MSX1 cassettes

Short name: msx1_cass
Total: 1313
Supported: 1285 (97.9%)
Partially supported: 2 (0.2%)
Unsupported: 26 (2.0%)


Short name
ax150 AX-150 (MSX1, Arabic) 1986 Sakhr original
ax170 AX-170 (MSX1, Arabic) 1986 Sakhr original
ax200 AX-200 (MSX1, Arabic/English) 1986 Sakhr original
ax200m AX-200M (MSX1, Arabic/English) 1986 Sakhr original
ax230 AX-230 (MSX1, Arabic) 1986 Sakhr original
ax350 AX-350 (MSX2, Arabic) 1987 Sakhr compatible
ax350ii AX-350 II (MSX2, Arabic) 1987 Sakhr compatible
ax350iif AX-350 II F (MSX2, Arabic) 1987 Sakhr compatible
ax370 AX-370 (MSX2, Arabic) 1988 Sakhr compatible
ax500 AX-500 (MSX2, Arabic) 1987 Sakhr compatible
bruc100 Bruc 100-1 (MSX1, Italy) 1987 Frael original
bruc100a Bruc 100-2 (MSX1, Italy) 1988 Frael original
canonv10 V-10 (MSX1, Japan) 1984 Canon original
canonv20 V-20 (MSX1, Japan) 1984 Canon original
canonv20e V-20E (MSX1, UK) 1985 Canon original
canonv20f V-20F (MSX1, France) 1985 Canon original
canonv20g V-20G (MSX1, Germany) 198? Canon original
canonv20s V-20S (MSX1, Spain) 198? Canon original
canonv25 V-25 (MSX2, Japan) 1985 Canon compatible
canonv30f V-30F (MSX2, Japan) 1985 Canon compatible
canonv8 V-8 (MSX1, Japan) 1985 Canon original
cf1200 CF-1200 (MSX1, Japan) 1985 National original
cf2000 CF-2000 (MSX1, Japan) 1983 National original
cf2700 CF-2700 (MSX1, Japan) 1984 National original
cf2700g CF-2700 (MSX1, Germany) 1985 Panasonic original
cf2700uk CF-2700 (MSX1, UK) 1985 Panasonic original
cf3000 CF-3000 (MSX1, Japan) 1984 National original
cf3300 CF-3300 (MSX1, Japan) 1985 National original
cpc300 IQ-2000 CPC-300 (MSX2, Korea) 1986 Daewoo compatible
cpc300e IQ-2000 CPC-300E (MSX2, Korea) 1987 Daewoo compatible
cpc330k CPC-330K KOBO (MSX2, Korea) 1988 Daewoo compatible
cpc400 X-II CPC-400 (MSX2, Korea) 1987 Daewoo compatible
cpc400s X-II CPC-400S (MSX2, Korea) 1988 Daewoo compatible
cpc88 CPC-88 (MSX1, Korea) 1984 Daewoo original
cpg120 Zemmix CPG-120 Normal (MSX2, Korea) 1991 Daewoo compatible
cx5f CX5F w/SFG05 (MSX1, Japan) 1984 Yamaha original
cx5f1 CX5F w/SFG01 (MSX1, Japan) 1984 Yamaha original
cx5m128 CX5M-128 (MSX1) 1984 Yamaha original
cx5miib CX5MIIB (MSX1, Italy) 1984 Yamaha original
cx5mu CX5MU (MSX1, USA) 1984 Yamaha original
cx7128 CX7/128 (MSX2, Japan) 1985 Yamaha compatible
cx7m128 CX7M/128 (MSX2, Japan) 1985 Yamaha compatible
dgnmsx Dragon MSX-64 (MSX1, Spain) 1985 Eurohard S.A. original
dpc100 IQ-1000 DPC-100 (MSX1, Korea) 1984 Daewoo original
dpc180 IQ-1000 DPC-180 (MSX1, Korea) 1984 Daewoo original
dpc200 IQ-1000 DPC-200 (MSX1, Korea) 1984 Daewoo original
dpc200e DPC-200E (MSX1, French) 1985 Daewoo original
expert10 Expert XP-800 (1.0) (MSX1, Brazil) 1985 Gradiente original
expert11 Expert XP-800 (1.1) / Expert GPC-1 (MSX1, Brazil) 198? Gradiente original
expert13 Expert 1.3 (MSX1, Brazil) 198? Gradiente original
expert20 Expert 2.0 (MSX2, Brazil) 1986 Gradiente compatible
expert3i Expert 3 IDE (MSX2+, Brazil) 19?? Ciel compatible
expert3t Expert 3 Turbo (MSX2+, Brazil) 1996 Ciel compatible
expertac Expert AC88+ (MSX2+, Brazil) 19?? Gradiente compatible
expertdp Expert DDPlus (MSX1, Brazil) 1989 Gradiente original
expertdx Expert DDX+ (MSX2+, Brazil) 19?? Gradiente compatible
expertpl Expert Plus (MSX1, Brazil) 1989 Gradiente original
fdpc200 DPC-200 (MSX1, Italy) 1985 Fenner original
fmx FM-X (MSX1, Japan) 1983 Fujitsu original
fpc500 FPC-500 (MSX1, Italy) 1985 Fenner original
fpc900 FPC-900 (MSX2, Italy) 1986 Fenner compatible
fs1300 FS-1300 (MSX1, Japan) 1985 National original
fs4000 FS-4000 (MSX1, Japan) 1985 National original
fs4000a FS-4000 (alt) (MSX1, Japan) 1985 National original
fs4500 FS-4500 (MSX2, Japan) 1986 National compatible
fs4600f FS-4600F (MSX2, Japan) 1986 National compatible
fs4700f FS-4700F (MSX2, Japan) 1986 National compatible
fs5000f2 FS-5000F2 (MSX2, Japan) 1986 National compatible
fs5500f1 FS-5500F1 (MSX2, Japan) 1985 National compatible
fs5500f2 FS-5500F2 (MSX2, Japan) 1985 National compatible
fsa1 FS-A1 / 1st released version (MSX2, Japan) 1986 Panasonic compatible
fsa1a FS-A1 / 2nd released version (MSX2, Japan) 1986 Panasonic compatible
fsa1f FS-A1F (MSX2, Japan) 1987 Panasonic compatible
fsa1fm FS-A1FM (MSX2, Japan) 1988 Panasonic compatible
fsa1fx FS-A1FX (MSX2+, Japan) 1988 Panasonic compatible
fsa1mk2 FS-A1MK2 (MSX2, Japan) 1987 Panasonic compatible
fsa1wsx FS-A1WSX (MSX2+, Japan) 1989 Panasonic compatible
fsa1wx FS-A1WX / 1st released version (MSX2+, Japan) 1988 Panasonic compatible
fsa1wxa FS-A1WX / 2nd released version (MSX2+, Japan) 1988 Panasonic compatible
fspc800 SPC-800 (MSX1, Italy) 1984 Fenner original
fstm1 FS-TM1 (MSX2, Italy) 1986 Toshiba compatible
gfc1080 GFC-1080 (MSX1, Korea) 1985 Goldstar original
gfc1080a GFC-1080A (MSX1, Korea) 1985 Goldstar original
gsfc200 FC-200 (MSX1, Europe) 1984 Goldstar original
gsfc80u FC-80U (MSX1, Korea) 1984 Goldstar original
hb10 HB-10 (MSX1, Japan) 1985 Sony original
hb101 HB-101 (MSX1, Japan) 1984 Sony original
hb101p HB-101P (MSX1, Europe) 1984 Sony original
hb10p HB-10P (MSX1, Netherlands) 1986 Sony original
hb201 HB-201 (MSX1, Japan) 1985 Sony original
hb201p HB-201P (MSX1, Europe) 1985 Sony original
hb20p HB-20P (MSX1, Spain) 1986 Sony original
hb501p HB-501P (MSX1, Europe) 1984 Sony original
hb55 HB-55 (MSX1, Japan) 1983 Sony original
hb55d HB-55D (MSX1, Germany) 1984 Sony original
hb55p HB-55P (MSX1, Europe) 1984 Sony original
hb701fd HB-701FD (MSX1, Japan) 1984 Sony original
hb75 HB-75 (MSX1, Japan) 1984 Sony original
hb75d HB-75D (MSX1, Germany) 1984 Sony original
hb75p HB-75P (MSX1, Europe) 1984 Sony original
hb8000 HB-8000 Hotbit (MSX1, Brazil) 1985 Sharp / Epcom original
hbf1 HB-F1 (MSX2, Japan) 1986 Sony compatible
hbf1ii HB-F1II (MSX2, Japan) 1987 Sony compatible
hbf1xd HB-F1XD (MSX2, Japan) 1987 Sony compatible
hbf1xdj HB-F1XDJ (MSX2+, Japan) 1988 Sony compatible
hbf1xv HB-F1XV (MSX2+, Japan) 1989 Sony compatible
hbf5 HB-F5 (MSX2, Japan) 1985 Sony compatible
hbf500 HB-F500 (MSX2, Japan) 1986 Sony compatible
hbf500_2 HB-F500 2nd version (MSX2, Japan) 1986 Sony compatible
hbf500f HB-F500F (MSX2, France) 1986 Sony compatible
hbf500p HB-F500P (MSX2, Europe) 1986 Sony compatible
hbf700d HB-F700D (MSX2, Germany) 1986 Sony compatible
hbf700f HB-F700F (MSX2, France) 1986 Sony compatible
hbf700p HB-F700P (MSX2, Europe) 1986 Sony compatible
hbf700s HB-F700S (MSX2, Spain) 1986 Sony compatible
hbf900 HB-F900 (MSX2, Japan) 1986 Sony compatible
hbf900a HB-F900 (alt) (MSX2, Japan) 1986 Sony compatible
hbf9p HB-F9P (MSX2, Europe) 1986 Sony compatible
hbf9pr HB-F9P (MSX2, Russian, prototype) 19?? Sony compatible
hbf9s HB-F9S (MSX2, Spain) 1986 Sony compatible
hbg900ap HB-G900AP (MSX2, Europe) 1987 Sony compatible
hbg900p HB-G900P (MSX2, Europe) 1986 Sony compatible
hc5 HC-5 (MSX1, Japan) 1983 Victor original
hc6 HC-6 (MSX1, Japan) 1984 Victor original
hc7 HC-7 (MSX1, Japan) 1985 Victor original
hotbi13b HB-8000 Hotbit 1.3b (MSX1, Brazil) 198? Sharp / Epcom original
hotbi13p HB-8000 Hotbit 1.3p (MSX1, Brazil) 198? Sharp / Epcom original
hotbit20 HB-8000 Hotbit 2.0 (MSX2) 1986 Sharp / Epcom compatible
hx10 HX-10AA (MSX1, Europe) 1984 Toshiba original
hx10d HX-10D (MSX1, Japan) 1983 Toshiba original
hx10dp HX-10DP (MSX1, Japan) 1984 Toshiba original
hx10e HX-10E (MSX1, Spain) 1984 Toshiba original
hx10f HX-10F (MSX1, France) 1984 Toshiba original
hx10s HX-10S (MSX1, Japan) 1983 Toshiba original
hx10sa HX-10SA (MSX1, Japan) 1984 Toshiba original
hx20 HX-20 (MSX1, Japan) 1984 Toshiba original
hx20e HX-20E (MSX1, Spain) 1985 Toshiba original
hx20i HX-20I (MSX1, Italy) 1985 Toshiba original
hx21 HX-21 (MSX1, Japan) 1984 Toshiba original
hx21f HX-21F (MSX1, France) 1985 Toshiba original
hx22 HX-22 (MSX1, Japan) 1984 Toshiba original
hx22i HX-22I (MSX1, Italy) 1985 Toshiba original
hx23 HX-23 (MSX2, Japan) 1985 Toshiba compatible
hx23f HX-23F (MSX2, Japan) 1985 Toshiba compatible
hx32 HX-32 (MSX1, Japan) 1985 Toshiba original
hx33 HX-33 w/HX-R702 (MSX2, Japan) 1985 Toshiba compatible
hx34 HX-34 w/HX-R703 (MSX2, Japan) 1985 Toshiba compatible
hx51i HX-51I (MSX1, Italy, Spain) 1985 Toshiba original
jvchc7gb HC-7E / HC-7GB (MSX1, Europe) 1985 JVC original
kmc5000 KMC-5000 (MSX2, Japan) 1987 Kawai compatible
mbh1 MB-H1 (MSX1, Japan) 1983 Hitachi original
mbh1e MB-H1E (MSX1, Japan) 1984 Hitachi original
mbh2 MB-H2 (MSX1, Japan) 1984 Hitachi original
mbh25 MB-H25 (MSX1, Japan) 1988 Hitachi original
mbh3 MB-H3 (MSX2, Japan) 1985 Hitachi compatible
mbh50 MB-H50 (MSX1, Japan) 1986 Hitachi original
mbh70 MB-H70 (MSX2, Japan) 1986 Hitachi compatible
ml8000 ML-8000 (MSX1, Japan) 1983 Mitsubishi original
mlf110 ML-F110 (MSX1, Japan) 1984 Mitsubishi original
mlf120 ML-F120 (MSX1, Japan) 1984 Mitsubishi original
mlf48 ML-F48 (MSX1, UK) 1984 Mitsubishi original
mlf80 ML-F80 (MSX1, UK) 1984 Mitsubishi original
mlfx1 ML-FX1 (MSX1, Spain) 1986 Mitsubishi original
mlg1 ML-G1 (MSX2, Spain) 1986 Mitsubishi compatible
mlg10 ML-G10 (MSX2, Japan) 1985 Mitsubishi compatible
mlg3 ML-G3 (MSX2, Spain) 1986 Mitsubishi compatible
mlg30 ML-G30 Model 1 (MSX2, Japan) 1985 Mitsubishi compatible
mlg30_2 ML-G30 Model 2 (MSX2, Japan) 1985 Mitsubishi compatible
mpc10 MPC-10 / Wavy10 (MSX1, Japan) 1983 Sanyo original
mpc100 MPC-100 (MSX1, UK) 1985 Sanyo original
mpc200 MPC-200 (MSX1, UK) 1985 Sanyo original
mpc200sp MPC-200SP (MSX1, Spain) 1985 Sanyo original
mpc2300 MPC-2300 (MSX2, USSR) 1987 Sanyo compatible
mpc2500f MPC-2500FD (MSX2, USSR) 1987 Sanyo compatible
mpc25fd MPC-25FD (MSX2, Japan) 1985 Sanyo compatible
mpc25fs MPC-25FS (MSX2, Japan) 1985 Sanyo compatible
mpc27 MPC-27 (MSX2, Japan) 1985 Sanyo compatible
mpc64 MPC-64 (MSX1, Germany) 1985 Sanyo original
mx15 MX-15 (MSX1, International) 1986 Casio original
mx64 MX64 (MSX1, France) 1985 Yeno original
nms801 NMS-801 (MSX1, Italy) 1989 Philips original
nms8220 NMS 8220 (MSX2, Europe) 1987 Philips compatible
nms8245 NMS 8245 (MSX2, Europe) 1987 Philips compatible
nms8245f NMS 8245F (MSX2, France) 1987 Philips compatible
nms8250 NMS 8250 (MSX2, Europe) 1987 Philips compatible
nms8250_16 NMS 8250/16 (MSX2, Spain) 1987 Philips compatible
nms8250_19 NMS 8250/19 (MSX2, France) 1987 Philips compatible
nms8255 NMS 8255 (MSX2, Europe) 1987 Philips compatible
nms8255f NMS 8255F (MSX2, France) 1987 Philips compatible
nms8260 NMS 8260 (MSX2, Prototype) 1987 Philips compatible
nms8280 NMS 8280 (MSX2, Europe) 1987 Philips compatible
nms8280f NMS 8280F (MSX2, France) 1986 Philips compatible
nms8280g NMS 8280G (MSX2, Germany) 1986 Philips compatible
perfect1 Perfect MSX1 (MSX1, Middle East) 1986 Bawareth original
phc2 PHC-2 (MSX1, France) 1985 Olympia original
phc23 PHC-23 / Wavy23 (MSX2, Japan) 1986 Sanyo compatible
phc23jb PHC-23JB / Wavy23 (MSX2, Japan) 1987 Sanyo compatible
phc28 PHC-28 (MSX1, France) 1984 Olympia original
phc28l PHC-28L (MSX1, France) 1985 Sanyo original
phc28s PHC-28S (MSX1, France) 1984 Sanyo original
phc35j PHC-35J / Wavy35 (MSX2+, Japan) 1989 Sanyo compatible
phc55fd2 PHC-55FD2 / Wavy55FD2 (MSX2, Japan) 1988 Sanyo compatible
phc70fd PHC-70FD / Wavy70FD (MSX2+, Japan) 1988 Sanyo compatible
phc70fd2 PHC-70FD2 / Wavy70FD2 (MSX2+, Japan) 1989 Sanyo compatible
phc77 PHC-77 / Wavy77 (MSX2, Japan) 1987 Sanyo compatible
piopx7 PX-07 Palcom (MSX1, Japan) 1984 Pioneer original
piopx7uk PX-07UK Palcom (MSX1, UK) 1985 Pioneer original
piopxv60 PX-V60 (MSX1, Japan) 1986 Pioneer original
pv16 PV-16 (MSX1, Japan) 1985 Casio original
pv7 PV-7 (MSX1, Japan) 1984 Casio original
spc800 SPC-800 (MSX1, Korea) 1984 Samsung original
svi728 SVI-728 (MSX1, International) 1984 Spectravideo original
svi728es SVI-728 (MSX1, Spanish) 1984 Spectravideo original
svi738 SVI-738 (MSX1, International) 1985 Spectravideo original
svi738ar SVI-738 (MSX1, Arabic) 1987 Spectravideo original
svi738dk SVI-738 (MSX1, Denmark, Norway) 1985 Spectravideo original
svi738pl SVI-738 (MSX1, Poland) 1986 Spectravideo original
svi738sp SVI-738 (MSX1, Spain) 1985 Spectravideo original
svi738sw SVI-738 (MSX1, Finland, Sweden) 1985 Spectravideo original
sx100 SX-100 (MSX1, Japan) 1985 Yamaha original
tadpc200 DPC-200 (MSX1, Argentina, Spanish keyboard) 1986 Talent original
tadpc200a DPC-200A (MSX1, Argentina) 1988 Talent original
tadpc200b DPC-200 (MSX1, Argentina, international keyboard) 1986 Talent original
tpc310 TPC-310 (MSX2, Argentina) 1987 Talent compatible
tpp311 TPP-311 (MSX2, Argentina) 1987 Talent compatible
tps312 TPS-312 (MSX2, Argentina) 1987 Talent compatible
vg8000 VG-8000 (MSX1, Europe) 1984 Philips original
vg8010 VG-8010 / VG-8010/00 (MSX1, Europe) 1985 Philips original
vg8010f VG-8010F / VG-8010/19 (MSX1, French) 1985 Philips original
vg802000 VG-8020/00 (MSX1, Europe) 1985 Philips original
vg802020 VG-8020/20 (MSX1, Europe) 1985 Philips original
vg8020f VG-8020/19 / VG-8020F (MSX1, French) 1985 Philips original
vg8230 VG-8230 (MSX2, Netherlands) 1986 Philips compatible
vg8235 VG-8235 (MSX2, Europe) 1986 Philips compatible
vg8235f VG-8235F (MSX2, France) 1986 Philips compatible
vg8240 VG-8240 (MSX2, Prototype) 1986 Philips compatible
victhc80 HC-80 (MSX2, Japan) 1986 Victor compatible
victhc90 HC-90 (MSX2, Japan) 1986 Victor compatible
victhc90a HC-90A (MSX2, Japan) 1986 Victor compatible
victhc95 HC-95 (MSX2, Japan) 1986 Victor compatible
victhc95a HC-95A (MSX2, Japan) 1986 Victor compatible
y503iiir YIS-503 III R (MSX2, USSR) 1985 Yamaha compatible
y503iiire YIS-503 III R (MSX2, Estonian) 198? Yamaha compatible
y503iir YIS503IIR (MSX1, USSR) 1985 Yamaha original
y503iir2 YIS503IIR (MSX1, Estonian) 1986 Yamaha original
y805128 YIS805/128 (MSX2, Japan) 1986 Yamaha compatible
y805128r2 YIS805/128R2 (MSX2, USSR) 1986 Yamaha compatible
y805128r2e YIS805/128R2 (MSX2, Estonian) 198? Yamaha compatible
y805256 YIS805/256 (MSX2, Japan) 198? Yamaha compatible
yc64 YC-64 (MSX1, Europe) 1984 Yashica original
yis303 YIS303 (MSX1, Japan) 1984 Yamaha original
yis503 YIS503 (MSX1, Japan) 1984 Yamaha original
yis503f YIS503F (MSX1, French) 1984 Yamaha original
yis503ii YIS503II (MSX1, Japan) 1985 Yamaha original
yis604 YIS604/128 (MSX2, Japan) 1985 Yamaha compatible


Short name
Bad dumps
hx10smpl Toshiba Home Computer HX-10 Sample Program (Europe) 1984? Toshiba Yes 1 0
breakout Breakout! The Great computer Adventure (United Kingdom) 1985 Toshiba Yes 1 0
breakouta Breakout! The Great computer Adventure (United Kingdom, alt) 1985 Toshiba Yes 1 0 breakout
breakoutb Breakout! The Great computer Adventure (United Kingdom, alt 2) 1985 Toshiba Yes 1 0 breakout
checkmat Checkmate! - First Moves in Chess (Japan) 1985 Toshiba Yes 1 0
checkmata Checkmate! - First Moves in Chess (Japan, alt) 1985 Toshiba Yes 1 0 checkmat
checkmatb Checkmate! - First Moves in Chess (Japan, alt 2) 1985 Toshiba Yes 1 0 checkmat
svi728nl Inleiding tot de SpectraVideo SV 728 (Netherlands) 1985 Spectravideo Yes 1 0
lpengrph Light Pen Graphic v1.0 (Japan) 1984 Sanyo No 2 0
teachysb Teach Yourself BASIC (United Kingdom) 1985 Toshiba Yes 2 0
genius Genius (Japan) 1987 ポプコム(POPCOM) Yes 1 0
007tld 007 - The Living Daylights (Europe) 1987 Domark Yes 1 0
007tlda 007 - The Living Daylights (Europe, alt) 1987 Domark Yes 1 0 007tld
10frame 10th Frame (Europe) 1986 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0
180 180 (Europe) 1987 Mastertronic Added Dimension Yes 1 0
3dgolf 3D Golf Simulation - High Speed Edition (Japan) 1984 T&E Soft Yes 1 0
4x4offrd 4x4 Off-Road Racing (Europe) 1988 U.S. Gold Yes 2 0
4x4offrda 4x4 Off-Road Racing (Europe, alt) 1988 U.S. Gold Yes 2 0 4x4offrd
6in1d 6 in Één (Netherlands) 1986 Philips Yes 1 0
737sim 737 Flight Simulator (Europe) 1984 Mirrorsoft Yes 1 0
737sima 737 Flight Simulator (Europe, alt) 1984 Mirrorsoft Yes 1 0 737sim
747fs 747 400b Flight Simulator (Europe) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0
ateam The A-Team (Spain) 198? Zafiro Software Division No 2 0
ateama The A-Team (Spain, alt) 1988 Zafiro Software Division Yes 1 0 ateam
aaargh Aaargh! (Spain) 1989 Dro Soft Yes 1 0
aaargha Aaargh! (Spain, alt) 1989 Dro Soft Yes 1 0 aaargh
aackobs2 Aackobase II (Netherlands) 1985 Aackosoft Yes 2 0
aackobs2a Aackobase II (Netherlands, alt) 1985 Aackosoft Yes 2 0 aackobs2
aackodrw Aackodraw & Paint (Europe) 1985 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
abadcrim La Abadia del Crimen (Spain) 1988 Opera Soft Yes 1 0
abejasa2 La Abeja Sabia - Seriaciones (Spain) 1986 Sony Spain Yes 1 0
abejasa3 La Abeja Sabia - Analisis: Forma y Color (Spain) 1986 Sony Spain Yes 1 0
abracada Abracadabra (Spain) 1988 Proein Soft Line Yes 2 0
abusimbl Abu Simbel Profanation (Spain) 1986 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0
abusimbla Abu Simbel Profanation (Spain, alt) 1986 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0 abusimbl
abusimblb Abu Simbel Profanation (Spain, alt 2) 1986 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0 abusimbl
abusimblc Abu Simbel Profanation (Spain, alt loader) 1986 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0 abusimbl
aceoface Ace of Aces (Europe) 1986 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0
addictbl Addictaball (Europe) 1988 Alligata Software Yes 1 0
adel Adel (Spain) 1986 Mind Games España Yes 1 0
afrtrail African Trail Simulator (Spain) 1990 Positive Yes 1 0
afrtraila African Trail Simulator (Spain, alt) 1990 Positive Yes 1 0 afrtrail
afterwar After the War (Spain) 1989 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0
aburner Afterburner (Europe) 1988 Activision Yes 2 0
afteroid Afteroids (Spain) 1988 Zigurat Software Yes 1 0
afteroida Afteroids (Spain, alt) 1988 Zigurat Software Yes 1 0 afteroid
akujoden Akujo Densetsu (Japan) 1986 Dream Soft Yes 1 0
alehop Ale Hop! (Spain) 1988 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
alfamat Alfamat (Spain) 1985 Sony Spain Yes 1 0
alien8 Alien 8 (Europe) 1985 Ultimate Play The Game Yes 1 0
aliensyn Alien Syndrome (Spain) 1988 Dro Soft Yes 2 0
aliens Aliens (Europe) 1987 Mr. Micro Yes 1 0
almanaq Almanaque (Spain) 1986 Load 'n' Run Yes 1 0
ablast1 Alpha Blaster (Europe, Aackosoft, 1st Edition) 1984 Aackosoft Yes 1 0 ablast
ablast Alpha Blaster (Europe, Aackosoft) 1985 Aackosoft Yes 1 0
ablasta Alpha Blaster (Europe, Aackosoft, 1st edition, alt) 1984 Aackosoft Yes 1 0 ablast
ablaste Alpha Blaster (Europe, Eaglesoft) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
ablastea Alpha Blaster (Europe, Eaglesoft, alt) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0 ablaste
altbeast Altered Beast (Europe) 1988 Activision Yes 2 0
amaurote Amaurote (Europe) 1987 Mastertronic Added Dimension Yes 1 0
amomundo Amo del Mundo (Spain) 1990 Positive Yes 1 0
amotopuf Amoto's Puf (Spain) 1988 System 4 Yes 1 0
ananas Ananas (Europe) 1989 Eurosoft Yes 1 0
ang500cc Angel Nieto Pole 500cc (Spain) 1990 Opera Soft Yes 1 0
anglebal Angleball (Europe) 1987 Mastertronic Added Dimension Yes 1 0
aoiuchuu Aoi Uchuu no Bouken (Japan) 1985 Leben Pro Yes 2 0
aprsol Aprende astronomía con El Sol (Spain) 1986 Grupo de Trabajo Software Yes 1 0
aprluna Aprende astronomía con La Luna (Spain) 1986 Grupo de Trabajo Software Yes 1 0
aprtier Aprende astronomía con La Tierra en el espacio (Spain) 1986 Grupo de Trabajo Software Yes 1 0
aprplan Aprende astronomía con Los Planetas (Spain) 1986 Grupo de Trabajo Software Yes 1 0
apring1 Aprendiendo Inglés 1 - en el campo y en el castillo (Spain) 1985 Sony Spain Partial 1 0
apring2 Aprendiendo Inglés 2 - en la ciudad y en Marte (Spain) 1985 Sony Spain Yes 2 0
archers The Archers (Europe) 1986 Mosaic Publishing Yes 4 4
arctfox ArcticFox (Spain) 1989 Dro Soft Yes 1 0
aritmo Aritmo (Spain) 1985 Sanyo Yes 1 0
arkanoid Arkanoid (Europe) 1987 Imagine Yes 1 0
arkos1 Arkos I (Spain) 1988 Zigurat Software Yes 1 0
arkos2 Arkos II (Spain) 1988 Zigurat Software Yes 1 0
arkos3 Arkos III (Spain) 1988 Zigurat Software Yes 1 0
armymove Army Moves (Europe) 1987 Imagine Yes 2 0
armymoves Army Moves (Spain) 1987 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0 armymove
arquimed Arquimedes XXI (Spain) 1986 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0
arquimeda Arquimedes XXI (Spain, alt loader) 1986 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0 arquimed
aspargp Aspar GP Master (Europe) 1988 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0
aspargps Aspar GP Master (Spain) 1988 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0 aspargp
aspargpsa Aspar GP Master (Spain, alt) 1988 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0 aspargp
aspargpsb Aspar GP Master (Spain, alt 2) 1988 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0 aspargp
aspargpsc Aspar GP Master (Spain, alt 3) 1988 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0 aspargp
astrobls Astro Blaster (Europe) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0
astroblsa Astro Blaster (Europe, alt) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0 astrobls
astroblsb Astro Blaster (Europe, alt 2) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0 astrobls
amc Astro Marine Corps (Spain) 1989 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0
amca Astro Marine Corps (Spain, alt) 1989 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0 amc
astroplm Astro Plumber (Europe) 1986 Blue Ribbon Software Yes 1 0
astronau Astronauta (Spain, unlicensed) 1986 Load 'n' Run Yes 1 0 spacewlk
attacked Attacked (Europe) 198? Micro Value Yes 1 0
awmonty Auf Wiedersehen Monty (Europe) 1987 Gremlin Graphics Yes 1 0
avenger Avenger - The Way of the Tiger II (Europe) 1986 Gremlin Graphics Yes 1 0
avengers Avenger - The Way of the Tiger II (Spain) 1986 Erbe Software Yes 1 0 avenger
avenspac La Aventura Espacial (Spain) 1990 Aventuras AD Yes 2 0
avenorig La Aventura Original (Spain) 1989 Dynamic Software Yes 2 0
averno Averno (Spain) 1989 Proein Soft Line Yes 1 0
bcquest2 B.C.'s Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (Europe, U.S. Gold) 1985 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0
bcquest2a B.C.'s Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (Europe, U.S. Gold, alt) 1985 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0 bcquest2
bcquest2e B.C.'s Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (Europe, Eaglesoft) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0 bcquest2
backgamm Backgammon (Europe) 1984 Electric Software Yes 1 0
bangbang Bang! Bang! (Japan) 1985 Mel Software Yes 1 0
barb Barbarian (Spain) 1989 Dro Soft Yes 1 0
barb2 Barbarian II - The Dungeon of Drax (Spain) 1988 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
barnstrm Barnstormer (Europe) 1985 Electric Software Yes 1 0
basedato Base de Datos (Spain, DIMensionNEW) 1985 Toshiba Yes 1 0
basedatt Base de Datos (Spain, EMSA) 198? Toshiba Yes 1 0
batman Batman (Europe) 1986 Ocean Software Yes 1 0
batmana Batman (Europe, alt) 1986 Ocean Software Yes 1 0 batman
batmans Batman (Spain) 1986 Erbe Software Yes 1 0 batman
batmanmv Batman - The Movie (Europe) 1989 Ocean Software Yes 2 0
batarden La Battaglia delle Ardenne (Italy) 198? Philips Italy Yes 1 0
batlchop Battle Chopper (Europe) 1985 Methodic Solutions Yes 1 0
clapton2 Battle Ship Clapton II (Europe) 1984 Toshiba Yes 1 0
beachead Beach-Head (Europe) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
beamridr Beamrider (Europe) 1984 Activision Yes 1 0
bestwarr Bestial Warrior (Spain) 1989 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0
bestwarra Bestial Warrior (Spain, alt) 1989 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0 bestwarr
bitbyter Bit Byter (Europe) 1984 Spectravideo Yes 1 0
blackbas The Black Bass (Japan) 1986 Hot-B Yes 1 0
blackbrd Black Beard (Spain) 1988 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
bjack Blackjack (Spain) 1985 Idealogic Yes 1 0
blagger Blagger (Europe) 1984 Alligata Software Yes 1 0
blstroid Blasteroids (Europe) 1989 Image Works Yes 1 0
blocker Blocker (Spain) 198? Grupo de Trabajo Software No 1 0
bloody Bloody (Spain) 1987 Sygran, S.A. Yes 1 0
blowup Blow Up (Europe) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0
blowupa Blow Up (Europe, alt) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0 blowup
bmxsim BMX Simulator (Europe) 1987 Codemasters Yes 1 0
boardell Boardello (Europe) 1985 Bubble Bus Software Yes 1 0
boardella Boardello (Europe, alt) 1985 Bubble Bus Software Yes 1 0 boardell
boogaboo Booga-Boo the Flea (Europe) 1986 Quicksilva Yes 1 0
boogabooa Booga-Boo the Flea (Europe, alt) 1986 Quicksilva Yes 1 0 boogaboo
booma Boom (Europe, Aackosoft) 1986 Aackosoft Yes 1 0 boome
boome Boom (Europe, Eurosoft) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0
booty Booty (Europe) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0
bop Bop! (Europe) 1986 Bug-Byte Software Yes 1 0
dota Bouken Roman - Dota (Europe) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
bdash Boulder Dash (Europe) 1985 Databyte Yes 1 0
bdasha Boulder Dash (Europe, alt) 1985 Databyte Yes 1 0 bdash
bdash2 Boulder Dash II - Rockford's Riot (Europe) 1986 Databyte Yes 1 0
bdash2a Boulder Dash II - Rockford's Riot (Europe, hack?) 1986 Databyte Yes 1 0 bdash2
bounce Bounce (Europe, hack?) 1987 Methodic Solutions Yes 1 0
bounder Bounder (Europe) 1987 Gremlin Graphics Yes 1 0
boundera Bounder (Europe, alt) 1987 Gremlin Graphics Yes 1 0 bounder
breakin Break In (Europe) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0 breaker
breakina Break In (Europe, alt) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0 breaker
breaker Breaker Breaker (Europe) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0
breakera Breaker Breaker (Europe, alt) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0 breaker
brijacks Brian Jacks Superstar Challenge (Europe) 1985 Martech Games Yes 2 0
brijacksa Brian Jacks Superstar Challenge (Europe, alt) 1985 Martech Games Yes 2 0 brijacks
bronx Bronx (Spain) 1989 MCM Software Yes 1 0
brucelee Bruce Lee (Japan) 1985 Comptiq Yes 1 0
bubbler Bubbler (Europe) 1987 Ultimate Play The Game Yes 1 0
buckrog Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom (Japan) 1983 Sega Yes 1 0
budokan Budokan (Spain) 1991 Dro Soft Yes 4 0
buggyrng Buggy Ranger (Spain) 1990 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0
bumpy Bumpy (Spain) 1989 Proein Soft Line Yes 1 0
bumpya Bumpy (Spain, alt) 1989 Proein Soft Line Yes 1 0 bumpy
buran Buran (Spain) 1990 Proein Soft Line Yes 1 0
bustblck Buster Block (Europe) 1985 Kuma Computers Yes 1 0
buzzoff Buzz Off! (Europe) 1984 Electric Software Yes 1 0
buzzoffa Buzz Off! (Europe, alt) 1984 Electric Software Yes 1 0 buzzoff
buzzoffb Buzz Off! (Europe, alt loader) 1984 Electric Software Yes 1 0 buzzoff
bytebust Bytebusters (Netherlands) 1984 Aackosoft Yes 1 0
calcnew Calculator New (Spain) 1985 Idealogic Yes 1 0
caldero El Caldero Magico (Spain) 1986 Grupo de Trabajo Software Yes 1 0
calgames California Games (Europe) 1987 U.S. Gold Yes 2 0
camelot Camelot Warriors (Spain) 1986 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0
camelota Camelot Warriors (alt loader) 1986 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0 camelot
camelotb Camelot Warriors (alt loader, alt) 1986 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0 camelot
canworms Can of Worms (Europe) 1986 Livewire Software Yes 1 0
cannonbl Cannon Ball (United Kingdom) 1984 Hudson Soft UK Yes 1 0
cannonfi Cannon Fighter (Europe) 1984 Morwood Software Yes 1 0
sevilla Captain 'S' (Europe) 1989 Winner Software Yes 2 0
sevillas Capitan Sevilla (Spain) 1988 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0 sevilla
trueno El Capitán Trueno (Spain) 1989 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0
csainz Carlos Sainz - Campeonato del Mundo (Spain) 1990 Zigurat Software Yes 1 0
casamald La Casa Maldita (Spain) 1986 Load 'n' Run Yes 1 0
casanova Casanova (Spain) 1989 MCM Software Yes 1 0
castlecm Castle Combat (Europe) 1985 Spectravideo Yes 1 0
cavdeath Cavern of Death (Spain) 1987 Discovery Informatic Yes 1 0
caza Caza (Spain) 1986 Load 'n' Run Yes 1 0
cetus Cetus (United Kingdom) 1986 Micro Value Yes 1 0
chackn Chack 'n Pop (Europe) 1984 Electric Software Yes 1 0
champ Champ (Europe) 1984 PSS Yes 1 0
champion Champions Grand National (Spain) 1984 Microbyte Yes 1 0
chasehq Chase H.Q. (Europe) 1988 Ocean Software Yes 2 0
chasehqa Chase H.Q. (Europe, alt) 1988 Ocean Software Yes 2 0 chasehq
chessgam The Chess Game (Europe) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
chesspl Chess Player (Europe) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0
cm2000 The Chessmaster 2000 (Spain, hacked by Martos) 1990 Dro Soft Yes 1 0
chicago Chicago 30's (Spain) 1988 Topo Soft Yes 1 0
chicken Chicken Chase (Europe) 1986 Bug-Byte Software Yes 1 0
chiller Chiller (Europe) 1985 Mastertronic Yes 1 0
chillera Chiller (Europe, alt) 1985 Mastertronic Yes 1 0 chiller
chillerb Chiller (Europe, alt 2) 1985 Mastertronic Yes 1 0 chiller
chillerc Chiller (Europe, alt 3) 1985 Mastertronic Yes 1 0 chiller
chillerd Chiller (Europe, alt 4) 1985 Mastertronic Yes 1 0 chiller
chillere Chiller (Europe, alt 5) 1985 Mastertronic Yes 1 0 chiller
chiteita Chitei Tanken (Japan) 1984 Mel Software Yes 1 0
chojinrk Chōjin Locke: Majo no Millennium (Japan) 1984 Pony Canyon Yes 1 0
chopper Chopper (Europe) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
choppera Chopper (Europe, alt) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0 chopper
chopper1 Chopper One (Europe) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0
choroq Choro Q (Europe) 1984 Electric Software Yes 1 0
choylee Choy-Lee-Fut Kung-Fu Warrior (Spain) 1990 Positive Yes 1 0
choyleea Choy-Lee-Fut Kung-Fu Warrior (Spain, alt) 1990 Positive Yes 1 0 choylee
chubbygr Chubby Gristle (United Kingdom) 1988 Grandslam Entertainments Yes 1 0
yeagraft Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer (Spain) 1989 Dro Soft Yes 1 0
chuckie Chuckie Egg (Europe, A&F Software) 1984 A&F Software Yes 1 0
chuckiea Chuckie Egg (Europe, A&F Software, alt) 1984 A&F Software Yes 1 0 chuckie
chuckieb Chuckie Egg (Europe, A&F Software, alt 2) 1984 A&F Software Yes 1 0 chuckie
chuckiec Chuckie Egg (Europe, A&F Software, alt 3) 1984 A&F Software Yes 1 0 chuckie
chuckieack Chuckie Egg (Europe, Aackosoft) 1985 Aackosoft Yes 1 0 chuckie
ciuthan1 Ci-U-Than Trilogy I - La Diosa de Cozumel (Spain) 1990 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0
ciuthan1a Ci-U-Than Trilogy I - La Diosa de Cozumel (Spain, alt) 1990 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0 ciuthan1
ciuthan2 Ci-U-Than Trilogy II - Los Templos Sagrados (Spain) 1991 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0
ciuthan3 Ci-U-Than Trilogy III - Chichén Itzá (Spain) 1992 Aventures AD Yes 2 0
cid El Cid (Spain) 1987 Dro Soft Yes 1 0
citycon City Connection (Europe) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
citycona City Connection (Europe, alt) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0 citycon
cobraarc Cobra's Arc (Spain) 1987 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0
coco Coco in the Castle (Europe) 1984 Kuma Computers Yes 1 0
cocos Cocos (Spain) 1984 Advance Yes 1 0
coliseum Coliseum (Spain) 1988 Topo Soft Yes 1 0
colony Colony (Europe) 1987 Bulldog Yes 1 0
colos4ch Colossus 4 Chess (Europe) 1986 CDS Microsystems Yes 1 0
colt36 Colt 36 (Spain) 1987 Topo Soft Yes 1 0
comando4 Comando Quatro (Spain) 1989 Zigurat Software Yes 1 0
comtrace Comando Tracer (Spain) 1989 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0
comtracea Comando Tracer (Spain, alt) 1989 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0 comtrace
comecoco Comecocos (Spain) 198? Idealogic Yes 1 0
halley Cometa Halley (Spain) 1985 Sony Yes 1 0
compor Compor - Procesador de Textos (Spain) 198? Philips Spain Yes 1 0
comprave Compra y Vende (Spain) 1985 Idealogic Yes 1 0
adivina Computadora Adivina (Spain) 1985 Sony Yes 1 0
confused Confused? (Europe) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
confuseda Confused? (Europe, alt) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0 confused
congo Congo (Europe) 1986 Livewire Software Yes 1 0
congobon Congo Bongo (Europe) 1983 Philips Yes 1 0
contabil Contabilidad (Spain) 1985 Sony Spain Yes 1 0
contab1 Contabilidad 1 (Spain) 1988 Mind Games España Yes 1 0
contab1a Contabilidad 1 (Spain, alt) 1988 Mind Games España Yes 1 0 contab1
contab2 Contabilidad 2 (Spain) 1988 Mind Games España Yes 1 0
contab2a Contabilidad 2 (Spain, alt) 1988 Mind Games España Yes 1 0 contab2
contab2b Contabilidad 2 (Spain, alt 2) 1988 Mind Games España Yes 1 0 contab2
contabdm Contabilidad Domestica (Spain) 1985 DIMensionNEW Yes 1 0
contabpr Contabilidad Personal (Spain) 1984 Sony Spain Yes 1 0
contcirc Continental Circus (Europe) 1989 Virgin Mastertronic Yes 2 0
cbridge Contract Bridge (Europe) 1984 Alligata Software Yes 1 0
corsario Corsarios (Spain) 1989 Opera Soft Yes 2 0
cosanost Cosa Nostra (Spain) 1986 Opera Soft Yes 1 0
csheriff Cosmic Sheriff (Spain) 1989 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0
shockabs Cosmic Shock Absorber (Europe) 1986 Martech Games Yes 1 0
cosmos Cosmos (Spain) 1985 Sony Yes 1 0
crazgolf Crazy Golf (Europe) 1984 Mr. Micro Yes 1 0
crusader Crusader (Europe) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
crusadera Crusader (Europe, alt) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0 crusader
cubit Cubit (Europe) 1986 Mr. Micro Yes 1 0
cubita Cubit (Europe, alt) 1986 Mr. Micro Yes 1 0 cubit
currojim Curro Jiménez (Spain) 1989 Zigurat Software Yes 1 0
cursobas Curso de BASIC (Spain) 1985 Sony Yes 2 0
curshx10 Curso de MSX Basic Toshiba Home computer HX-10 (Spain) 198? EMSA Yes 1 0
cyberbig Cyberbig (Spain) 1989 MCM Software Yes 1 0
cyberun Cyberun (Europe) 1985 Ultimate Play The Game Yes 1 0
dday D-Day (Netherlands) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
daidasso Daidasso - Great Escape (Japan) 1985 Carry Lab Yes 1 0
dambust The Dam Busters (Europe) 1985 US Gold Yes 1 0
dambusts The Dam Busters (Spain) 1985 Erbe Software Yes 1 0 dambust
damas Damas (Spain) 1985 DIMensionNEW Yes 1 0
danchizm Danchizuma no Yuuwaku (Japan) 1985 KOEI Yes 1 0
dmouse Danger Mouse in the Black Forest Chateau (Europe) 1986 Alternative Software Yes 2 0
darkwood Darkwood Manor (Europe) 198? Kuma Computers Yes 1 0
darkwooda Darkwood Manor (Europe, alt) 198? Kuma Computers Yes 1 0 darkwood
darts Darts (Europe) 1987 Blue Ribbon Software Yes 1 0
datmsx01 Data MSX - Issue 01 (Spain) 198? GEASA Yes 1 0
datmsx04 Data MSX - Issue 04 (Spain) 198? GEASA Yes 2 0
datmsx09 Data MSX - Issue 09 (Spain) 198? GEASA Yes 1 0
databa Databa (Europe?) 1985 Philips Yes 1 0
dawnpatr Dawn Patrol (Europe) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
deathval Death Valley Gold Rush (Europe) 1985 Kuma Computers Yes 1 0
deathws3 Death Wish 3 (Europe) 1987 Gremlin Graphics Yes 1 0
decathln Decathlon (Europe) 1984 Activision Yes 1 0
defcom1 Defcom 1 (Spain) 1989 Iber Soft Yes 2 0
dedemo De Demo (Netherlands) 1985 Philips Yes 1 0
demonia Demonia (Spain) 1986 Proein Soft Line Yes 1 0
desolatr Desolator (Europe) 1986 Gremlin Graphics Yes 1 0
desolatra Desolator (Europe, alt) 1986 Gremlin Graphics Yes 1 0 desolatr
desprado Desperado (Spain) 1987 Erbe Software Yes 2 0
desprad2 Desperado 2 (Spain) 1991 Topo Soft Yes 1 0
desprad2a Desperado 2 (Spain, alt) 1991 Topo Soft Yes 1 0 desprad2
destroyr Destroyer (Spain) 1986 Mind Games España Yes 1 0
deusex Deus Ex Machina (Spain) 1986 Mind Games España Yes 2 0
dezeni Dezeni Land (Japan) 1984 Hudson Soft Yes 3 0
dieet Dieet (Netherlands) 1986 Philips Yes 2 0
dieeta Dieet (Netherlands, alt) 1986 Philips Yes 2 0 dieet
digdug Dig Dug (Europe) 1988 Bug-Byte Software Yes 1 0
dimcalc Dim-Calc (Spain) 1985 DIMensionNEW Yes 1 0
dimomega Omega Dimensión (Spain) 1989 Positive Yes 2 0
discwarr Disc Warrior (United Kingdom) 1985 Budgie Software Yes 1 0
discwarra Disc Warrior (Europe) 1984 Alligata Software Yes 1 0 discwarr
discwarrb Disc Warrior (Europe, alt loader) 1984 Alligata Software Yes 1 0 discwarr
discover Discovery (Europe) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0
discovera Discovery (Europe, alt) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0 discover
discoverb Discovery (Europe, alt 2) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0 discover
disenado Diseñador de Graficos (Spain) 1985 Advance Yes 1 0
dizzyball Dizzy Ball (Japan) 1984 Pony Canyon Yes 1 0
dizzybal Dizzy Balloon (Spain) 1985 Philips Yes 1 0
dizzydic Dizzy Dice (Europe) 1988 Players Software Yes 1 0
dogfight Dog Fighter (Europe) 1986 Kuma Computers Yes 1 0
dogfightj Dog Fighter (Japan) 1986 Sony Yes 1 0 dogfight
dogfights Dog Fighter (Spain) 1985 Canon / Microbyte Yes 1 0 dogfight
domino Domino (Spain) 1985 DIMensionNEW Yes 1 0
dominoa Domino (Spain, alt) 1985 DIMensionNEW Yes 1 0 domino
quijote Don Quijote (Spain) 1987 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0
dkong Donkey Kong (Europe) 1986 Ocean Software Yes 1 0
dkonga Donkey Kong (Europe, alt) 1986 Ocean Software Yes 1 0 dkong
dkongs Donkey Kong (Spain) 1987 Erbe Software Yes 1 0 dkong
donpan Donpan (Japan) 1983 Colpax Yes 1 0
ddragon Double Dragon (Spain) 1989 Dro Soft Yes 2 0
ddragon2 Double Dragon II - The Revenge (Spain) 1990 Dro Soft Yes 1 0
drjackle Dr. Jackle and Mr. Wide (Europe) 1987 Bulldog Yes 1 0
drjacklea Dr. Jackle and Mr. Wide (Europe, alt) 1987 Bulldog Yes 1 0 drjackle
dracula Drácula (Spain) 1986 Grupo de Trabajo Software Yes 1 0
dninja Dragon Ninja (Europe) 1988 Imagine Software Yes 1 0
dninjaa Dragon Ninja (Europe, 2 sides) 1988 Imagine Software Yes 2 0 dninja
dslayer Dragon Slayer (Japan) 1985 Square Yes 1 0
petrovic Drazen Petrovic Basket (Spain) 1989 Topo Soft Yes 1 0
driltank Driller Tanks (Europe) 1985 Kuma Computers Yes 1 0
driltanks Driller Tanks (Spain) 198? Sony Spain Yes 1 0 driltank
drome Drome (Europe) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
dromea Drome (Europe, alt) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0 drome
dromeb Drome (Europe, alt 2) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0 drome
dromec Drome (Europe, alt 3) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0 drome
duckout Duck Out (Spain) 1989 Dro Soft Yes 1 0
dustin Dustin (Spain) 1987 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0
dynadan Dynamite Dan (Europe) 1986 Mirrorsoft Yes 1 0
eagle Eagle (Spain) 1987 Dro Soft Yes 1 0
echec Echec (France) 1985 Loriciels Yes 2 0
eddiekid Eddie Kidd Jump Challenge (Europe) 1985 Martech Games Yes 1 0
eddiekida Eddie Kidd Jump Challenge (Europe, alt) 1985 Martech Games Yes 1 0 eddiekid
eddy Animation Editor "EDDY" (Japan) 1984 Hal Laboratory Yes 1 0
elidon Elidon (Europe) 1986 Aackosoft Yes 1 0
elidona Elidon (Europe, alt) 1986 Aackosoft Yes 1 0 elidon
elidonb Elidon (Europe, alt 2) 1986 Aackosoft Yes 1 0 elidon
elite Elite (Europe, hacked by Martos) 1987 Firebird Software Yes 1 0
emrldisl Emerald Isle (Europe) 1985 Level 9 Computing Yes 1 0
ebutrag Emilio Butragueño Futbol (Spain) 1988 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
ebutrag2 Emilio Butragueño II (Spain) 1989 Erbe Software - Ocean Software Yes 2 0
esanchez Emilio Sanchez Vicario Grand Slam (Spain) 1989 Zigurat Software Yes 1 0
enruta En Ruta (Spain) 1985 Microgesa No 1 0
enchant Enchanted (Spain) 1989 Positive Yes 1 0
englwrds English Words (Netherlands) 1986 Aschcom Yes 1 0
ericfltr Eric and the Floaters (Europe) 1985 Kuma Computers Yes 1 0
eurogame European Games (Europe) 1987 Tynesoft Yes 1 0
eurogamea European Games (Europe, 2 sides) 1987 Tynesoft Yes 2 0 eurogame
eurogameb European Games (Europe, 2 sides, alt) 1987 Tynesoft Yes 2 0 eurogame
excitemj Excite 4-ri Mahjong (Japan) 1984 Tecno Soft Yes 1 0
exerion Exerion (Europe) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
exerion2 Exerion II - Zorni (Europe) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
expatoms Exploding Atoms (Japan) 1985 Sanyo Yes 1 0
expatomsa Exploding Atoms (Japan, alt) 1985 Sanyo Yes 1 0 expatoms
expatomsb Exploding Atoms (Japan, alt 2) 1985 Sanyo Yes 1 0 expatoms
extermin Exterminator (Europe) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
fallout Fall Out (Japan) 1984 Policy Yes 1 0
fankpunk Fanky Punky (Spain) 1987 P.J. Software Yes 1 0
fankpunka Fanky Punky (Spain, alt) 1987 P.J. Software Yes 1 0 fankpunk
basketms Fernando Martin Basket Master (Spain) 1986 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0
basketmx Fernando Martin Basket Master - Executive Version (Europe) 1987 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0
basketmxs Fernando Martin Basket Master - Executive Version (Spain) 1987 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0 basketmx
basketmxsa Fernando Martin Basket Master - Executive Version (Spain, alt) 1987 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0 basketmx
feud Feud (Europe) 1987 Bulldog Yes 1 0
fharanx Fharanx (Japan) 1985 Enix Yes 1 0
finpack Fin Pack (Europe) 1986 Aackosoft Yes 1 0
finpacka Fin Pack (Europe, alt) 1986 Aackosoft Yes 1 0 finpack
fincount Final Countdown (Europe) 1988 Methodic Solutions Yes 1 0
findkeep Finders Keepers (Europe) 1986 Mastertronic Yes 1 0
findkeepa Finders Keepers (Europe, 64K) 1986 Mastertronic Yes 1 0 findkeep
firefox Fire Fox (Spain) 1986 Onaki Yes 1 0
fireresc Fire Rescue (Europe) 1984 Kuma Computers Yes 1 0
fireresca Fire Rescue (Europe, alt) 1984 Kuma Computers Yes 1 0 fireresc
firehawk Firehawk (Europe) 1987 Players Software Yes 1 0
firehawka Firehawk (Europe, alt) 1987 Players Software Yes 1 0 firehawk
mrmen First Steps with the Mr. Men (Europe) 1985 Mirrorsoft Yes 1 0
fisica1 Fisica I - Magnitudes (Spain) 1986 Sony Yes 1 0
fisica2 Fisica II - Movimientos (Spain) 1986 Sony Yes 1 0
fiveholy Seijo Densetsu: Five Holy Girls (Japan) 1987 Cosmos Computer Yes 1 0
flappy Flappy (Japan) 1984 dB-SOFT Yes 1 0
flashgor Flash Gordon (Europe) 1987 Mastertronic Added Dimension Yes 1 0
lesflics Les Flics (Europe, bad dump?) 1985 PSS No 1 0
lesflicsa Les Flics (Europe, bad dump?, alt) 1985 PSS No 1 0 lesflics
fdeck2 Flight Deck II (Europe) 1986 Aackosoft Yes 1 0
fpath737 Flight Path 737 (Europe) 1985 Anirog Software Yes 1 0
flint The Flintstones (Europe) 1988 Grandslam Entertainments Yes 1 0
floppypr Floppy el Pregunton (Spain) 1986 Manhattan Transfer Yes 1 0
footvoll Foot Volley 1986 Players Software Yes 1 0
fbmangr Football Manager (Europe) 1987 Endurance Games Yes 1 0
fbmangwc Football Manager - World Cup Edition (Europe) 1990 Addictive Games Yes 1 0
fbmangwcs Football Manager - World Cup Edition (Spain) 1990 Sytem 4 Yes 1 0 fbmangwc
foty Footballer of the Year (Europe, hacked by Martos) 1987 Gremlin Graphics Yes 1 0
ffruit Forbidden Fruit (Spain) 1985 Mind Games España Yes 1 0
formatz Formation Z (Europe) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
f1sim Formula 1 Simulator (Europe) 1985 Mastertronic Yes 1 0
f1sima Formula 1 Simulator (Europe, alt) 1985 Mastertronic Yes 1 0 f1sim
frankie Frankie (Spain) 1988 System 4 Yes 1 0
fredhard Freddy Hardest (Spain) 1987 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0
fredharda Freddy Hardest (Spain, alt) 1987 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0 fredhard
fredhardb Freddy Hardest (Spain, alt 2) 1987 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0 fredhard
fredhardc Freddy Hardest (UK, Italy) 1987 Alternative Software Yes 2 0 fredhard
fredhardd Freddy Hardest (United Kingdom, Italy, alt) 1987 Alternative Software Yes 2 0 fredhard
fhardman Freddy Hardest in South Manhattan (Spain) 1989 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0
frenchfn French is Fun (Europe) 1984 CDS Microsystems Yes 1 0
frenchfna French is Fun (Europe, alt) 1984 CDS Microsystems Yes 1 0 frenchfn
frog Frog (Spain) 1985 Advance Yes 1 0
frontline Front Line (United Kingdom) 1984 Electric Software Yes 1 0
fruitmac Fruit Machine (Europe) 1985 DK'Tronics Yes 1 0
fruitpan Fruit Panic (Spain) 198? Philips Spain Yes 1 0
fruitpana Fruit Panic (Spain, alt loader) 198? Philips Spain Yes 1 0 fruitpan
fknight Future Knight (Europe) 1986 Gremlin Graphics Yes 1 0
fknights Future Knight (Spain) 1986 Erbe Software Yes 1 0 fknight
galaga Galaga (Europe) 1984 Bug-Byte Software Yes 1 0
galaxian Galaxian (Europe) 1984 Bug-Byte Software Yes 1 0
gameover Game Over (Europe) 1988 Summit Software Yes 2 0
gameovers Game Over (Spain) 1988 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0 gameover
gameovr2 Game Over II (Spain) 1988 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0
gamescol The Games Collection (Europe) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 33 0
gamesdes Games Designer (Spain) 1985 Sony Spain Yes 1 0
gamestut Games Tutor (I) (Spain) 1986 MSX Club Yes 1 0
gameswin The Games - Winter Edition (Europe) 1988 U.S. Gold Yes 2 0
gangman Gang Man (Europe, unlicensed) 1988 Armati Software Yes 1 0
gangmanj Gang Man (Japan) 1983 Hudson Soft Yes 1 0 gangman
gangmanja Gang Man (Japan, alt) 1983 Hudson Soft Yes 1 0 gangman
gauntlet Gauntlet (Europe) 1986 U.S. Gold Yes 2 0
gauntleta Gauntlet (Europe, alt) 1986 U.S. Gold Yes 2 0 gauntlet
geminiw Gemini Wing (Europe) 1989 Virgin Mastertronic Yes 2 0
genspr Generador de Sprites (Spain) 1984 Adcance Yes 1 0
genghis Genghis Khan (Europe) 1991 Positive Yes 1 0
geo Geo - Figuras planas y volumenes (Spain) 1986 Mind Games España Yes 1 0
geoespan Geografia de España (Spain) 1985 Advance Yes 1 0
gerente El Gerente (Spain) 1984 DIMensionNEW Yes 1 0
gerentea El Gerente (Spain, alt) 1984 DIMensionNEW Yes 1 0 gerente
artillac La Geste d'Artillac (France) 1985 Infogrames Yes 3 0
gestfami Gestion Familiar (Spain) 1986 Load 'n' Run Yes 1 0
ghost ¡Ghost! (Spain) 1989 Mind Games España Yes 1 0
ghostbst Ghostbusters (Europe) 1985 Activision Yes 1 0
ghostbs2 Ghostbusters II (Europe) 1989 Activision Yes 1 0
gilbert Gilbert - Escape from Drill (Europe, 64K) 1989 Again Again Yes 1 0
glass Glass (Spain) 1985 Mind Games España Yes 1 0
gnomeran Gnome Ranger (Europe) 1987 Level 9 Computing Yes 3 0
gnomeranc Gnome Ranger (Europe, cracked) 1988 Level 9 Computing Yes 3 0 gnomeran
gbasketh Golden Basket (Spain, hacked protection) 1990 Opera Soft Yes 1 0 gbasket
gbasket Golden Basket (Spain) 1990 Opera Soft Yes 1 0
gldngrv2 Golden Grave II (Japan) 1985 Magical Zoo Yes 1 0
gonzalez Gonzzalezz (Spain) 1989 Opera Soft Yes 2 0
goody Goody (Spain) 1987 Opera Soft Yes 1 0
goodya Goody (Spain, alt) 1987 Opera Soft Yes 1 0 goody
grafgest Graficas de Gestion (Spain) 1985 Idealogic Yes 1 0
gramati1 Ortografia-1: Vocabulario (Spain) 1988 Mind Games España Yes 1 0
gramati2 Ortografia-2: Verbos (Spain) 198? Mind Games España Yes 1 0
gramati2a Ortografia-2: Verbos (Spain, alt) 1986 Mind Games España Yes 1 0 gramati2
gramati3 Ortografia 3: Frases (Spain) 1986 Mind Games España Yes 1 0
graphed Graphic Editor (Japan) 1984 Hal Laboratory Yes 1 0
gremlin2 Gremlins 2 - La Nueva Generacion (Spain) 1990 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
gridtrap Gridtrap (Europe) 1985 Livewire Software Yes 1 0
gridtrapa Gridtrap (Europe, alt) 1985 Livewire Software Yes 1 0 gridtrap
growpain The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole (United Kingdom) 1987 Virgin Games Yes 2 0
gtell Guillermo Tell (Spain) 1989 Opera Soft No 1 0
gunfrght Gunfright (Europe) 1985 Ultimate Play The Game Yes 1 0
gunfrghta Gunfright (Europe, alt) 1985 Ultimate Play The Game Yes 1 0 gunfrght
gunsmoke Gunsmoke (Europe) 1987 Go! Yes 2 0
gusano Gusano (Spain) 1985 Advance Yes 1 0
gusanoa Gusano (Spain, alt loader) 1985 Advance Yes 1 0 gusano
guttblst Guttblaster (Europe) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0
guttblsta Guttblaster (Europe, alt) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0 guttblst
gyroadv Gyro Adventure (Japan, hacked by Martos) 1984 Nippon Columbia - Colpax - Universal Yes 1 0
hero H.E.R.O. (Europe) 1984 Activision Yes 1 0
habilit Habilit (Spain) 1988 Iber Soft Yes 1 0
hammboy Hammer Boy (Spain) 1991 Dro Soft Yes 2 0
happyfrt Happy Fret (Europe) 1985 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
happyfrta Happy Fret (Europe, alt) 1985 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0 happyfrt
hardboil Hard Boiled (Europe) 1987 Methodic Solutions Yes 1 0
hardboila Hard Boiled (Europe, alt) 1987 Methodic Solutions Yes 1 0 hardboil
hardcopy Hard-Copy (Spain) 1986 MSX Club Yes 1 0
showjumph Harvey Smith's Showjumper (Europe, hacked protection) 1985 Software Projects Yes 1 0 showjump
showjump Harvey Smith's Showjumper (Europe) 1985 Software Projects Yes 1 0
hhouse Haunted House (Europe) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0
hhousea Haunted House (Europe, alt) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0 hhouse
headali Head Alignment Kit (Europe) 1985 Aackosoft Yes 1 0
headalia Head Alignment Kit (Europe, alt) 1985 Aackosoft Yes 1 0 headali
headover Head Over Heels (Europe) 1987 Ocean Software Yes 1 0
headovera Head Over Heels (Europe, alt) 1987 Ocean Software Yes 1 0 headover
headovers Head Over Heels (Spain) 1987 Erbe Software Yes 1 0 headover
heatseek Heat Seeker - Missil (Spain) 1988 Mind Games España Yes 1 0
heist The Heist (Europe) 1985 Aackosoft Yes 1 0
hercules Hercules - Slayer of the Damned (Europe) 1988 Gremlin Graphics Yes 1 0
herether Here & There with the Mr. Men (Europe) 1985 Mirrorsoft Yes 1 0
herencia La Herencia (Spain) 1987 Idealogic Yes 2 0 inherit
highway Highway Encounter (Spain) 1985 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0
devgens HiSoft Devpac GENS (Europe) 1984 HiSoft Yes 1 0
devgenss HiSoft Devpac - Ensamblador, Desensamblador GENS (Spain) 1984 Sony Spain Yes 1 0 devgens
devmons HiSoft Devpac MONS (Europe) 1984 HiSoft Yes 1 0
pascal HiSoft Pascal (Europe) 1984 HiSoft Yes 1 0
hopper Hopper (Europe) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
carrcaba Carreras De Caballos (Spain) 1983 SIL Yes 1 0
hostages Hostages (Spain, hacked by Martos) 1990 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
hotshoe Hot Shoe (Europe) 1984 Longman Software Yes 1 0
howard Howard the Duck (Europe) 1987 Activision Yes 1 0
humphrey Humphrey (Europe, Mr. Micro) 1984 Mr. Micro Yes 1 0
humphreya Humphrey (Europe, Mr. Micro, alt) 1984 Mr. Micro Yes 1 0 humphrey
humphrez Humphrey (Spain, Zigurat Software) 1988 Zigurat Software Yes 1 0
humphreza Humphrey (Spain, Zigurat Software, alt) 1988 Zigurat Software Yes 1 0 humphrez
hnchback Hunchback (Europe) 1984 Ocean Software Yes 1 0
hnchbacka Hunchback (Europe, alt) 1984 Ocean Software Yes 1 0 hnchback
hundra Hundra (Spain) 1988 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0
hundraa Hundra (Spain, alt) 1988 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0 hundra
huntred The Hunt for Red October (Europe) 1988 Grandslam Entertainments Yes 1 0
hfox Hurry Fox - Yuki no Maou hen (Japan) 1985 Micro Cabin Yes 1 0
hustler Hustler (Europe) 1984 Bubble Bus Software Yes 1 0
hydlide Hydlide (Japan) 1985 T&E Soft Yes 1 0
hydlidea Hydlide (Japan, alt) 1985 T&E Soft Yes 1 0 hydlide
hype Hype (Netherlands) 1987 Methodic Solutions Yes 1 0 starbust
hypsys Hypsys (Europe) 1989 Dro Soft Yes 2 0
hypsysa Hypsys (Europe, alt) 1989 Dro Soft Yes 2 0 hypsys
ice Ice (Europe) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
iceking The Ice King (Europe) 1986 CDS Micro Systems Yes 1 0
icebreak Ice-Breaker (Spain) 1990 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
ideatype Idea Type - Instructor Mecanografico (Spain) 1985 Idealogic Yes 2 0
igloo Igloo (Spain) 1985 Garbi Soft Yes 1 0
illusion Illusions (France) 1985 Nice Ideas Yes 1 0
inca Inca (Europe) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
incaa Inca (Europe, alt) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0 inca
indycrus Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Spain) 1989 Erbe Software Yes 2 0
indycrusa Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Spain, alt) 1989 Erbe Software Yes 2 0 indycrus
indy Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (Europe) 1987 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0
atvmsx Informática y BASIC MSX (Spain) 198? Philips Spain Yes 24 0
ingridbck Ingrid's Back (United Kingdom) 1988 Level 9 Computing Yes 3 0
ingridbckc Ingrid's Back (United Kingdom, cracked) 1988 Level 9 Computing Yes 3 0 ingridbck
ik International Karate (Europe) 1986 Endurance Games Yes 1 0
ika International Karate (Europe, alt) 1986 Endurance Games Yes 1 0 ik
ikb International Karate (Europe, alt 2) 1986 Endurance Games Yes 1 0 ik
intrepid Intrepido (Spain) 1988 Mind Games España Yes 1 0
intromsx Introduzione al Basic MSX Toshiba (Italy) 198? Toshiba Yes 1 0
invaders Invaders (Europe) 1986 Livewire Software No 1 0
invasion Invasion (Europe, 64K) 1987 Bulldog Yes 1 0
invasiona Invasion (Europe, 64K, alt) 1987 Bulldog Yes 1 0 invasion
invierte Invierte y Gana (Spain) 1986 Idealogic Yes 1 0
ironwar Iron of the War (Spain) 198? Mind Games España Yes 1 0
jabato Jabato (Spain) 1989 Aventuras AD Yes 2 0
jacknip Jack the Nipper (Europe) 1986 Gremlin Graphics Yes 1 0
jacknipa Jack the Nipper (Europe, alt) 1986 Gremlin Graphics Yes 1 0 jacknip
jacknip2 Jack the Nipper II - In Coconut Capers (Europe) 1987 Gremlin Graphics Yes 1 0
jackcity Jackson City (Spain) 1990 G.LL. Software Yes 1 0
jaialai Jai Alai (Spain) 1991 Opera Soft Yes 1 0
jaws Jaws (Spain?) 1989 A.M.H. Yes 1 0
jetbomb Jet Bomber (Europe) 1985 Aackosoft Yes 1 0
jetbomba Jet Bomber (Europe, alt) 1985 Aackosoft Yes 1 0 jetbomb
jetfaack Jet Fighter (Europe, Aackosoft) 1985 Aackosoft Yes 1 0
jetfaack1 Jet Fighter (One player version) (Europe, Aackosoft) 1985 Aackosoft Yes 1 0 jetfaack
jetfight Jet Fighter (Europe, Eurosoft) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0
jetfighta Jet Fighter (Europe, Eurosoft, alt) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0 jetfight
jetfightb Jet Fighter (Europe, Eurosoft, alt 2) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0 jetfight
jetsetw Jet Set Willy (Europe) 1984 Software Projects No 1 0
jetsetw2h Jet Set Willy II - The Final Frontier (Europe, hacked protection) 1985 Software Projects Yes 1 0 jetsetw2
jetsetw2 Jet Set Willy II - The Final Frontier (Europe) 1985 Software Projects Yes 1 0
jwldrk1 Jewels of Darkness I - Colossal Adventure (United Kingdom) 1984 Level 9 Computing Yes 1 0
jwldrk1a Jewels of Darkness I - Colossal Adventure (United Kingdom, alt) 1984 Level 9 Computing Yes 1 0 jwldrk1
jwldrk2 Jewels of Darkness II - Adventure Quest (United Kingdom) 1984 Level 9 Computing Yes 1 0
jwldrk3 Jewels of Darkness III - Dungeon Adventure (United Kingdom) 1984 Level 9 Computing Yes 1 0
jeweldrk Jewels of Darkness (Europe) 1986 Level 9 Computing Yes 3 0
jeweldrka Jewels of Darkness (Europe, alt) 1986 Level 9 Computing Yes 3 0 jeweldrk
joeblade Joe Blade (Europe) 1989 Players Software Yes 1 0
comomolo Johny Comomolo in 3-2-1 Fire (Spain) 1986 Dro Soft Yes 1 0
comomoloa Johny Comomolo in 3-2-1 Fire (Spain, alt) 1986 Dro Soft Yes 1 0 comomolo
j2cearth Journey to the Centre of the Earth (Europe) 1985 Bug-Byte Software Yes 2 0
jueintel Juegos de Inteligencia (Spain) 1985 Advance Partial 4 0
jumpjet Jump Jet (Europe) 1985 Anirog Yes 1 0
jumpjack Jumping Jack (Europe) 1986 Livewire Software Yes 1 0
jungwarr Jungle Warrior (Spain) 1990 Zigurat Software Yes 1 0
kset01 K'set - Issue 01 (Spain) 1985 Ediciones y Textos Yes 2 0
kset02 K'set - Issue 02 (Spain) 1985 Ediciones y Textos Yes 2 0
kamikaze Kamikaze (Japan) 1984 Omega System Yes 1 0
karateka Karateka (Spain) 1990 Dro Soft Yes 2 0
katorise Katori Senso (Japan) 1984 UCHUDO Yes 1 0
kerulen Ke Rulen los Petas (Spain) 1989 MCM Software Yes 1 0
kerulena Ke Rulen los Petas (Spain, alt loader, bad?) 1989 MCM Software Yes 1 0 kerulen
keystone Keystone Kapers (United Kingdom) 1984 Activision Yes 1 0
keystonea Keystone Kapers (United Kingdom, alt) 1984 Activision Yes 1 0 keystone
khazzad Khazzad-Dum (Spain) 1989 System 4 Yes 1 0
kingball King & Balloon (Europe) 1988 Bug-Byte Software Yes 1 0
kingleon King Leonard (Spain) 1986 Mind Games España Yes 1 0
kingsize King Size - 50 Games in One Pack (Europe) 1986 Robtek Software No 2 0
klax Klax (Europe) 1990 Domark Yes 1 0
knighost Knight Ghost (Spain) 1987 Dro Soft Yes 1 0
knightlr Knight Lore (Europe) 1985 Ultimate Play The Game Yes 1 0
knigtorch1 Knight Orc (Europe, hacked protection) 1987 Rainbird Software Yes 3 0 knigtorc
knigtorc Knight Orc (Europe) 1987 Rainbird Software Yes 3 0
knigtorch2 Knight Orc (Europe, hacked protection 2) 1987 Rainbird Software Yes 3 0 knigtorc
knightym Knight Tyme (Europe) 1986 Mastertronic Added Dimension Yes 1 0
knockout 3D Knockout (Europe) 1985 Alligata Software Yes 1 0
kong Kong (Europe) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0
kongrev Kong's Revenge (Spain) 1991 Zigurat Software Yes 2 0
krakout Krakout (Europe) 1987 Gremlin Graphics Yes 1 0
krakouta Krakout (Europe, alt) 1987 Gremlin Graphics Yes 1 0 krakout
krom Krom - El Guerrero Invencible (Spain) 1989 OMK Software Yes 1 0
krypton Krypton (Spain) 1986 Manhattan Transfer Yes 1 0
kubus Kubus (Europe) 1985 Kuma Computers Yes 1 0
kumafort Kuma Forth (Europe) 1984 Kuma Computers Yes 1 0
kumaforta Kuma Forth (Europe, alt) 1984 Kuma Computers Yes 1 0 kumafort
kumalogo Kuma Logo (Europe) 1984 Kuma Computers Yes 1 0
kumalogoa Kuma Logo (Europe, alt) 1984 Kuma Computers Yes 1 0 kumalogo
inherit The Inheritance (Europe) 1987 Infogrames Yes 2 0
laberint Laberinto (Spain) 1985 Advance Yes 1 0
lsafary Lady Safari (Spain) 1988 OMK Software No 1 0
lancelot Lancelot (United Kingdom) 1988 Mandarin Software Yes 3 0
lastdung Last Dungeon (Spain) 198? Grupo de Trabajo Software Yes 1 0
lastmiss The Last Mission (Spain) 1987 Opera Soft Yes 1 0
lazerbyk Lazer Bykes (Europe) 1985 PSS Yes 1 0
lazerbyka Lazer Bykes (Europe, alt) 1985 PSS Yes 1 0 lazerbyk
lazerbykb Lazer Bykes (Europe, alt 2) 1985 PSS Yes 1 0 lazerbyk
lazyjon Lazy Jones (Europe) 1985 Terminal Software Yes 1 0
lazyjona Lazy Jones (Europe, alt) 1985 Terminal Software Yes 1 0 lazyjon
lazyjonb Lazy Jones (Europe, alt 2) 1985 Terminal Software Yes 1 0 lazyjon
lemans Le Mans (Europe) 1984 Electric Software Yes 1 0
lemansa Le Mans (Europe, alt) 1984 Electric Software Yes 1 0 lemans
legend Legend (Spain) 1988 MCM Software Yes 1 0
legends Legends (Spain) 1989 Mind Games España Yes 1 0
mephius Legends of Star Arthur - Planet Mephius (Japan) 1985 T&E Soft Yes 3 0
lengegb7 Lenguaje 7º E.G.B. (Spain) 1985 Santillana Yes 1 0
lengegb8 Lenguaje 8º E.G.B. (Spain) 1985 Santillana Yes 2 0
letscomp Let's Computer (Japan) 1984 Mel Software Yes 2 0
licantro Licantropo (Spain) 1986 Onaki Yes 1 0 knightlr
lic2kill Licence to Kill (Europe) 1989 Domark Yes 1 0
liebre La Liebre y la Tortuga (Spain) 1985 Advance Yes 1 0
fastlane Life in the Fast Lane (Europe) 1987 Methodic Solutions Yes 1 0
lightcor The Light Corridor (Spain) 1991 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
listing1 Listings 1 (Netherlands) 1985 Salasan Yes 1 0
listing2 Listings 2 (Netherlands) 1985 Salasan Yes 1 0
livingst Livingstone Supongo (Spain) 1986 Opera Soft Yes 1 0
livingsta Livingstone Supongo (Spain, alt loader) 1986 Opera Soft Yes 1 0 livingst
livings2 Livingstone II (Europe) 1989 Opera Soft Yes 2 0
lizard Lizard (Japan) 1985 Micro Cabin Yes 1 0
lordwats Lord Watson (Spain) 198? MSX Club Yes 1 0
lorna Lorna (Spain) 1990 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
loteriap Loteria Primitiva (Spain) 198? Manhattan Transfer Yes 1 0
loteriapa Loteria Primitiva (Spain, alt) 198? Manhattan Transfer Yes 1 0 loteriap
m47 M-47 Combate de blindados (Spain) 1986 Edisoft Yes 1 0
mdroid M-Droid (Europe) 198? Blue Ribbon Software Yes 1 0
mdroida M-Droid (Europe, alt) 198? Blue Ribbon Software Yes 1 0 mdroid
macattac Mac Attack (Europe) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
macadam Macadam Bumper (Europe) 1985 Players Software Yes 1 0
macadama Macadam Bumper (Europe, alt) 1985 Players Software Yes 1 0 macadam
macadamb Macadam Bumper (Europe, alt 2) 1985 Players Software Yes 1 0 macadam
macross Macross Countdown (Europe) 198? Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
madfox Mad-Fox (Spain) 1986 Manhattan Transfer Yes 1 0
madmix2 Mad Mix 2 - En el Castillo de los Fantasmas (Spain) 1990 Topo Soft Yes 1 0
madmix Mad Mix Game (Spain) 1988 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
madespa Made in Spain - 5 Estrellas (Spain) 1985 Zigurat Software Yes 1 0
magicjbb Magic Johnson's Basketball (Spain) 1990 Dro Soft Yes 1 0
magicpin Magic Pinball (Spain) 1987 OMK Software Yes 1 0
poolchal 3D Pool (Europe) 1989 Firebird Software Yes 1 0
mambo Mambo (Spain) 1989 Positive Yes 1 0
mamboa Mambo (Spain, alt) 1989 Positive Yes 1 0 mambo
mandragore Mandragore (United Kingdom) 1986 Infogrames Yes 4 0
mandragrf Mandragore (France) 1986 Infogrames Yes 3 0 mandragore
mandragrfa Mandragore (France, alt) 1986 Infogrames Yes 3 0 mandragore
manes Manes (Spain) 1984 Philips Spain Yes 1 0
manicmin Manic Miner (Europe) 1984 Software Projects Yes 1 0
manicmina Manic Miner (Europe, alt) 1984 Software Projects Yes 1 0 manicmin
mapgame Map Game (Spain) 1985 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
mappy Mappy (Europe) 1984 Bug-Byte Software Yes 1 0
marcians Marcianos (Spain) 1986 Manhattan Transfer Yes 1 0
martian Martianoids (Europe) 1987 Ultimate Play The Game Yes 1 0
marsongo Marude Son Goku (Japan) 1984 Mel Software Yes 1 0
mask2 Mask II (Europe) 1987 Gremlin Graphics Yes 1 0
mask3 Mask III - Venom Strikes Back (Europe) 1988 Gremlin Graphics Yes 1 0
mastches Master Chess (Europe) 1987 Mastertronic Yes 1 0
mastchesa Master Chess (Europe, alt) 1987 Mastertronic Yes 1 0 mastches
mastlamp Master of the Lamps (Europe) 1985 Activision Yes 1 0
mastvoic Mastervoice Wordstore (Europe) 1985 Aackosoft Yes 1 0
matchda2 Match Day II (Europe) 1987 Ocean Software Yes 1 0
mathsinv Maths Invaders (Europe) 1985 Aackosoft Yes 1 0
mathsinva Maths Invaders (Europe, alt) 1985 Aackosoft Yes 1 0 mathsinv
maxima Maxima (Europe) 1984 PSS Yes 1 0
maximaa Maxima (Europe, alt) 1984 PSS Yes 1 0 maxima
mayhem Mayhem (Europe) 1985 Mr. Micro Yes 1 0
mazemast Maze Master (Europe) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0
mazemax Maze Max (France) 1985 Loriciels Yes 1 0
mazesunl Mazes Unlimited (Europe) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
meanstre Mean Streets (Europe) 198? Kuma Computers Yes 1 0
mecom Mecom (Spain) 1988 Iber Soft Yes 1 0
megaches Mega Chess (Spain) 1988 MCM Software Yes 1 0
meganova Meganova (Spain) 1988 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0
meganovaa Meganova (Spain, 2 sides) 1988 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0 meganova
megaphx Megaphoenix (Europe) 1991 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0
mejor01 Mejor Software MSX - Issue 01 - Guss en la Atlantida (Spain) 1985 Creativos Editoriales Yes 1 0
mejor01a Mejor Software MSX - Issue 01 - Guss en la Atlantida (Spain, alt) 1985 Creativos Editoriales No 1 0 mejor01
memory Memory - C.04 (Netherlands) 1985 Computer Users Club Yes 1 0
merlin Merlin (Spain) 1987 Mind Games España Yes 1 0
metropol Metropolis (Spain) 1989 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
michel Michel Futbol Master (Europe) 1989 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0
michels Michel Futbol Master + Super Skills (Spain) 1989 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0 michel
mikegunn Mike Gunner (Spain) 1988 Dinamic Software No 1 0
milkrace Milk Race (Europe) 1987 Mastertronic Yes 1 0
milkracea Milk Race (Europe, alt) 1987 Mastertronic Yes 1 0 milkrace
minder Minder (United Kingdom) 1985 DK'Tronics Yes 1 0
minemach Miner Machine (Europe) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
minemacha Miner Machine (Europe, alt) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0 minemach
minemachb Miner Machine (Europe, alt 2) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0 minemach
minigolf Mini-Golf (Spain) 1984 Advance Yes 1 0
misiones Mision en España (Spain) 1986 Mind Games España Yes 1 0
misionre Mision Rescate 2 - Secuencias Temporales (Spain) 1986 Sony Spain Yes 1 0
mrjaws Mister Jaws (Netherlands) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
mistnilo El Misterio del Nilo (Spain) 1987 Zigurat Software Yes 1 0
mistniloa El Misterio del Nilo (Spain, alt) 1987 Zigurat Software Yes 1 0 mistnilo
molecule Molecule Man (Europe) 1986 Mastertronic Yes 1 0
moleculea Molecule Man (Europe, alt) 1986 Mastertronic Yes 1 0 molecule
monopoly Monopoly (Europe) 1986 Leisure Genius Yes 1 0
moonridr Moon Rider (Europe) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
moonwalk Moonwalker - The Computer Game (Europe) 1989 U.S. Gold No 1 0
moonwalka Moonwalker - The Computer Game (Europe, alt) 1989 U.S. Gold No 1 0 moonwalk
mortadel Mortadelo y Filemon (Spain) 1988 Dro Soft Yes 1 0
mortade2 Mortadelo y Filemón II - Mortadelo y Filemon en Caceria de Pollos (Spain) 1990 Dro Soft Yes 2 0
amazmem The Most Amazing Memory Game (Spain) 1986 Idealogic Yes 1 0
mot Mot (Spain) 1989 Opera Soft Yes 4 0
sideral El Motorista Sideral 1 (Spain) 1986 Sony Spain Yes 1 0
mountbik Mountain Bike Racer (Europe) 1990 Positive Yes 1 0
mountbiks Mountain Bike Racer (Spain) 1990 Positive Yes 1 0 mountbik
mountbiksa Mountain Bike Racer (Spain, alt) 1990 Positive Yes 1 0 mountbik
mrwong Mr. Wong's Loopy Laundry (Spain) 1984 Sony Spain Yes 1 0
mrwonga Mr. Wong's Loopy Laundry (Spain, alt) 1984 Sony Spain Yes 1 0 mrwong
mstcalc MST-CALC (Europe) 1985 MST Consultants Yes 1 0
scrdump MSX Screendump (Netherlands) 1986 Philips Yes 1 0
scrdumpa MSX Screendump (Netherlands, alt) 1986 Philips Yes 1 0 scrdump
mundifut Mundial de Futbol (Spain) 1990 Opera Soft Yes 2 0
mundiale Mundiales de Futbol (Spain) 198? Onaki Yes 1 0
mundoper El Mundo Perdido (Spain) 1988 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
munsters The Munsters (Europe) 1988 Alternative Software Yes 1 0
musjueg1 Música en Juego I - Notas (Spain) 1986 Sony Spain Yes 1 0
musjueg2 Musica en Juego II - Figuras (Spain) 1986 Sony Yes 1 0
mutanzon Mutan Zone (Spain) 1989 Opera Soft Yes 2 0
mutanzona Mutan Zone (Spain, alt) 1989 Opera Soft Yes 2 0 mutanzon
mutmonty Mutant Monty (Europe) 1985 Artic Computing Yes 1 0
mysterh Mystery House (Japan) 1983 Micro Cabin Yes 1 0
mysterh2 Mystery House II (Japan) 1984 Micro Cabin Yes 1 0
mystical Mystical (Europe) 1991 Infogrames Yes 2 0
mythos Mythos (Spain) 1990 Opera Soft Yes 1 0
mythosa Mythos (Spain, alt) 1990 Opera Soft Yes 1 0 mythos
narcopol Narco Police (Europe) 1990 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0
narcopola Narco Police (Europe, alt) 1990 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0 narcopol
navymove Navy Moves (Europe) 1988 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0
navymoves Navy Moves (Spain) 1988 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0 navymove
navymovesa Navy Moves (Spain, alt) 1988 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0 navymove
nflight Night Flight (Japan) 1982 Colpax Yes 1 0
nightshd Nightshade (Europe) 1985 Ultimate Play The Game Yes 1 0
ninjajaj Ninja Jajamaru-kun (Europe) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
ninjaaks Ninja (Netherlands, Aackosoft) 1984 Aackosoft Yes 1 0
ninjaeag Ninja (Netherlands, Eaglesoft) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
nonamed Nonamed (Spain) 1986 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0
nonameda Nonamed (Spain, alt) 1986 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0 nonamed
nonamedb Nonamed (Spain, alt 2) 1986 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0 nonamed
northns North & South (Europe) 1991 Infogrames Yes 4 0
bullion North Sea Bullion Adventure (Europe) 1985 Kuma Computers Yes 1 0
nseaheli North Sea Helicopter (Europe) 1987 Aackosoft Yes 1 0
nucbowls Nuclear Bowls (Spain) 1986 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
numpaint Number Painter (United Kingdom) 198? ASK Yes 1 0
oberon69 Oberon 69 (Spain) 1990 G.LL. Software Yes 1 0
obliter Obliterator (Spain) 1989 Dro Soft Yes 1 0
oceancnq Ocean Conqueror (Europe) 1987 Mastertronic Yes 1 0
octagon Octagon Squad (Europe) 1986 Mastertronic Yes 1 0
octagona Octagon Squad (Europe, alt) 1986 Mastertronic Yes 1 0 octagon
octagonb Octagon Squad (Europe, alt 2) 1986 Mastertronic Yes 1 0 octagon
octopuss Octopuss (France) 1986 Vifi International Yes 1 0
offering Offering (Japan) 1984 Toshiba-EMI Yes 1 0
ohmummy Oh Mummy!! (Europe) 1984 Eclipse Software Yes 1 0
ohshit Oh Shit! (Europe) 1986 Aackosoft Yes 1 0
ohshita Oh Shit! (Europe, alt) 1986 Aackosoft Yes 1 0 ohshit
ohnob Oh No! (Brazil) 1986 Disprosoft Yes 1 0 ohshit
oilswell Oil's Well (Europe) 1985 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
ole Ole! (Europe) 1986 Bug-Byte Software Yes 1 0
opwolf Operation Wolf (Europe) 1988 Ocean Software Yes 1 0
opwolfa Operation Wolf (Europe, 2 sides) 1988 Ocean Software Yes 2 0 opwolf
opwolfb Operation Wolf (Europe, 2 sides, alt) 1988 Ocean Software Yes 2 0 opwolf
ormuz Ormuz (Spain) 1988 Iber Soft Yes 1 0
ormuza Ormuz (Spain, alt) 1988 Iber Soft Yes 1 0 ormuz
ougon Ougon no Haka (Japan) 1984 Magical Zoo Yes 1 0
outrun Out Run (Europe) 1988 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0
outruna Out Run (Europe, alt) 1988 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0 outrun
outrunb Out Run (Spain) 1988 Erbe Software Yes 1 0 outrun
outrunc Out Run (Spain, alt) 1988 Erbe Software Yes 1 0 outrun
outroyd Outroyd (Japan) 1985 Magical Zoo Yes 1 0
outroyda Outroyd (Japan, alt loader) 1985 Magical Zoo Yes 1 0 outroyd
pacland Pac-Land (Europe) 1988 Grandslam Entertainments Yes 1 0
pacman Pac-Man (Europe) 1984 Bug-Byte Software Yes 1 0
pacmania Pac-Mania (Europe) 1988 Grandslam Entertainments Yes 1 0
paisamer Paises del Mundo II - Paises de America (Spain) 1984 Sony Spain Yes 1 0
paisasia Paises del Mundo II - Paises de Asia (Spain) 1984 Sony Spain Yes 1 0
panelpan Panel Panic (Europe) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
panelpana Panel Panic (Europe, alt) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0 panelpan
panickon Panic Kong (Spain) 1986 Soft Machine Yes 1 0
panique Panique (Europe) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
panzerat Panzer Attack (Europe) 1985 MC Lothlorien Yes 1 0
panzerata Panzer Attack (Europe, alt) 1985 MC Lothlorien Yes 1 0 panzerat
pdakar Paris-Dakar (Spain) 1988 Zigurat Software Yes 1 0
passshot Passing Shot (Europe) 1989 Mirrorsoft Yes 1 0
pastfind Pastfinder (Europe) 1984 Activision Yes 1 0
patagora Patagoras Software Educativo - Reflexion de la Luz - Espejos Planos (Spain) 1985 Philips Spain Yes 1 0
payaso1 El Payaso Explorador 1 (Spain) 1986 Sony Spain Yes 1 0
payaso2 El Payaso Explorador 2 (Spain) 1986 Anaya Multimedia Yes 1 0
pentagrm Pentagram (Europe) 1986 Ultimate Play The Game No 1 0
pepesalt Pepe Saltarin (Spain) 1986 Grupo de Trabajo Software Yes 1 0
pepesalta Pepe Saltarin (Spain, alt) 1986 Grupo de Trabajo Software Yes 1 0 pepesalt
pericdel Perico Delgado Maillot Amarillo (Spain) 1989 Erbe Software Yes 2 0
perspect Perspective (Japan, v1.1) 1987 Login Soft Yes 1 0 ship
pert PERT (Spain) 1986 DIMensionNEW Yes 1 0
pescador El Pescador Espacial 1 - Grande Mediano Pequeño (Spain) 1986 Sony Spain Yes 1 0
beardsif Peter Beardsley's International Football (Europe) 1988 Grandslam Entertainments Yes 1 0
phantis Phantis (Spain) 1987 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0
phantisa Phantis (Spain, alt) 1987 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0 phantis
phantom2 Phantomas 2 (Spain) 1987 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0 vampirec
phantom2a Phantomas 2 (Spain, alt) 1987 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0 vampirec
pharaoh Pharaoh's Revenge (Europe) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0
pharaoha Pharaoh's Revenge (Europe, alt) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0 pharaoh
phcalc PHCalc (Spain) 1985 Philips Spain Yes 1 0
phfile PhFile (Spain) 198? Philips Yes 1 0
photomem Photographic Memory (Netherlands) 1984 C.D. Systems Yes 1 0
picopico Pico Pico (Europe) 1983 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
picopicoa Pico Pico (Japan, alt) 1983 Micro Cabin Yes 1 0 picopico
pinblast Pinball Blaster (Europe) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0
pinblasta Pinball Blaster (Europe, alt) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0 pinblast
pink Pink Panther (Spain) 1988 Dro Soft Yes 1 0
pirates Pirates (Spain) 1988 Halley Software Yes 1 0
pitfall2 Pitfall II - Lost Caverns (Europe) 1985 Activision Yes 1 0
phstrip Playhouse Strippoker (Europe) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0
poderosc El Poder Oscuro (Spain) 1988 Zigurat Software Yes 1 0
polstar Polar Star (Japan) 1984 Micro Cabin Yes 1 0
polstara Polar Star (Japan, alt loader) 1984 Micro Cabin Yes 1 0 polstar
polidiaz Poli Diaz (Spain) 1990 Opera Soft Yes 1 0
police Police Academy (Europe) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
police2 Police Academy II (Europe) 1987 Methodic Solutions Yes 1 0
poogabooh Poogaboo (Spain, hacked protection) 1991 Opera Soft Yes 1 0 poogaboo
poogaboo Poogaboo (Spain) 1991 Opera Soft Yes 1 0
poogabooa Poogaboo (Spain, alt) 1991 Opera Soft Yes 1 0 poogaboo
portopia Portopia Renzoku Satsujin Jiken (Japan) 1985 ENIX Yes 1 0
postmort Post Mortem (Spain) 1988 Iber Soft Yes 1 0
powermag Power and Magic (Spain) 1990 Zigurat Software Yes 1 0
powermaga Power and Magic (Spain, alt) 1990 Zigurat Software Yes 1 0 powermag
pdrift Power Drift (Europe) 1989 Activision Yes 2 0
pvision Previsiones (Spain) 1986 Load 'n' Run Yes 1 0
principe El Principe y el Dragon (Spain) 1985 Advance Yes 1 0
proyakss Pro Yakyuu Super Simulation (Japan) 1984 JDS Yes 1 0
prosnook Professional Snooker Simulator (Europe) 1987 Codemasters Yes 1 0
protenn Professional Tennis Simulator (Spain?) 1990 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0
projecta Jackie Chan in Project A (Japan) 1984 Pony Yes 1 0
protectr The Protector (Europe) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
protectra The Protector (Europe, alt) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0 protectr
psyched Psychedelia (Europe) 1984 Aackosoft Yes 1 0
psychpig Psycho Pig U.X.B. (Europe) 1988 U.S. Gold Yes 1 0
punchyjd Punchy & Judy (United Kingdom) 1989 Alternative Software Yes 1 0
punchy Punchy (Spain) 1984 Philips Spain Yes 1 0 punchyjd
punchya Punchy (Europe) 1984 Mr. Micro Yes 1 0 punchyjd
pyramidw Pyramid Warp (Europe) 1984 Toshiba Yes 1 0
quebert Quebert (Europe) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0
queberta Quebert (Europe, alt) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0 quebert
quebertb Quebert (Europe, alt 2) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0 quebert
golfa Golf (Spain, alt) 1984 Philips Spain Yes 1 0 golf
golf Golf (Spain) 1984 Philips Spain Yes 1 0
quinredu Quinielas y Reducciones (Spain) 1985 Sony Spain Yes 2 0
ram R.A.M. (Spain) 1990 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
rabbian Rabbian (Japan) 1984 Soft Pro International Yes 1 0
racecity Race City (Spain) 1988 Iber Soft Yes 1 0
rallyx Rally-X (Europe) 1984 Bug-Byte Software Yes 1 0
rambo3 Rambo III (Europe) 1988 Ocean Software Yes 1 0
rambo3a Rambo III (Europe, 2 sides) 1988 Ocean Software Yes 2 0 rambo3
rambo3b Rambo III (Europe, 2 sides, alt) 1988 Ocean Software Yes 2 0 rambo3
rampart The Rampart (Spain) 1988 Iber Soft Yes 1 0
rastscan RasterScan (Europe) 1987 Mastertronic Yes 1 0
rastscana RasterScan (Europe, alt) 1987 Mastertronic Yes 1 0 rastscan
raththa Rath-Tha (Spain) 1989 Positive Yes 1 0
reddawn Red Dawn (Europe) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0
reddawna Red Dawn (Europe, alt) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0 reddawn
reflex Reflex (Europe) 1987 Players Software Yes 2 0
reflexa Reflex (Europe, alt) 1987 Players Software Yes 2 0 reflex
reflexb Reflex (Europe, alt 2) 1987 Players Software Yes 2 0 reflex
relics Relics (Japan) 1986 Bothtec Yes 2 0
renegad3 Renegade III - The Final Chapter (Europe) 1989 Imagine Software Yes 1 0
rescatl Rescate Atlántida (Spain) 1989 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0
rescatla Rescate Atlántida (Spain, 2 sides) 1989 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0 rescatl
rescgolfh1 Rescate en el Golfo (Spain, hacked protection) 1990 Opera Soft Yes 2 0 rescgolf
rescgolfh2 Rescate en el Golfo (Spain, hacked protection 2) 1990 Opera Soft Yes 2 0 rescgolf
rescgolf Rescate en el Golfo (Spain) 1990 Opera Soft Yes 2 0
riskhold Risky Holding (Spain) 1986 DIMensionNEW Yes 1 0
riverchs River Chase (Japan) 1985 Soft Pro International Yes 1 0
riveraid River Raid (Europe) 1984 Activision Yes 1 0
robocop Robocop (Europe) 1988 Ocean Software Yes 2 0
robocopa Robocop (Europe, alt) 1988 Ocean Software Yes 2 0 robocop
robotwar Robot Wars (Europe) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
roboy Roboy (Europe) 1987 Methodic Solutions Yes 1 0
rockroll Rock 'n Roller (Spain) 1988 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
rroger Rocket Roger (Europe) 1987 Alligata Software Yes 1 0
rrogera Rocket Roger (Europe, alt) 1987 Alligata Software Yes 1 0 rroger
rocky Rocky (Spain) 1985 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0
rockya Rocky (Spain, alt) 1985 Dinamic Software No 1 0 rocky
roller Roller (Finland) 1987 Triosoft Yes 1 0
roma Roma - La Conquista del Imperio (Spain) 1986 Idealogic Yes 1 0
rscasm RSC Ensamblador (Spain) 198? Manhattan Transfer Yes 1 0
rscasma RSC Ensamblador (Spain, alt) 198? Manhattan Transfer Yes 1 0 rscasm
runner Runner (France) 1986 Loriciels Yes 1 0
running The Running Man (Spain) 1989 MCM Software Yes 2 0
sabotaje Sabotaje (Spain) 1988 P.J. Software Yes 1 0
sabotajea Sabotaje (Spain, alt) 1988 P.J. Software Yes 1 0 sabotaje
sabrina Sabrina (Spain) 1989 Iber Soft Yes 1 0
sdragon Saint Dragon (Spain) 1990 Dro Soft No 2 0
salvage Salvage (Europe) 1986 Livewire Software Yes 1 0
samantha Samantha Fox Strip Poker (Europe) 1986 Martech Games Yes 2 0
samanthaa Samantha Fox Strip Poker (Europe, alt) 1986 Martech Games Yes 2 0 samantha
satan Satan (Europe) 1989 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0
satans Satan (Spain) 1989 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0 satan
satansa Satan (Spain, alt) 1989 Dinamic Software Yes 2 0 satan
scpghost Scapeghost (Europe) 1989 Level 9 Computing Yes 3 0
scentped Scentipede (Europe) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
scifi Science Fiction (Europe) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
scor3020 Score 3020 (Spain) 1988 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
sspirits Scramble Spirits (Europe) 1990 Grandslam Entertainments Yes 2 0
sspiritsa Scramble Spirits (Europe, alt) 1990 Grandslam Entertainments Yes 2 0 sspirits
seahuntr Sea Hunter (Europe) 1985 Spectravideo Yes 1 0
seaking Sea King (Europe) 1986 Players Software Yes 1 0
secamole The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13¾ (Europe) 1985 Mosaic Publishing Yes 4 4
secreto El Secreto de la Piramide (Spain) 198? Manhattan Transfer Yes 1 0
sendasal Senda Salvaje (Spain) 1990 Zigurat Software Yes 2 0
sharkh Shark Hunter (Europe) 1984 Electric Software Yes 1 0
shinobi Shinobi (Europe) 1989 Virgin Games Yes 2 0
ship Ship (Spain) 1989 System 4 Yes 1 0
shirokur Shiro to Kuro no Densetsu (Japan) 1986 Soft Studio Wing Yes 5 1
shnax Shnax (Europe) 1985 Kuma Computers Yes 1 0
shup Shup - Trebol (Spain) 1986 Mind Games España Yes 1 0
sshadow Silent Shadow (Spain) 1988 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
silfi Silfi (Spain) 1988 Iber Soft Yes 1 0
sildrm1 Silicon Dreams I - Snowball (United Kingdom) 1984 Level 9 Computing Yes 1 0
sildrm2 Silicon Dreams II - Return to Eden (United Kingdom) 1984 Level 9 Computing Yes 1 0
sildrm3 Silicon Dreams III - The Worm in Paradise (United Kingdom) 1985 Level 9 Computing Yes 1 0
sildream Silicon Dreams (Europe) 1986 Level 9 Computing Yes 3 0
sildreama Silicon Dreams (Europe, alt) 1986 Level 9 Computing Yes 3 0 sildream
simten Simulador Profesional de Tenis (Spain) 1990 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0
sirfred Sir Fred (Spain) 1986 Zigurat Software Yes 1 0
sirwood Sirwood (Spain) 1990 Opera Soft Yes 4 0
sirwooda Sirwood (Spain, alt) 1990 Opera Soft Yes 4 0 sirwood
sp500gp Sito Pons 500cc Grand Prix (Spain) 1990 Zigurat Software Yes 1 0
skdragon Skate Dragon (Spain) 1986 OMK Software Yes 1 0
skdragona Skate Dragon (Spain, alt) 1986 OMK Software Yes 1 0 skdragon
skooter Skooter (Europe) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
skramble Skramble (Europe) 1985 Aackosoft Yes 1 0
skulexil Skull Exilon (Spain) 1988 Iber Soft Yes 1 0
skydiver Sky Diver (Japan) 1984 Hudson Soft Yes 1 0
skydivera Sky Diver (Japan, alt) 1984 Hudson Soft Yes 1 0 skydiver
skyvis Sky Vision (Europe) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
skywar Sky War (Spain) 1988 Discovery Informatic Yes 1 0
skyhawk Skyhawk (Europe) 1986 Bug-Byte Software Yes 1 0
skyhawks Sky Hawk (Spain) 19?? Manhattan Transfer Yes 1 0
slapshot Slapshot (Europe) 1985 Anirog Software Yes 1 0
smackwac Smack Wacker (Europe) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
smaily Smaily (Spain) 1990 Zigurat Software Yes 1 0
smash Smash (Europe) 1984 Spectravideo Yes 1 0
snakeit Snake It (Europe) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
snowman The Snowman (Europe) 1984 Quicksilva Yes 1 0
snackbar Snackbar + Mouse Jump (Spain) 19?? Compulogical Yes 2 0
soccerbo Soccer Boss (UK) 1987 Alternative Software Yes 1 0
softmsx1 Soft-MSX 1 (Spain) 1985 Editorial Cometa Yes 2 0
softmsx3 Soft-MSX 3 (Spain) 1985 Editorial Cometa Yes 2 0
solnegro Sol Negro (Spain) 1989 Opera Soft Yes 2 0
solnegroa Sol Negro (Spain, alt) 1989 Opera Soft Yes 2 0 solnegro
solnegrob Sol Negro (Spain, alt 2) 1989 Opera Soft Yes 2 0 solnegro
soldlght Soldier of Light (Spain) 1989 Dro Soft Yes 1 0
solo Solo (Spain) 1989 Opera Soft No 1 0
sootland Sootland (Spain) 1988 Zafiro Software Division Yes 2 0
sorcery Sorcery (Europe) 1985 Virgin Games Yes 1 0
sorcerya Sorcery (Europe, alt) 1985 Virgin Games Yes 1 0 sorcery
soulrobo Soul of a Robot (Europe) 1987 Mastertronic Yes 1 0
soviet Soviet (Spain) 1990 Opera Soft Yes 2 0
sovieta Soviet (Spain, alt) 1990 Opera Soft Yes 2 0 soviet
sbusters Space Busters (Europe, Eaglesoft) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
sbustera Space Busters (Europe, Aackosoft) 1985 Aackosoft Yes 1 0 sbusters
sharr2 Space Harrier II (Europe) 1990 Grandslam Entertainments Yes 2 0
srescue Space Rescue (Europe) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0
srescuea Space Rescue (Europe, alt) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0 srescue
srescueb Space Rescue (Europe, alt 2) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0 srescue
sshuttle Space Shuttle - A Journey into Space (Europe) 1986 Activision Yes 1 0
smugglrs Space Smugglers (Spain) 1989 MHT Ingenieros No 1 0
spacewlk Space Walk (Europe) 1985 Mastertronic Yes 1 0
spartanx Jackie Chan in Spartan X 1985 Pony Yes 1 0
specops Special Operations (Europe) 1985 MC Lothlorien Yes 1 0
specopsa Special Operations (Europe, alt) 1985 MC Lothlorien Yes 1 0 specops
spedking Speed King (Europe) 1986 Mastertronic Yes 1 0
spedkinga Speed King (Europe, alt) 1986 Mastertronic Yes 1 0 spedking
spedkingb Speed King (Europe, alt 2) 1986 Mastertronic Yes 1 0 spedking
sbracer Speedboat Racer (Europe) 1987 Methodic Solutions Yes 1 0
spirits Spirits (Spain) 1987 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
spitfire Spitfire '40 (Europe) 1986 Mirrorsoft Yes 1 0
splash Splash (Spain) 1986 Mind Games España Yes 1 0
spystory Spy Story (Europe) 1986 Aackosoft Yes 1 0
spystorya Spy Story (Europe, alt) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0 spystory
spyvssp2 Spy vs Spy II - The Island Caper (Europe) 1987 Databyte Yes 1 0
spyvssp2a Spy vs Spy II - The Island Caper (Europe, alt) 1987 Databyte Yes 1 0 spyvssp2
starbowl Star Bowls (Spain) 1991 Zigurat Software Yes 1 0
starfght Star Fighter (Europe) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
starrun Star Runner (Spain) 1986 Manhattan Transfer Yes 1 0
starruna Star Runner (Spain, alt) 1986 Manhattan Transfer Yes 1 0 starrun
starseeks Star Seeker - Solar System (Spain) 1986 Discovery Informatic Yes 2 0
starwars Star Wars (Europe) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
starwarsa Star Wars (Europe, alt) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0 starwars
starbugg Starbuggy (Europe) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0
starbust Starbuster (Europe) 1987 Methodic Solutions Yes 1 0
starbyte Starbyte (Spain) 1987 Mister Chip Yes 1 0
stardust Stardust (Spain) 1987 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
starquak Starquake (Europe) 1986 Bubble Bus Software Yes 1 0
starquaka Starquake (Europe, alt) 1986 Bubble Bus Software Yes 1 0 starquak
stars1 Stars MSX 1 (Spain) 1985 Stars Yes 2 0
stars2 Stars MSX 2 (Spain) 1985 Stars Yes 2 0
stars4 Stars MSX 4 (Spain) 1986 Stars Yes 2 0
sdsnookr Steve Davis Snooker (Europe) 1985 CDS Microsystems Yes 1 0
stopball Stop Ball (Spain) 1987 Dro Soft Yes 1 0
storm Storm - Una's Lair (Europe) 1986 Mastertronic Yes 1 0
storma Storm - Una's Lair (Europe, alt) 1986 Mastertronic Yes 1 0 storm
sbringer Stormbringer (Europe) 1987 Mastertronic Added Dimension Yes 1 0
streaker Streaker (Europe) 1987 Bulldog Yes 1 0
strpok2p Strip Poker II+ (Europe) 1988 Anco Software Yes 1 0
strpok2pa Strip Poker II+ (Europe, 2 sides) 1988 Anco Software Yes 2 0 strpok2p
schess Super Chess (Europe) 1984 Kuma Computers Yes 1 0
schessa Super Chess (Europe, alt) 1984 Kuma Computers Yes 1 0 schess
supxfrce Super Cross Force (Europe) 1983 Spectravideo Yes 1 0
ssapiens Super Sapiens (Spain) 1989 Proein Soft Line Yes 1 0
ssprites Super Sprites (Spain) 1986 Idealogic Yes 1 0
supbowl Superbowl (Europe) 1985 Budgie Budget Software Yes 1 0
skaratek Superkarateka (Spain) 198? Onaki Yes 1 0
supermaze Supermaze (United Kingdom) 1984 Morwood Software Yes 1 0
survivor Survivor (Spain) 1987 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
survivrs Survivors (Europe) 1986 Atlantis Software Yes 1 0
swiv SWIV (Spain) 1991 Dro Soft Yes 2 0
swiva SWIV (Spain, alt) 1991 Dro Soft Yes 2 0 swiv
tgraph T-GRAPH (Europe) 1984 Toshiba No 1 0
taipan Tai-Pan (Europe) 1987 Ocean Software Yes 2 0
tank Tank (Finland) 1986 Boss Company Yes 1 0
tankbatt Tank Battalion (Europe) 1984 Bug-Byte Software Yes 1 0
tlgngame Tape Login MSX Game Book (Japan) 1985 ASCII Yes 2 0
targetp Target Plus (Spain) 1988 Dinamic Software No 1 0
tasword Tasword (Spain) 1985 Sony Yes 1 0
tawara Tawara (Spain) 1984 Philips Spain Yes 1 0
tmhth Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (Europe, hacked protection) 1990 MCM Software Yes 1 0 tmht
tmht Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (Europe) 1990 MCM Software Yes 1 0
temptat Temptations (Spain) 1988 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
tension Tension (Spain) 1988 System 4 Yes 1 0
terminus Terminus - Prison Planet (Europe) 1987 Mastertronic Added Dimension Yes 1 0
terramex Terramex (Europe) 1988 Grandslam Entertainments Yes 1 0
terrorpd Terrorpods (Spain) 1989 Dro Soft Yes 1 0
testadap Test de Adaptacion (Spain) 1984 Toshiba Yes 1 0
testcapa Test de Capacidad de Concentracion (Spain) 1984 Toshiba Yes 1 0
testcara Test de Caracter (Spain) 1984 DIMensionNEW Yes 1 0
testdrv2 Test Drive II - The Duel (Spain) 1989 Dro Soft Yes 1 0
testdrv2a Test Drive II - The Duel (Spain, alt) 1989 Dro Soft Yes 1 0 testdrv2
tetris Tetris (Europe) 1987 Mirrorsoft Yes 1 0
thexder Thexder (Europe) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
thingbb Thing Bounces Back (Europe) 1987 Gremlin Graphics Yes 1 0
thor Thor (Spain) 1988 Proein Soft Line Yes 1 0
tblade Thunder Blade (Spain) 1988 Erbe Software Yes 2 0
tbirds Thunderbirds (Europe) 1989 Grandslam Entertainments Yes 4 0
timemag1 Time and Magik I - Lords of Time (Europe) 1984 Level 9 Computing Yes 1 0
timemag2 Time and Magik II - Red Moon (Europe) 1985 Level 9 Computing Yes 1 0
timemag3 Time and Magik III - The Price of Magik (Europe) 1986 Level 9 Computing Yes 1 0
timemagk Time and Magik (United Kingdom) 1988 Mandarin Software Yes 3 0
timemagkc Time and Magik (United Kingdom, cracked) 1988 Mandarin Software Yes 3 0 timemagk
timemagka Time and Magik (United Kingdom, alt) 1988 Mandarin Software Yes 3 0 timemagk
timeband Time Bandits (Europe) 1984 PSS Yes 1 0
timebanda Time Bandits (Europe, alt) 1984 PSS Yes 1 0 timeband
timebomb Time Bomb (Europe) 1987 Methodic Solutions Yes 1 0
timecurb Time Curb (Europe) 1986 Aackosoft Yes 1 0
timecurba Time Curb (Europe, alt) 1986 Aackosoft Yes 1 0 timecurb
timeout Time Out (Spain) 1988 Zafiro Software Division No 1 0
timeridr Time Rider (Europe) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0
timeridra Time Rider (Europe, alt) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0 timeridr
timescan Time Scanner (Europe) 1989 Activision Yes 1 0
timetrax Time Trax (Europe) 1986 Bug-Byte Software Yes 1 0
timetraxa Time Trax (Europe, alt) 1986 Bug-Byte Software Yes 1 0 timetrax
titanic Titanic (Spain) 1988 Topo Soft Yes 2 0
toiacid Toi Acid Game (Spain) 1989 MCM Software Yes 4 0
tokyogan Tokyo Gang (Spain) 1990 G.LL. Software Yes 1 0
tokyons Tokyo Nampa Street (Japan) 1986 Enix Yes 4 0
tomjerry Tom & Jerry (Spain) 1989 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
tmtprncs The Tomato Princess from Salad Land (Japan) 1985 Hudson Soft Yes 4 0
toobin Toobin' (Europe) 1989 Domark Yes 1 0
toobina Toobin' (Europe, alt) 1989 Domark Yes 1 0 toobin
toproll Top Roller (Europe) 198? Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
tour91 Tour 91 (Spain) 1991 Erbe Software Yes 2 0
trailblz Trailblazer (Europe) 1986 Gremlin Graphics Yes 1 0
trailblza Trailblazer (Europe, alt loader) 1986 Gremlin Graphics Yes 1 0 trailblz
trantor Trantor - The Last Stormtrooper (Europe) 1987 Go! Yes 1 0
trantora Trantor - The Last Stormtrooper (Europe, alt) 1987 Go! Yes 1 0 trantor
trantorb Trantor - The Last Stormtrooper (Europe, alt 2) 1987 Go! Yes 1 0 trantor
trasunic Tras el Unicornio (Spain) 1987 Azimut Soft Yes 1 0
lucesglr Las Tres Luces de Glaurung (Spain) 1986 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
trickboy Trick Boy (Japan) 1984 T&E Soft Yes 1 0
tripcom Triple Comando (Spain) 1988 Dro Soft Yes 2 0
tritorn Tritorn (Japan) 1986 Xain Yes 1 0
trivial Trivial Pursuit (Spain) 1986 Erbe Software Yes 2 0
ttracer TT Racer (Europe) 1987 Methodic Solutions Yes 1 0
ttracera TT Racer (Europe, alt) 1987 Methodic Solutions Yes 1 0 ttracer
tuareg Tuareg (Spain) 1988 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
tuneltmp El Tunel del Tiempo (Spain) 1986 Mind Games España Yes 1 0
turbogrl Turbo Girl (Spain) 1988 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0
turbogrla Turbo Girl (Spain, alt) 1988 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0 turbogrl
turbogrlb Turbo Girl (Spain, alt 2) 1988 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0 turbogrl
turmoil Turmoil (Europe) 1986 Bug-Byte Software Yes 1 0
turmoila Turmoil (Europe, alt) 1986 Bug-Byte Software Yes 1 0 turmoil
tutor Tutor (Spain) 1985 Sony Spain Yes 2 0
mpc100 Introducing the Sanyo MPC-100 Micro (Europe) 1985 Sanyo Yes 1 0
uboot U-Boot (Spain) 1985 Manhattan Transfer Yes 1 0
uboota U-Boot (Spain, alt) 1985 Manhattan Transfer Yes 1 0 uboot
uchimata Uchi Mata (Europe) 1987 Martech Games No 1 0
uchimataa Uchi Mata (Europe, alt loader) 1987 Martech Games No 1 0 uchimata
ulises Ulises (Spain) 1989 Opera Soft Yes 1 0
ultchess Ultra Chess (Europe) 1985 Aackosoft Yes 1 0
ultchessa Ultra Chess (Europe, alt) 1985 Aackosoft Yes 1 0 ultchess
undergnd Underground (Spain) 1988 System 4 Yes 1 0
untouch The Untouchables (Spain) 1989 Erbe Software Yes 2 0
untoucha The Untouchables (Spain, alt) 1989 Erbe Software Yes 2 0 untouch
vacuuman Vacuumania (Europe) 1984 PSS Yes 1 0
vacuumana Vacuumania (Europe, alt) 1984 PSS Yes 1 0 vacuuman
valkyr Valkyr (Europe) 1985 Gremlin Graphics Yes 1 0
vampire Vampire (Spain) 1987 Manhattan Transfer Yes 1 0
vampirec Vampire (Europe) 1986 Codemasters Yes 1 0
vampireca Vampire (Europe, alt) 1986 Codemasters Yes 1 0 vampirec
vampemp Vampire's Empire (Spain) 1988 Dro Soft Yes 1 0
vampempa Vampire's Empire (Spain, alt) 1988 Dro Soft Yes 1 0 vampemp
venganza La Venganza de Johny Comomolo (Spain) 1986 Dro Soft Yes 1 0
venganzaa La Venganza de Johny Comomolo (Spain, alt) 1986 Dro Soft Yes 1 0 venganza
venganzab La Venganza de Johny Comomolo (Spain, alt 2) 1986 Dro Soft Yes 1 0 venganza
veracruz L'Affaire Vera Cruz (France) 1986 Infogrames Yes 1 0
vestron Vestron (Europe) 1986 Players Software Yes 1 0
vestrona Vestron (Europe, alt) 1986 Players Software Yes 1 0 vestron
vctierra Viaje al Centro de la Tierra (Spain) 1989 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
viajeesp Viaje Espacial (Spain) 1986 Sony Spain Yes 1 0
viajecee Viaje por la C.E.E. (Spain) 1986 Mind Games España Yes 1 0
vviper Vicious Viper (Europe) 1985 Sanyo Yes 1 0
vvipera Vicious Viper (Europe, alt) 1985 Sanyo Yes 1 0 vviper
vviperb Vicious Viper (Europe, alt 2) 1985 Sanyo Yes 1 0 vviper
vidpoker Las Vegas Video Poker (Europe) 1986 Mastertronic Yes 1 0
vidpokrb Video Poker (Brazil, Disprosoft) 1986 Disprosoft Yes 1 0
avtak A View to a Kill (Europe) 1986 Domark Yes 1 0
avtaka A View to a Kill (Europe, alt) 1986 Domark Yes 1 0 avtak
visitor Visitor - Bazar Catalunya (Spain) 1988 Mind Games España Yes 1 0
voidrun Void Runner (Europe) 1987 Mastertronic Yes 1 0
volguard Volguard (Japan) 1985 dB-Soft Yes 1 0
vortraid Vortex Raider (Europe) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0
vortraida Vortex Raider (Europe, alt) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0 vortraid
wseries1 W Series 1 - Biotech / Killer Station (Japan) 1983 Hudson Soft Yes 2 0
wseries3 W Series 3 - Fire Ball / Akarui Nouen (Japan) 1983 Hudson Soft Yes 2 0
wseries4 W Series 4 - Ame no Hi wa Ōisogashi / Super Doors (Japan) 1983 Hudson Soft Yes 2 0
wall The Wall (Spain) 1987 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
wallball Wallball (Europe) 198? Microvalue Yes 1 0
wallballa Wallball (Europe, alt) 198? Microvalue Yes 1 0 wallball
wampcola Wamp Cola (Spain) 1988 Iber Soft Yes 1 0
warchess War Chess (Spain) 1986 Idealogic Yes 1 0
midearth War in Middle Earth (Spain) 1989 Dro Soft Yes 1 0
warpwarp Warp & Warp (Europe) 1984 Bug-Byte Software Yes 1 0
waytiger The Way of the Tiger (Europe) 1986 Gremlin Graphics Yes 4 0
wecleman WEC Le Mans (Europe) 1988 Imagine Software Yes 1 0
weclemana WEC Le Mans (Europe, alt) 1988 Imagine Software Yes 1 0 wecleman
wellsfar Wells & Fargo (Spain) 1988 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
westbank West Bank (Spain) 1989 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0
westbanka West Bank (Spain, alt) 1989 Dinamic Software Yes 1 0 westbank
whodare2 Who Dares Wins 2 (Europe) 1986 Alligata Software Yes 1 0
whodare2a Who Dares Wins 2 (UK, Italy) 1988 Alternative Software Yes 1 0 whodare2
whopper Whopper Chase (Spain) 1987 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
wilco Wilco (Spain) 19?? MSX Club Yes 1 0
wildcat Wild Cat (Japan) 1984 Colpax Yes 1 0
wingman Wing Man (Japan) 1985 Enix Yes 4 0
wintevnt Winter Events (Europe) 1987 Anco Software Yes 1 0
wintevnta Winter Events (Europe, 2 sides?) 1987 Anco Software Yes 2 0 wintevnt
wingames Winter Games (Europe) 1986 U.S. Gold Yes 2 0
wingamesa Winter Games (Europe, alt) 1986 U.S. Gold Yes 2 0 wingames
wintol Winter Olympics (Europe) 1986 Tynesoft Yes 2 0
winthawk Winterhawk (Europe) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0
winthawka Winterhawk (Europe, alt) 1988 Eurosoft Yes 1 0 winthawk
wizlair Wizard's Lair (Europe) 1986 Bubble Bus Software Yes 1 0
wizlaira Wizard's Lair (Europe, alt) 1986 Bubble Bus Software Yes 1 0 wizlair
wordpro Word Pro (Europe, v2.60) 1985 Kuma Computers Yes 1 0
italia90 World Cup Italia 90 (Spain) 1989 Dro Soft Yes 1 0
wcsoccer World Cup Soccer (Europe) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
wcsoccera World Cup Soccer (Europe, alt) 1986 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0 wcsoccer
wldgames World Games (Europe) 1987 U.S. Gold Yes 2 0
wldmscpp Color Plotter/Printer-yō Sekai Chizu Soft (Japan) 1984 National Yes 2 0
wreck The Wreck (United Kingdom) 1984 Electric Software Yes 1 0
xenon Xenon (United Kingdom) 1988 Melbourne House Yes 1 0
xenons Xenon (Spain) 1988 Dro Soft Yes 1 0 xenon
xybots Xybots (Europe) 1989 Domark Yes 1 0
xybotsa Xybots (Europe, alt) 1989 Domark Yes 1 0 xybots
xyzolog Xyzolog (Europe) 1985 Electric Software Yes 1 0
xyzologa Xyzolog (Europe, alt) 1985 Electric Software Yes 1 0 xyzolog
yocalcul Yo Calculo (Spain) 1986 Sony Spain Yes 1 0
zakilwd Zakil Wood (Europe) 1985 Mr. Micro Yes 1 0
zanac Zanac (Netherlands) 1987 Eaglesoft Yes 1 0
zarth Zarth (Japan) 1985 Enix Yes 2 0
zaxxon Zaxxon (Europe) 1985 Electric Software Yes 1 0
zerofght Zero Fighter (Japan) 1984 Honeybee Soft Yes 1 0
zexas Zexas (Japan) 1984 dB-Soft Yes 1 0
zipizape Zipi y Zape (Spain) 1989 Dro Soft Yes 2 0
zoids Zoids - The Battle Begins (Europe) 1985 Martech Games Yes 1 0
zona0 Zona 0 (Spain) 1991 Erbe Software Yes 1 0
zond Zond (Spain) 1988 Iber Soft Yes 1 0
zoot Zoot (Europe) 1986 Bug-Byte Software Yes 1 0
aerial Aerial 2021 Inufuto Yes 1 0
akalabeth Akalabeth 2019 Nanochess Yes 1 0
aventrur Las Aventuras de Rudolphine Rur 2020 Dwalin Yes 2 0
battlot Battlot 2021 Inufuto Yes 1 0
bootskell Bootskell 2021 Inufuto Yes 1 0
cacorm Cacorm 2022 Inufuto Yes 1 0
cavit Cavit 2021 Inufuto Yes 1 0
chiteidb Chitei Daibouken (Japan) 1987 Yasunori Takahara Yes 1 0
fantfoot Fantastic Football 2021 MSXdev Yes 1 0
guntus Guntus 2022 Inufuto Yes 1 0
impetus Impetus 2021 Inufuto Yes 1 0
lift Lift 2021 Inufuto Yes 1 0
mtype M-TYPE (Japan) 1989 <doujin> Yes 1 0
neuras Neuras 2021 Inufuto Yes 1 0
pereztm Perez the Mouse 2011 MSX-BASIC Contest 2011 Yes 1 0
queensfs The Queen's Footsteps (English) 2020 Davide Bucci No 1 0
queensfsi The Queen's Footsteps (Italian) 2022 Davide Bucci Yes 1 0 queensfs
resurect Resurection (Spain?) 2013 <homebrew> Yes 1 0
rodmand Rodman (demo) 2018 Misfit Yes 1 0
ruptus Ruptus 2021 Inufuto Yes 1 0
silvestro Silvestro (Italy) 1986 Gianluca Barfi Yes 1 0
torreosc Torreoscura (Spanish) 2020 Bieno Marti & Pedro Fernández Yes 2 0
juegue01 Juegue con su MSX - Issue 01 - Carr 2000 (Spain) 198? Grupo de Trabajo Software Yes 1 0
juegue01a Juegue con su MSX - Issue 01 - Carr 2000 (Spain, alt) 198? Grupo de Trabajo Software Yes 1 0 juegue01
juegue02 Juegue con su MSX - Issue 02 - Alpha Centauro (Spain) 1987 Grupo de Trabajo Software Yes 1 0
juegue03 Juegue con su MSX - Issue 03 - Bumpy (Spain) 1987 Grupo de Trabajo Software Yes 1 0
juegue07 Juegue con su MSX - Issue 07 - Robber (Spain) 1987 Grupo de Trabajo Software Yes 1 0
lenmaqx Lenguaje Maquina - Issue unknown (Spain) 19?? Audimicro Yes 2 0
msxcmp06 MSX Computer Magazine - Issue 06 (Italy) 1986 Elettronica 2000 Yes 1 0
msxcmp12 MSX Computer Magazine - Issue 12 (Netherlands) 1986 Aktu Yes 1 0
msxcmp13 MSX Computer Magazine - Issue 13 (Netherlands) 1986 Aktu Yes 1 0
msxcmp16 MSX Computer Magazine - Issue 16 (Netherlands) 1987 Aktu Yes 1 0
msxcmp16a MSX Computer Magazine - Issue 16 (Netherlands, alt) 1987 Aktu Yes 1 0 msxcmp16
msxcmp19 MSX Computer Magazine - Issue 19 (Italy) 1987 Elettronica 2000 Yes 1 0
msxgame1 MSX Games Vol 01 - El Pinguino (Spain) 1986 Grupo de Trabajo Software Yes 1 0
msxgame2 MSX Games Vol 02 - Bob 007 (Infiltrado) (Spain) 1986 Grupo de Trabajo Software Yes 1 0
msxgame2a MSX Games Vol 02 - Bob 007 (Infiltrado) (Spain, alt) 1986 Grupo de Trabajo Software Yes 1 0 msxgame2
msxgame4 MSX Games Vol 04 - Xider (Spain) 198? Grupo de Trabajo Software Yes 2 0
msxgame5 MSX Games Vol 05 - Patrullera XH-63 (Spain) 1987 Grupo de Trabajo Software Yes 1 0
msxgame10 MSX Games Vol 10 - Invasores (Spain) 198? P.P.P. Ediciones Yes 1 0
msxmag1 MSX Magazine - Issue 01 (Italy) 1987 <unknown> Yes 1 0
msxsof01 MSX Soft Magazine - Issue 01 - Musica (Spain) 1985 Monser Yes 1 0
msxsof02 MSX Soft Magazine - Issue 02 - Maziacs (Europe) 1985 Monser Yes 1 0
msxsof04 MSX Soft Magazine - Issue 04 - Tragamanzanas (Spain) 1985 Monser Yes 1 0
msxsof06 MSX Soft Magazine - Issue 06 - Cubik - Cubo de Rubick (Spain) 1985 Monser Yes 1 0
msxsof07 MSX Soft Magazine - Issue 07 - 007 Agente Especial (Spain) 1985 Monser Yes 1 0
msxsof08 MSX Soft Magazine - Issue 08 - Rana Sideral (Spain) 1985 Monser Yes 1 0
msxsof08a MSX Soft Magazine - Issue 08 - Rana Sideral (Spain, alt) 1985 Monser Yes 1 0 msxsof08
msxsof09 MSX Soft Magazine - Issue 09 - Cazador de tiburones (Spain) 1985 Monser Yes 1 0
msxsof10 MSX Soft Magazine - Issue 10 - F-16 (Spain) 198? Monser Yes 1 0
msxsw04 MSX Software - Issue 04 (Spain) 1985 Grupo de Trabajo Software Yes 2 0
msxsw05 MSX Software - Issue 05 (Spain) 1986 Grupo de Trabajo Software Yes 2 0
msxsw10 MSX Software - Issue 10 (Spain) 1986 Grupo de Trabajo Software Yes 2 0
msxsw12 MSX Software - Issue 12 - Phantom Ataca (Spain) 1986 Grupo de Trabajo Software Yes 1 0
msxsw12a MSX Software - Issue 12 - Phantom Ataca (Spain, alt) 1986 Grupo de Trabajo Software Yes 1 0 msxsw12
msxsw13 MSX Software - Issue 13 - Batalla Espacial (Spain, unlicensed) 198? Grupo de Trabajo Software Yes 1 0 valkyr
msxsw16 MSX Software - Issue 16 - Hungry Harry (Spain) 1987 Grupo de Trabajo Software Yes 1 0
msxsw19 MSX Software - Issue 19 - Super Baby (Spain) 1986 Grupo de Trabajo Software Yes 1 0
msxsw20 MSX Software - Issue 20 - Death House (Spain) 1986 Grupo de Trabajo Software Yes 1 0
newgam18 New Games MSX - Issue 18 (Italy) 1988 Edigamma Yes 1 0
newgam23 New Games MSX - Issue 23 (Italy) 1988 Edigamma Yes 2 0
newprg17 New Program MSX - Issue 17 (Italy) 1989 S.I.P.E. Yes 1 0
newvid05 New Video Games - Issue 05 (Italy) 1986 <unknown> Yes 1 0
settim01 Settimana Games - Issue 01 (Italy) 1989 Edigamma Yes 1 0
settim04 Settimana Games - Issue 04 (Italy) 1989 Edigamma Yes 1 0
settim06 Settimana Games - Issue 06 (Italy) 1989 Edigamma Yes 1 0
settim10 Settimana Games - Issue 10 (Italy) 1989 Edigamma Yes 1 0
settim11 Settimana Games - Issue 11 (Italy) 1989 Edigamma Yes 1 0
settim12 Settimana Games - Issue 12 (Italy) 1989 Edigamma Yes 1 0
supmsx01 Super MSX - Issue 01 (Italy) 1985 J. Soft Yes 1 0
supmsx02 Super MSX - Issue 02 (Italy) 1985 J. Soft Yes 1 0
supmsx04 Super MSX - Issue 04 (Italy) 1985 J. Soft Yes 1 0
sprmsx01 Super MSX N.1 (1987-05) (Italy) 1987 Edizione E.P.I. Yes 1 1
sprmsx02 Super MSX N.2 (1987-06) (Italy) 1987 Edizione E.P.I. Yes 2 0
sprmsx03 Super MSX N.3 (1987-07/08) (Italy) 1987 Edizione E.P.I. Yes 1 1
sprmsx04 Super MSX N.4 (1987-09) (Italy) 1987 Edizione E.P.I. Yes 2 0
sprmsx05 Super MSX N.5 (1987-10) (Italy) 1987 Edizione E.P.I. Yes 2 0
sprmsx06 Super MSX N.6 (1987-11) (Italy) 1987 Edizione E.P.I. Yes 2 0
sprmsx07 Super MSX N.7 (1987-12) (Italy) 1987 Edizione E.P.I. Yes 2 0
sprmsx08 Super MSX N.8 (1988-01) (Italy) 1988 Edizione E.P.I. Yes 2 0
sprmsx09 Super MSX N.9 (1988-02) (Italy) 1988 Edizione E.P.I. Yes 2 0
sprmsx10 Super MSX N.10 (1988-03) (Italy) 1988 Edizione E.P.I. Yes 2 0
sprmsx11 Super MSX N.11 (1988-04) (Italy) 1988 Edizione E.P.I. Yes 2 1
sprmsx12 Super MSX N.12 (1988-05) (Italy) 1988 Edizione E.P.I. Yes 2 2
sprmsx13 Super MSX N.13 (1988-06) (Italy) 1988 Edizione E.P.I. Yes 2 0
sprmsx14 Super MSX N.14 (1988-09) (Italy) 1988 Edizione E.P.I. Yes 2 1
sprmsx15 Super MSX N.15 (1988-10) (Italy) 1988 Edizione E.P.I. Yes 2 0
sprmsx16 Super MSX N.16 (1988-11) (Italy) 1988 Edizione E.P.I. Yes 2 0
sprmsx17 Super MSX N.17 (1988-12) (Italy) 1988 Edizione E.P.I. Yes 2 0
sprmsx18 Super MSX N.18 (1989-01) (Italy) 1989 Edizione E.P.I. Yes 2 0
sprmsx19 Super MSX N.19 (1989-02) (Italy) 1989 Edizione E.P.I. Yes 2 0
sprmsx20 Super MSX N.20 (1989-04) (Italy) 1989 Edizione E.P.I. Yes 2 0
sprmsx21 Super MSX N.21 (1989-05) (Italy) 1989 Edizione E.P.I. Yes 2 0
sprmsx22 Super MSX N.22 (1989-06) (Italy) 1989 Edizione E.P.I. Yes 2 0
sprmsx23 Super MSX N.23 (1989-09) (Italy) 1989 Edizione E.P.I. Yes 2 0
sprmsx24 Super MSX N.24 (1989-10) (Italy) 1989 <unknown> Yes 2 0
sprmsx25 Super MSX N.25 (1989-12) (Italy) 1989 Edizione E.P.I. Yes 2 0
sprmsx26 Super MSX N.26 (1990-01) (Italy) 1990 Edizione E.P.I. Yes 2 0
sprmsx27 Super MSX N.27 (1990-02) (Italy) 1990 Edizione E.P.I. Yes 1 1