Thomson TO7 Mémo 7 cartridges

Short name: to7_cart
Total: 56
Supported: 56 (100.0%)
Partially supported: 0 (0.0%)
Unsupported: 0 (0.0%)


Short name
t9000 T9000 1980 Thomson original
to7 TO7 1982 Thomson original
to770 TO7/70 1984 Thomson compatible
to770a TO7/70 (Arabic) 1984 Thomson compatible
to8 TO8 1986 Thomson original
to8d TO8D 1987 Thomson original
to9 TO9 1985 Thomson original
to9p TO9+ 1986 Thomson original


Short name
Bad dumps
6809lang Assembleur 6809 (v2.0) 1986 France Image Logiciel (FIL) / Microsoft Yes 1 0
6809langa Assembleur 6809 (v1.1) 1984 TO TEK International / Microsoft Yes 1 0 6809lang
6809langb Assembleur 6809 (v1.0) 1984 TO TEK International / Microsoft Yes 1 0 6809lang
macroasm 6809 MacroAssembler (v3.6) 2006 Puls Yes 1 0
agenda Agenda 1983 Answare-Diffusion Yes 1 0
basic BASIC (v1.0) 1982 Thomson / Microsoft Yes 1 0
budgfami Budget Familial 1982 Answare-Diffusion Yes 1 0
calctric Calculatrice 1983 Answare-Diffusion Yes 1 0
caractor Caractor 1983 TO TEK Editions Yes 1 0
caractr2 Caractor II 1984 TO TEK International Yes 1 0
colorclc Colorcalc 1985 France Image Logiciel (FIL) Yes 1 0
colorpnt Colorpaint 1985 France Image Logiciel (FIL) Yes 1 0
colorpnt_de Colorpaint (Germany) 1986 Thomson Micro GmbH Yes 1 0 colorpnt
compactr Compactor (title screen hack) 1989 <hack (J.L. Pronost)> Yes 1 0
forthto7 FORTH-TO7 (v1.0) 1983 TO TEK Editions / SEFI Yes 1 0
gerezfic Gérez vos Fiches 1984 Answare-Diffusion Yes 1 0
gerezfica Gérez vos Fiches (alt) 1984 Answare-Diffusion Yes 1 0 gerezfic
gerezbib Gérez votre Bibliotheque-Discotheque-Videotheque 1983 Answare-Diffusion Yes 1 0
gestpriv Gestion Privée - L'Expansion 1984 Answare-Diffusion Yes 1 0
logo LOGO (v1.0) 1984 VIFI-Nathan / TO TEK International / Systèmes d'Ordinateur Logo International (SOLI) Yes 1 0
logoa LOGO (v1.0, alt) 1984 VIFI-Nathan / TO TEK International / Systèmes d'Ordinateur Logo International (SOLI) Yes 1 0 logo
logode LOGO-TO7 (Germany, v2.8E) 1986 Thomson Micro GmbH / Systèmes d'Ordinateur Logo International (SOLI) Yes 1 0 logo
lsegedl LSEG-EDL (v3.51) 1985 ASELEC Yes 1 0
lsegedl311 LSEG-EDL (v3.11) 1985 ASELEC Yes 1 0 lsegedl
melodia Melodia - Jeu de création musicale 1982 VIFI-Nathan Yes 1 0
phonemia Phonemia 1985 France Image Logiciel (FIL) Yes 1 0
pictor Pictor - La palette magique 1983 VIFI-Nathan Yes 1 0
polyphon Polyphonia 1984 TO TEK International Yes 1 0
praxitel Praxitele 1985 TO TEK International Yes 1 0
prolog Prolog (v1.0) 1986 France Image Logiciel (FIL) Yes 1 0
scriptor Scriptor 1984 TO TEK International Yes 1 0
studio Studio 1986 France Image Logiciel (FIL) Yes 1 0
synthet Synthetia 1984 VIFI-Nathan Yes 1 0
videotex Videotex Interactif - Accès au Service Teletel (v1.0) 1984 TO TEK International Yes 1 0
chiflett Des Chiffres et des Lettres 1984 VIFI-Nathan Yes 1 0
airbus Airbus 1984 VIFI-Nathan Yes 1 0
atomium Atomium - Rayons contre atomes 1982 VIFI-Nathan Yes 1 0
blitz Blitz! 1984 TO TEK International Yes 1 0
choplift Choplifter 1985 France Image Logiciel (FIL) Yes 1 0
controle Contrôle Aérien 1984 VIFI-Nathan Yes 1 0
crypto Crypto - Codes secrets 1982 VIFI-Nathan Yes 1 0
echo Écho 1982 VIFI-Nathan Yes 1 0
enigmati Enigmatika 1984 Answare-Diffusion Yes 1 0
gemini Gemini - Les cartes retournées 1982 VIFI-Nathan Yes 1 0
logicod Logicod 1982 VIFI-Nathan Yes 1 0
melimemo Melimemot - Chercher les mots 1983 VIFI Nathan Yes 1 0
mine2049 Miner 2049er 1985 France Image Logiciel (FIL) Yes 1 0
motus Motus - Chercher le mot 1982 VIFI-Nathan Yes 1 0
motusa Motus - Chercher le mot (alt) 1982 VIFI-Nathan Yes 1 0 motus
quest Quest 1983 VIFI-Nathan Yes 1 0
survivor Survivor 1982 VIFI-Nathan Yes 1 0
threshld Threshold (French/English) 1984 TO TEK International Yes 1 0
threshlde Threshold (English) 1984 TO TEK International Yes 1 0 threshld
threshldea Threshold (English, alt) 1984 TO TEK International Yes 1 0 threshld
trap Trap - Le labyrinthe 1982 VIFI-Nathan Yes 1 0
tridi444 Tridi 444 - Aligner 4 pions dans l'espace 1982 VIFI-Nathan Yes 1 0