
Short name Description Year Manufacturer Runnable Parent
bullsdrt Bulls Eye Darts 1985 Shinkai Inc. (Magic Electronics Inc. license) Yes
caterplr Caterpillar (bootleg of Centipede) 1980 bootleg (Olympia) Yes centiped
centipdb Centipede (bootleg, set 1) 1980 bootleg Yes centiped
centipdb2 Centipede (bootleg, set 2) 1980 bootleg Yes centiped
centipdd Centipede Dux (hack) 1989 hack (Two-Bit Score) Yes centiped
centiped Centipede (revision 4) 1980 Atari Yes
centiped1 Centipede (revision 1) 1980 Atari Yes centiped
centiped2 Centipede (revision 2) 1980 Atari Yes centiped
centiped3 Centipede (revision 3) 1980 Atari Yes centiped
centipedj Centipede (Japan, revision 3) 1980 Atari Yes centiped
magworm Magic Worm (bootleg of Centipede, set 1) 1980 bootleg (Sidam) Yes centiped
magworma Magic Worm (bootleg of Centipede, set 2) 1980 bootleg Yes centiped
mazeinv Maze Invaders (prototype) 1981 Atari Yes
millipdd Millipede Dux (hack) 1989 hack (Two-Bit Score) Yes milliped
milliped Millipede 1982 Atari Yes
millpac Millpac (bootleg of Centipede) 1980 bootleg? (Valadon Automation) Yes centiped
multiped Multipede (Centipede/Millipede multigame kit) 2002 hack (Braze Technologies) Yes
warlords Warlords 1980 Atari Yes