
Short name Description Year Manufacturer Runnable Parent
flashman Flashman 1984 Sport Matic Yes
fldragon Flash Dragon 1986 Playmatic Yes
fldragona Flash Dragon (alternate set) 1986 Playmatic Yes fldragon
ironball Iron Balls 1987 Stargame Yes
kz26 KZ-26 1984 Playmatic Yes
megaaton Meg-Aaton 1983 Playmatic Yes
megaatona Meg-Aaton (alternate set) 1983 Playmatic Yes megaaton
msdisco Miss Disco (Bingo) 1983 Playmatic Yes
nautilus Nautilus 1984 Playmatic Yes
phntmshp Phantom Ship 1987 Playmatic Yes
ridersrf Rider's Surf 1986 JocMatic Yes
rock2500 Rock 2500 1985 Playmatic Yes
sklflite Skill Flight (Playmatic) 1987 Playmatic Yes
spain82 Spain '82 1982 Playmatic Yes
starfirp Star Fire 1985 Playmatic Yes
starfirpa Star Fire (alternate set) 1985 Playmatic Yes starfirp
terrlake Terrific Lake 1987 Sport Matic Yes
theraid The Raid 1984 Playmatic Yes
theraida The Raid (alternate set) 1984 Playmatic Yes theraid
trailer Trailer 1985 Playmatic Yes
ufo_x UFO-X 1984 Playmatic Yes