
Short name Description Year Manufacturer Runnable Parent
cawingb2 Carrier Air Wing (bootleg with 2xYM2203 + 2xMSM5205, set 2) 1990 bootleg Yes cawing
cawingbl Carrier Air Wing (bootleg with 2xYM2203 + 2xMSM5205, set 1) 1990 bootleg Yes cawing
fcrash Final Crash (bootleg of Final Fight) 1990 bootleg (Playmark) Yes ffight
ffightbl Final Fight (bootleg) 1990 bootleg Yes ffight
ffightbla Final Fight (bootleg on Final Crash PCB) 1990 bootleg Yes ffight
ffightblb Final Fight (bootleg with single OKI) 1990 bootleg (Soon Hwa) Yes ffight
kodb The King of Dragons (bootleg) 1991 bootleg (Playmark) Yes kod
mtwinsb Twins (bootleg of Mega Twins) 1993 David Inc. (bootleg) Yes mtwins
sf2m1 Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (M1, bootleg) 1992 bootleg Yes sf2ce
sf2m9 Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (M9, bootleg) 1992 bootleg Yes sf2ce
sgyxz Warriors of Fate ('sgyxz' bootleg) 1999 bootleg (All-In Electronic) Yes wof
varthb Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (bootleg, set 1) 1992 bootleg Yes varth
wofabl Sangokushi II (bootleg) 1992 bootleg Yes wof
wofr1bl Warriors of Fate (bootleg) 1992 bootleg Yes wof