
Short name Description Year Manufacturer Runnable Parent
aponow Apocaljpse Now (bootleg of Rescue) 1982 bootleg Yes rescue
billiard The Billiards (bootleg of Video Hustler) 1981 bootleg Yes hustler
darkplnt Dark Planet 1982 Stern Electronics Yes
hustler Video Hustler 1981 Konami Yes
hustlerb Video Hustler (bootleg, set 1) 1981 bootleg (Digimatic) Yes hustler
hustlerb2 Fatsy Gambler (bootleg of Video Hustler) 1981 bootleg Yes hustler
hustlerb4 Video Hustler (bootleg, set 2) 1981 bootleg Yes hustler
hustlerb5 Video Hustler (bootleg, set 3) 1981 bootleg Yes hustler
hustlerb6 Video Hustler (bootleg, set 4) 1981 bootleg Yes hustler
hustlerd Video Hustler (Dynamo Games) 1981 Konami (Dynamo Games license) Yes hustler
mimonkeyug Mighty Monkey (U.Games bootleg) 1983 bootleg (U.Games) Yes mimonkey
minefld Minefield 1983 Stern Electronics Yes
minefldfe Minefield (The Logicshop, bootleg) 1983 bootleg (The Logicshop) Yes minefld
rescue Rescue 1982 Stern Electronics Yes
rescueb Tuono Blu (bootleg of Rescue) 1982 bootleg (Videl Games) Yes rescue
rescuefe Rescue (Free Enterprise Games, bootleg) 1982 bootleg (Free Enterprise Games) Yes rescue
stratgys Strategy X (Stern Electronics) 1981 Konami (Stern Electronics license) Yes stratgyx
stratgyx Strategy X 1981 Konami Yes
strongx Strong X 1982 bootleg Yes stratgyx
tazmani2 Tazz-Mania (set 2, alt hardware) 1982 Stern Electronics Yes tazmania
tazmani3 Tazz-Mania (Arfyc / Rodmar bootleg) 1982 bootleg (Arfyc / Rodmar) Yes tazmania
tazmaniet Tazz-Mania - El Trompa (U.R.V. BBCPE bootleg) 1982 bootleg (U.R.V. BBCPE) Yes tazmania