
Short name Description Year Manufacturer Runnable Parent
bloodbro Blood Bros. (World?) 1990 TAD Corporation Yes
bloodbroj Blood Bros. (Japan, rev A) 1990 TAD Corporation Yes bloodbro
bloodbroja Blood Bros. (Japan) 1990 TAD Corporation Yes bloodbro
bloodbrok Blood Bros. (Korea) 1990 TAD Corporation Yes bloodbro
bloodbrou Blood Bros. (US) 1990 TAD Corporation (Fabtek license) Yes bloodbro
skysmash Sky Smasher 1990 Nihon System Yes
weststry West Story (bootleg of Blood Bros., set 1) 1990 bootleg (Datsu) Yes bloodbro
weststrya West Story (bootleg of Blood Bros., set 2) 1990 bootleg (Datsu) Yes bloodbro