Philips Videopac / Odyssey 2 cartridges

Short name: videopac
Total: 200
Supported: 194 (97.0%)
Partially supported: 6 (3.0%)
Unsupported: 0 (0.0%)


Short name
jopac Jopac JO7400 (France) 1983 Philips (Brandt license) original
odyssey2 Odyssey 2 (US) 1979 Magnavox original
odyssey3 Odyssey 3 Command Center (US, prototype) 1983 Philips original
videopac Videopac G7000 (Europe) 1978 Philips original
videopacf Videopac C52 (France) 1979 Philips original
videopacp Videopac+ G7400 (Europe) 1983 Philips original


Short name
Bad dumps
4in1 4 in 1 Row (Europe) 1982 Philips Yes 1 0
4en1 4 en 1 Ligne (France) 1982 Radiola Yes 1 0 4in1
2lbsprmd A Labyrinth Game / Supermind (Europe) 1981 Philips Yes 1 0
2aswbat Air-Sea War / Battle (Europe, USA) 1978 Philips Yes 1 0
football American Football (Europe, USA) 1980 Philips Yes 1 0
timelord Attack of the Timelord! (USA) 1983 Magnavox Yes 1 0
backgamm Backgammon (Europe) 1983 Philips Partial 1 0
balao Balão Travesso! (Brazil) 1983 Philips Yes 1 0 loony
loonyp Loony Balloon (Europe, prototype) 1983 Philips Yes 1 0 loony
barao Barão Vermelho! (Brazil) 198? Philips Yes 1 0 airbattl
airbattlp Air Battle (Europe, prototype, set 1) 198? Philips Yes 1 0 airbattl
airbattlpa Air Battle (Europe, prototype, set 2) 198? Philips Yes 1 0 airbattl
baseball Baseball (Europe, USA) 1980 Philips Yes 1 0
baskgame Basket Game (Europe, USA) 1981 Philips Yes 1 0
battlef Battlefield (Europe, USA) 1979 Philips Yes 1 0
blackjck Blackjack (Europe, USA) 1980 Philips Yes 1 0
blackjckf Blackjack (France) 1980 Radiola Yes 1 0 blackjck
blobbers Blobbers (Europe) 1983 Philips Yes 1 0
buraco Buraco Negro! (Brazil) 1984 Philips Yes 1 0 neutron
neutronp Neutron Star (Europe, prototype) 1983 Philips Yes 1 0 neutron
2bllcrss Catch the Ball / Noughts and Crosses (Europe) 1979 Philips Yes 1 0
2mlajogo O Malabarista! / Jogo da Velha! (Brazil) 1979 Philips Yes 1 0 2bllcrss
chess Chess Module (Europe) 1982 Philips Yes 1 0
chinese Chinese Logic (Europe) 1980 Philips Yes 1 0
desafio Desafio Chinês! (Brazil) 1980 Philips Yes 1 0 chinese
claypig Clay Pigeon! (Brazil) 198? Philips Yes 1 0
comando Comando Noturno! (Brazil) 1983 Philips Yes 1 0
night Nightfighter (Europe, prototype) 198? Philips Yes 1 0 comando
compprog Computer Programmer (Europe) 1980 Philips Yes 1 0
compintr Computer Intro! (USA) 1980 Magnavox Yes 1 0 compprog
conquest Conquest of the World (Europe, USA) 1981 Philips Yes 1 0
cosmic Cosmic Conflict (Europe, set 1) 1980 Philips Yes 1 0
cosmica Cosmic Conflict (Europe, set 2) 1980 Philips Yes 1 0 cosmic
guerresp Guerre de l'Espace (France) 1980 Radiola Yes 1 0 cosmic
cosmicu Cosmic Conflict! (USA) 1980 Magnavox Yes 1 0 cosmic
crazyc Crazy Chase (Europe, USA) 1982 Philips Yes 1 0
dambust Dam Buster (Europe, USA) 1980 Philips Yes 1 0
magique Le Mûr Magique (France) 1981 Radiola Yes 1 0 dambust
2dpthmrk Depth Charge / Marksman (Europe) 1980 Philips Yes 1 0
2bmbalvo Bombardeio Submarino! / Tiro ao Alvo! (Brazil) 1980 Philips Yes 1 0 2dpthmrk
billiard Electronic Billiards (Europe, USA) 1978 Philips Yes 1 0
billamer Billard Américain (France) 1978 Radiola Yes 1 0 billiard
2hckyscr Electronic Ice Hockey / Electronic Soccer (Europe, USA) 1981 Philips Yes 1 0
2fblhcky Football Electronique / Hockey Electronique (France) 1981 Radiola Yes 1 0 2hckyscr
tablefb Electronic Table Football (Europe, USA) 1980 Philips Yes 1 0
volley Electronic Volleyball (Europe, USA) 1979 Philips Yes 1 0
volleyf Volleyball (France) 1979 Radiola Yes 1 0 volley
flipper Flipper Game (Europe, USA) 1979 Philips Yes 1 0
flipperf Flipper (France) 1980 Radiola Yes 1 0 flipper
freedom Freedom Fighters (Europe, USA) 1982 Philips Yes 1 0
golf Golf (Europe) 1980 Philips Yes 1 0
compgolf Computer Golf! (USA) 1980 Magnavox Yes 1 0 golf
gunfight Gunfighter (Europe) 1980 Philips Yes 1 0
showdown Showdown in 2100 A.D. (USA) 1980 Magnavox Yes 1 0 gunfight
acrobat Jumping Acrobats (Europe, set 1) 1981 Philips Yes 1 0
acrobata Jumping Acrobats (Europe, set 2) 1981 Philips Yes 1 0 acrobat
ptbarnum P.T. Barnum's Acrobats! (USA) 1982 Magnavox Yes 1 0 acrobat
bees Killer Bees! (USA) 1983 Philips Yes 1 0
beesp Killer Bees! (USA, prototype, set 1) 1982 Philips Yes 1 0 bees
beespa Killer Bees! (USA, prototype, set 2) 1982 Philips Yes 1 0 bees
lasvegas Las Vegas Gambling (Europe, USA) 1980 Philips Yes 1 0
lasvegasf Las Vegas (France) 1980 Radiola Yes 1 0 lasvegas
laser Laser War (Europe) 1980 Philips Yes 1 0
guerrela Guerre Lazer (France) 1980 Radiola Yes 1 0 laser
invaders Invaders from Hyperspace! (USA) 1980 Magnavox Yes 1 0 laser
2mthecho Mathematician / Echo (Europe, USA) 1978 Philips Yes 1 0
2mthechf Mathématicien / Echo (France) 1980 Radiola Yes 1 0 2mthecho
monkey Monkeyshines (Europe, USA) 1981 Philips Yes 1 0
morse Morse (Europe) 1982 Philips Yes 1 0
morsef Morse (France) 1983 Radiola Yes 1 0 morse
munchkin Munchkin (Europe) 1982 Philips Yes 1 0
kcmunch K.C. Munchkin! (USA) 1981 Magnavox Yes 1 0 munchkin
musician Musician (Europe) 1981 Philips Yes 1 0
newscast Newscaster (Europe) 1980 Philips Yes 1 0
keyboard Keyboard Creations! (USA) 1980 Magnavox Yes 1 0 newscast
nimble Nimble Numbers Ned! (USA) 1982 Magnavox Yes 1 0
2wrldrsc Out of this World! / Helicopter Rescue! (USA) 1979 Magnavox Yes 1 0
3prspclg Pairs / Space Rendezvous / Logic (Europe) 1978 Philips Yes 1 0
3mkrbzlg Matchmaker! / Buzzword! / Logix! (USA) 1978 Magnavox Yes 1 0 3prspclg
phantom Phantom House (Europe, prototype) 1983 Philips Yes 1 0 nightmar
pickaxe Pickaxe Pete (Europe, USA) 1980 Philips Yes 1 0
psmaths Playschool Maths (Europe, USA) 1980 Philips Yes 1 0
powerlrd Power Lords (USA, set 1) 1983 Philips Yes 1 0
powerlrda Power Lords (USA, set 2) 1983 Philips Yes 1 0 powerlrd
3rcsocpt Race / Spin-Out / Cryptogram (Europe, USA) 1978 Philips Yes 1 0
3csaucpt Course de Voitures / Autodrome / Cryptogramme (France) 1978 Radiola Yes 1 0 3rcsocpt
samurai Samurai (Europe) 1980 Philips Yes 1 0
dynasty Dynasty! (USA) 1979 Magnavox Yes 1 0 samurai
satellit Satellite Attack (Europe) 1981 Philips Yes 1 0
ufo UFO! (USA) 1982 Magnavox Yes 1 0 satellit
pharaohs Secret of the Pharaohs (Europe) 1981 Philips Yes 1 0
farao O Segredo do Faraó! (Brazil) 198? Philips Yes 1 0 pharaohs
sidspell Sid the Spellbinder! (USA) 1982 Magnavox Yes 1 0
ski Skiing (Europe, USA) 1979 Philips Yes 1 0
skif Ski (France) 1979 Radiola Yes 1 0 ski
spacemon Space Monster (Europe, USA) 1980 Philips Yes 1 0
stone Stone Sling (Europe) 1981 Philips Yes 1 0
smither Smithereens! (USA) 1982 Magnavox Yes 1 0 stone
superbee Super Bee (Europe) 1983 GST Video Yes 1 0
superbeeb Super Bee! (Brazil) 1983 Philips Yes 1 0 superbee
moneyrun Take the Money and Run (Europe, USA) 1978 Philips Yes 1 0
prendre Prendre l'Argent et Fuir (France) 1978 Radiola Yes 1 0 moneyrun
gtwallst The Great Wall Street Fortune Hunt (Europe, USA) 1983 Philips Yes 1 0
wallst Wall Street (Brazil) 1983 Philips Yes 1 0 gtwallst
mousing The Mousing Cat (Europe) 1982 Philips Yes 1 0
chat Chat et Souris (France) 1983 Radiola Yes 1 0 mousing
quest The Quest for the Rings (Europe, USA) 1981 Philips Yes 1 0
laquete La Quête des Anneux (France) 1982 Radiola Yes 1 0 quest
voice The Voice (USA) 1979? Magnavox Yes 1 0
2bwlbskt Ten Pin Bowling / Basketball (Europe, USA) 1978 Philips Yes 1 0
2qllbskt Jeu de Quilles / Basketball (France) 1978 Radiola Yes 1 0 2bwlbskt
turtles Turtles (Europe) 1982 Philips Yes 1 0
turtlesu Turtles! (USA) 1983 Philips Yes 1 0 turtles
typetell Type & Tell! (USA) 1982 Magnavox Yes 1 0
atlantis Atlantis (Europe, USA) 1983 Imagic Yes 1 0
chezmxme Chez Maxime (France) 198? Brandt Yes 1 0
demon Demon Attack (Europe, USA) 1983 Imagic Yes 1 0
chifflet Des Chiffres et des Lettres (France) 198? Brandt Yes 1 0
frogger Frogger (Europe) 1983 Parker Brothers Yes 1 0
froggerb Frogger (Brazil) 1983 Parker Brothers Yes 1 0 frogger
linguaduc Linguaduc (Europe, prototype) 198? Carba Yes 1 0
2missprg Missão Impossível / Viagem Programada (Brazil) 198? Ectron Eletrônica Ltda. Yes 1 0
popeye Popeye (Europe) 1983 Parker Brothers Yes 1 0
popeyeb Popeye (Brazil) 1983 Parker Brothers Yes 1 0 popeye
qbert Q*bert (Europe) 1983 Parker Brothers Yes 1 0
cobra Super Cobra (Europe) 1983 Parker Brothers Yes 1 0
cobrab Super Cobra (Brazil) 1983 Parker Brothers Yes 1 0 cobra
syracuse Syracuse (France) 1981 Brandt Yes 1 0
vrkrspl1 Verkehrsspiele 1 (Germany) 1982 CSV/Philips Yes 1 0
kndrvrkr Kinder im Verkehr 1 (Germany) 1982 CSV/Philips Yes 1 0 vrkrspl1
vrkrspl2 Verkehrsspiele 2 (Germany) 1982 CSV/Philips Yes 1 0
bastion Bastion (Europe, prototype) 198? Philips Yes 1 0
himalaya Himalaya (Europe, prototype) 198? Philips Yes 1 0
interpol Interpol (Europe, prototype) 198? GST Video Yes 1 0
martian Martian Threat (Europe, prototype, set 1) 198? Philips Yes 1 0
martiana Martian Threat (Europe, prototype, set 2) 198? Philips Yes 1 0 martian
melrep Melrep (Europe, prototype) 198? Philips Yes 1 0
pinball Pinball! (USA, prototype) 1979 Philips Yes 1 0
playtag Play Tag (Europe, prototype) 198? Philips Yes 1 0
robot Robot City (Europe, prototype) 198? Philips Yes 1 0
testcart Service Test Cartridge (Europe) 198? Philips Yes 1 0
shark Shark Hunter (Europe, prototype) 198? Philips Yes 1 0
soundtool Sound Tool (Europe) 198? Philips Yes 1 0
spaans Spaans (Europe, prototype) 198? Philips Partial 1 0
spider Spider-Man (Europe, prototype, set 1) 198? Parker Brothers Yes 1 0
spidera Spider-Man (Europe, prototype, set 2) 198? Parker Brothers Yes 1 0 spider
hawksp Terrahawks (Europe, prototype) 198? Philips Yes 1 0
sherlock The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (USA, prototype) 198? Magnavox Yes 1 0
tutank Tutankham (Europe, prototype) 198? Parker Brothers Yes 1 0
airbattl Air Battle (Europe, plus) 1983 Philips Yes 1 0
2bsktbwlpl Basket Bowling+ (France, plus) 198? Brandt Yes 1 0 2bwlbskt
2bwlbsktpl Ten Pin Bowling / Basketball (Europe, plus, prototype) 198? Philips Yes 1 0 2bwlbskt
billardpl Billard+ (France, plus) 1983 Brandt Yes 1 0 billiard
billiardpl Billiard (Europe, plus, prototype) 198? Philips Yes 1 0 billiard
claypigpl Clay Pigeon (Europe, plus, prototype, set 1) 198? Philips Yes 1 0 claypig
claypigpla Clay Pigeon (Europe, plus, prototype, set 2) 198? Philips Yes 1 0 claypig
cosmicpl Cosmic Conflict (Europe, plus) 1983 Philips Yes 1 0 cosmic
cosmospl Cosmos+ (France, plus) 198? Brandt Yes 1 0 cosmic
demonpl Demon Attack+ (France, plus) 198? Brandt Yes 1 0 demon
exojet Exojet+ (France) 1983 Brandt Yes 1 0
flipperpl Flipper+ (France, plus) 198? Brandt Yes 1 0 flipper
flipperpla Flipper Game (Europe, plus, prototype) 198? Philips Yes 1 0 flipper
freedompl Freedom Fighters (Europe, plus) 198? Philips Yes 1 0 freedom
beespl Killer Bees (Europe, plus) 198? Philips Yes 1 0 bees
infernal La Ruche Infernale (France, plus) 198? Radiola Yes 1 0 bees
englouti Le Tresor Englouti+ (France) 1984 Brandt Yes 1 0
loony Loony Balloon (Europe, plus) 198? Philips Yes 1 0
neutron Neutron Star (Europe, plus) 198? Philips Yes 1 0
nightmar Nightmare (Europe, plus) 198? Philips Yes 1 0
pickaxepl Pickaxe Pete (Europe, plus) 198? Philips Yes 1 0 pickaxe
3rcsocptpl Race / Spin-Out / Cryptogram (Europe, plus) 1983 Philips Yes 1 0 3rcsocpt
3csaucptpl Grand Prix+ (France, plus) 1983 Brandt Yes 1 0 3rcsocpt
satellitpl Satellite Attack (Europe, plus) 198? Philips Yes 1 0 satellit
testcartpl Service Test Cartridge (Europe, plus) 1983 Philips Partial 1 0 testcart
stonepl Stone Sling (Europe, plus) 198? Philips Yes 1 0 stone
syracusepl Syracuse+ (France, plus, prototype) 198? Brandt Yes 1 0 syracuse
hawks Terrahawks (Europe, plus) 198? Philips Yes 1 0 timelord
helicopt Helicopter Rescue (Europe) 1983 Philips Partial 1 0
homecomp Home Computer Module (Europe) 1983 Philips Partial 1 0
motocras Moto-Crash+ (France) 1984 Brandt Yes 1 0
norseman Norseman (Europe) 1983 GST Video Yes 1 0
rally Trans American Rally (Europe) 1983 Philips Yes 1 0
timelordpl Attack of the Timelord! (USA, plus, prototype) 1983 Philips Yes 1 0 timelord
baseballpl Baseball! (USA, plus, prototype) 1983 Philips Yes 1 0 baseball
flashp Flash Point (USA, prototype) 1983 Philips Yes 1 0
freedomplu Freedom Fighters! (USA, plus, prototype) 1983 Philips Yes 1 0 freedom
beesplu Killer Bees! (USA, plus, prototype) 1983 Philips Yes 1 0 bees
terminal Terminal Program (USA, prototype) 1983 Philips Yes 1 0
amok AMOK! 1998 <homebrew> Yes 1 0
calc Calculator! 2006 <homebrew> Yes 1 0
deathrac Death Race (USA) 2014 <homebrew> Yes 1 0
deathracp Death Race (Europe) 2014 <homebrew> Yes 1 0 deathrac
ktaa Kill the Attacking Aliens 2003 <homebrew> Yes 1 0
mrroboto Mr. Roboto! 2006 <homebrew> Yes 1 0
plander Planet Lander 2004 <homebrew> Yes 1 0
pong Pong for Videopac and Odyssey²! 2004 <homebrew> Yes 1 0
ppp Puzzle Piece Panic! 2007 <homebrew> Partial 1 0
rash Rash 2016 <homebrew> Yes 1 0
route66 Route 66 2007 <homebrew> Yes 1 0
flashph Flash Point (PAL conversion) 2004 <homebrew> Yes 1 0 flashp