
Short name Description Year Manufacturer Runnable Parent
afv_l4 Addams Family Values (Coin Dropper L-4) 1993 Williams Yes
dm_h5 Demolition Man (H-5) 1995 Williams Yes dm_lx4
dm_h6 Demolition Man (H-6) 1995 Williams Yes dm_lx4
dm_la1 Demolition Man (LA-1) 1994 Williams Yes dm_lx4
dm_lx3 Demolition Man (LX-3) 1994 Williams Yes dm_lx4
dm_lx4 Demolition Man (LX-4) 1994 Williams Yes
dm_pa2 Demolition Man (PA-2) 1994 Williams Yes dm_lx4
dm_px5 Demolition Man (PX-5) 1994 Williams Yes dm_lx4
ij_l3 Indiana Jones (L-3) 1993 Williams Yes ij_l7
ij_l4 Indiana Jones (L-4) 1993 Williams Yes ij_l7
ij_l5 Indiana Jones (L-5) 1993 Williams Yes ij_l7
ij_l6 Indiana Jones (L-6) 1993 Williams Yes ij_l7
ij_l7 Indiana Jones (L-7) 1993 Williams Yes
ij_lg7 Indiana Jones (LG-7) 1993 Williams Yes ij_l7
jd_l1 Judge Dredd (L-1) 1993 Bally Yes jd_l7
jd_l4 Judge Dredd (L-4) 1993 Bally Yes jd_l7
jd_l5 Judge Dredd (L-5) 1993 Bally Yes jd_l7
jd_l6 Judge Dredd (L-6) 1993 Bally Yes jd_l7
jd_l7 Judge Dredd (L-7) 1993 Bally Yes
pop_la4 Popeye Saves The Earth (LA-4) 1994 Bally Yes pop_lx5
pop_lx5 Popeye Saves The Earth (LX-5) 1994 Bally Yes
pop_pa3 Popeye Saves The Earth (PA-3) 1994 Bally Yes pop_lx5
sttng_g7 Star Trek: The Next Generation (LG-7) 1994 Williams Yes sttng_l7
sttng_l1 Star Trek: The Next Generation (LX-1) 1993 Williams Yes sttng_l7
sttng_l2 Star Trek: The Next Generation (LX-2) 1993 Williams Yes sttng_l7
sttng_l3 Star Trek: The Next Generation (LX-3) 1994 Williams Yes sttng_l7
sttng_l5 Star Trek: The Next Generation (LX-5) 1994 Williams Yes sttng_l7
sttng_l7 Star Trek: The Next Generation (LX-7) 1994 Williams Yes
sttng_p4 Star Trek: The Next Generation (P-4) 1993 Williams Yes sttng_l7
sttng_p5 Star Trek: The Next Generation (P-5) 1993 Williams Yes sttng_l7
sttng_p8 Star Trek: The Next Generation (P-8) 1993 Williams Yes sttng_l7
sttng_s7 Star Trek: The Next Generation (LX-7) SP1 1994 Williams Yes sttng_l7
sttng_x7 Star Trek: The Next Generation (LX-7 Special) 1994 Williams Yes sttng_l7