
Short name Description Year Manufacturer Runnable Parent
nss Nintendo Super System BIOS 199? Nintendo Yes
nss_actr Act Raiser (Nintendo Super System) 1992 Enix Yes
nss_adam The Addams Family (Nintendo Super System) 1992 Ocean Yes
nss_aten David Crane's Amazing Tennis (Nintendo Super System) 1992 Absolute Entertainment Inc. Yes
nss_con3 Contra 3: The Alien Wars (Nintendo Super System) 1992 Konami Yes
nss_fzer F-Zero (Nintendo Super System) 1991 Nintendo Yes
nss_lwep Lethal Weapon (Nintendo Super System) 1992 Ocean Yes
nss_ncaa NCAA Basketball (Nintendo Super System) 1992 Sculptured Software Inc. Yes
nss_rob3 Robocop 3 (Nintendo Super System) 1992 Ocean Yes
nss_skin Skins Game (Nintendo Super System) 1992 Irem Yes
nss_smas Super Mario All-Stars (Nintendo Super System) 1993 Nintendo Yes
nss_smw Super Mario World (Nintendo Super System) 1991 Nintendo Yes
nss_ssoc Super Soccer (Nintendo Super System) 1992 Human Inc. Yes
nss_sten Super Tennis (Nintendo Super System) 1991 Nintendo Yes