
Short name Description Year Manufacturer Runnable Parent
4in1 4 Fun in 1 1981 Armenia / Food and Fun Yes
bullsdrtg Bulls Eye Darts (Galaxian conversion) 1985 Senko Industries Yes bullsdrt
dkongjrm Donkey Kong Jr. (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware, set 1) 1982 bootleg Yes dkongjr
dkongjrmc Donkey Kong Jr. (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware, set 2) 1982 bootleg (Centromatic) Yes dkongjr
drivfrcb Driving Force (Galaxian conversion bootleg) 1985 bootleg (Elsys Software) Yes drivfrcp
drivfrcg Driving Force (Galaxian conversion) 1984 Shinkai Inc. (Magic Electronics USA license) Yes drivfrcp
drivfrcsg Driving Force (Galaxian conversion, Seatongrove UK, E-0010) 1985 Shinkai Inc. (Seatongrove UK, Ltd. license) Yes drivfrcp
drivfrcsga Driving Force (Galaxian conversion, Seatongrove UK, E-0237) 1985 Shinkai Inc. (Seatongrove UK, Ltd. license) Yes drivfrcp
drivfrct Top Racer (bootleg of Driving Force) 1984 bootleg (EMT Germany) Yes drivfrcp
froggerv Frogger (Videotron bootleg) 1981 bootleg (Videotron / Gamepack) Yes frogger
hexpool Hex Pool (Shinkai) 1986 Senko Industries (Shinkai Inc. license) Yes racknrol
hexpoola Hex Pool (Senko) 1985 Senko Industries Yes racknrol
hunchbgb Hunchback (FAR S.A. bootleg on Galaxian hardware) 1983 bootleg (FAR S.A.) Yes hunchbak
hunchbkg Hunchback (Galaxian hardware) 1983 Century Electronics Yes hunchbak
hustlerb3 Video Pool (bootleg of Video Hustler) 1981 bootleg (Videotron) Yes hustler
racknrol Rack + Roll 1986 Senko Industries (Status license from Shinkai Inc.) Yes
scrabbleo Scrabble (Spanish bootleg of Scramble) 1981 bootleg (Okapi?) Yes scramble
scramb2 Scramble (bootleg, set 1) 1981 bootleg Yes scramble
scramb3 Scramble (bootleg, set 2) 1981 bootleg Yes scramble
scramblb Scramble (bootleg on Galaxian hardware) 1981 bootleg Yes scramble
scrambleo Scramble (Okapi bootleg) 1981 bootleg (Okapi) Yes scramble
scrambler Scramble (Reben S.A. Spanish bootleg) 1981 bootleg (Reben S.A.) Yes scramble
spcwarp Space Warp? (Cosmos conversion on Galaxian hardware) 1983 Century Electronics Yes
tazzmang Tazz-Mania (bootleg on Galaxian hardware) 1982 bootleg Yes tazmania
tazzmang2 Tazz-Mania (bootleg on Galaxian hardware with Starfield) 1982 bootleg Yes tazmania
trvchlng Trivia Challenge 1985 Joyland (Senko license) Yes
vpool Video Pool (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware) 1981 bootleg Yes hustler