead
dheadp1 Dynamite Headdy (prototype 19940622) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 dhead
eahockeyj EA Hockey (Japan) 1992 Electronic Arts Victor Yes 1 0 eahockey
nhl NHL Hockey (USA) 1991 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
earnest Earnest Evans (USA) 1994 Renovation Yes 1 0
earnestp Earnest Evans (USA, prototype 19940419) 1994 Renovation Yes 1 0 earnest
ejimu Earthworm Jim (USA) 1994 Playmates Interactive Yes 1 0 ejim
ejimu_p Earthworm Jim (USA, prototype 19940728) 1994 Playmates Interactive Yes 1 0 ejim
ejim2u Earthworm Jim 2 (USA) 1996 Playmates Interactive Yes 1 0 ejim2
ejim2_p Earthworm Jim 2 (Europe, prototype 19950824) 1995 Playmates Interactive Yes 1 0 ejim2
eccoj Ecco the Dolphin (Japan) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 ecco
eccop Ecco the Dolphin (prototype) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 ecco
ecco2p Ecco - The Tides of Time (USA, prototype) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 ecco2
ecco2p1 Ecco - The Tides of Time (USA, prototype, alt) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 ecco2
ecco2p2 Ecco - The Tides of Time (USA, prototype, 19940429) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 ecco2
ecco2j Ecco the Dolphin II (Japan) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 ecco2
ecco2px11 Ecco - The Tides of Time (USA, prototype X11, 19940413) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 ecco2
ecco2u Ecco - The Tides of Time (USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 ecco2
eccojr Ecco Jr. (USA, Oceania, 199502) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
eccojr1 Ecco Jr. (USA, Oceania, 199503) 1995 Sega Yes 1 1 eccojr
elviento El Viento (USA) 1991 Renovation Yes 1 0
elvientoj El Viento (Japan) 1991 Wolf Team Yes 1 0 elviento
elemast Elemental Master (USA) 1993 Renovation Yes 1 0
elemastj Elemental Master (Japan) 1990 Technosoft Yes 1 0 elemast
elimdown Eliminate Down (Japan) 1993 Soft Vision Yes 1 0
elit95 Elitserien 95 (Sweden) 1994 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 nhl95
elit96 Elitserien 96 (Sweden) 1995 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 nhl96
steelemp Steel Empire (USA) 1992 Flying Edge Yes 1 0 empsteel
steelempp Steel Empire (USA, prototype 19920313) 1992 Flying Edge Yes 1 0 empsteel
koteteik Koutetsu Teikoku (Japan) 1992 Hot-B Yes 1 0 empsteel
tazmarsp10 Escape from Mars Starring Taz (prototype 19940418) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 tazmars
tazmarsp06 Escape from Mars Starring Taz (prototype 19940602) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 tazmars
tazmarsp05 Escape from Mars Starring Taz (prototype 19940607) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 tazmars
tazmarsp04 Escape from Mars Starring Taz (prototype 19940610) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 tazmars
tazmarsp03 Escape from Mars Starring Taz (prototype 19940614) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 tazmars
tazmarsp02 Escape from Mars Starring Taz (prototype 19940618-A) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 tazmars
tazmarsp01 Escape from Mars Starring Taz (prototype 19940620) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 tazmars
tazmarsp11 Escape from Mars Starring Taz (prototype 19940309) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 tazmars
tazmarsp09 Escape from Mars Starring Taz (prototype 19940509) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 tazmars
tazmarsp08 Escape from Mars Starring Taz (prototype 19940518) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 tazmars
tazmarsp07 Escape from Mars Starring Taz (prototype 19940523) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 tazmars
espnbb ESPN Baseball Tonight (USA) 1995 Sony Imagesoft Yes 1 0
espnhn ESPN National Hockey Night (USA) 1994 Sony Imagesoft Yes 1 0
espnhnp ESPN National Hockey Night (USA, prototype) 1994 Sony Imagesoft Yes 1 0 espnhn
espnsped ESPN Speedworld (USA) 1994 Sony Imagesoft Yes 1 0
espnnfl ESPN Sunday Night NFL (USA) 1994 Sony Imagesoft No 1 0
eswatj Cyber Police ESWAT (Japan, rev. 0) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0 eswat
eternalcp Eternal Champions (Europe, prototype) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 eternalc
eternalcj Eternal Champions (Japan, Korea) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 eternalc
eternalcjp Eternal Champions (Japan, prototype 19931117) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 eternalc
euroclubp European Club Soccer (Europe, prototype 19911025) 1992 Virgin Games Yes 1 0 euroclub
jlcs J. League Champion Soccer (Japan) 1993 Game Arts Yes 1 0 euroclub
exmutantp Ex-Mutants (prototype) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 exmutant
exile Exile (USA) 1991 Renovation Yes 1 0
exilep Exile (USA, prototype 19911213) 1991 Renovation Yes 1 0 exile
exilej Exile - Toki no Hazama e (Japan) 1991 Riot Yes 1 0 exile
exosquad Exo Squad (Europe) 1995 Virgin Interactive Yes 1 0
exosquadup Exo Squad (USA, prototype) 1995 Playmates Interactive Yes 1 0 exosquad
exodus Exodus - Journey to the Promised Land (USA) 1993 Wisdom Tree Yes 1 0
eyra Eyra - The Crow Maiden (demo) 2020 Second Dimension Yes 1 0
f117 F-117 Night Storm (Europe, USA) 1993 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
f117j F-117 Stealth - Operation Night Storm (Japan) 1994 Electronic Arts Victor Yes 1 0 f117
f15se2up F-15 Strike Eagle II (USA, prototype) 1993 Microprose Yes 1 0 f15se2
f15se2upa F-15 Strike Eagle II (USA, prototype, alt) 1993 Microprose Yes 1 0 f15se2
f22 F-22 Interceptor (Europe, USA, 199206) 1991 Electronic Arts Yes 1 1
f22p F-22 Interceptor (Europe, USA, prototype) 1991 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 f22
f22p2 F-22 Interceptor (prototype 19910917) 1991 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 f22
f22j F-22 Interceptor (Japan) 1993 Electronic Arts Victor Yes 1 0 f22
f1wcp F1 - World Championship Edition (Europe, prototype) 1993 Domark Yes 1 0 f1wc
f1wcup F1 - World Championship Edition (USA, prototype) 1994 Domark Yes 1 0 f1wc
f1circus F1 Circus MD (Japan) 1991 Nichibutsu Yes 1 0
f1circusp F1 Circus MD (USA, prototype 19911228) 1991 Nichibutsu Yes 1 0 f1circus
faerytal The Faery Tale Adventure (Europe, USA) 1991 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
famfeud Family Feud (USA) 1993 GameTek Yes 1 0
fantdizz Fantastic Dizzy (Europe, USA) 1993 Codemasters Yes 1 0
fantdizz1 Fantastic Dizzy (Europe, USA, alt) 1993 Codemasters Yes 1 0 fantdizz
fantdizzp Fantastic Dizzy (prototype) 1992 Codemasters Yes 1 0 fantdizz
garou Garou Densetsu - Shukumei no Tatakai (Japan) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 fatfury
fatfury2 Fatal Fury 2 (USA, Korea) 1994 Takara Yes 1 0
garou2 Garou Densetsu 2 - Aratanaru Tatakai (Japan) 1994 Takara Yes 1 0 fatfury2
labdeath Shi no Meikyuu - Labyrinth of Death (Japan, Sega Game Toshokan) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0 fatallab
labdeathgnk Shi no Meikyuu - Labyrinth of Death (Japan, ripped from Game no Kanzume Vol. 2) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 fatallab
killshow The Killing Game Show (Japan) 1993 Electronic Arts Victor No 1 0 fatalrew
fengkuan Fēngkuáng Táohuāyuán (Taiwan) 199? Creaton Softech Yes 1 0
fengkuan1 Fēngkuáng Táohuāyuán (Taiwan, unprotected) 199? Creaton Softech Yes 1 0 fengkuan
fengshen Fēngshén Yīngjié Chuán (Taiwan) 1996 Chuanpu Technologies Yes 1 0
fengshena Fēngshén Yīngjié Chuán (Taiwan, alt?) 1996 Chuanpu Technologies Yes 1 0 fengshen
canon Canon - The Legend of the New Gods 2019 Piko Interactive Yes 1 0 fengshen
ferias Férias Frustradas do Pica-Pau (Brazil) 1995 Tec Toy Yes 1 0
feriasp Férias Frustradas do Pica-Pau (Brazil, pirate) 1995 Tec Toy Yes 1 0 ferias
ferrarip Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge (prototype) 1992 Flying Edge Yes 1 0 ferrari
ferrariu Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge (USA) 1992 Flying Edge Yes 1 0 ferrari
headon Head-On Soccer (USA) 1995 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0 feverpit
fidodido Fido Dido (USA, prototype) 1994 Kaneko Yes 1 0
futbol Futbol Argentino 98 - Pasion de Multitudes (pirate) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 fifa95
fifa99 FIFA Soccer 99 (pirate) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 fifa96
fifa2k FIFA Soccer 2000 Gold Edition (pirate) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 fifa97
fifa98 FIFA 98 - Road to World Cup (Europe) 1997 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
fightmas Fighting Masters (USA) 1992 Treco Yes 1 0
fightmasj Fighting Masters (Japan, Korea) 1991 Treco Yes 1 0 fightmas
fzone Final Zone (USA) ~ FZ Senki Axis (Japan) 1990 Wolf Team Yes 1 0
firemust Fire Mustang (Japan) 1991 Taito Yes 1 0
fireshrku Fire Shark (USA) 1990 Dreamworks Games Yes 1 0 fireshrk
fireshrku1 Fire Shark (USA, alt) 1990 Dreamworks Games Yes 1 0 fireshrk
samesame Same! Same! Same! (Japan) 1990 Toaplan Yes 1 0 fireshrk
samesamep Same! Same! Same! (Japan, prototype 19900730) 1990 Toaplan Yes 1 0 fireshrk
flashbj Flashback (Japan) 1993 Sunsoft Yes 1 0 flashb
flashbp Flashback (prototype 19920918) 1992 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0 flashb
flashbu1 Flashback - The Quest for Identity (USA, alt) 1993 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0 flashb
flashp Flash Point (Japan, prototype) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
flink Flink (Europe) 1994 Sony Imagesoft Yes 1 0
flintj The Flintstones (Japan) 1993 Taito Yes 1 0 flint
flintp The Flintstones (prototype) 1992 Taito Yes 1 0 flint
flintop The Flintstones (Ocean prototype) 1995 Ocean Yes 1 0
foreman Foreman for Real (World) 1995 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0
forgottn1 Forgotten Worlds (World) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 forgottn
foxyland FoxyLand 2020 PSCD Games Yes 1 0
foxyland_dm FoxyLand (demo) 2019 PSCD Games Yes 1 0 foxyland
franken Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (USA) 1994 Sony Imagesoft Yes 1 0
bighurt Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball (Europe, USA) 1995 Acclaim Entertainment No 1 0
frogdude Frog Dude (prototype) 1993 Twilight Yes 1 0
frogger Frogger (USA) 1998 Majesco Yes 1 0
funngameu Fun 'N' Games (USA) 1993 Tradewest Yes 1 0 funngame
funcar Fun Car Rally (USA, prototype) 1993 <unknown> Yes 1 0
glocp G-LOC Air Battle (World, prototype) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 gloc
gadget Gadget Twins (USA) 1992 GameTek Yes 1 0
gaiares Gaiares (Japan, USA) 1990 Renovation Yes 1 0
gground1p Gain Ground (USA, prototype) 1991 Renovation Yes 1 0 gground
ggroundp Gain Ground (prototype 19900727) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0 gground
gforce2a Galaxy Force II (World) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0 gforce2
gambler Gambler Jikochuushinha - Katayama Masayuki no Mahjong Doujou (Japan) 1990 Game Arts Yes 1 0
gamenko Game no Kanzume Otokuyou (Japan, Sega Channel) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
gargoyle Gargoyles (USA) 1995 Disney Interactive Yes 1 0
gauntlt4 Gauntlet IV (Europe, USA, 199309) 1993 Tengen Yes 1 0
gauntlt4a Gauntlet IV (Europe, USA, 199308) 1993 Tengen Yes 1 0 gauntlt4
gauntlt4j Gauntlet (Japan) 1993 Tengen Yes 1 0 gauntlt4
gemfire Gemfire (USA) 1992 Koei Yes 1 0
royalbld Royal Blood (Japan) 1992 Koei Yes 1 0 gemfire
genchaosj General Chaos Daikonsen (Japan) 1994 Electronic Arts Victor Yes 1 0 genchaos
genelost Generations Lost (Europe, USA) 1994 Time Warner Interactive Yes 1 0
genghis2 Genghis Khan II - Clan of the Gray Wolf (USA) 1993 Koei Yes 1 0
genchohi Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Mejika - Genchou Hishi (Japan) 1993 Koei Yes 1 0 genghis2
georgekou George Foreman's KO Boxing (USA) 1992 Flying Edge Yes 1 0 georgeko
ghostbstp Ghostbusters (prototype 19900501) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0 ghostbst
ghoulsp Ghouls'n Ghosts (USA, prototype 19890622) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 ghouls
daimakai Dai Makaimura (Japan) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 ghouls
gleylanc GleyLancer (Japan) 1992 NCS Yes 1 0
mickmacku Mick & Mack as the Global Gladiators (USA) 1992 Virgin Games Yes 1 0 mickmack
mickmackup Mick & Mack as the Global Gladiators (USA, prototype) 1992 Virgin Games Yes 1 0 mickmack
gluf GLUF 2020 RetroSouls Yes 1 0
gonet Go Net (Japan) 1992 Sega No 1 0
godsj Gods (Japan) 1993 PCM Complete Yes 1 0 gods
godsu Gods (USA) 1992 Mindscape Yes 1 0 gods
godsup Gods (USA, prototype) 1992 Mindscape Yes 1 0 gods
goldnaxe1 Golden Axe (World) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 goldnaxe
goldnaxep Golden Axe (prototype 19891122) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 goldnaxe
goldnax2p Golden Axe II (World, prototype) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0 goldnax2
goldnax3 Golden Axe III (Japan) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
gomora Uchuu Senkan Gomora (Japan) 1991 UPL Yes 1 0
goofy Goofy's Hysterical History Tour (USA) 1993 Absolute Entertainment Yes 1 0
gouketsu Gouketsuji Ichizoku (Japan) 1994 Atlus Yes 1 0
granada Granada (Japan, USA, v1.1) 1990 Renovation ~ Wolf Team Yes 1 0
granada1 Granada (Japan, USA) 1990 Renovation ~ Wolf Team Yes 1 0 granada
granadap Granada (Japan, USA, v1.1 prototype) 1990 Renovation ~ Wolf Team Yes 1 0 granada
grandslj GrandSlam - The Tennis Tournament '92 (Japan) 1992 Nihon Telenet Yes 1 0 grandsl
greatcirj Great Circus Mystery - Mickey to Minnie Magical Adventure 2 (Japan) 1994 Capcom Yes 1 0 mickeycm
waldo The Great Waldo Search (USA) 1992 THQ Yes 1 0
ghwj Greatest Heavyweights (Japan) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 ghw
grindst Grind Stormer (USA) 1994 Tengen Yes 1 0
vfive V-Five (Japan) 1994 Tengen Yes 1 0 grindst
growlp Growl (USA, prototype 19910826) 1991 Taito Yes 1 0 growl
runark Runark (Japan, Korea) 1991 Taito Yes 1 0 growl
gunstar Gunstar Heroes (Europe) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
gunstarj Gunstar Heroes (Japan) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 gunstar
gunstarjs Gunstar Heroes (Japan, Sample) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 gunstar
gynougj Gynoug (Japan) 1991 NCS Yes 1 0 gynoug
wingswor Wings of Wor (USA) 1991 Dreamworks Games Yes 1 0 gynoug
hardbl95 HardBall '95 (USA) 1995 Accolade Yes 1 0
hardbal3 HardBall III (USA) 1993 Accolade Yes 1 0
havocu High Seas Havoc (USA) 1993 Data East Yes 1 0 havoc
heavynov Heavy Nova (USA) 1992 Micronet Yes 1 0
hvyunit Heavy Unit - Mega Drive Special (Japan) 1990 Toho Yes 1 0
heitao2 Hei Tao 2 - Super Big 2 (Taiwan) 199? King Tec Yes 1 0
hellfireu Hellfire (USA) 1991 Seismic Yes 1 0 hellfire
herzogj Herzog Zwei (Japan) 1989 Technosoft Yes 1 0 herzog
hitice Hit the Ice (USA) 1992 Taito Yes 1 0
homeap Home Alone (USA, prototype) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 homea
homea2 Home Alone 2 - Lost in New York (USA) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
homea2p Home Alone 2 - Lost in New York (USA, prototype 19930929) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 homea2
ddanpei Honoo no Toukyuuji - Dodge Danpei (Japan) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
hooku Hook (USA) 1993 Sony Imagesoft Yes 1 0 hook
humans The Humans (USA) 1992 GameTek Yes 1 0
hybridf The Hybrid Front (Japan) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
hybridfp The Hybrid Front (Japan, prototype) 1994 Sega No 1 0 hybridf
hyokkohj Hyokkori Hyoutan-jima - Daitouryou o Mezase! (Japan) 1992 Sega Partial 1 0
hyperdnkj Hyper Dunk - The Playoff Edition (Japan) 1994 Konami Yes 1 0 hyperdnk
hyperdnkjp Hyper Dunk - The Playoff Edition (Japan, prototype) 1994 Konami Yes 1 0 hyperdnk
ddribble Double Dribble - The Playoff Edition (USA) 1994 Konami Yes 1 0 hyperdnk
hyperm Hyper Marbles (Japan, Sega Game Toshokan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
hypermgnk Hyper Marbles (Japan, ripped from Game no Kanzume Vol. 1) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 hyperm
immortalj Wizard of the Immortal (Japan) 1993 Electronic Arts Victor Yes 1 0 immortal
crashdump The Incredible Crash Dummies (USA, prototype) 1993 Flying Edge Yes 1 0 crashdum
insectx Insector X (USA) 1990 Sage's Creation Yes 1 0
insectxj Insector X (Japan, Korea) 1990 Hot-B Yes 1 0 insectx
instch Instruments of Chaos Starring Young Indiana Jones (USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
instchp1 Instruments of Chaos Starring Young Indiana Jones (prototype) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 instch
instchp2 Instruments of Chaos Starring Young Indiana Jones (prototype, 19941229) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 instch
instchp3 Instruments of Chaos Starring Young Indiana Jones (prototype, 19941228-A) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 instch
instchp8 Instruments of Chaos Starring Young Indiana Jones (prototype, 19940101) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 instch
instchp7 Instruments of Chaos Starring Young Indiana Jones (prototype, 19940103) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 instch
instchp6 Instruments of Chaos Starring Young Indiana Jones (prototype, 19940126) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 instch
instchp5 Instruments of Chaos Starring Young Indiana Jones (prototype, 19940127) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 instch
instchp4 Instruments of Chaos Starring Young Indiana Jones (prototype, 19940923-A) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 instch
instchp9 Instruments of Chaos Starring Young Indiana Jones (prototype, 19931228) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 instch
dinho98 Ronaldinho 98 (pirate) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 issdx
irena Irena - Genesis Metal Fury (demo 20211209) 2021 White Ninja Studio Yes 1 0
irena_dm1 Irena - Genesis Metal Fury (demo 20210121) 2021 White Ninja Studio Yes 1 0 irena
irena_dm2 Irena - Genesis Metal Fury (demo 20211002) 2021 White Ninja Studio Yes 1 0 irena
itcame It Came from the Desert (USA) 1990 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
itchy The Itchy and Scratchy Game (USA, prototype) 1994 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0
jlpsa J. League Pro Striker '93 (Japan) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 jlps
jlps2 J. League Pro Striker 2 (Japan) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
fbarg96 Futbol Argentino 96 (Argentina) (hack of J. League Pro Striker 2) 1996 bootleg Yes 1 0 jlps2
prostrfs Pro Striker Final Stage (Japan) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
jlpsp J. League Pro Striker Perfect (Japan) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
finalb Final Blow (Japan) 1990 Taito Yes 1 0 jbdougko
finalbu Final Blow (USA, James 'Buster' Douglas Knockout Boxing prototype 19900116) 1990 Taito Yes 1 0 jbdougko
jb007u James Bond 007 - The Duel (USA) 1992 Domark Yes 1 0 jb007
jb007j James Bond 007 - The Duel (Japan) 1993 Tengen Yes 1 0 jb007
robocodj James Pond II - Codename RoboCod (Japan, Korea) 1993 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 robocod
jammit Jammit (USA) 1994 Virgin Interactive Yes 1 0
janout Janou Touryuumon (Japan) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
jantei Jantei Monogatari (Japan) 1991 Reno Yes 1 0
jellyboy Jelly Boy (Europe, prototype) 1995 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
jeopardy Jeopardy! (USA) 1992 GameTek Yes 1 0
jeopardd Jeopardy! Deluxe (USA) 1993 GameTek Yes 1 0
jeopards Jeopardy! Sports Edition (USA) 1993 GameTek Yes 1 0
pigskinf Jerry Glanville's Pigskin Footbrawl (USA) 1992 Razorsoft Yes 1 0
jjaeger Jessie Jaeger in Cleopatra's Curse (demo) 2020 Bold Game Studio Yes 1 0
jewelmsj Jewel Master (Japan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0 jewelms
jimpower Jim Power - The Arcade Game (USA, prototype) 1994 Loriciel Yes 1 1
jiujim Jiu Ji Ma Jiang II - Ye Yan Bian (China) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
joemac Joe & Mac (USA) 1991 Takara Yes 1 0
joemont2 Joe Montana II Sports Talk Football (World, rev. A) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
madd93ce John Madden Football '93 - Championship Edition (USA) 1992 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
maddenp John Madden Football (prototype, 19901107) 1990 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 madden
maddenj John Madden Football - Pro Football (Japan) 1992 Electronic Arts Victor Yes 1 0 madden
jordanb Super One on One - Jordan Vs Bird (Europe, USA, v1.1) 1992 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
jordanbj Super One on One - Jordan Vs Bird (Japan) 1993 Electronic Arts Victor Yes 1 0 jordanb
joshua Joshua & The Battle of Jericho (USA) 1992 Wisdom Tree Yes 1 0
jdreddp2 Judge Dredd (USA, prototype, alt) 1995 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0 jdredd
jdreddp1 Judge Dredd (USA, prototype) 1995 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0 jdredd
junction Junction (Japan, USA) 1990 Micronet Yes 1 0
junglep Disney's The Jungle Book (prototype) 1994 Virgin Interactive Yes 1 0 jungle
jstrikep Jungle Strike (USA, prototype) 1993 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 jstrike
jstrikej Jungle Strike - Uketsugareta Kyouki (Japan) 1993 Electronic Arts Victor Yes 1 0 jstrike
jparkp Jurassic Park (Europe, prototype 19930614) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 jpark
jparkup Jurassic Park (USA, prototype) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 jpark
jparkup2 Jurassic Park (USA, prototype 19930526) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 jpark
jparkrep6 Jurassic Park - Rampage Edition (prototype, 19940708) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 jparkre
jparkrep5 Jurassic Park - Rampage Edition (prototype, 19940713) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 jparkre
jparkrep4 Jurassic Park - Rampage Edition (prototype, 19940714) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 jparkre
jparkrep3 Jurassic Park - Rampage Edition (prototype, 19940715) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 jparkre
jparkrep2 Jurassic Park - Rampage Edition (prototype, 19940717) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 jparkre
jparkrep1 Jurassic Park - Rampage Edition (prototype, 19940718) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 jparkre
jparkrep9 Jurassic Park - Rampage Edition (prototype, 19940620) 1994 Sega No 1 0 jparkre
jparkrep8 Jurassic Park - Rampage Edition (prototype, 19940622) 1994 Sega No 1 0 jparkre
jparkrep7 Jurassic Park - Rampage Edition (prototype, 19940630) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 jparkre
kageki Ka-Ge-Ki - Fists of Steel (USA) 1991 Sage's Creation Yes 1 0
kagekij Ka-Ge-Ki (Japan) 1991 Hot-B Yes 1 0 kageki
kawasakip Kawasaki Superbike Challenge (USA, prototype) 1994 Time Warner Interactive Yes 1 0 kawasaki
kickoff3p Kick Off 3 (prototype) 1994 Imagineer Yes 1 0 kickoff3
kidchamp Kid Chameleon (USA, prototype 19911219) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 kidcham
kidchamj Chameleon Kid (Japan) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 kidcham
patlabor Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor - 98-shiki Kidou Seyo! (Japan) 1992 Ma-Ba Yes 1 0
kingcol Tougiou King Colossus (Japan) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
kotm2 King of the Monsters 2 (USA) 1994 Takara Yes 1 0
kingsal King Salmon - The Big Catch (USA) 1993 Vic Tokai Yes 1 0
kingsalj King Salmon (Japan) 1992 Hot-B Yes 1 0 kingsal
kbounty King's Bounty - The Conqueror's Quest (Europe, USA) 1991 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
kishiden Kishi Densetsu (Japan) 1993 Kodansha Yes 1 0
kissshot Kiss Shot (Japan, Sega Game Toshokan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
klaxp Klax (USA, prototype 19900621) 1990 Tengen Yes 1 0 klax
klaxj Klax (Japan) 1990 Namcot Yes 1 0 klax
kyukaidk Kyuukai Douchuuki (Japan) 1991 Namcot Yes 1 0
laruss95 La Russa Baseball 95 (USA, Oceania) 1994 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
lakers Lakers versus Celtics and the NBA Playoffs (USA) 1991 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
lakersp Lakers versus Celtics and the NBA Playoffs (prototype) 1990 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 lakers
landstlk Landstalker - The Treasures of King Nole (Europe) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
landstlkj Landstalker - Koutei no Zaihou (Japan) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 landstlk
landstlku Landstalker - The Treasures of King Nole (USA) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 landstlk
landstlkup Landstalker - Treasure of King Nole (USA, prototype) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 landstlk
landstlkup2 Landstalker - The Treasures of King Nole (USA, prototype 19930713) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 landstlk
langriss Langrisser (Japan) 1991 NCS Yes 1 0 warsong
langris2 Langrisser II (Japan, v1.2) 1994 NCS Yes 1 0
langris2a Langrisser II (Japan, v1.1) 1994 NCS Yes 1 0 langris2
langris2b Langrisser II (Japan) 1994 NCS Yes 1 0 langris2
lastact Last Action Hero (Europe, USA) 1993 Sony Imagesoft Yes 1 0
hokuto Hokuto no Ken - Shin Seikimatsu Kyuuseishu Densetsu (Japan) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 lastbtle
galahad Galahad (Europe, USA) 1992 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
lemmingsju1 Lemmings (Japan, USA) 1992 Sunsoft Yes 1 0 lemmings
lemming2u Lemmings 2 - The Tribes (USA) 1994 Psygnosis Yes 1 0 lemming2
lethalen Lethal Enforcers (Europe) 1993 Konami Partial 1 0
lethalenj Lethal Enforcers (Japan) 1993 Konami Partial 1 0 lethalen
lethalenup Lethal Enforcers (USA, prototype) 1993 Konami Partial 1 0 lethalen
le2 Lethal Enforcers II - Gun Fighters (Europe) 1994 Konami Partial 1 0
le2u Lethal Enforcers II - Gun Fighters (USA) 1994 Konami Partial 1 0 le2
lhxj LHX Attack Chopper (Japan) 1993 Electronic Arts Victor Yes 1 0 lhx
liberty Liberty or Death (USA) 1994 Koei Yes 1 0
lightcrsj Light Crusader (Japan) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 lightcrs
lightcrsk Light Crusader (Korea) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 lightcrs
lightcrsp Light Crusader (prototype, 19950608) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 lightcrs
lightcrsu Light Crusader (USA) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 lightcrs
lobo Lobo (USA, prototype) 1996 Ocean Yes 1 0
loboa Lobo (April prototype) 1996 Ocean Yes 1 0 lobo
linkdrgn Link Dragon 1993 Songtly Yes 1 0
lmedusa Little Medusa 2018 Mega Cat Studios Yes 1 0
lmedusa_d Little Medusa (demo) 2018 Mega Cat Studios Yes 1 0 lmedusa
lordmon Lord Monarch - Tokoton Sentou Densetsu (Japan) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
lostvikp The Lost Vikings (Europe, prototype) 1993 Interplay Yes 1 0 lostvik
lostviku The Lost Vikings (USA) 1994 Interplay Yes 1 0 lostvik
lotus2 Lotus II: RECS (Europe, USA) 1993 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
lotus2p Lotus II (USA, prototype) 1993 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 lotus2
lufia Lufia & The Fortress of Doom (USA, early prototype) 1993 Taito Yes 1 0
maqiao Máquè Èmó Tǎ - Devilish Mahjong Tower (Taiwan) 1994 C&E Yes 1 0
madden95 Madden NFL 95 (Europe, USA) 1994 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
madden96 Madden NFL 96 (Europe, USA) 1995 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
madden97 Madden NFL 97 (Europe, USA) 1997 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
madden98 Madden NFL 98 (USA) 1997 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
madoumon Madou Monogatari I (Japan) 1996 Compile Yes 1 0
msb Scholastic's The Magic School Bus (USA) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
msbp05 Scholastic's The Magic School Bus (prototype, 19950411) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 msb
msbp04 Scholastic's The Magic School Bus (prototype, 19950421) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 msb
msbp03 Scholastic's The Magic School Bus (prototype, 19950425) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 msb
msbp02 Scholastic's The Magic School Bus (prototype, 19950428) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 msb
msbp11 The Magic School Bus (prototype, 19950202) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 msb
msbp10 The Magic School Bus (prototype, 19950217) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 msb
msbp12 The Magic School Bus (prototype, 19950112) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 msb
msbp09 The Magic School Bus (prototype, 19950307) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 msb
msbp08 The Magic School Bus (prototype, 19950314) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 msb
msbp07 The Magic School Bus (prototype, 19950327) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 msb
msbp06 Scholastic's The Magic School Bus (prototype, 19950331) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 msb
msbp01 Scholastic's The Magic School Bus (prototype, 19950505) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 msb
magichat Magical Hat no Buttobi Turbo! Daibouken (Japan) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
mtaruru Magical Taruruuto-kun (Japan) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
mahjongc Mahjong Cop Ryuu - Shiro Ookami no Yabou (Japan) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0
mamono Mamono Hunter Youko - Dai 7 no Keishou (Japan) 1991 NCS Yes 1 0
manover S.S. Lucifer - Man Overboard! (Europe) 1994 Codemasters Yes 1 0
marblej Marble Madness (Japan) 1993 Tengen Yes 1 0
andretti Mario Andretti Racing (Europe, USA) 1994 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
markop Marko's Magic Football (Europe, prototype) 1994 Domark Yes 1 0 marko
markou Marko (USA) 1994 Domark Yes 1 0 marko
marsupu Marsupilami (USA) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 marsup
mastmons Master of Monsters (USA) 1991 Renovation Yes 1 0
mastmonsj Master of Monsters (Japan) 1991 Toshiba EMI Yes 1 0 mastmons
mastmonsjp Master of Monsters (Japan, prototype 19910426) 1991 Toshiba EMI Yes 1 0 mastmons
mweapon Master of Weapon (Japan) 1991 Taito Yes 1 0
maten Maten no Soumetsu (Japan) 1993 Kodansha Yes 1 0
mathblst Math Blaster - Episode 1 (USA) 1994 Davidson & Associates Yes 1 0
mazinsaga Mazin Saga (Asia) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 mazinwar
mazinsagj Mazin Saga (Japan, Korea) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 mazinwar
mazinsagu Mazin Saga (USA) 1993 Vic Tokai Yes 1 0 mazinwar
mcdonaldj McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure (Japan) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 mcdonald
mcdonaldjp McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure (Japan, prototype) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 mcdonald
mcdonaldu McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure (USA) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 mcdonald
medalc Medal City (Japan, Sega Game Toshokan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
megabombu Mega Bomberman (USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 megabomb
megabm8 Mega Bomberman - 8 Player Demo 1994 <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
megaga61 Mega Games 6 Vol. 1 (Europe) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
megaga10 Mega Games 10 (Brazil) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
rockman Rockman Mega World (Japan, SRAM) 1994 Capcom Yes 1 0 megaman
rockman1 Rockman Mega World (Japan, EEPROM) 1994 Capcom Yes 1 0 megaman
noahark Mega Noah's Ark 3D 2018 Piko Interactive Yes 1 0
megaswivb Mega SWIV (Europe, pirate) 1994 Time Warner Interactive Yes 1 0 megaswiv
megaturrp Mega Turrican (prototype 19930518) 1993 Sony Imagesoft Yes 1 0 megaturr
megalo Mega Lo Mania (Europe, v1.1) 1992 Virgin Games Yes 1 0
megaloj Mega Lo Mania (Japan) 1993 CRI Yes 1 0 megalo
megamind MegaMind (Japan, Sega Game Toshokan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
grapplerx Meka Grappler X 2017 Sik Yes 1 0
menghu Mènghuàn Shuǐguǒ Pán - 777 Casino (Taiwan) 1996? City Man No 1 0
metalfng Metal Fangs (Japan) 1993 Victor Interactive Software Yes 1 0
mwalk1 Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (World) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0 mwalk
mwalkp Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (prototype 19900424) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0 mwalk
mmaniaj Mickey Mania - The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (Japan) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 mmania
mmaniau Mickey Mania - The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (USA) 1994 Sony Imagesoft Yes 1 0 mmania
mmaniaup Mickey Mania - The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (USA, prototype) 1994 Sony Imagesoft Yes 1 0 mmania
mickeyuc Mickey's Ultimate Challenge (USA) 1994 Hi Tech Expressions Yes 1 0
micromaca Micro Machines (Europe, USA, alt) 1993 Codemasters Yes 1 0 micromac
micromacb Micro Machines (Europe, USA, alt 2) 1993 Codemasters Yes 1 0 micromac
micromacc Micro Machines (Canada) 1993 Codemasters Yes 1 0 micromac
microm96a Micro Machines Turbo Tournament 96 (Europe, J-Cart) 1995 Codemasters Yes 1 0 microm96
micromc2a Micro Machines 2 - Turbo Tournament (Europe, J-Cart, alt) 1994 Codemasters Yes 1 0 micromc2
micromc2p Micro Machines 2 - Turbo Tournament (prototype) 1994? Codemasters Yes 1 0 micromc2
micromm Micro Machines Military (Europe, J-Cart) 1996 Codemasters Yes 1 0
midresj Midnight Resistance (Japan) 1991 Data East Yes 1 0 midres
mig29j Mig-29 Fighter Pilot (Japan) 1993 Tengen Yes 1 0 mig29
mig29u Mig-29 Fighter Pilot (USA) 1993 Domark Yes 1 0 mig29
mightmag Might and Magic - Gates to Another World (Europe, USA) 1991 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
mightmg3 Might and Magic III - Isles of Terra (USA, prototype) 1993 FCI? Yes 1 0
mmpr Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Europe) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
mmpru Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 mmpr
mmprp4 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (USA, prototype, 19940804) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 mmpr
mmprp3 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (USA, prototype, 19940808) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 mmpr
mmprp2 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (prototype, 19940809) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 mmpr
mmprp1 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (prototype, 19940810) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 mmpr
mmprp6 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (prototype, 19940708) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 mmpr
mmprp5 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (prototype, 19940718) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 mmpr
mmprtmu Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie (USA) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 mmprtm
mmprtmp4 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie (USA, prototype, 19950713) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 mmprtm
mmprtmp3 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie (USA, prototype, 19950717) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 mmprtm
mmprtmp2 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie (USA, prototype, 19950722) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 mmprtm
mmprtmp1 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie (USA, prototype, 19950724) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 mmprtm
ditkapf Mike Ditka Power Football (Europe, USA) 1991 Ballistic Yes 1 0
ditkapf1 Mike Ditka Power Football (Europe, USA, alt) 1991 Ballistic Yes 1 0 ditkapf
miniplan Miniplanets Remix (rev 04) 2022 Sik Yes 1 0
miniplan_dm Miniplanets (demo) 2018 Sik Yes 1 0 miniplan
miniplan_r02 Miniplanets (rev 02) 2018 Sik Yes 1 0 miniplan
miniplan_r03 Miniplanets (rev 03) 2018 Sik Yes 1 0 miniplan
mfpool Minnesota Fats - Pool Legend (USA) 1995 Data East Yes 1 0
miracle9 Chou Kyuukai Miracle Nine (Japan) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
miraclep The Miracle Piano Teaching System (USA) 1992 Software Toolworks Yes 1 0
misplacd Misplaced (English) 2019 RetroSouls Yes 1 0
misplacd_ru Misplaced (Russian) 2019 RetroSouls Yes 1 0 misplacd
mk5 MK 5 - Mortal Combat - SubZero 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
mk5a MK 5 - Mortal Combat - SubZero (pirate) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 mk5
mlbpa MLBPA Baseball (USA) 1992 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
monopoly Monopoly (USA) 1992 Parker Brothers Yes 1 0
monopolyp Monopoly (USA, prototype) 1992 Parker Brothers Yes 1 0 monopoly
mworld4 Monster World IV (Japan) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
mk Mortal Kombat (World, v1.1) 1993 Arena Yes 1 0
mkp Mortal Kombat (prototype) 1993 Arena Yes 1 0 mk
mk2 Mortal Kombat II (World) 1994 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0
mk3 Mortal Kombat 3 (Europe) 1995 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0
mk3u Mortal Kombat 3 (USA) 1995 Williams Yes 1 0 mk3
mk3p Mortal Kombat 3 (prototype) 1995 Williams Yes 1 0 mk3
mrnutz2 Mr. Nutz - Hoppin' Mad (prototype) 1994 Ocean Yes 1 0
mspacmanpir Ms. Pac-Man (pirate, ripped from Golden 10 in 1) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 1 mspacman
muhammadup Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing (USA, later prototype) 1992 Virgin Games Yes 1 0 muhammad
muhammadup1 Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing (USA, prototype) 1992 Virgin Games Yes 1 0 muhammad
musha MUSHA - Metallic Uniframe Super Hybrid Armor (USA) 1990 Seismic Yes 1 0
mushaj Musha Aleste - Full Metal Fighter Ellinor (Japan) 1990 Toaplan Yes 1 0 musha
mlfootbj Mutant League Football (Japan) 1993 Electronic Arts Victor Yes 1 0 mlfootb
mlhockey Mutant League Hockey (Europe, USA) 1994 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
mystdefa Mystic Defender (Europe, USA) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 mystdef
kujaku2 Kujaku Ou 2 - Geneijou (Japan) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 mystdef
mystdefp Mystic Defender (prototype, 19890914) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 mystdef
ondal On Dal Jang Goon (Korea) 1990? Sega Yes 1 0 mystdef
mysticf Mystical Fighter (USA) 1992 Dreamworks Yes 1 0
maouren Maou Renjishi (Japan) 1991 Taito Yes 1 0 mysticf
nadia Fushigi no Umi no Nadia (Japan) 1991 Namcot Yes 1 0
nakaf1gp Nakajima Satoru Kanshuu F1 Grand Prix (Japan) 1991 Varie Yes 1 0
f1heromd Nakajima Satoru Kanshuu F1 Hero MD (Japan) 1992 Varie Yes 1 0 ferrari
nakaf1sl Nakajima Satoru Kanshuu F1 Super License (Japan) 1992 Varie Yes 1 0
nbaact NBA Action (USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
nbaactp3 NBA Action (prototype, 19940104) 1994 Sega No 1 0 nbaact
nbaactp2 NBA Action (prototype, 19940116) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nbaact
nbaactp1 NBA Action (prototype, 19940127, broken - C08 missing) 1994 Sega No 1 0 nbaact
nbaact95p23 NBA Action '95 (prototype, 19941202-B) 1994 Sega No 1 0 nbaact95
nbaact95p22 NBA Action '95 (prototype, 19941209) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nbaact95
nbaact95p21 NBA Action '95 (prototype, 19941215) 1994 Sega No 1 0 nbaact95
nbaact95p20 NBA Action '95 (prototype, 19941222-A) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nbaact95
nbaact95p19 NBA Action '95 (prototype, 19941224-A) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nbaact95
nbaact95p18 NBA Action '95 (prototype, 19941229) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nbaact95
nbaact95p17 NBA Action '95 (prototype, 19941230) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nbaact95
nbaact95p16 NBA Action '95 (prototype, 19941231) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nbaact95
nbaact95p03 NBA Action '95 (prototype, 19950201, alt) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 nbaact95
nbaact95p02 NBA Action '95 (prototype, 19950201) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 nbaact95
nbaact95p01 NBA Action '95 (prototype, 19950202) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 nbaact95
nbaact95p15 NBA Action '95 (prototype, 19950103) 1995 Sega No 1 0 nbaact95
nbaact95p14 NBA Action '95 (prototype, 19950108) 1995 Sega No 1 0 nbaact95
nbaact95p13 NBA Action '95 (prototype, 19950112) 1995 Sega No 1 0 nbaact95
nbaact95p12 NBA Action '95 (prototype, 19950115-A) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 nbaact95
nbaact95p11 NBA Action '95 (prototype, 19950121) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 nbaact95
nbaact95p10 NBA Action '95 (prototype, 19950122-B) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 nbaact95
nbaact95p09 NBA Action '95 (prototype, 19950124-B) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 nbaact95
nbaact95p08 NBA Action '95 (prototype, 19950127-A) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 nbaact95
nbaact95p07 NBA Action '95 (prototype, 19950127-B) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 nbaact95
nbaact95p06 NBA Action '95 (prototype, 19950128-A) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 nbaact95
nbaact95p05 NBA Action '95 (prototype, 19950128) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 nbaact95
nbaact95p04 NBA Action '95 (prototype, 19950130) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 nbaact95
nbaact95p25 NBA Action '95 (prototype, 19941118) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nbaact95
nbaact95p24 NBA Action '95 (prototype, 19941123-A) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nbaact95
nbahang NBA Hang Time (Europe) 1996 Midway Partial 1 0
nbahangu NBA Hang Time (USA) 1996 Midway Partial 1 0 nbahang
nbajam NBA Jam (Europe, USA, v1.1) 1993 Arena Yes 1 0
nbajamj NBA Jam (Japan) 1994 Acclaim Japan Yes 1 0 nbajam
nbajamp NBA Jam (prototype 199304xx) 1993 Arena Yes 1 0 nbajam
nbajamtef NBA Jam T.E. - Tournament Edition (World, 2002 fix release) 2002? Acclaim Entertainment No 1 0 nbajamte
nbaliv98 NBA Live 98 (USA) 1997 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
bullvsblj1 NBA Playoffs - Bulls Vs Blazers (Japan, alt) 1993 Electronic Arts Victor Yes 1 0 bullvsbl
nbapro94 NBA Pro Basketball '94 (Japan) 1994 Electronic Arts Victor Yes 1 0
nbashowp NBA Showdown '94 (USA, prototype, hacked) 1994 Electronic Arts Yes 1 1 nbashow
ncaafin4 NCAA Final Four Basketball (USA) 1994 Mindscape Partial 1 0
ncaafoot NCAA Football (USA) 1994 Mindscape Yes 1 0
neksoccr Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball Bu - Soccer Hen MD (Japan) 1992 Palsoft Yes 1 0
n3dgdevi New 3D Golf Simulation - Devil's Course (Japan) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
n3dgaugu New 3D Golf Simulation - Harukanaru Augusta (Japan) 1993 T&E Soft Yes 1 0
n3dgwaia New 3D Golf Simulation - Waialae no Kiseki (Japan) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
nfl95 NFL '95 (Europe, USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
nfl95p21 NFL '95 (prototype, 19940801) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nfl95
nfl95p20 NFL '95 (prototype, 19940805) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nfl95
nfl95p19 NFL '95 (prototype, 19940810) 1994 Sega No 1 0 nfl95
nfl95p18 NFL '95 (prototype, 19940812) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nfl95
nfl95p17 NFL '95 (prototype, 19940812, alt) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nfl95
nfl95p16 NFL '95 (prototype, 19940817-B) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nfl95
nfl95p15 NFL '95 (prototype, 19940817) 1994 Sega No 1 0 nfl95
nfl95p14 NFL '95 (prototype, 19940822) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nfl95
nfl95p13 NFL '95 (prototype, 19940830) 1994 Sega No 1 0 nfl95
nfl95p12 NFL '95 (prototype, 19940831) 1994 Sega No 1 0 nfl95
nfl95p11 NFL '95 (prototype, 19940901) 1994 Sega No 1 0 nfl95
nfl95p10 NFL '95 (prototype, 19940902) 1994 Sega No 1 0 nfl95
nfl95p09 NFL '95 (prototype, 19940904) 1994 Sega No 1 0 nfl95
nfl95p08 NFL '95 (prototype, 19940905-B) 1994 Sega No 1 0 nfl95
nfl95p07 NFL '95 (prototype, 19940905) 1994 Sega No 1 0 nfl95
nfl95p06 NFL '95 (prototype, 19940906) 1994 Sega No 1 0 nfl95
nfl95p05 NFL '95 (prototype, 19940907) 1994 Sega No 1 0 nfl95
nfl95p04 NFL '95 (prototype, 19940908) 1994 Sega No 1 0 nfl95
nfl95p03 NFL '95 (prototype, 19940909) 1994 Sega No 1 0 nfl95
nfl95p02 NFL '95 (prototype, 19940911-B) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nfl95
nfl95p01 NFL '95 (prototype, 19940911) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nfl95
nfl98p NFL 98 (prototype) 1997 Sega Yes 1 0 nfl98
nfl94j NFL Football '94 Starring Joe Montana (Japan) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nfl94
nfl94jp NFL Football '94 Starring Joe Montana (Japan, prototype 19931104) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nfl94
nflqb96 NFL Quarterback Club 96 (Europe, USA) 1996 Acclaim Entertainment No 1 0
nhktaidr NHK Taiga Drama - Taiheiki (Japan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
nhl98 NHL 98 (USA) 1997 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
nhlasp03 NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (prototype, 19941201-B) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nhlas
nhlasp02 NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (prototype, 19941201) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nhlas
nhlasp01 NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (prototype, 19941202) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nhlas
nhlasp12 NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (prototype, 19941107) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nhlas
nhlasp11 NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (prototype, 19941109) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nhlas
nhlasp10 NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (prototype, 19941119) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nhlas
nhlasp09 NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (prototype, 19941121) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nhlas
nhlasp08 NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (prototype, 19941122) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nhlas
nhlasp07 NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (prototype, 19941123) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nhlas
nhlasp06 NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (prototype, 19941127) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nhlas
nhlasp05 NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (prototype, 19941128) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nhlas
nhlasp04 NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (prototype, 19941129) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nhlas
nhlasp14 NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (prototype, 19941001) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nhlas
nhlasp13 NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (prototype, 19941021) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nhlas
nhlasp16 NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (prototype, 19940914) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nhlas
nhlasp15 NHL All-Star Hockey '95 (prototype, 19940929) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 nhlas
nhlpa93a NHLPA Hockey 93 (Europe, USA) 1992 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 nhlpa93
nhlpa93b NHLPA Hockey 93 (Europe, USA, v1.1 alt) 1992 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 nhlpa93
mansellu Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing (USA) 1993 GameTek Yes 1 0 mansell
ncirc Nightmare Circus (Brazil) 1995 Tec Toy Yes 1 0
ncirc1 Nightmare Circus (Brazil, alt) 1995 Tec Toy Yes 1 0 ncirc
ncircp Nightmare Circus (prototype) 199? Sega Yes 1 0 ncirc
nikkan Nikkan Sports Pro Yakyuu Van (Japan) 1991 Sega No 1 0
ninjab Ninja Burai Densetsu (Japan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
ninjabp Ninja Burai Densetsu (Japan, prototype 19910528) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0 ninjab
ngaiden Ninja Gaiden (Japan, prototype) 1992 Sega Yes 1 1
noescape No Escape (USA) 1994 Psygnosis Yes 1 0
nobubufu Nobunaga no Yabou - Bushou Fuuunroku (Japan) 1991 Koei Yes 1 0
nobuhao Nobunaga no Yabou - Haouden (Japan) 1994 Koei Yes 1 0
nobuamb Nobunaga's Ambition (USA) 1993 Koei Yes 1 0
nobuzenk Nobunaga no Yabou - Zenkokuban (Japan) 1993 Koei Yes 1 0 nobuamb
normy Normy's Beach Babe-O-Rama (Europe, USA) 1994 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
oldtower Old Towers (v1.2) 2019 RetroSouls Yes 1 0
oldtower11 Old Towers (v1.1) 2019 RetroSouls Yes 1 0 oldtower
olympgldu1 Olympic Gold (USA) 1992 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0 olympgld
olympgldu2 Olympic Gold (USA, alt) 1992 U.S. Gold No 1 0 olympgld
olympsum Olympic Summer Games (Europe, USA) 1996 Black Pearl Yes 1 0
onslau Onslaught (Europe, USA) 1991 Ballistic Yes 1 0
ooze The Ooze (Europe) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
oozeju The Ooze (Japan, USA) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 ooze
oozep01 The Ooze (Europe, prototype, 19950728) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 ooze
oozep07 The Ooze (prototype, 19950615) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 ooze
oozep06 The Ooze (prototype, 19950619) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 ooze
oozep03 The Ooze (prototype, 19950629-B) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 ooze
oozep02 The Ooze (prototype, 19950629) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 ooze
oozep05 The Ooze (prototype 104, 19950622) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 ooze
oozep04 The Ooze (prototype 112, 19950626) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 ooze
opeurope Operation Europe - Path to Victory 1939-45 (USA) 1994 Koei Yes 1 0
eurosens Europa Sensen (Japan) 1993 Koei Yes 1 0 opeurope
osomatsu Osomatsu-kun Hachamecha Gekijou (Japan) 1988 Sega Yes 1 0
ottifantg The Ottifants (Germany, prototype) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 ottifant
vortex Out of the Vortex (prototype 19950913) 1995 <unknown> Yes 1 0
vortex_p1 Out of the Vortex (prototype 19950710) 1995 <unknown> Yes 1 0 vortex
outlandr Outlander (Europe) 1992 Mindscape Yes 1 0
outlandru Outlander (USA) 1992 Mindscape Yes 1 0 outlandr
outr2019j Out Run 2019 (Japan) 1993 Sims Yes 1 0 outr2019
outr2019u Out Run 2019 (USA) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 outr2019
outr2019up Out Run 2019 (USA, prototype) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 outr2019
junker Junker's High (Japan, prototype) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 1 outr2019
junkera Junker's High (later prototype) 1992 <unknown> Yes 1 0 outr2019
orunners Out Runners (USA) 1994 Data East Yes 1 0
orunnersj Out Runners (Japan) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 orunners
pacattak Pac-Attack (USA) 1993 Namco Yes 1 0 pacpanic
pacman2 Pac-Man 2 - The New Adventures (USA) 1994 Namco Yes 1 0
pachinko Pachinko Kuunyan (Japan) 1992 Soft Vision International Yes 1 0
pto P.T.O. - Pacific Theater of Operations (USA) 1993 Koei Yes 1 0
teiketsu Teitoku no Ketsudan (Japan) 1992 Koei Yes 1 0 pto
paddle Paddle Fighter (Japan, Sega Game Toshokan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
paddlegnk Paddle Fighter (Japan, ripped from Game no Kanzume Vol. 1) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 paddle
pagemstru The Pagemaster (USA) 1994 Fox Interactive Yes 1 0 pagemstr
pagemstrup The Pagemaster (USA, prototype) 1994 Fox Interactive Yes 1 0 pagemstr
pcotton Panorama Cotton (Japan) 1994 Sunsoft Yes 1 0
pcottonp Panorama Cotton (Japan, prototype 19931127) 1993 Sunsoft Yes 1 0 pcotton
paperboyp Paperboy (USA, prototype 19911028) 1992 Tengen Yes 1 0 paperboy
paperboyj Paperboy (Japan) 1992 Tengen Yes 1 0 paperboy
partyq Party Quiz Mega Q (Japan) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
pstewart Payne Stewart Pro Golf (prototype A) 1994 Time Warner Interactive Yes 1 0
pstewarta Payne Stewart Pro Golf (USA, prototype B) 1994 Time Warner Interactive Yes 1 0 pstewart
pebbleu Pebble Beach Golf Links (USA) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 pebble
pebblep Pebble Beach Golf Links (prototype, 19940214) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 pebble
n3dgpebb New 3D Golf Simulation - Pebble Beach no Hatou (Japan) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 pebble
pele2 Pelé's World Tournament Soccer (Europe, USA) 1994 Accolade Yes 1 0
pele Pelé! (Europe, USA) 1993 Accolade Yes 1 0
ppengo Pepenga Pengo (Japan) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
sampras1 Pete Sampras Tennis (Europe, USA, J-Cart, alt) 1994 Codemasters Yes 1 0 sampras
sampras2 Pete Sampras Tennis (Europe, USA, J-Cart, alt 2) 1994 Codemasters Yes 1 0 sampras
pga2 PGA Tour Golf II (Europe, USA, v1.1) 1992 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
pga2j PGA Tour Golf II (Japan) 1993 Electronic Arts Victor Yes 1 0 pga2
pstar2a Phantasy Star II (Europe, USA) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 pstar2
pstar2p Phantasy Star II (USA, prototype 19890728) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 pstar2
pstar2br Phantasy Star II (Brazil) 199? Tec Toy Yes 1 0 pstar2
pstar2j Phantasy Star II - Kaerazaru Toki no Owari ni (Japan) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 pstar2
ps2aa Phantasy Star II - Amia's Adventure (Japan, Sega Game Toshokan) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
ps2ab Phantasy Star II - Anne's Adventure (Japan, Sega Game Toshokan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
ps2ac Phantasy Star II - Huey's Adventure (Japan, Sega Game Toshokan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
ps2ad Phantasy Star II - Kinds's Adventure (Japan, Sega Game Toshokan) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
ps2ae Phantasy Star II - Nei's Adventure (Japan, Sega Game Toshokan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
ps2af Phantasy Star II - Rudger's Adventure (Japan, Sega Game Toshokan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
ps2ag Phantasy Star II - Shilka's Adventure (Japan, Sega Game Toshokan) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
ps2ah Phantasy Star II - Yushis's Adventure (Japan, Sega Game Toshokan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
pstar3 Phantasy Star III - Generations of Doom (Europe, USA, Korea) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
pstar3br Phantasy Star III - Generations of Doom (Brazil) 1998 Tec Toy Yes 1 0 pstar3
pstar3j Phantasy Star III - Toki no Keishousha (Japan) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0 pstar3
pstar4u Phantasy Star - The End of the Millennium (USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 pstar4
pstar4 Phantasy Star - The End of the Millennium (Europe) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
pstar4j Phantasy Star - Sennenki no Owari ni (Japan) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 pstar4
pstar4p3 Phantasy Star - The End of the Millennium (prototype, 19940815) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 pstar4
pstar4p4 Phantasy Star - The End of the Millennium (prototype, 19940608) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 pstar4
pstar4p5 Phantasy Star - The End of the Millennium (prototype, 19940530) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 pstar4
pstar4p1 Phantasy Star - The End of the Millennium (prototype, 19941107) 1994 Sega No 1 0 pstar4
pstar4p2 Phantasy Star - The End of the Millennium (prototype, 19941027) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 pstar4
phantomu Phantom 2040 (USA) 1995 Viacom New Media Yes 1 0 phantom
phantgear Phantom Gear (demo 0.32) 2023 Bits Rule Games Yes 1 0
phantgear_d17 Phantom Gear (demo 0.17) (Bits Rule Games) 2021 Bits Rule Games Yes 1 0 phantgear
phantgear_d17a Phantom Gear (demo 0.17) (Mega Cat Studios) 2021 Bits Rule Games Yes 1 0 phantgear
phantgear_d20 Phantom Gear (demo 0.20) 2021 Mega Cat Studios Yes 1 0 phantgear
phantgear_d21 Phantom Gear (demo 0.21) 2021 Mega Cat Studios Yes 1 0 phantgear
phantgear_d22 Phantom Gear (demo 0.22) 2021 Bits Rule Games Yes 1 0 phantgear
phantgear_d25 Phantom Gear (demo 0.25) 2021 Bits Rule Games Yes 1 0 phantgear
phantgear_d02 Phantom Gear (demo 0.2) 2019 Mega Cat Studios Yes 1 0 phantgear
phantgear_d05 Phantom Gear (demo 0.5) 2019 Mega Cat Studios Yes 1 0 phantgear
phantgear_d06 Phantom Gear (demo 0.6) 2019 Mega Cat Studios Yes 1 0 phantgear
phantgear_d09 Phantom Gear (demo 0.9) 2019 Mega Cat Studios Yes 1 0 phantgear
pheliosu Phelios (USA) 1990 Namco Yes 1 0 phelios
psolar Pier Solar and the Great Architects (World, rev. C) 2010 WaterMelon Yes 1 0
psolara Pier Solar and the Great Architects (World, rev. B) 2010 WaterMelon Yes 1 0 psolar
psolarb Pier Solar and the Great Architects (World, rev. A) 2010 WaterMelon Yes 1 0 psolar
psolarp Pier Solar and the Great Architects (World, prototype) 2010 WaterMelon Yes 1 0 psolar
pinkp Pink Goes to Hollywood (USA, prototype) 1993 TecMagik Yes 1 0 pink
pinocu Pinocchio (USA) 1996 THQ Yes 1 0 pinoc
piratedw The Pirates of Dark Water (USA, January 1994) 1994 Sunsoft Yes 1 0
piratedw1 The Pirates of Dark Water (Europe, USA, May 1994) 1994 Sunsoft Yes 1 0 piratedw
piratesp Pirates! Gold (USA, prototype) 1993 Microprose Yes 1 0 pirates
pitfight1 Pit-Fighter (World) 1991 Tengen Yes 1 0 pitfight
pitfallu Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure (USA) 1994 Activision Yes 1 0 pitfall
pocahontu Pocahontas (USA) 1996 Disney Interactive Yes 1 0 pocahont
pokemon Pocket Monsters 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
pokemona Pocket Monsters (alt protection) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 pokemon
pokemon2 Pocket Monsters 2 2001 <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
pokemnii Pokémon II 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
pokecd Pokemon Crazy Drummer 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
populous Populous (Europe) 1991 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
populousj Populous (Japan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0 populous
populousu Populous (USA) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0 populous
pmongerj Power Monger (Japan, Korea) 1993 Electronic Arts Victor Yes 1 0 pmonger
powerbal Powerball (USA) 1991 Namco Yes 1 0
wrstball Wrestleball (Japan) 1991 Namcot Yes 1 0 powerbal
primalp Primal Rage (prototype) 1995 Time Warner Interactive Yes 1 0 primal
primetim Prime Time NFL Starring Deion Sanders (USA) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
ppersiap Prince of Persia (prototype) 1993 Tengen Yes 1 0 ppersia
ppersiap1 Prince of Persia (prototype, earlier) 1993 Tengen Yes 1 0 ppersia
ppersiau Prince of Persia (USA) 1994 Tengen Yes 1 0 ppersia
ppersia2 Prince of Persia 2 - The Shadow and the Flame (Europe, prototype) 1995 Psygnosis Yes 1 0
proqb Pro Quarterback (USA) 1992 Tradewest Yes 1 0
proyakyu Pro Yakyuu Super League '91 (Japan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
contra Contra - Hard Corps (USA, Korea) 1994 Konami Yes 1 0 probot
contraj Contra - The Hard Corps (Japan) 1994 Konami Yes 1 0 probot
psyoblad Psy-O-Blade (Japan) 1990 Sigma Yes 1 0
psychop Psycho Pinball (prototype) 1994 Codemasters Yes 1 0 psycho
puggsyp Puggsy (prototype) 1993 Psygnosis Yes 1 0 puggsy
puggsyu Puggsy (USA) 1993 Psygnosis Yes 1 0 puggsy
pulseman Pulseman (Japan) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
punisher The Punisher (Europe) 1994 Capcom Yes 1 0
puttsqup Putty Squad (prototype) 1992 System 3 / Ocean Yes 1 0
puttsqup1 Putty Squad (early prototype) 1992 System 3 / Ocean Yes 1 0 puttsqup
putter Putter Golf (Japan, Sega Game Toshokan) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
puttergnk Putter Golf (Japan, ripped from Game no Kanzume Vol. 2) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 putter
puyopuyo Puyo Puyo (Japan) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
puyopuy2 Puyo Puyo 2 (Japan, v1.1) 1994 Compile Yes 1 0
puyopuy2a Puyo Puyo 2 (Japan) 1994 Compile Yes 1 0 puyopuy2
ichir Puzzle & Action - Ichidant-R (Japan) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
tantr Puzzle & Action - Tant-R (Japan) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
puzzli Puzzli 2020 Portabledev Yes 1 0
pyramid Pyramid Magic (Japan, Sega Game Toshokan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
pyramidgnk Pyramid Magic (Japan, ripped from Game no Kanzume Vol. 1) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 pyramid
pyramid2 Pyramid Magic II (Japan, Sega Game Toshokan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
pyramid3 Pyramid Magic III (Japan, Sega Game Toshokan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
pyramids Pyramid Magic Special (Japan, Sega Game Toshokan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
quadchal Quad Challenge (USA) 1991 Namco Yes 1 0
megatrax MegaTrax (Japan) 1991 Namcot Yes 1 0 quadchal
qpoker Queen of Poker Club (Taiwan) 199? Sachen Yes 1 0
rbibb93 R.B.I. Baseball '93 (USA) 1993 Tengen Yes 1 0
rbibb95 R.B.I. Baseball '95 (prototype) 1995 Tengen Yes 1 0
rbibb3p R.B.I. Baseball 3 (USA, prototype 19910718) 1991 Tengen No 1 0 rbibb3
rbibb4 R.B.I. Baseball 4 (USA) 1992 Tengen Yes 1 0
rbibb4p R.B.I. Baseball 4 (prototype) 1992 Tengen Yes 1 0 rbibb4
rbibb4j R.B.I. Baseball 4 (Japan) 1992 Tengen Yes 1 0 rbibb4
racedriv Race Drivin' (USA) 1993 Tengen Yes 1 0
racedrivp Race Drivin' (prototype) 1993? Tengen Yes 1 0 racedriv
radrex Radical Rex (Europe) 1994 Activision Yes 1 0
radrexp Radical Rex (Europe, prototype) 1994 Activision Yes 1 0 radrex
radrexu Radical Rex (USA) 1994 Activision Yes 1 0 radrex
rbisland Rainbow Islands Extra (Japan) 1990 Taito Yes 1 0
rambo3a Rambo III (World) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 rambo3
rampart Rampart (USA) 1991 Tengen Yes 1 0
rampartj Rampart (Japan, Korea) 1992 Tengen Yes 1 0 rampart
rangerx Ranger-X (Europe) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
exranza Ex-Ranza (Japan) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 rangerx
exranzap Ex-Ranza (Japan, prototype) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 rangerx
ransei Ransei no Hasha (Japan) 1991 Asmik Yes 1 0
rastan2 Rastan Saga II (USA) 1991 Taito Yes 1 0
rastan2j Rastan Saga II (Japan) 1990 Taito Yes 1 0 rastan2
reknum Reknum - Fantasy of Dreams (demo 2) 2020 PSCD Games Yes 1 0
reknum_dm Reknum - Fantasy of Dreams (demo) 2020 PSCD Games Yes 1 0 reknum
renstimp Stimpy's Invention Starring Starring Ren Hoëk & Stimpy (Europe, prototype 19931209) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 renstim
renstimu Stimpy's Invention Starring Starring Ren Hoëk & Stimpy (USA) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 renstim
renstimup Stimpy's Invention Starring Starring Ren Hoëk & Stimpy (USA, prototype) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 renstim
renthero Rent a Hero (Japan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
resq Resq (Europe, prototype) 1994 <unknown> Yes 1 0
revshinp The Revenge of Shinobi (USA, rev. B, prototype 19900201) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 revshin
revshin2 The Revenge of Shinobi (Europe, USA) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 revshin
revshin2p The Revenge of Shinobi (prototype 19890821) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 revshin
supshin The Super Shinobi (Japan) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 revshin
rhythmld 16Bit Rhythm Land 2019 Columbus Circle Yes 1 0
rsbt Richard Scarry's BusyTown (USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
rsbtp6 Richard Scarry's Busytown (prototype, 19940809) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 rsbt
rsbtp5 Richard Scarry's Busytown (prototype, 19940815) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 rsbt
rsbtp4 Richard Scarry's Busytown (prototype, 19940816-B) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 rsbt
rsbtp3 Richard Scarry's Busytown (prototype, 19940817) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 rsbt
rsbtp2 Richard Scarry's Busytown (prototype, 19940825) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 rsbt
rsbtp1 Richard Scarry's Busytown (prototype, 19940826) 1994 Sega No 1 0 rsbt
rsbtp7 Richard Scarry's Busytown (prototype, 19940721) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 rsbt
riddle81 Riddle Wired - Quiz Dokusen Kigyou no Houkai 8-gatsu Vol. 1 (Japan, Sega Game Toshokan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
risk Risk (USA) 1994 Parker Brothers Yes 1 0
draxos Jashin Draxos (Japan, Korea) 1993 Electronic Arts Victor Yes 1 0 riskyw
ristar1 Ristar (Europe, USA, 199408) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 ristar
ristarj Ristar - The Shooting Star (Japan, Korea) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 ristar
ristarp2 Ristar (prototype, 19940812) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 ristar
ristarp1 Ristar (prototype, 19940826) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 ristar
ristarp4 Ristar (prototype, 19940701) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 ristar
ristarp3 Ristar (prototype, 19940718) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 ristar
roadrashj Road Rash (Japan) 1991 Electronic Arts Victor Yes 1 0 roadrash
rrash2 Road Rash II (Europe, USA, v1.2) 1992 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
rrash2j Road Rash II (Japan) 1993 Electronic Arts Victor Yes 1 0 rrash2
rrash3 Road Rash 3 - Tour de Force (Europe, USA) 1995 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
rrash3p Road Rash 3 - World Warriors (USA, prototype) 1995 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 rrash3
roadriot Road Riot 4WD (prototype 19930719) 1993 Tengen Yes 1 0
roadriota Road Riot 4WD (prototype) 1992? Tengen Yes 1 0 roadriot
roadblst RoadBlasters (USA) 1991 Tengen Yes 1 0
roadblstp RoadBlasters (USA, prototype 19910627) 1992 Tengen Yes 1 0 roadblst
roadblstj RoadBlasters (Japan) 1992 Tengen Yes 1 0 roadblst
robotermj RoboCop versus The Terminator (Japan, Korea) 1994 Virgin Interactive Yes 1 0 roboterm
robotermp RoboCop versus The Terminator (prototype) 1994 Virgin Interactive Yes 1 0 roboterm
robotermp1 Robocop versus The Terminator (prototype, alt) 1994 Virgin Interactive Yes 1 0 roboterm
robotermu RoboCop versus The Terminator (USA) 1994 Virgin Games Yes 1 0 roboterm
robotbat Robot Battler (Japan, Sega Game Toshokan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
robowrek Robot Wreckage (USA, prototype) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 cyborgj
rnrracinu Rock n' Roll Racing (USA) 1994 Interplay Yes 1 0 rnrracin
rocketj Rocket Knight Adventures (Japan) 1993 Konami Yes 1 0 rocket
rocketu Rocket Knight Adventures (USA) 1993 Konami Yes 1 0 rocket
rocketup Rocket Knight Adventures (USA, prototype 19930615) 1993 Konami Yes 1 0 rocket
mvpbb Roger Clements MVP Baseball (USA) 1992 Flying Edge Yes 1 0
rthun2j Rolling Thunder 2 (Japan) 1991 Namcot Yes 1 0 rthun2
rthun2u Rolling Thunder 2 (USA) 1991 Namco Yes 1 0 rthun2
rthun3 Rolling Thunder 3 (USA) 1993 Namco Yes 1 0
rolo Rolo to the Rescue (Europe, USA) 1992 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
zouzou Zou! Zou! Zou! Rescue Daisakusen (Japan) 1993 Electronic Arts Victor Yes 1 0 rolo
roman3k2 Romance of the Three Kingdoms II (USA) 1991 Koei Yes 1 0
sangoku2 Sangokushi II (Japan) 1991 Koei Yes 1 0 roman3k2
roman3k3 Romance of the Three Kingdoms III - Dragon of Destiny (USA) 1993 Koei Yes 1 0
sangoku3 Sangokushi III (Japan) 1992 Koei Yes 1 0 roman3k3
sagaia Sagaia (USA) 1991 Taito Yes 1 0
darius2 Darius II (Japan) 1990 Taito Yes 1 0 sagaia
sailormn Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (Japan) 1994 Ma-Ba Yes 1 0
ssword Saint Sword (USA) 1991 Taito Yes 1 0
sswordj Saint Sword (Japan) 1991 Taito Yes 1 0 ssword
sampra96 Pete Sampras Tennis '96 (Europe, J-Cart) 1995 Codemasters Yes 1 0
samspir Samurai Spirits (Japan) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 samsho
sanguo San Guo Zhi Lie Zhuan - Luan Shi Qun Ying (China) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 sangoret
sanguo5 Sānguózhì V (Taiwan) 199? SKOB Yes 1 0
sansan San San (Japan) 1994 San San Co. Partial 1 0
sangoret Sangokushi Retsuden - Ransei no Eiyuutachi (Japan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
scooby Scooby-Doo Mystery (USA) 1995 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0
scrabble Scrabble (Europe, prototype) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
seaquestu SeaQuest DSV (USA) 1994 Black Pearl Yes 1 0 seaquest
segatop Sega Top Five (Brazil) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
segapede Segapede (USA, prototype) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
sensiblep Sensible Soccer (prototype) 1993 Renegade No 1 0 sensible
sesame Sesame Street Counting Cafe (USA) 1994 Electronic Arts No 1 0
shadow Shadow Blasters (USA) 1990 Sage's Creation Yes 1 0
shiten Shiten Myouou (Japan) 1990 Sigma Yes 1 0 shadow
shdancerp Shadow Dancer - The Secret of Shinobi (prototype, 19901002) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0 shdancer
beastj Shadow of the Beast - Mashou no Okite (Japan) 1992 Victor Interactive Software Yes 1 0 beast
beast2 Shadow of the Beast II (Europe, USA) 1992 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
shadowrn Shadowrun (USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
shadowrnj Shadowrun (Japan) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 shadowrn
shadowrnp4 Shadowrun (USA, prototype, 19931228) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 shadowrn
shadowrnp3 Shadowrun (USA, prototype, 19931231) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 shadowrn
shadowrnp2 Shadowrun (USA, prototype, 19940125-C) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 shadowrn
shadowrnp1 Shadowrun (USA, prototype, 19940125) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 shadowrn
shanewar Shane Warne Cricket (Aus) 1997 Codemasters Yes 1 0
shangh2p Shanghai II - Dragon's Eye (USA, prototype) 1994 Activision Yes 1 0 shangh2
shangh2p1 Shanghai II - Dragon's Eye (USA, prototype, alt) 1994 Activision Yes 1 0 shangh2
shijie Jīn Guànjūn Xiōngdì Xiàng - Shìjiè Zhí Bàng Zhēngbà Zhàn (Taiwan) 1994 C&E Yes 1 0
shinfrceu Shining Force - The Legacy of Great Intention (USA) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 shinfrce
shinfrceup Shining Force - The Legacy of Great Intention (USA, prototype) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 shinfrce
shinfrcej Shining Force - Kamigami no Isan (Japan) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 shinfrce
shinfrc2j Shining Force II - Koe no Fuuin (Japan) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 shinfrc2
shinfrc2p2 Shining Force II (USA, prototype, 19940404) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 shinfrc2
shinfrc2p1 Shining Force II (USA, prototype, 19940607) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 shinfrc2
shinfrc2u Shining Force II (USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 shinfrc2
shindarkbr Shining in the Darkness (Brazil) 1994 Tec Toy Yes 1 0 shindark
shindarkj Shining and the Darkness (Japan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0 shindark
shinobi3up Shinobi III - Return of the Ninja Master (USA, prototype 19930629) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 shinobi3
supshin2 The Super Shinobi II (Japan, Korea) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 shinobi3
supshin2p1 The Super Shinobi II (Japan, prototype) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 shinobi3
supshin2p2 The Super Shinobi II (Japan, prototype, earlier) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 shinobi3
ship1 Ship (prototype) 199? Technopop Yes 1 0 ship
ship Ship (visitor prototype) 199? Technopop Yes 1 0
shougi Shougi no Hoshi (Japan) 1991 Home Data Yes 1 0
shoveit Shove It! ...The Warehouse Game (USA) 1990 Dreamworks Yes 1 0
sokoban Shijou Saidai no Soukoban (Japan) 1990 NCS Yes 1 0 shoveit
sdmilhao Show do Milhão (Brazil) 2001 Tec Toy Yes 1 0
sdmilha2 Show do Milhão Volume 2 (Brazil) 2002 Tec Toy Yes 1 0
sdmilha2a Show do Milhão Volume 2 (Brazil, alt) 2002 Tec Toy Yes 1 0 sdmilha2
shuihu Shuǐhǔ - Fēngyún Chuán (Taiwan) 1999 Never Ending Soft Team Yes 1 0
watermar Water Margin - A Tale of Clouds and Wind 2015 Piko Interactive Yes 1 0 shuihu
shuihuzh Shuǐhǔ Zhuàn (China) 1996 Chuanpu Technologies Yes 1 0
shuramon Shura no Mon (Japan) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
sidepockj Side Pocket (Japan) 1992 Data East Yes 1 1 sidepock
skelkrewu Skeleton Krew (USA) 1995 Core Design Yes 1 0 skelkrew
slamdunk From TV Animation Slam Dunk - Kyougou Makkou Taiketsu! (Japan) 1995 Bandai Yes 1 0
slamshaq Slam - Shaq vs. the Legends (prototype) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
slapfigh Slap Fight MD (Japan) 1993 Tengen Yes 1 0
slapfighp Slap Fight MD (prototype) 1992 Toaplan Yes 1 0 slapfigh
slaughtr Slaughter Sport (USA) 1991 Razorsoft Yes 1 0
slaughtrp Slaughter Sport (USA, prototype 19910927) 1991 Razorsoft Yes 1 0 slaughtr
mondufp Mondu's Fight Palace (USA, prototype 19900703) 1990 Razorsoft Yes 1 0 slaughtr
fatman Fatman (Japan) 1990 Sanritsu Denki Yes 1 0 slaughtr
smurfstw The Smurfs Travel the World (Europe) 1996 Infogrames Yes 1 0
snowbros Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (Japan) 1993 Tengen Yes 1 0
socket Socket (USA) 1994 Vic Tokai Yes 1 0
timedom Time Dominator 1st (Japan, Korea) 1994 Vic Tokai Yes 1 0 socket
soldeace Sol-Deace (USA) 1992 Renovation Yes 1 0
soldeacep Sol-Deace (USA, prototype 19920203) 1992 Renovation Yes 1 0 soldeace
soleil Soleil (Europe) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
crusader Crusader of Centy (USA) 1994 Atlus Yes 1 0 soleil
ragnacen Shin Souseiki Ragnacenty (Japan) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 soleil
ragnacenp Shin Souseiki Ragnacenty (Japan, prototype) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 soleil
ragnacenk Ragnacenty (Korea) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 soleil
sk Sonic & Knuckles (World) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
skp06 Sonic & Knuckles (prototype 0606, 19940606, 10.02) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sk
skp05 Sonic & Knuckles (prototype 0608, 19940608, 05.03) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sk
skp04 Sonic & Knuckles (prototype 0610, 19940610, 07.49) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sk
skp03 Sonic & Knuckles (prototype 0612, 19940612, 18.27) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sk
skp02 Sonic & Knuckles (prototype 0618, 19940618, 09.15) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sk
skp01 Sonic & Knuckles (prototype 0619, 19940619, 08.18) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sk
skp07 Sonic & Knuckles (prototype 0525, 19940525, 15.28) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sk
knucklp Knuckles in Sonic 2 (prototype 0524, 19940527, 10.46) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
sonic3c Sonic 3C (prototype 0408, 19940408, 17.29) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
sonic3ca Sonic 3C (prototype 0517, 19940517, 17.08) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
sonic3dp8 Sonic 3D Blast (prototype 73, 19960703, 13.58) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic3d
sonic3dp7 Sonic 3D Blast (prototype 814, 19960815, 07.55) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic3d
sonic3dp6 Sonic 3D Blast (prototype 819, 19960819, 19.49) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic3d
sonic3dp5 Sonic 3D Blast (prototype 825, 19960826, 15.46) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic3d
sonic3dp4 Sonic 3D Blast (prototype 830, 19960831, 08.19) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic3d
sonic3dp3 Sonic 3D Blast (prototype 831, 19960903, 10.07) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic3d
sonic3dp2 Sonic 3D Blast (prototype 94, 19960904, 12.01) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic3d
sonic3dp1 Sonic 3D Blast (USA, prototype) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic3d
scrack Sonic Crackers (Japan, prototype) 1994 <unknown> Yes 1 0
sonicer Sonic Eraser (Japan, Sega Game Toshokan) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
sonicjam Sonic Jam 6 (alt) 199? <unlicensed> No 1 0
sspinp3 Sonic Spinball (prototype 199308xx) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 sspin
sspinp2 Sonic Spinball (Europe, prototype 19930917) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 sspin
sspinp1 Sonic Spinball (prototype 19930922) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 sspin
sspinj Sonic Spinball (Japan) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 sspin
sspinua Sonic Spinball (USA, alt) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 sspin
sonic1jp2 Sonic The Hedgehog (JP2, ripped from Sonic Mega Collection) 2002 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic
sonicpir Sonic The Hedgehog (pirate, ripped from Golden 10 in 1) 1991? <unlicensed> Yes 1 1 sonic
sonicp Sonic The Hedgehog (prototype) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic
sonic2a Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (World) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic2
sonic2p8 Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Beta 4, 19920918, 16.26) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic2
sonic2p7 Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Beta 5, 19920921, 12.06) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic2
sonic2p6 Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Beta 6, 19920922, 18.47) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic2
sonic2p5 Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Beta 6, 19920922, 19.42) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic2
sonic2p4 Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Beta 7, 19920924, 09.26) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic2
sonic2p3 Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Beta 8, 19920924, 19.27) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic2
sonic2p2 Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (prototype) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic2
sonic2b Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (World, rev. A, ripped from Sonic Mega Collection) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic2
sonic2c Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (World, rev. B, ripped from Sonic Compilation) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic2
sonic2p1 Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (early prototype) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic2
sonic2p9 Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Alpha, 19920821) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic2
sonic2p12 Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (prototype 199209xx, pirate, hacked) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic2
sonic2p10 Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Pre Beta, 19920914) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic2
sonic2p11 Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (final prototype, 19921102) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic2
sonic3pir Sonic The Hedgehog 3 (pirate) 1994? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 sonic3
sonic3u Sonic The Hedgehog 3 (USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic3
sonic3up Sonic The Hedgehog 3 (prototype 19931120) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic3
sonic3p1 Sonic The Hedgehog 3 (prototype 19931103) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 sonic3
sorcerk Sorcerer's Kingdom (USA, v1.1) 1992 Treco Yes 1 0
sorcerk1 Sorcerer's Kingdom (USA) 1992 Treco Yes 1 0 sorcerk
sorcerkj Sorcer Kingdom (Japan) 1992 NCS Yes 1 0 sorcerk
sorcerkjp Sorcer Kingdom (Japan, 19911108) 1992 NCS Yes 1 0 sorcerk
sorcer Sorcerian (Japan) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0
sharrierj Space Harrier II (Japan, Launch Cart) 1988 Sega Yes 1 0 sharrier
spcehero Space Hero (prototype) 1992 Tengen Yes 1 0
sinv91 Space Invaders 91 (USA) 1991 Taito Yes 1 0
sinv90 Space Invaders 90 (Japan) 1990 Taito Yes 1 0 sinv91
sparkstru Sparkster (USA) 1994 Konami Yes 1 0 sparkstr
sparkstrj Sparkster (Japan) 1994 Konami Yes 1 0 sparkstr
speedbl2j Speedball 2 (Japan) 1992 CRI Yes 1 0 speedbl2
speedbl2u Speedball 2 - Brutal Deluxe (USA) 1991 Arena Yes 1 0 speedbl2
speedbl2up Speedball 2 - Brutal Deluxe (USA, prototype 19910607) 1991 Arena Yes 1 0 speedbl2
spidermn Spider-Man (Europe, USA) 1995 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0
spidermnp1 Spider-Man (USA, prototype) 1995 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0 spidermn
spidermnp2 Spider-Man (USA, prototype, earlier) 1995 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0 spidermn
spidmaxc Spider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage (World) 1994 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0
venom Venom & Spider-Man - Separation Anxiety (Europe, USA) 1995 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0
spiritwf Spiritual Warfare (USA) 1994 Wisdom Tree Yes 1 0
spiroup Spirou (Europe, prototype) 1996 Infogrames Yes 1 0 spirou
splatth2 Splatterhouse 2 (Europe) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
splatth2u Splatterhouse 2 (USA) 1992 Namco Yes 1 0 splatth2
splatth3 Splatterhouse 3 (USA) 1993 Namco Yes 1 0
splatth3j Splatterhouse Part 3 (Japan, Korea) 1993 Namcot Yes 1 0 splatth3
sportg Sport Games (Brazil) 199? Tec Toy No 1 0
spotgo Spot Goes to Hollywood (Europe) 1996 Virgin Interactive Yes 1 0
spotgou Spot Goes to Hollywood (USA) 1995 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0 spotgo
patrileyp Pat Riley Basketball (USA, prototype 19900614) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0 srealbas
starctrl Star Control (USA) 1991 Ballistic Yes 1 0
starcrus Star Cruiser (Japan) 1990 NCS Yes 1 0
starodys Star Odyssey (USA) 2011 Super Fighter Team Yes 1 0
starodysp Star Odyssey (USA, prototype 19920116) 1990 Sage's Creation Yes 1 0 starodys
stds9u Star Trek - Deep Space Nine - Crossroads of Time (USA) 1995 Playmates Interactive Yes 1 0 stds9
sttng Star Trek - The Next Generation - Echoes from the Past (USA, v1.1) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
sttnga Star Trek - The Next Generation - Echoes from the Past (USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sttng
sttngp06 Star Trek - The Next Generation - Echoes from the Past (prototype, 19941228) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sttng
sttngp05 Star Trek - The Next Generation - Echoes from the Past (prototype, 19941229) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sttng
sttngp04 Star Trek - The Next Generation - Echoes from the Past (prototype, 19940103) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sttng
sttngp03 Star Trek - The Next Generation - Echoes from the Past (prototype, 19940110) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sttng
sttngp02 Star Trek - The Next Generation - Echoes from the Past (prototype, 19940118) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sttng
sttngp01 Star Trek - The Next Generation - Echoes from the Past (prototype, 19940125) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sttng
starwarsp Star Wars (prototype 19930125) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
starfl Starflight (Europe, USA, v1.1) 1991 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
starfl1 Starflight (Europe, USA) 1991 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 starfl
stargatep Stargate (Europe, prototype, older) 1994 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0 stargate
stargatepa Stargate (prototype) 1994 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0 stargate
steeltalj Steel Talons (Japan, Korea) 1993 Tengen Yes 1 0 steeltal
steeltalp Steel Talons (USA, prototype) 1992 Tengen No 1 0 steeltal
steeltalp1 Steel Talons (USA, prototype 199206xx) 1992 Tengen No 1 0 steeltal
stonprot Stone Protectors (USA, prototype) 1994 Vic Tokai Yes 1 0
strmlord Stormlord (USA) 1990 RazorSoft Yes 1 0
strmlordj Stormlord (Japan) 1990 Micro World Yes 1 0 strmlord
thor The Story of Thor (Europe) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
thorg The Story of Thor (Germany) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 thor
thorj The Story of Thor - Hikari o Tsugumono (Japan) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 thor
thorjp The Story of Thor (Japan, prototype) 1994 Sega Yes 1 1 thor
thork The Story of Thor (Korea) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 thor
thorp2 The Story of Thor (USA, prototype, 19941004) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 thor
thorp1 The Story of Thor (USA, prototype, 19941017) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 thor
beyoasisp Beyond Oasis (USA, prototype, 19941101) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 thor
thors The Story of Thor (Spain) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 thor
beyoasis Beyond Oasis (USA) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 thor
sf2j Street Fighter II' Plus (Japan, Asia, Korea) 1993 Capcom Yes 1 0 sf2
sf2p2 Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (Europe, USA, prototype 19930325) 1993 Capcom Yes 1 0 sf2
sf2p1 Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (Europe, USA, prototype 19930730) 1993 Capcom Yes 1 0 sf2
sf2pir Street Fighter II' Turbo (pirate) 1994 <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 sf2
sracerp Street Racer (Europe, prototype 19950321) 1995 Ubi Soft Partial 1 0 sracer
ssmart Street Smart (Japan, USA) 1991 Treco Yes 1 0
ssmartp Street Smart (prototype 19900629) 1991 Treco Yes 1 0 ssmart
sor2u Streets of Rage 2 (USA) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 sor2
bk2p Bare Knuckle II (Japan, prototype) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 sor2
sor3k Streets of Rage 3 (Korea) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sor3
sor3p5 Streets of Rage 3 (Europe, prototype, 19940412) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sor3
sor3p4 Streets of Rage 3 (Europe, prototype, 19940413) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sor3
sor3p3 Streets of Rage 3 (Europe, prototype, 19940415) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sor3
sor3p2 Streets of Rage 3 (Europe, prototype, 19940420) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sor3
sor3p1 Streets of Rage 3 (Europe, prototype, 19940425) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sor3
sor3up06 Streets of Rage 3 (prototype, 19940401) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sor3
sor3up05 Streets of Rage 3 (prototype, 19940404) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sor3
sor3up04 Streets of Rage 3 (prototype, 19940408) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sor3
sor3up03 Streets of Rage 3 (prototype, 19940411) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sor3
sor3up02 Streets of Rage 3 (prototype, 19940412) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sor3
sor3up01 Streets of Rage 3 (prototype, 19940413) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sor3
sor3up10 Streets of Rage 3 (prototype, 19940308) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sor3
sor3up09 Streets of Rage 3 (prototype, 19940317) 1994 Sega No 1 0 sor3
sor3up08 Streets of Rage 3 (prototype, 19940318) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sor3
sor3up07 Streets of Rage 3 (prototype, 19940328) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sor3
sor3u Streets of Rage 3 (USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sor3
bk3 Bare Knuckle III (Japan) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sor3
bk3p Bare Knuckle III (Japan, prototype) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 sor3
striderj Strider Hiryuu (Japan, Korea) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0 strider
strider2u Strider Returns - Journey from Darkness (USA) 1990 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0 strider2
strikerp Striker (Europe, prototype) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 striker
subterrp1 SubTerrania (prototype) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 subterr
subterrp2 SubTerrania (prototype, earlier) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 subterr
subterrj SubTerrania (Japan) 1994? Sega Yes 1 0 subterr
subterrp3 SubTerrania (Japan, prototype, 19940202) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 subterr
subterru SubTerrania (USA) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 subterr
summer Summer Challenge (Europe, USA) 1993 Accolade Yes 1 0
ssriders Sunset Riders (Europe) 1992 Konami Yes 1 0
2020bbj 2020 Toshi Super Baseball (Japan) 1994 Electronic Arts Victor Yes 1 0 2020bb
sbship Super Battleship (USA) 1993 Mindscape Yes 1 0
sfzone Super Fantasy Zone (Europe) 1993 Sunsoft Yes 1 0
sfzonej Super Fantasy Zone (Japan) 1992 Sunsoft Yes 1 0 sfzone
shangonp Super Hang-On (prototype 19890818) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 shangon
sheavydt Super Heavy Duty 2020 Playnautic Yes 1 0
sheavydt_dm Super Heavy Duty (preview version) 2020 Playnautic Yes 1 0 sheavydt
shimpact Super High Impact (USA) 1992 Arena Yes 1 0
suphydlj Super Hydlide (Japan) 1989 Asmik Yes 1 0 suphydl
suphydlu Super Hydlide (USA) 1989 Seismic Yes 1 0 suphydl
suphydlup Super Hydlide (USA, prototype 19891016) 1989 Seismic Yes 1 0 suphydl
lasorda Tommy Lasorda Baseball (USA) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 suprleag
lasordap Tommy Lasorda Baseball (USA, prototype 19890430) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 suprleag
smba Super Mario World ~ Super Mario Bros. (pirate, alt) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 smb
smbb Super Mario World ~ Super Mario Bros. (pirate, alt 2) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 smb
smgpa Super Monaco GP (Europe, Japan) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0 smgp
smgpj Super Monaco GP (Japan) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0 smgp
smgpu Super Monaco GP (USA) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0 smgp
superoff Super Off Road (Europe, USA) 1994 Ballistic Yes 1 0
sskid Super Skidmarks (Europe, J-Cart) 1995 Codemasters Yes 1 0
sskidp Super Skidmarks (USA, prototype) 1995 Codemasters Yes 1 0 sskid
superspin Super Spin (prototype) 1993 Zyrinx Yes 1 0
ssf2 Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers (Europe) 1994 Capcom Yes 1 0
ssf2j Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers (Japan) 1994 Capcom Yes 1 0 ssf2
ssf2u Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers (USA) 1994 Capcom Yes 1 0 ssf2
stbladej Super Thunder Blade (Japan, Launch Cart) 1988 Sega Yes 1 0 stblade
svolley Super Volley Ball (USA) 1991 Video System Yes 1 0
svolley1 Super Volley Ball (USA, alt) 1991 Video System Yes 1 0 svolley
svolleyj Super Volley Ball (Japan) 1991 Video System Yes 1 0 svolley
supermanp Superman (USA, prototype) 1992 Sunsoft Yes 1 0 superman
supermanu Superman (USA) 1992 Sunsoft Yes 1 0 superman
surging Surging Aura (Japan) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
swamp Swamp Thing (USA, prototype) 1991 NuVision Yes 1 0
switchbl Switchblade 2019 Piko Interactive Yes 1 0
swordsod Sword of Sodan (Europe, USA) 1990 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
swordsodj Sword of Sodan (Japan) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0 swordsod
vermilp Sword of Vermilion (USA, prototype 19931118) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0 vermil
sydvalis Syd of Valis (USA) 1992 Renovation Yes 1 0
sdvalis SD Valis (Japan) 1992 Laser Soft Yes 1 0 sydvalis
sylvestrp Sylvester & Tweety in Cagey Capers (prototype) 1993? Time Warner Interactive Yes 1 0 sylvestr
sylvestru Sylvester & Tweety in Cagey Capers (USA) 1994 Time Warner Interactive Yes 1 0 sylvestr
t2agp T2 - The Arcade Game (USA, prototype) 1992 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0 t2ag
t2agj T2 - The Arcade Game (Japan) 1994 Acclaim Japan Yes 1 0 t2ag
taikoris Taikou Risshiden (Japan) 1993 Koei Yes 1 0
taiwan Táiwān Dàhēng (China) 1994 C&E Yes 1 0
marvland Marvel Land (USA) 1991 Namcot Yes 1 0 talmit
tanglewd Tanglewood 2018 Big Evil Corporation Yes 1 0
tanglewd_a Tanglewood (GOG release) 2018 Big Evil Corporation Yes 1 0 tanglewd
tanglewd_b Tanglewood (GOG / Windows release) 2018 Big Evil Corporation No 1 0 tanglewd
tanglewd_p1 Tanglewood (tech demo build v0.0.11) 2016 Big Evil Corporation Yes 1 0 tanglewd
tanglewd_p2 Tanglewood (tech demo build v0.0.14) 2016 Big Evil Corporation Yes 1 0 tanglewd
tanglewd_p3 Tanglewood (tech demo build v0.0.15) 2016 Big Evil Corporation Yes 1 0 tanglewd
tanglewd_p4 Tanglewood (tech demo 0.1.04) 2017 Big Evil Corporation Yes 1 0 tanglewd
tanglewd_p5 Tanglewood (demo 0.8.01) 2018 Big Evil Corporation Yes 1 0 tanglewd
tanglewd_p6 Tanglewood (demo 0.9.37) 2018 Big Evil Corporation Yes 1 0 tanglewd
trgearth Target Earth (USA) 1990 Dreamworks Games Yes 1 0
trgearthp Target Earth (USA, prototype 19900216) 1990 Dreamworks Games Yes 1 0 trgearth
leynos Assault Suit Leynos (Japan) 1990 NCS Yes 1 0 trgearth
taskfhex Task Force Harrier EX (USA) 1991 Treco Yes 1 0
taskfhexj Task Force Harrier EX (Japan) 1991 Treco Yes 1 0 taskfhex
tazmaniap Taz-Mania (prototype) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 tazmania
dreamteam USA Basketball World Challenge (Japan) 1992 Electronic Arts Victor Yes 1 0 teamusa
tecnocop Technocop (USA) 1990 Razorsoft Yes 1 0
tecnocopp1 Technocop (USA, prototype) 1990 Razorsoft Yes 1 0 tecnocop
tecnocopp2 Technocop (USA, prototype 19900912) 1990 Razorsoft Yes 1 0 tecnocop
bsteam3 Boy Soccer Team III (Japan, pirate) 199? <pirate> Yes 1 0 tecmocup
tecmocup Tecmo Cup (Japan, prototype?) 1993 <unknown> Yes 1 1
tecmobb Tecmo Super Baseball (USA) 1994 Tecmo Yes 1 0
tecmosbw Tecmo Super Bowl (USA, 199310) 1993 Tecmo Yes 1 0
tecmosbwa Tecmo Super Bowl (USA, 199309) 1993 Tecmo Yes 1 0 tecmosbw
tecmosbwj Tecmo Super Bowl (Japan) 1993 Tecmo Yes 1 0 tecmosbw
tecmosb2 Tecmo Super Bowl II (USA) 1994 Tecmo Yes 1 0
tecmosb2j Tecmo Super Bowl II - Special Edition (Japan) 1994 Tecmo Yes 1 0 tecmosb2
tecmosb3 Tecmo Super Bowl III - Final Edition (USA) 1995 Tecmo Yes 1 0
tecmohck Tecmo Super Hockey (USA) 1994 Tecmo Yes 1 0
tecmonba Tecmo Super NBA Basketball (USA) 1993 Tecmo Yes 1 0
tecmonbaj Tecmo Super NBA Basketball (Japan) 1994 Tecmo Yes 1 0 tecmonba
tecmow92 Tecmo World Cup '92 (Japan) 1992 Sims Yes 1 0 tecmowc
tecmowc Tecmo World Cup (USA) 1992 Sims Yes 1 0
teddyboy Teddy Boy Blues (Japan, Sega Game Toshokan) 1991 Sega Partial 1 0
tmntshj Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Return of the Shredder (Japan) 1992 Konami Yes 1 0 tmhthh
tmnttfj Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Tournament Fighters (Japan) 1993 Konami Yes 1 0 tmhttf
tekkensp Tekken Special 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
tekkn3sp Tekken 3 Special 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
telmah Tel-Tel Mahjong (Japan) 1990 Sunsoft Yes 1 0
telstad Tel-Tel Stadium (Japan) 1990 Sunsoft Yes 1 0
telebrad Telebradesco Residencia (Brazil) 199? <unknown> No 1 0
termintrp The Terminator (prototype, 19920414) 1991 Virgin Games Yes 1 0 termintr
td2 Test Drive II - The Duel (Europe, USA) 1992 Ballistic Yes 1 0
tetris Tetris (Japan) 1989 Tetris Yes 1 0
tnzs The New Zealand Story (Japan) 1990 Taito Yes 1 0
thomas Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends (USA) 1993 THQ Yes 1 0
tf2j Thunder Force II MD (Japan) 1989 Technosoft Yes 1 0 tf2
tf3 Thunder Force III (Japan, USA) 1990 Technosoft Yes 1 0
tf3p Thunder Force III (prototype 19900801) 1990 Technosoft Yes 1 0 tf3
tf4j Thunder Force IV (Japan) 1992 Technosoft Yes 1 0 tf4
tfox Thunder Fox (USA) 1991 Taito Yes 1 0
tfoxj Thunder Fox (Japan) 1991 Taito Yes 1 0 tfox
thundpaw Thunder Paw (demo 2) 2021 PSCD Games Yes 1 0
thundpaw_dm Thunder Paw (demo) 2021 PSCD Games Yes 1 0 thundpaw
tpwres Thunder Pro Wrestling Retsuden (Japan) 1992 Human Yes 1 0
jesseven Jesse "The Body" Ventura Wrestling Superstars (USA, prototype 19920302) 1992 DreamWorks Yes 1 0 tpwres
tick The Tick (USA) 1994 Fox Interactive Yes 1 0
timekill Time Killers (Europe) 1996 Black Pearl Yes 1 0
timekillu Time Killers (USA) 1996 Black Pearl Yes 1 0 timekill
timetrax Time Trax (prototype) 1994 Black Pearl Yes 1 0
tinhead TinHead (USA) 1993 Ballistic Yes 1 0
tintin Tintin au Tibet (Europe) 1995 Infogrames Yes 1 0
tintinp Tintin au Tibet (Europe, prototype) 1995 Infogrames Yes 1 0 tintin
ttacmeu Tiny Toon Adventures - Acme All-Stars (USA, Korea) 1994 Konami Yes 1 0 ttacme
ttoonbhtk Tiny Toon Adventures (Korea) 1993 Konami Yes 1 0 ttoonbht
tnnbass TNN Bass Tournament of Champions (USA) 1993 American Softworks Yes 1 0
tnnout TNN Outdoors Bass Tournament '96 (USA) 1996 American Softworks Yes 1 0
slimew Todd's Adventures in Slime World (USA) 1991 Renovation Yes 1 0
slimewj Slime World (Japan) 1992 Micro World Yes 1 0 slimew
toejam2 Toe Jam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron (Europe) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
toejam2j Toe Jam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron (Japan) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 toejam2
toejam2p Toe Jam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron (prototype) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 toejam2
toejam2p2 Toe Jam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron (prototype 19930911) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 toejam2
toki Toki - Going Ape Spit ~ JuJu Densetsu (World, rev. A) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0
toki1 Toki - Going Ape Spit ~ JuJu Densetsu (World) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0 toki
tomjerry Tom and Jerry - Frantic Antics (USA, 1993) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0
tomjerry1 Tom and Jerry - Frantic Antics (USA, 1994) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 tomjerry
larussa Tony La Russa Baseball (USA, Oceania) 1993 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
topgear2 Top Gear 2 (USA) 1994 Vic Tokai Yes 1 0
topgolf Top Pro Golf (Japan) 1992 Soft Vision Yes 1 0
topgolf2 Top Pro Golf 2 (Japan) 1993 Soft Vision International Yes 1 0 chichi
tourmaln Tourmaline 2021 RetroSouls Yes 1 0
toxicc Toxic Crusaders (USA) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0
toystoryu Toy Story (USA) 1996 Disney Interactive Yes 1 0 toystory
toystoryp Toy Story (USA, prototype) 1996 Disney Interactive Yes 1 0 toystory
toys Toys (USA) 1993 Absolute Entertainment Yes 1 0
trampter Trampoline Terror! (USA) 1990 Dreamworks Yes 1 0
traysia Traysia (USA) 1992 Renovation Yes 1 0
traysiap Traysia (USA, prototype 19920122) 1992 Renovation Yes 1 0 traysia
traysiaj Minato no Traysia (Japan) 1992 Riot Yes 1 0 traysia
tplay96 Triple Play '96 (USA) 1995 Electronic Arts Yes 1 1
tplaygld Triple Play Gold (USA) 1996 Electronic Arts Yes 1 1
tplayglda Triple Play Gold (USA, alt) 1995 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 tplaygld
troubsht Trouble Shooter (USA) 1991 Vic Tokai Yes 1 0
troubshtp Trouble Shooter (USA, prototype 19910912) 1991 Vic Tokai Yes 1 0 troubsht
btlmania Battle Mania (Japan) 1992 Vic Tokai Yes 1 0 troubsht
btlmaniap Battle Mania (Japan, prototype 19910528) 1992 Vic Tokai Yes 1 0 troubsht
troyaik Troy Aikman NFL Football (USA) 1994 Tradewest Yes 1 0
tunshi Tūnshí Tiāndì III (China, Simplified Chinese) 1997 <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
tunshi1 Tūnshí Tiāndì III (China) 199? SKOB Yes 1 0 tunshi
toutrunp Turbo Out Run (prototype, 19911209) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 toutrun
turrican Turrican (Europe, USA) 1991 Ballistic Yes 1 0
ktiger Kyuukyoku Tiger (Japan) 1991 Treco Yes 1 0 twincobr
twinklet Twinkle Tale (Japan) 1992 Toyo Records Yes 1 0
twocrudep Two Crude Dudes (prototype, 19911124) 1992 Data East Yes 1 0 twocrude
crudeb Crude Buster (Japan) 1992 Data East Yes 1 0 twocrude
umk3u Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (USA) 1996 Williams Yes 1 0 umk3
ultqix Ultimate Qix (USA) 1991 Taito Yes 1 0
volfied Volfied (Japan) 1991 Taito Yes 1 0 ultqix
ultracor Ultracore (Europe) 2019 Strictly Limited Games Yes 1 0
ultracorj Ultracore (Japan) 2019 Columbus Circle Yes 1 0 ultracor
ultracoru Ultracore (USA) 2019 Strictly Limited Games Yes 1 0 ultracor
ultracora Ultracore (Europe, USA) (Switch, PS Vita) 2020 Strictly Limited Games Yes 1 0 ultracor
ultraman Ultraman - Kuusou Tokusatsu Shiriizu (Japan) 1993 Ma-Ba Yes 1 0
unchartd Uncharted Waters (USA) 1992 Koei Yes 1 0
daikokai Daikoukai Jidai (Japan) 1992 Koei Yes 1 0 unchartd
newhoriz New Horizons (USA) 1994 Koei Yes 1 0
daikok2 Daikoukai Jidai II (Japan) 1994 Koei Yes 1 0 newhoriz
undead Undead Line (Japan) 1991 Palsoft Yes 1 0
univsold Universal Soldier (Europe, USA) 1992 Ballistic Yes 1 0
unnecess Unnecessary Roughness 95 (USA) 1994 Accolade Yes 1 0
uwol Uwol - Quest for Money (v1.2) 2010 The Mojon Twins Yes 1 0
uwol_10 Uwol - Quest for Money (v1.0) 2010 The Mojon Twins Yes 1 0 uwol
uwol_11 Uwol - Quest for Money (v1.1) 2010 The Mojon Twins Yes 1 0 uwol
uzukeo Uzu Keobukseon (Korea) 1992 Samsung Yes 1 0
valis Valis (USA) 1991 Renovation Yes 1 0
valisj Mugen Senshi Valis (Japan) 1991 Riot Yes 1 0 valis
valisp Valis (USA, prototype 19911025) 1991 Renovation Yes 1 0 valis
valis3 Valis III (USA) 1991 Renovation Yes 1 0
vaportr Vapor Trail (USA) 1991 Renovation Yes 1 0
vaportrp Vapor Trail (USA, prototype 19910526) 1991 Renovation Yes 1 0 vaportr
kuuga Kuuga - Operation Code "Vapor Trail" (Japan) 1991 Riot Yes 1 0 vaportr
vecmanp1 Vectorman (prototype) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 vecman
vecmanp2 Vectorman (prototype, alt) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 vecman
vecmanp3 Vectorman (prototype, 19950724) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 vecman
vecman2 Vectorman 2 (USA) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0
vecman2p1 Vectorman 2 (prototype) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0 vecman2
vecman2p6 Vectorman 2 (prototype, 19960815) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0 vecman2
vecman2p5 Vectorman 2 (prototype, 19960816) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0 vecman2
vecman2p4 Vectorman 2 (prototype, 19960819) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0 vecman2
vecman2p3 Vectorman 2 (prototype, 19960826) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0 vecman2
vecman2p2 Vectorman 2 (prototype, 19960827) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0 vecman2
verytex Verytex (Japan) 1991 Asmik Yes 1 0
viewpoin Viewpoint (USA) 1994 American Sammy Yes 1 0
viewpoinp Viewpoint (USA, prototype) 1994 American Sammy Yes 1 0 viewpoin
vf2p5 Virtua Fighter 2 - Genesis (prototype, 19960819) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0 vf2
vf2p4 Virtua Fighter 2 - Genesis (prototype, 19960830) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0 vf2
vf2p3 Virtua Fighter 2 - Genesis (prototype, 19960913) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0 vf2
vf2p2 Virtua Fighter 2 - Genesis (prototype, 19960920) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0 vf2
vf2p1 Virtua Fighter 2 - Genesis (prototype, 19960927) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0 vf2
vf2tek Virtua Fighter 2 vs Tekken 2 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
vbart Virtual Bart (World) 1994 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0
vixen357 Vixen 357 (Japan) 1992 NCS Yes 1 0
wackyrac Wacky Races (USA, prototype) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
wworlds Wacky Worlds (USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
wworldsp3 Wacky Worlds (prototype, 19940808) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wworlds
wworldsp2 Wacky Worlds (prototype, 19940817) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wworlds
wworldsp1 Wacky Worlds (prototype, 19940819) 1994 Sega No 1 0 wworlds
waniwani Wani Wani World (Japan) 1992 Kaneko Yes 1 0
wardner Wardner (USA) 1991 Mentrix Software Yes 1 0
wardnerj Wardner no Mori Special (Japan) 1991 Visco Yes 1 0 wardner
warlockp Warlock (USA, prototype) 1994 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0 warlock
warpsped Warpspeed (USA) 1993 Accolade Yes 1 0
warrior Warrior of Rome (USA) 1991 Micronet Yes 1 0
caesar Caesar no Yabou (Japan) 1991 Micronet Yes 1 0 warrior
warrior2 Warrior of Rome II (USA) 1992 Micronet Yes 1 0
caesar2 Caesar no Yabou II (Japan) 1992 Micronet Yes 1 0 warrior2
warsong Warsong (USA) 1991 Treco Yes 1 0
warsongp Warsong (USA, prototype 19911001) 1991 Treco Yes 1 0 warsong
waterwld WaterWorld (Europe, prototype) 1995? Ocean Yes 1 0
waynegp Wayne Gretzky and the NHLPA All-Stars (prototype 19950217) 1995 Time Warner Interactive Yes 1 1 wayneg
waynegp1 Wayne Gretzky and the NHLPA All-Stars (prototype) 1995 Time Warner Interactive Yes 1 0 wayneg
waynewld Wayne's World (USA) 1993 THQ Yes 1 0
weaponld Weaponlord (USA) 1995 Namco Yes 1 0
wheelfor Wheel of Fortune (USA) 1992 GameTek Yes 1 0
carmnwldb Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (Brazil) 199? Tec Toy Yes 1 0 carmnwld
carmntim Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (Europe, USA) 1992 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0
carmntimb Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (Brazil) 199? Tec Toy Yes 1 0 carmntim
whiprush Whip Rush (USA) 1990 Renovation Yes 1 0
whiprushp Whip Rush (USA, prototype 19900129) 1990 Renovation Yes 1 0 whiprush
whiprushj Whip Rush - Wakusei Voltegas no Nazo (Japan) 1990 Sega Yes 1 0 whiprush
wildsnak Wild Snake (USA, prototype) 1994 Bullet-Proof Software Yes 1 0
wimbledj Wimbledon Championship Tennis (Japan) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wimbled
wimbledu Wimbledon Championship Tennis (USA) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 wimbled
wimbledup Wimbledon Championship Tennis (USA, prototype) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 wimbled
wintchalp Winter Challenge (prototype) 1992 Ballistic Yes 1 0 wintchal
wintolj Winter Olympics (Japan) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wintol
wintolu Winter Olympic Games (USA) 1993 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0 wintol
wisdomtc Wisdom Tree Collection 2017 Piko Interactive Yes 1 0
wiznlizu Wiz'n'Liz (USA) 1993 Psygnosis Yes 1 0 wiznliz
wolfchld Wolfchild (USA) 1993 JVC Musical Industries Yes 1 0
wboy5 Wonder Boy V - Monster World III (Japan, Korea) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0 wboymw
wboy5p Wonder Boy V - Monster World III (Japan, prototype 19910725) 1991 Sega Partial 1 0 wboymw
turmamon Turma da Mônica na Terra dos Monstros (Brazil) 1994 Tec Toy Yes 1 0 wboymw
wondlib Wonder Library (Japan) 199? Victor No 1 0
wcs2u World Championship Soccer II (USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wcs2
wcs2p17 World Championship Soccer II (prototype, 19940223) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wcs2
wcs2p12 World Championship Soccer II (prototype, 19940309) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wcs2
wcs2p08 World Championship Soccer II (prototype, 19940323) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wcs2
wcs2p07 World Championship Soccer II (prototype, 19940324) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wcs2
wcs2p06 World Championship Soccer II (prototype, 19940325) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wcs2
wcs2p05 World Championship Soccer II (prototype, 19940326) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wcs2
wcs2p04 World Championship Soccer II (prototype, 19940327) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wcs2
wcs2p03 World Championship Soccer II (prototype, 19940329-B) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wcs2
wcs2p02 World Championship Soccer II (prototype, 19940329) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wcs2
wcs2p01 World Championship Soccer II (prototype, 19940330) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wcs2
wcs2p18 World Championship Soccer II (prototype G, 19940222) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wcs2
wcs2p16 World Championship Soccer II (prototype J, 19940228) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wcs2
wcs2p15 World Championship Soccer II (prototype N, 19940303) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wcs2
wcs2p14 World Championship Soccer II (prototype O, 19940303) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wcs2
wcs2p13 World Championship Soccer II (prototype P, 19940304) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wcs2
wcs2p11 World Championship Soccer II (prototype R, 19940309) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wcs2
wcs2p10 World Championship Soccer II (prototype U, 19940314) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wcs2
wcs2p09 World Championship Soccer II (prototype Y, 19940318) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wcs2
wcs2up World Championship Soccer II (USA, prototype) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wcs2
wcleadu World Class Leaderboard Golf (USA) 1992 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0 wclead
wcsa World Championship Soccer (USA, v1.2) ~ World Cup Soccer (Japan, v1.2) 1989 Sega Yes 1 0 wcup90
wh World Heroes (USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
whj World Heroes (Japan) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wh
whp02 World Heroes (USA, prototype, 19940331-B) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wh
whp01 World Heroes (USA, prototype, 19940331) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wh
whjp4 World Heroes (Japan, prototype, 19940408) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wh
whjp3 World Heroes (Japan, prototype, 19940415) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wh
whjp2 World Heroes (Japan, prototype, 19940420-B) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wh
whjp1 World Heroes (Japan, prototype, 19940420, broken - C05 missing) 1994 Sega No 1 0 wh
whjp5 World Heroes (Japan, prototype, 19940330) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wh
whp13 World Heroes (USA, prototype, 19940223) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wh
whp12 World Heroes (USA, prototype, 19940303) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wh
whp11 World Heroes (USA, prototype, 19940307) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wh
whp10 World Heroes (USA, prototype, 19940309) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wh
whp09 World Heroes (USA, prototype, 19940315) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wh
whp08 World Heroes (USA, prototype, 19940316) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wh
whp07 World Heroes (USA, prototype, 19940318) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wh
whp06 World Heroes (USA, prototype, 19940322, broken - C07 missing) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wh
whp05 World Heroes (USA, prototype, 19940323) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wh
whp04 World Heroes (USA, prototype, 19940324) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wh
whp03 World Heroes (USA, prototype, 19940330) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wh
worldilljp World of Illusion - Fushigi na Magic Box (Japan, prototype) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 worldill
worldillu World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck (USA, Korea) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 worldill
worldillp World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck (prototype) 1992 Sega Yes 1 0 worldill
wsb95 World Series Baseball '95 (USA) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0
wsb95p23 World Series Baseball '95 (USA, prototype, 19941208) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wsb95
wsb95p22 World Series Baseball '95 (USA, prototype, 19941214) 1994 Sega No 1 0 wsb95
wsb95p21 World Series Baseball '95 (USA, prototype, 19941228-SB) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wsb95
wsb95p09 World Series Baseball '95 (USA, prototype, 19950202) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 wsb95
wsb95p08 World Series Baseball '95 (USA, prototype, 19950203) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 wsb95
wsb95p07 World Series Baseball '95 (USA, prototype, 19950207) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 wsb95
wsb95p06 World Series Baseball '95 (USA, prototype, 19950209-B) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 wsb95
wsb95p05 World Series Baseball '95 (USA, prototype, 19950209) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 wsb95
wsb95p04 World Series Baseball '95 (USA, prototype, 19950211) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 wsb95
wsb95p03 World Series Baseball '95 (USA, prototype, 19950212) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 wsb95
wsb95p02 World Series Baseball '95 (USA, prototype, 19950213) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 wsb95
wsb95p01 World Series Baseball '95 (USA, prototype, 19950214) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 wsb95
wsb95p20 World Series Baseball '95 (USA, prototype, 19950101-TST) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 wsb95
wsb95p19 World Series Baseball '95 (USA, prototype, 19950103-TST) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 wsb95
wsb95p18 World Series Baseball '95 (USA, prototype, 19950105) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 wsb95
wsb95p17 World Series Baseball '95 (USA, prototype, 19950109-TST) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 wsb95
wsb95p16 World Series Baseball '95 (USA, prototype, 19950110) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 wsb95
wsb95p15 World Series Baseball '95 (USA, prototype, 19950114-RM) 1995 Sega No 1 0 wsb95
wsb95p14 World Series Baseball '95 (USA, prototype, 19950116) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 wsb95
wsb95p13 World Series Baseball '95 (USA, prototype, 19950118-RM) 1995 Sega No 1 0 wsb95
wsb95p12 World Series Baseball '95 (USA, prototype, 19950120) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 wsb95
wsb95p11 World Series Baseball '95 (USA, prototype, 19950125) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 wsb95
wsb95p10 World Series Baseball '95 (USA, prototype, 19950130) 1995 Sega Yes 1 0 wsb95
wsb96 World Series Baseball '96 (USA) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0
wsb World Series Baseball (USA) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
wsbp09 World Series Baseball (USA, prototype, 19931222) 1993 Sega No 1 0 wsb
wsbp08 World Series Baseball (USA, prototype, 19931226) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 wsb
wsbp07 World Series Baseball (USA, prototype, 19931229) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 wsb
wsbp03 World Series Baseball (USA, prototype, 19940218) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wsb
wsbp06 World Series Baseball (USA, prototype, 19940103) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wsb
wsbp05 World Series Baseball (USA, prototype, 19940106) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wsb
wsbp04 World Series Baseball (USA, prototype, 19940116) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wsb
wsbp02 World Series Baseball (USA, prototype, 19940304) 1994 Sega No 1 0 wsb
wsbp01 World Series Baseball (USA, prototype, 19940527) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 wsb
wsbp10 World Series Baseball (USA, prototype, 19931001) 1993 Sega No 1 0 wsb
worms Worms (Europe) 1995 Ocean Yes 1 0
wormsp Worms (Europe, prototype) 1995 Ocean Yes 1 0 worms
wrestwarp Wrestle War (Japan, prototype) 1991 Sega Yes 1 0 wrestwar
wukong Legend of Wukong (Europe, USA) 2008 Super Fighter Team Yes 1 0
wukongc Wùkōng Wàizhuàn (China) 1996 Ming Yes 1 0 wukong
wukongc1 Wùkōng Wàizhuàn (China, unprotected) 1996 Ming Yes 1 0 wukong
wwfag WWF WrestleMania - The Arcade Game (Europe, USA) 1995 Acclaim Entertainment Yes 1 0
wwfagp WWF WrestleMania - The Arcade Game (USA, prototype) 1995 Acclaim Entertainment No 1 0 wwfag
xmenu X-Men (USA) 1993 Sega Yes 1 0 xmen
xmen2p12 X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (prototype, 19941202) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 xmen2
xmen2p11 X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (prototype, 19941203) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 xmen2
xmen2p10 X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (prototype, 19941206) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 xmen2
xmen2p09 X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (prototype, 19941207) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 xmen2
xmen2p08 X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (prototype, 19941208) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 xmen2
xmen2p07 X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (prototype, 19941209) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 xmen2
xmen2p06 X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (prototype, 19941210) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 xmen2
xmen2p05 X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (prototype, 19941211-A) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 xmen2
xmen2p04 X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (prototype, 19941211) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 xmen2
xmen2p03 X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (prototype, 19941214) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 xmen2
xmen2p02 X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (prototype, 19941215) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 xmen2
xmen2p01 X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (prototype, 19941216) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 xmen2
xmen2p19 X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (prototype, 19940506) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 xmen2
xmen2p18 X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (prototype, 19940510) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 xmen2
xmen2p16 X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (prototype, 19941117) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 xmen2
xmen2p15 X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (prototype, 19941123) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 xmen2
xmen2p14 X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (prototype, 19941128) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 xmen2
xmen2p13 X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (prototype, 19941130) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 xmen2
xmen2p17 X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (prototype, 19941018) 1994 Sega No 1 0 xmen2
xperts X-perts (USA) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0
xpertsp X-perts (prototype) 1996 Sega Yes 1 0 xperts
xdr XDR - X Dazedly Ray (Japan) 1990 Unipac Yes 1 0
xiaomo Xiǎo Mónǚ - Magic Girl (Taiwan) 1993 Gamtec Yes 1 0
beggarp1 Beggar Prince (rev 1) (Europe, USA) 2006 Super Fighter Team Yes 1 0
beggarp Beggar Prince (Europe, USA) 2005 Super Fighter Team Partial 1 0 beggarp1
xinqig Xīn Qǐgài Wángzǐ (China) 1996 C&E Yes 1 0 beggarp1
xinqig1 Xīn Qǐgài Wángzǐ (China, alt) 1996 C&E Yes 1 0 beggarp1
yasech Yàsè Chuánshuō (China) 1995 Ming Yes 1 0
yangji Yīmén Yīngliè - Yángjiā Jiāng (China) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
yangfam Clan of Heroes - Generals of the Yang Family 2017 Piko Interactive Yes 1 0 yangji
yazzie Yazzie 2020 RetroSouls Yes 1 0
youngind The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (USA, prototype) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
ys3 Ys III (USA) 1991 Renovation Yes 1 0
ys3p Ys III (USA, prototype 19910828) 1991 Renovation Yes 1 0 ys3
ys3j Ys - Wanderers from Ys (Japan) 1991 Reno Yes 1 0 ys3
yuyumt Yu Yu Hakusho - Makyou Toitsusen (Japan) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0 yuyusf
yuyusf Yu Yu Hakusho - Sunset Fighters (Brazil) 199? Tec Toy Yes 1 0
yuyug Yu Yu Hakusho Gaiden (Japan) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
zanyasha Zan Yasha Enbukyoku (Japan) 1991 Wolf Team Yes 1 0
zanygolf1 Zany Golf (Europe, USA) 1990 Electronic Arts Yes 1 0 zanygolf
zero Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel (Europe) 1994 SunSoft Yes 1 0
zerou Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel (USA) 1994 SunSoft Yes 1 0 zero
zhuogu Zhuā Guǐ Dàshī - Ghost Hunter (Taiwan) 1994 Senchi Technology No 1 0
zombhigh Zombie High (USA, prototype) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
zombiesu Zombies Ate My Neighbors (USA) 1994 Konami Yes 1 0 zombies
zoolu Zool (USA) 1993 GameTek Yes 1 0 zool
zoop Zoop (Europe) 1995 Viacom New Media Yes 1 0
zoopp Zoop (prototype) 1995 Viacom New Media Yes 1 0 zoop
zoopu Zoop (USA) 1995 Viacom New Media Yes 1 0 zoop
abbaye L'Abbaye des Morts 2017 PlayOnRetro Yes 1 0
ohmummy Oh Mummy (Spain) 2013 1985 Alternativo Yes 1 0
flux Flux (Europe) 1995 Virgin Interactive No 1 0
fluxp Flux (Europe, prototype 19950425) 1995 Virgin Interactive No 1 0 flux
meganser Mega Anser (Japan) 1989 <unknown> No 1 0
meganet MegaNet (Brazil) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
segachnl Sega Channel (Scientific Atlanta) (USA) 1994 Scientific Atlanta No 1 0
segachnla Sega Channel (General Instrument) (USA) 1994 Scientific Atlanta No 1 0 segachnl
segachd Sega Channel Demo (USA) 1994 Scientific Atlanta Yes 1 0
segachnj Sega Channel (Japan, v2.11) 1994 Sega No 1 0
segachnjo Sega Channel (Japan, v2.11 older) 1994 Sega No 1 0 segachnj
12in1 12 in 1 (incomplete dump) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
4in1 4 in 1 (pirate) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
bugslife A Bug's Life 2000 <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
bugslifea A Bug's Life (alt?) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 bugslife
chinf3 Tenchi wo Kurau III - Sanguo Wai Chuan - Chinese Fighter (China) 199? <unlicensed> No 1 0
earthdef The Earth Defense (USA) 1995 Realtec Yes 1 0
funnywld Funny World & Balloon Boy (USA) 1993 Realtec Yes 1 0
golden10 Golden 10 in 1 (Incomplete Dump) 199? <unlicensed> Partial 1 1
mulan Hua Mu Lan - Mulan (China) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
huanle Huānlè Táoqì Shǔ - Smart Mouse (Taiwan) 199? Ming Yes 1 0
kof98 K.O.F 98' 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
kof99 The King of Fighters '99 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
kof99a The King of Fighters '99 (alt) 199? <unlicensed> Partial 1 0 kof99
supmagic Líng Huàn Dàoshi - Super Magician (China) 199? Ming Yes 1 0
lionkin2 Shi Zi Wang II - Lion King II 1996 <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
lionkin3 Lion King 3 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
majianqr Jī Májiàng - Zhī Májiàng Qíngrén (China) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
majianqra Jī Májiàng - Zhī Májiàng Qíngrén (China, alt) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 majianqr
pokestad Pokemon Stadium 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
rockmnx3 Rockman X3 (Taiwan) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
soulblad Soul Blade 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
soulblada Soul Blade (alt) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 soulblad
squirrel Squirrel King (Taiwan) 1995 Gamtec Yes 1 0
s15in1 Super 15 in 1 (pirate) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
s19in1 Super 19 in 1 (pirate) 199? <unknown> Partial 1 1
suprbubl Super Bubble Bobble MD (Taiwan?) 1995 <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
sdkong99 Super Donkey Kong 99 (protected) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
skkong99 Super King Kong 99 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 sdkong99
mhpoker Dǔ Shén Zhī Mènghuàn Pūkè (Taiwan) 1995 Creaton Softech Yes 1 0
smario2 Super Mario 2 1998 1998 <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
smb Super Mario World ~ Super Mario Bros. (pirate) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
smw64 Super Mario World 64 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
redcliff Sānguó Yǎnyì - Huǒshāo Chìbì (Taiwan) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
redcliffa Sānguó Yǎnyì - Huǒshāo Chìbì (Taiwan, hacked out protection?) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 redcliff
ttoon3 Tiny Toon Adventures 3 (Taiwan) 199? Gamtec? Yes 1 0
tbolt2 Lei Dian II - Thunderbolt II (Taiwan) 1995 Sun Green Yes 1 0
topfight Top Fighter 2000 MK VIII 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
topf2k5 Top Fighter 2005 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
whacacri Whac-a-Critter (USA) 1993 Realtec Partial 1 0
tomclown Tom Clown (USA) 1993 Realtec Yes 1 0
suppoker Chāojí Pūkè (Taiwan) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
cjmjclub Chāojí Májiàng Club (Taiwan) 1995 Creaton Softech Yes 1 0
chinf3a Tenchi wo Kurau III - Sanguo Wai Chuan - Chinese Fighter (China, unprotected?) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 chinf3
kof98a K.O.F 98' (unprotected?) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 kof98
lionkin2a Shi Zi Wang II - Lion King II (pirate, hacked?) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 lionkin2
sdkong99a Super Donkey Kong 99 (unprotected) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 sdkong99
bomboy Bomboy (Taiwan) 1993 Gamtec Yes 1 0
jujimj2 Ju Ji Ma Jiang II 199? Sun Green Yes 1 0
truco96 Truco '96 (Argentina, unprotected) 1996 Miky Yes 1 0
truco96a Truco '96 (Argentina, protected) 1996 Miky No 1 0 truco96
tc2000 TC 2000 (Argentina, unprotected) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
tc2000a TC 2000 (Argentina, protected) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 tc2000
ultsoccrp Ultimate Soccer (Europe, prototype) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 ultsoccr
kof2k K.O.F 2000 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 kof98
lionkin3a Lion King 3 (alt?) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 lionkin3
lionkin3b Lion King 3 (alt 2?) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 lionkin3
mbubble Magic Bubble 1993 C&E Yes 1 0
mbubblea Magic Bubble (alt) 1993 C&E Yes 1 0 mbubble
magist16 Magistr 16 (Russia) 199? <unknown> No 1 0
sonicjamh Sonic Jam 6 (hacked?) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 sonicjam
souledge Soul Edge vs Samurai Spirits (pirate) 199? <unlicensed> No 1 0
souledgea Soul Edge vs Samurai Spirits (pirate, cracked) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 souledge
tankwar Super Tank War (Taiwan) 199? Gamtec Yes 1 0
dynoblaz Dyno Blaze (early prototype) 1995? Virgin Interactive Yes 1 0
asscreed Assassins Creed (Russia) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 dlair
avatar Avatar (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 jimpower
ben10 Ben 10 (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
biohaz3s Biohazard 3 - SARS war (pirate) 200? Glorysun Yes 1 0 bodyco
bomber Bomber 2005 TecToy Yes 1 0
chess Chess (Russia) 1998 BSComp Yes 1 0
chessa Chess (Russia, alt) 1998 BSComp Yes 1 0 chess
chessb Chess (Russia, v1.05) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 chess
chipndal Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
chipndl2 Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2 (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
cnc Command & Conquer (prototype) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
commands Commandos (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
cstrike Counter Strike (Russia) 199? Glorysun Yes 1 0 lethalen
crash Crash Bandicoot (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 zero
darkwing Darkwing Duck (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
deathcal Death Caliber (Russia) 2002 Glorysun Yes 1 0
deerhunt Deer Hunter (Russia) 199? Tomsoft Yes 1 0
diablo Diablo (Russia) 2010? <unknown> Yes 1 0 fatallab
domino Domino (Russia) 2000 <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
dbfb Dragon Ball Final Bout (China?) 1998 <unknown> Yes 1 0
felix Felix the Cat (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
fifa2k2 FIFA World Cup 2002 (Russia) 199? Glorysun Yes 1 0 wcs2
fifa2k3 FIFA 2003 (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 fifa95
fifa2k5 FIFA 2005 (pirate) 199? Glorysun Yes 1 0 fifa98
fifa2k6 FIFA World Cup - Germany 2006 (pirate) 199? Glorysun Yes 1 0 fifa98
fifa2k10 FIFA World Cup - South Africa 2010 (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 fifa
nemo Finding Nemo (Russia) 199? Glorysun Yes 1 0 jpond
fastfur5 Forsazh 5 Bystraya ~ Fast and the Furious 5 Quick (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 combatca
gt5 Gran Turismo 5 (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 funcar
hpotter Harry Potter (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
hpotter2 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 mickmack
herculs2 Hercules 2 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
iceage Ice Age (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 awepossm
iceage3 Ice Age 3 (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 chuckrck
iceage4 Ice Age 4 (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 chuckrck
incredib The Incredibles (Russia) 199? Glorysun Yes 1 0 tick
indyrus Indiana Jones - Koridory Vremeni (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 rickdang
iraqwar Iraq War 2003 199? Tomsoft Yes 1 0
iraqwara Iraq War 2003 (alt) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 iraqwar
kolobok Kolobok ~ Pyramid (Russia) 201? <unknown> Yes 1 0 uwol
kfpanda2 Kung Fu Panda 2 (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 brutal
kuzyamd Kuzya - V Mire Dinozavrov (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 chukrck2
kuzyaeo Kuzya - Ekologiya V Opasnosti (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 chukrck2
legobatm LEGO Batman (Russia) 2014 KDS Yes 1 0
lotr Lord of the Rings (Russia, hack of Stormlord) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 strmlord
lotrgs Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King (Russia) 199? Glorysun Yes 1 0
madagopp Madagascar - Operatsiya Pingvin (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 magichat
madagsc3 Madagascar 3 (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 dinotale
mafia Mafia (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 dicktr
mario3 Mario 3 - Vokrug Sveta (Russia) 199? KDS Partial 1 0
mario3d Mario 3 - Vokrug Sveta (Russia, demo?) 199? KDS Partial 1 0 mario3
mario4 Mario 4 - Kosmicheskaya Odissyeya (Russia) 199? KDS No 1 0
mgs Metal Gear Solid (Russia) 199? Glorysun Yes 1 0 crkdown
mmprfe Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Fighting Edition (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
monstinc Monsters, Inc. (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 decapatt
narnia3 Narnia 3 (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 galahad
naruto Naruto (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 3ninja
nba2k NBA 2000 (Russia) 200? Glorysun Yes 1 1 nbaact95
nba2k5 NBA 2005 (Russia) 200? Glorysun Yes 1 1 nbaact95
nfsu Need for Speed Undercover (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 toutrun
nhlpa2k3 NHLPA 2003 (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 nhl98
pcarib Pirates of the Caribbean (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 unchartd
pcarib2 Piraty Karibskogo Morya - Na Strannyh Beregah ~ Pirates of the Caribbean - On Stranger Tides (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
plantzom Plants Vs Zombies (Russia) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
pokecda Pokemon Crazy Drummer (alt) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 pokecd
prman2k5 Premier Manager - English Premier League 2005 (pirate) 200? Glorysun Yes 1 0 prmanger
rhl2k7 RHL 2007 (Russia) 199? NewGame Yes 1 0 nhlpa93
rickdang Rick Dangerous 2011 Pascal-O-Rama Yes 1 0
samspir2 Shin Samurai Spirits Haohmaru Jigokuhen (Taiwan) 1998 <unknown> Yes 1 0
shrek Shrek (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 yogibear
shrek2 Shrek 2 (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 ottifant
opensea Sezon Ohoty (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 rolo
opensea3 Sezon Ohoty 3 (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 rolo
snezkoro Snezhnaya Koroleva (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 mickmack
spongbob SpongeBob SquarePants (Russia) 2012? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 coolspot
spykids4 Spy Kids 4 - All The Time In The World (Russia) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 dinotale
starwars Star Wars (Russia) 199? Glorysun Yes 1 0 elimdown
starjedi Star Wars Jedi (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 wolfchld
sf3 Street Fighter III 18 Person 200? Glorysun Yes 1 0 sf2
smbbc Super Mario Bros. + Battle City (Russia) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
srobowrs Super Robot Wars (Russia) 199? Glorysun Yes 1 0 trgearth
t3ag T3 - The Arcade Game (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 t2ag
cars Tachki (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 sskid
cars2 Tachki 2 (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 cproam
tank2011 Tanki 2011 (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
tmntru Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Vozvrashchenie Legendy (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0
transf3 Transformers 3 (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 mazinwar
wario3 Wario Land 3 (Russia) 199? Glorysun Yes 1 0 puggsy
wotanks World of Tanks (Russia) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0
winx Winx - Shkola Volshyebnits (Russia) 199? <unlicensed> Yes 1 0 valis
winx3d Winx 3D Volshebnoe Priklyuchenie (Russia) 199? <unknown> Yes 1 0 valis3
ar Action Replay (Europe) 1991 Datel No 1 0
ggenie Game Genie (Europe, USA, rev. A) 1992 Codemasters Yes 1 0
ggenie1 Game Genie (Europe, USA) 199? Codemasters Yes 1 0 ggenie
par Pro Action Replay (Europe) 1992 Datel No 1 0
pvar Pro Version Action Replay (Europe) 1992 Datel No 1 0
par2 Pro Action Replay 2 (Europe) 1994 Datel No 1 0
par2a Pro Action Replay 2 (Europe, alt) 1994 Datel No 1 0 par2
vr Virtua Racing (Europe) 1994 Sega Yes 1 0
vrj Virtua Racing (Japan) 1994 Sega Partial 1 0 vr
vru Virtua Racing (USA) 1994 Sega Partial 1 0 vr
gems GEMS v2.8 199? <unknown> No 1 0
sndtool Sound Tool v2.2? 1991 <unknown> No 1 0
arttool Art Tool 199? <unknown> No 1 0
tetris1 Tetris (bad?) 199? <unknown> No 1 1
virak Voina Irak (bad?) 199? <unknown> No 1 1
smario2a Super Mario 2 (bad?) 199? <unlicensed> No 1 1 smario2
rockmnx3b Rockman X3 (bad? hacked?) 199? <unlicensed> No 1 1 rockmnx3
sonicjamb Sonic Jam 6 (bad?) 199? <unlicensed> No 1 0 sonicjam
d_titovr Overdrive (demo) (Europe) 2013 Titan No 1 0
d_titov2 Overdrive 2 (demo) (Europe) 2017 Titan No 1 0