PC-9801 Game Pack Vol. 3

Software list:NEC PC-9801 disk images (pc98)
Short name:gamepac3


Requires [kanji] adapter for menu, TBD for vanilla class
[keyboard] may become unresponsive in some of these
04 and 10 shows hacked instructions in Malaysian
01:Danchi Tsuma no Yuuwaku 団地妻の誘惑 (Koei)
02:"The Geisha Game" 芸者 (<uncredited>)
03:Hanafuda Kyo 花札狂 (Hudson)
04:Sailor-fuku to Yakyuu Ken "The Yakyuken" セーラー服と野球拳 (<uncredited>)
05:Karakuri Ninja Yashiki からくり忍者屋敷 (I/O)
06:Puzzle-16 (Login)
07:Graphic Yakyuu Ken グラフィック野球拳 (<uncredited>)
08:Shougi Meijin 将棋名人 (Apollo Technica)
09:Jelda ジェルダ (Carry Lab)
10:Soukoban "Angkut Barang" 倉庫番 (Soft Office/Thinking Rabbit) - [GRCG] clears dots when players pass on them
11:Soukoban 2 倉庫番2 (Soft Office/Thinking Rabbit) - [GRCG] clears dots when players pass on them
12:Soukoban 3 倉庫番3 (Soft Office/Thinking Rabbit) - [GRCG] clears dots when players pass on them
13:F-15 Eagle F-15 イーグル (I/O) - [7220] flickers every other frame (verify)
14:Mars "Terra Incoginta (sic) Mars - The Bringer of Wars" (<uncredited>) - title screen scroll doesn't fine tune text, stray characters on bottom left, starfield has bogus top row (verify)
15:Cross Fight (I/O) - gameplay transitions doesn't fine tune text (verify)
16:Flight Simulator フライトシミュレーター (Carry Lab?)



Short name:flop1