
Short name Description Year Manufacturer Runnable Parent
pc_1942 1942 (PlayChoice-10) 1987 Capcom Yes
pc_bball Baseball (PlayChoice-10) 1984 Nintendo of America Yes
pc_bfght Balloon Fight (PlayChoice-10) 1984 Nintendo Yes
pc_bload Bases Loaded (Prototype, PlayChoice-10) 1990 Jaleco (Nintendo of America license) Yes
pc_bstar Baseball Stars: Be a Champ! (PlayChoice-10) 1989 SNK (Nintendo of America license) Yes
pc_cntra Contra (PlayChoice-10) 1988 Konami (Nintendo of America license) Yes
pc_cshwk Captain Sky Hawk (PlayChoice-10) 1989 Rare (Nintendo of America license) Yes
pc_cvnia Castlevania (PlayChoice-10) 1987 Konami (Nintendo of America license) Yes
pc_dbldr Double Dribble (PlayChoice-10) 1987 Konami (Nintendo of America license) Yes
pc_ddrgn Double Dragon (PlayChoice-10) 1988 Technos Japan Yes
pc_drmro Dr. Mario (PlayChoice-10) 1990 Nintendo Yes
pc_duckh Duck Hunt (PlayChoice-10) 1984 Nintendo Yes
pc_ebike Excitebike (PlayChoice-10) 1984 Nintendo Yes
pc_ftqst Uncle Fester's Quest: The Addams Family (PlayChoice-10) 1989 Sunsoft (Nintendo of America license) Yes
pc_gntlt Gauntlet (PlayChoice-10) 1985 Atari / Tengen (Nintendo of America license) Yes
pc_golf Golf (PlayChoice-10) 1984 Nintendo Yes
pc_goons The Goonies (PlayChoice-10) 1986 Konami Yes
pc_grdue Gradius (PlayChoice-10, older) 1986 Konami Yes pc_grdus
pc_grdus Gradius (PlayChoice-10) 1986 Konami Yes
pc_hgaly Hogan's Alley (PlayChoice-10) 1984 Nintendo Yes
pc_kngfu Kung Fu (PlayChoice-10) 1985 Irem (Nintendo license) Yes
pc_mario Mario Bros. (PlayChoice-10) 1983 Nintendo Yes
pc_miket Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (PlayChoice-10) 1987 Nintendo Yes
pc_mman3 Mega Man III (PlayChoice-10) 1990 Capcom USA (Nintendo of America license) Yes
pc_moglf Mario's Open Golf (PlayChoice-10) 1991 Nintendo Yes
pc_mtoid Metroid (PlayChoice-10) 1986 Nintendo Yes
pc_ngai2 Ninja Gaiden Episode II: The Dark Sword of Chaos (PlayChoice-10) 1990 Tecmo (Nintendo of America license) Yes
pc_ngai3 Ninja Gaiden Episode III: The Ancient Ship of Doom (PlayChoice-10) 1991 Tecmo (Nintendo of America license) Yes
pc_ngaid Ninja Gaiden (PlayChoice-10) 1989 Tecmo (Nintendo of America license) Yes
pc_pinbt PinBot (PlayChoice-10) 1988 Rare (Nintendo of America license) Yes
pc_pwbld Power Blade (PlayChoice-10) 1991 Taito (Nintendo of America license) Yes
pc_pwrst Pro Wrestling (PlayChoice-10) 1986 Nintendo Yes
pc_radr2 Rad Racer II (PlayChoice-10) 1990 Square (Nintendo of America license) Yes
pc_radrc Rad Racer (PlayChoice-10) 1987 Square Yes
pc_rcpam R.C. Pro-Am (PlayChoice-10) 1987 Rare Yes
pc_rkats Rockin' Kats (PlayChoice-10) 1991 Atlus (Nintendo of America license) Yes
pc_rnatk Rush'n Attack (PlayChoice-10) 1987 Konami (Nintendo of America license) Yes
pc_rrngr Chip'n Dale: Rescue Rangers (PlayChoice-10) 1990 Capcom USA (Nintendo of America license) Yes
pc_rygar Rygar (PlayChoice-10) 1987 Tecmo (Nintendo of America license) Yes
pc_sjetm Solar Jetman (PlayChoice-10) 1990 Rare Yes
pc_smb Super Mario Bros. (PlayChoice-10) 1985 Nintendo Yes
pc_smb2 Super Mario Bros. 2 (PlayChoice-10) 1988 Nintendo Yes
pc_smb3 Super Mario Bros. 3 (PlayChoice-10) 1988 Nintendo Yes
pc_suprc Super C (PlayChoice-10) 1990 Konami (Nintendo of America license) Yes
pc_tbowl Tecmo Bowl (PlayChoice-10) 1989 Tecmo (Nintendo of America license) Yes
pc_tenis Tennis (PlayChoice-10) 1983 Nintendo Yes
pc_tkfld Track & Field (PlayChoice-10) 1987 Konami (Nintendo of America license) Yes
pc_tmnt Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (PlayChoice-10) 1989 Konami (Nintendo of America license) Yes
pc_tmnt2 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game (PlayChoice-10) 1990 Konami (Nintendo of America license) Yes
pc_trjan Trojan (PlayChoice-10) 1986 Capcom USA (Nintendo of America license) Yes
pc_ttoon Tiny Toon Adventures (prototype) (PlayChoice-10) 1991 Konami (Nintendo of America license) Yes
pc_vball Volley Ball (PlayChoice-10) 1986 Nintendo Yes
pc_virus Virus (Dr. Mario prototype, PlayChoice-10) 1990 Nintendo Yes pc_drmro
pc_wcup Nintendo World Cup (PlayChoice-10) 1990 Technos Japan (Nintendo license) Yes
pc_wgnmn Wild Gunman (PlayChoice-10) 1984 Nintendo Yes
pc_ynoid Yo! Noid (PlayChoice-10) 1990 Capcom USA (Nintendo of America license) Yes
playch10 PlayChoice-10 BIOS 1986 Nintendo of America Yes