
Short name Description Year Manufacturer Runnable Parent
aligator Alligator Hunt (World, protected) 1994 Gaelco Yes
aligatorp Alligator Hunt (protected, prototype?) 1994 Gaelco Yes aligator
aligators Alligator Hunt (Spain, protected) 1994 Gaelco Yes aligator
aligatorun Alligator Hunt (unprotected, set 1) 1994 Gaelco Yes aligator
aligatoruna Alligator Hunt (unprotected, set 2) 1994 Gaelco Yes aligator
bang Bang! 1998 Gaelco Yes
bangj Gun Gabacho (Japan) 1998 Gaelco Yes bang
chmppool Champion Pool (v1.0) 1999 Nova Desitec Yes
maniacsq Maniac Square (protected, Version 1.0, Checksum DEEE) 1996 Gaelco Yes
maniacsqa Maniac Square (protected, Version 1.0, Checksum CF2D) 1996 Gaelco Yes maniacsq
maniacsqs Maniac Square (unprotected, Version 1.0, Checksum 66B1, 960419/1 PCB) 1996 Gaelco Yes maniacsq
maniacsqu Maniac Square (unprotected, Version 1.0, Checksum BB73) 1996 Gaelco Yes maniacsq
play2000 Play 2000 (Super Slot & Gran Tesoro) (v7.0i) (Italy) 1999 Nova Desitec Yes
play2000_40i Play 2000 (Super Slot & Gran Tesoro) (v4.0i) (Italy) 1999 Nova Desitec Yes play2000
play2000_50i Play 2000 (Super Slot & Gran Tesoro) (v5.0i) (Italy) 1999 Nova Desitec Yes play2000
sltpcycl Pro Cycle Tele Cardioline (Salter Fitness Bike V.1.0, Checksum 02AB) 1997 Salter Fitness / Gaelco Yes
sltpstep Pro Stepper Tele Cardioline (Salter Fitness Stepper V.1.0, Checksum F208) 1997 Salter Fitness / Gaelco Yes
snowboar Snow Board Championship (Version 2.1) 1996 Gaelco Yes
snowboara Snow Board Championship (Version 2.0) 1996 Gaelco Yes snowboar
srollnd Super Roller (v7.0) 1998 Nova Desitec Yes
touchgo Touch and Go (World) 1995 Gaelco Yes
touchgoe Touch and Go (earlier revision) 1995 Gaelco Yes touchgo
touchgok Touch and Go (Korea, unprotected) 1995 Gaelco Yes touchgo
touchgon Touch and Go (Non North America) 1995 Gaelco Yes touchgo
wrally2 World Rally 2: Twin Racing (mask ROM version) 1995 Gaelco Yes
wrally2a World Rally 2: Twin Racing (EPROM version) 1995 Gaelco Yes wrally2